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5th Sunday in Lent

The 5th Sunday in Lent focuses on the theme of renewal, contemplating how God creates new life within us, urging us to release our old selves. It highlights God's transformative power, turning our weaknesses and sufferings into strengths and salvation. This day reflects on God's enduring covenant with us, despite our frequent unfaithfulness, and God's ability to transform the seemingly negative aspects of our lives. It provides catechists, parents, youth ministers, and teachers with various ideas, games, and reflections aligned with the Sunday readings, aiding in understanding and embracing this message of spiritual rejuvenation and God’s unwavering commitment to us.

5th Sunday in Lent Year A: Sunday March 22, 2026
5th Sunday in Lent Year B: Sunday March 14, 2027
5th Sunday in Lent Year C: Sunday April 6, 2025

5th Sunday of Lent Year A
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Mass Readings for 5th Sunday in Lent Year A

Sunday March 22, 2026

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday in Lent Year A readings here.

  • First ReadingEzekiel 37:12-14: The prophet Ezekiel is given a vision of a valley filled with dry bones, which represent the people of Israel who are dead in their exile. The Lord promises to put his spirit within them and restore them to life, bringing them back to their own land.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 130: This is a psalm of supplication and trust in the Lord's mercy and redemption. The psalmist cries out to the Lord from the depths and acknowledges that with the Lord there is forgiveness and plenteous redemption, and encourages Israel to wait for the Lord and trust in his word.
  • Second ReadingRomans 8:8-11: Paul teaches that those who live according to the flesh cannot please God, but those who live according to the Spirit have the Spirit of Christ within them and will have life. He declares that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within believers and gives life to their mortal bodies.
  • Gospel - John 11:1-45: Jesus receives news that his friend Lazarus is seriously ill, but waits to visit him until after he has died. When Jesus arrives, he raises Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating his power over death and prompting many to believe in him.
5th Sunday of Lent Year B
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Mass Readings for 5th Sunday in Lent Year B

Sunday March 14, 2027

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday in Lent Year B readings here.

  • First Reading - Jeremiah 31:31-34: God will make a new covenant with his people, which will be different from the old one. This new covenant will be written on the hearts of the people, enabling them to know God intimately and to obey him from the heart.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 51: A prayer for God's mercy and forgiveness, asking Him to create a clean heart within us and renew our spirits. The psalmist also expresses his desire to teach others God's ways and lead them to repentance.
  • Second Reading - Hebrews 5:7-9: Jesus is the perfect high priest who offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins and was obedient to God's will, even unto death. Through his sacrifice, Jesus has made it possible for us to approach God with confidence and to receive mercy and grace in our time of need.
  • Gospel -John 12:20-33: Jesus predicts his death and the need for us to follow and serve him, even if it means giving up our own lives for his sake. Through our service to Jesus and by giving up our lives for his sake, we can inherit eternal life and share in his glory.

Mass Readings for 5th Sunday in Lent Year C

Sunday April 6, 2025

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday in Lent Year C readings here.

  • First ReadingIsaiah 43:16-21: God, who controls nature and armies, urges to forget the past and see His new works: paths in wilderness, rivers in deserts, providing for His chosen people, made to praise Him.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 126: When the Lord restored Zion, our joy was like a dream, filled with laughter and praise. Nations recognized His great deeds. We pray for continued restoration and joyful harvest.
  • Second ReadingPhilippians 3:8-14: Everything is considered a loss compared to knowing Christ. Righteousness comes from faith, not law. Striving to know Christ's power and share His sufferings, we press on towards eternal life with Him.
  • Gospel - John 8:1-11: At the temple, Jesus encountered a woman accused of adultery, brought by scribes and Pharisees seeking to trap him. He responded wisely, suggesting only a sinless person should cast the first stone. This led her accusers to depart, and Jesus, left alone with the woman, chose not to condemn her, advising her to abandon her sinful life.

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