Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
Tuesday May 27, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
- First Reading – Acts 16:22-34: Despite enduring beatings and imprisonment, Paul and Silas remained steadfast in their faith. An earthquake that opened the prison doors and converted the jailer and his household.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 138: I praise the Lord with all my heart for hearing me, responding to my calls, and strengthening me. His mercy endures forever.
- Gospel – John 16:5-11: Jesus prepares his disciples for his imminent departure and promises to send the Holy Spirit in his place. He assures them that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, guiding and empowering the disciples to fulfill their mission in proclaiming the truth of the Gospel.
But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
John 16:7
Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
The readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter highlight themes of hope, repentance, and the work of the Holy Spirit. They remind us of God’s power to bring good from difficulty and the Spirit’s role in leading us to truth and justice.
- Finding Joy in Suffering: Paul and Silas sing and pray while in prison, trusting in God’s presence. This shows how faith can bring hope and peace even in the hardest moments.
- Power of Repentance: The jailer repents and turns to God after witnessing Paul and Silas’s faith. His transformation shows how God’s grace can change hearts and lives.
- Work of the Holy Spirit: The Gospel describes the Spirit convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. This reminds us that the Spirit guides us to truth and calls us to live in justice.
- God’s Power to Save: In the first reading, God frees Paul and Silas from prison through an earthquake. This shows that God has the power to rescue and bring freedom in unexpected ways.
- Faith Inspires Others: Paul and Silas’s faith influences the jailer and his family, leading them to believe and be baptized. This shows how living out faith can inspire those around us.
- Truth Through the Spirit: The Gospel emphasizes the Spirit’s role in revealing truth and leading believers to understand God’s will. This reminds us to seek the Spirit’s guidance in our lives.
Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter reminds us to trust in God’s power to bring good from challenges and to be open to the Spirit’s work in our lives. The readings encourage us to live with faith and courage, knowing that God can use our witness to touch others’ hearts.
Reflection for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
The readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter invite us to reflect on conviction, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the power of faith to inspire others. Paul and Silas endure unjust treatment with unwavering faith, while Jesus teaches His disciples about the Spirit’s role in revealing truth and convicting hearts. These themes remind us of the strength and clarity that come from trusting God.
Conviction Amid Adversity
The first reading for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter shows the persecution Paul and Silas endure for sharing the Gospel. They are beaten and imprisoned unjustly, yet their faith remains unshaken. They pray and sing hymns, demonstrating their conviction in God’s truth despite suffering.
This example teaches us about staying faithful in the face of challenges. Paul and Silas trust that God is present with them, even when they are treated unfairly. Their actions inspire others, including the jailer, whose life is changed by their faith and witness.
Reflecting on this, we see how conviction in God’s truth gives strength and courage. It reminds us that faith is not only a comfort but also a source of resilience. By standing firm in what we believe, we can influence others to seek the truth.
The Holy Spirit Reveals Truth
In the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter, Jesus explains that the Holy Spirit will come to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Spirit works to reveal truth and guide believers in understanding God’s will. This guidance helps us grow closer to God and live in alignment with His plan.
The Spirit’s role includes helping us recognize sin in our lives and leading us to repentance. This is not about condemnation but about bringing clarity and offering a chance for growth. The Spirit also helps us understand righteousness, pointing us toward what is just and pleasing to God.
By seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can better understand our actions and decisions. The Spirit’s presence reassures us that we are not alone in our journey of faith. This reading encourages us to remain open to the Spirit’s voice, allowing it to shape our lives.
Faith That Inspires Others
Both the first reading and the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter highlight the impact of faith. Paul and Silas’s unwavering faith in prison moves the jailer to seek salvation, leading to his baptism and that of his family. In the Gospel, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, who works through believers to convict the world and lead others to truth.
Faith is not meant to remain private; it is a witness that touches others. The jailer’s conversion shows how living out faith can inspire those around us to seek God. The Spirit empowers us to be faithful witnesses, even in difficult circumstances.
This reflection challenges us to think about how our faith influences others. Are we living in a way that reflects God’s truth and love? The readings remind us that when we remain faithful, the Spirit works through us to bring others closer to God.
The reflections for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter encourage us to remain steadfast in faith, listen to the Spirit’s guidance, and let our witness inspire those around us. Through prayer and trust in God, we can follow His path and bring others closer to Him.
Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who reveals truth and strengthens us in faith. Help us to remain faithful during challenges and to be a witness of Your love to others. May we trust in Your guidance and live in a way that brings glory to Your name. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How do you respond when faced with challenges to your faith?
- In what ways can you better seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your daily life?
- How does your faith inspire and influence those around you?
- When have you experienced the Spirit convicting your heart to make a change or seek forgiveness?
Homilies and Commentaries for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
Word on Fire: The Parakletos
Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the Gospel for the Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter, discussing the role of the Holy Spirit, or “Advocate.” He explains that the Holy Spirit, who is one with the Father and the Son, will continue to reveal Jesus’s teachings to the disciples.
This Spirit helps the Church and all believers reflect Jesus’s identity, which comes from the Father. Over time, every saint embodies this connection in their own way, guided by the Holy Spirit. This reveals the deep relationship between the Father and the Son throughout history and in the lives of believers.
USCCB Reflection: Love Christ First
For the Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter, this USCCB video reflection emphasizes understanding Jesus’ teachings in John 16 in light of earlier chapters. It connects our love for Christ with obedience to His commandments and the reception of the Holy Spirit.
Loving Jesus leads to following His teachings, which in turn ensures that we are never abandoned. This love allows us to fully embrace the Holy Spirit, which helps us love others more profoundly than we could alone, transforming our relationships and enabling us to face life’s challenges with divine support.
Questions and Answers for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter
What date is Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter?
The next date is Tuesday May 27, 2025.
What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter?
The Mass readings for Tuesday May 27, 2025 are:
First Reading – Acts 16:22-34: The Imprisonment and Miraculous Release
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 138: Gratitude and Trust
Gospel – John 16:5-11: The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Why were Paul and Silas able to sing and pray in prison in the first reading for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter?
Paul and Silas trusted in God even in difficult times. Their faith gave them hope and strength to praise Him despite their suffering.
What does the earthquake in the first reading symbolize?
The earthquake symbolizes God’s power to bring freedom and change in impossible situations. It shows that God can act in ways we do not expect.
Why did the jailer ask how to be saved?
The jailer saw Paul and Silas’s faith and realized he needed God in his life. Their actions inspired him to seek forgiveness and believe in the Gospel.
What does the jailer’s baptism teach us?
The jailer’s baptism shows that God’s grace is open to everyone who turns to Him. His whole family joined in faith, showing the power of one person’s transformation.
What can we learn from Paul and Silas’s faith in prison?
Their faith teaches us to trust in God no matter the situation. It shows that even in suffering, we can find hope and strength through prayer.
How can we apply the first reading for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter to our lives?
The first reading reminds us to stay faithful in tough times and trust in God’s power to act. It also encourages us to be a witness of faith to those around us.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter?
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and leads believers to understand righteousness and judgment. The Spirit helps us know what is right and live in truth.
How does the Holy Spirit guide us to truth?
The Holy Spirit helps us see what is true by guiding our hearts and minds toward God’s will. Prayer and openness to the Spirit help us follow this guidance.
Why does Jesus prepare His disciples for the Spirit’s work?
Jesus prepares His disciples so they understand the Spirit’s role after He leaves. He assures them that the Spirit will continue to guide and strengthen them.
What does the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter teach about the Spirit and judgment?
The Gospel shows that the Spirit reveals God’s truth about sin, righteousness, and judgment. It calls us to live in a way that reflects God’s justice and love.
Faith That Inspires Hope
The readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter focus on faith in difficult times and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the first reading, Paul and Silas are imprisoned but continue to sing and pray. Their faith inspires the jailer to believe in God, leading to his conversion and baptism. This story shows how faith can shine even in challenging circumstances.
The Gospel speaks of the Holy Spirit’s role in convicting the world of sin and leading believers to righteousness. Jesus explains that the Spirit will guide His disciples after His departure. This reminds us that the Spirit is present to help us know the truth and live according to God’s will.
These readings encourage us to trust in God’s power and the work of the Spirit. They remind us that faith can inspire others and that the Holy Spirit is always present to guide us in our journey of faith.
Your Turn
Reflect on the readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter. Consider how you can trust God in difficult times and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your choices. Think about ways to share your faith through words and actions. How has your faith helped someone else?
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Together, let us encourage each other to grow in faith and follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
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