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Tangled Web Game

The Tangled Web Game, also known as the Spider Web Game, is a simple yet effective activity that uses a ball of string to create a tangled mess. The game can be used in a variety of settings, including youth ministry, as it provides a powerful metaphor for how sin can create a tangled mess in our lives.

By using the web of string to represent the consequences of deceit, the game highlights the importance of honesty and integrity in our relationships with others and with God. As players work together to untangle the web, they also learn the value of communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Overall, the Tangled Web Game is a great way to engage youth and teach them valuable life lessons in a fun and interactive way.

The game begins with the group sitting in a circle, and the facilitator asking a question. The question can be anything from an icebreaker to a more serious discussion topic. If any of the players have an answer, they raise their hand, and the ball of string gets tossed to them.

Each player catches the ball of string and gives their answer while keeping hold of their part of the string. They then toss the ball to the next player with an answer. This process continues until each player is holding a piece of the string, and the web becomes more and more tangled.

The tangled web game continues until the web becomes so tangled that it can’t be undone or when the players have managed to untangle it completely. The reverse process begins, with each player tossing the ball of string back to another player, trying to undo the web.

Tangled Web Game Variation

Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.

Sir Walter Scott

One variation of the tangled game involves players lying. If a player gets caught in a lie, they must let go of all of their string, and it will fall to the ground, making things messier. This variation highlights the fact that dishonesty and deceit can lead to a tangled mess in our lives, affecting not only ourselves but also those around us.

Tangled Web Game

Objective: To create a tangled web of string and to work together to untangle the web as a group. A variation allows for the tangled mess to be a metaphor for the consequences of deceit.


  • A ball of string or yarn


  1. Have the group sit in a circle.
  2. Explain that the objective of the game is to create a tangled web of string by passing the ball of string around and answering questions.
  3. Start the game by asking a question. This can be an icebreaker question or a more serious discussion topic. For example, “What is your favorite hobby?” or “What are some challenges you’ve faced in your life?”
  4. If a player has an answer, they raise their hand, and you toss the ball of string to them.
  5. The player catches the ball of string and answers the question while holding onto the end of the string.
  6. The player then tosses the ball of string to another player with a raised hand, while still holding onto their piece of string.
  7. The game continues, with the ball of string being passed around the circle and each player holding onto their own piece of string.
  8. Tangled web game variation: If a player gets caught in a lie, they must let go of all of their string, and it will fall to the ground, making the web more tangled.
  9. When everyone is holding onto a piece of string, the game shifts to untangling the web. Each player must toss the ball of string to another player to try to undo the web.
  10. The tangled web game ends when the web is cleaned up or when the players have made such a mess that it can’t be undone.


  • Encourage players to toss the ball of string in different directions to make the web more tangled.
  • If players are struggling to untangle the web, suggest that they work together and communicate effectively.
  • Use this tangled web game as an opportunity to discuss the importance of honesty and integrity in our lives.

More Youth Ministry Games

The Tangled Web Game fits perfectly into the category of youth ministry games that can be used as an icebreaker to help youth get to know each other better. It is a fun and engaging way to foster teamwork and communication skills while highlighting the importance of honesty and integrity. Just like the other categories of youth ministry games, the Tangled Web Game is a great way to spend some energy when youth have been sitting for too long.

Whether you’re looking for team building games, active games, knowledge and teaching games, or just for fun games, our collection of youth ministry games has got you covered. We also have games for specific holy days, seasons, and holidays. Check out our collection and start having fun while learning valuable life lessons!

Game On: Why Games are Essential in Youth Ministry

The Tangled Web Game is a great example of how games can promote spiritual growth among teenagers, as it uses a simple metaphor to teach valuable life lessons. As this video explores, games like the Tangled Web can provide a safe and fun environment for teenagers to connect with one another, learn important skills, and grow in their faith.

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