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Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

Thursday May 9, 2024

In most dioceses in the United States, the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension is moved to the following Sunday, but in some locations it might be observed on the traditional date of Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter. See readings and resources for the Ascension of the Lord instead.

Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

  • First Reading - Acts 18:1-8: Paul travels to Corinth, where he meets Aquila and Priscilla, fellow believers. Despite facing challenges, Paul persists in spreading the Gospel, adapting his approach and demonstrating God's providence as he establishes a supportive network for the advancement of the Good News.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 98: Let us raise our voices and sing a new song to the Lord, for He has worked wonders and achieved victory. He has revealed His saving power to all nations, displaying His justice, kindness, and faithfulness. Let all corners of the earth rejoice and praise the Lord with joyful songs, recognizing the salvation brought by our God.
  • Gospel - John 16:16-20: Jesus speaks to His disciples about His imminent departure and return. He reassures them that their sorrow will be transformed into joy when they see Him again, illustrating the transformative power of His resurrection and the lasting joy it brings to His followers.

Themes for the Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

  • Persistence in evangelization: The reading highlights Paul's commitment to spreading the Gospel despite facing challenges and opposition. It demonstrates the importance of perseverance and dedication in sharing the message of Christ.
  • Divine providence and guidance: The passage shows how God guides Paul's mission by bringing him into contact with Aquila and Priscilla, fellow tentmakers and devout believers. It emphasizes the providential hand of God in orchestrating encounters and establishing support networks for the spread of the Good News.
  • Openness to different audiences: Paul adjusts his approach to reach different audiences effectively. He initially focuses on preaching in the synagogue to his fellow Jews but later turns his attention to the Gentiles when met with resistance. This highlights the importance of adaptability and flexibility in sharing the Gospel.
  • Jesus' departure and return: Jesus speaks of his departure and subsequent return to the disciples. He foreshadows his death, resurrection, and ascension, assuring them that although he will be physically absent, he will always be present with them through the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist. This theme highlights the ongoing relationship between Jesus and his followers.
  • The disciples' confusion and understanding: The disciples struggle to grasp the full significance of Jesus' words. They are puzzled by his references to leaving and returning. This theme emphasizes the limitations of human understanding and the need for faith and trust in God's plan, even in the midst of confusion and uncertainty.

Thoughts for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

The readings for the Thursday of the 6th week of Easter invite us to consider persistence, divine providence, transformative joy, and the mystery of God's plan.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we encounter the unwavering commitment of the Apostle Paul in spreading the Good News. Despite encountering opposition and challenges, Paul remains steadfast in his mission. His example teaches us the importance of persistence in our own efforts to share the Gospel. We may face obstacles and setbacks, but just as Paul trusted in God's providence, we too must persevere, knowing that God's hand is guiding us.

The reading also emphasizes divine providence, the way in which God orchestrates events and encounters to further His purposes. God brings Aquila and Priscilla into Paul's path, providing him with companionship and support. This reminds us that God works through people and circumstances, often in ways we may not anticipate. We are called to trust in His care, knowing that He will guide us and provide what we need for the mission He has entrusted to us.

Turning our attention to the Gospel of John, we hear Jesus speaking to His disciples about His forthcoming departure and return. He uses the metaphor of a woman in labor, explaining that although they will experience sorrow at His crucifixion, their sorrow will be transformed into lasting joy when they see Him again after His resurrection. This profound message echoes through the centuries and resonates in our hearts today.

Jesus' words remind us that as Catholics, we are an Easter people. We are called to embrace the transformative joy that comes from the resurrection. No matter what difficulties or challenges we face, we have a deep and abiding hope because Christ has conquered sin and death. Our sorrow, like that of the disciples, is temporary, but the joy that comes from encountering the risen Lord is eternal.

Moreover, Jesus speaks of the disciples' confusion and their struggle to understand His words fully. This highlights the limits of human understanding in comprehending the divine mysteries. It calls us to embrace a posture of humility and trust, surrendering our need for complete understanding and instead placing our faith in God's plan. We are reminded that our journey of faith is marked by moments of confusion and uncertainty, but it is precisely in these moments that we are called to rely on God's wisdom and providence.

As we reflect on these readings, let us renew our commitment to share the Good News with persistence, trusting in God's providence every step of the way. May we embrace the transformative joy that comes from encountering the resurrected Christ, allowing it to permeate our lives and radiate to those around us. And when faced with confusion and uncertainty, may we humbly surrender to God's plan, confident that He holds us in His loving embrace.

Prayer for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

Heavenly Father, grant us the strength and perseverance to share the Good News, trusting in Your providence to guide us along the way. Fill our hearts with the joy of the resurrected Christ, and grant us the grace to embrace Your plan with humble trust and unwavering faith. Amen.

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Homilies and Reflections for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

USCCB Reflection: Fall in Love

A video reflection from USCCB for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter. The key to evangelization is to introduce others to the life changing encounter with Jesus Christ. But we must fall in love with Christ first.

Frequently Asked Questions for Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter

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