Epiphany of Our Lord
Sunday January 4, 2026

Mass Readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
- First Reading – Isaiah 60:1-6: Jerusalem, arise! Your light and the Lord’s glory shine upon you, attracting nations and kings. Joyfully, your sons and daughters return, bringing wealth and praise to the Lord.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 72: God’s wisdom and justice in the king will usher in an era of fairness, peace, and expansive dominion, earning tributes from afar and devotion from all nations.
- Second Reading – Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6: God’s grace entrusted to me reveals a mystery: Gentiles are fellow heirs with Jews, part of one body, sharing the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
- Gospel – Matthew 2:1-12: Magi from the east, guided by a star, sought the newborn King of the Jews in Jerusalem, unsettling King Herod and the city. Informed by religious leaders about the prophesied birth in Bethlehem, Herod deceitfully instructed the magi to report back after finding the child. Following the star, the magi reached Jesus, worshiping Him and offering gifts. They returned home by another way, divinely warned to avoid Herod.
Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.
Matthew 2:2
Themes for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Epiphany is celebrated on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8. The feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord commemorates when Jesus Christ was revealed as the Messiah. The Gospel of Matthew recounts that three wise men from the East visited our savior after his birth and acknowledged him with gifts representing kingship, priesthood, and death.
The Feast of the Epiphany highlights key themes in the story of Jesus and the visit of the Magi. These themes help us understand the importance of Jesus’ birth and His mission for all people.
- Jesus as Light: Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. He guides all people to God.
- Universal Mission: Jesus came for all nations and people. His salvation is not limited to one group.
- Fulfillment of Prophecy: Isaiah’s prophecy about light and gifts is fulfilled in Jesus. The gifts of the Magi show this connection.
- Humility and Kingship: Jesus is a humble king. He shows true power through love and gentleness.
- Inclusiveness: Paul teaches that both Jews and Gentiles share in Jesus’ promises. The Epiphany shows that everyone is included in God’s plan.
- Guidance of the Star: The star leads the Magi to Jesus. This shows God’s guidance to all who seek Him.
- Gift-Giving: The Magi bring gifts to honor Jesus. This shows recognition of His kingship and divinity.
- Contrast with Herod: Herod’s fear and violence contrast with Jesus’ humble birth. This shows the difference between earthly and heavenly kingship.
These themes remind us of the rich meaning of the Feast of the Epiphany. They invite us to reflect on Jesus’ mission and our role in spreading His light.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord.
Resources for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Sunday January 4, 2026

Follow That Star Lesson Plan
This Epiphany lesson plan, centered around Matthew 2:1-12, is designed to enlighten youth on the commitment of following Jesus, emphasizing the need to surrender wholly to Him and abandon any hindrances. The journey of the Magi serves as a powerful metaphor. Despite uncertainties and challenges, the Magi remained steadfast, symbolizing the perseverance required in our spiritual journey.
This story illustrates how giving our time, treasures, and selves, guided by faith, leads to a meaningful encounter with the divine. It encourages youth to view their life as a journey of faith, keeping their focus on Jesus, much like the Magi kept their eyes on the star.

Have a Birthday Party for Jesus
This activity is a birthday party for Jesus, suitable as a Christmas or Epiphany event, where high school students organize fun and educational activities for younger children. The party features twist on traditional birthday party games. Musical chairs with Christmas music is played, celebrating Jesus’ birth.
The event includes a birthday cake, and guests are encouraged to bring food pantry donations as presents.

St. Anselm’s Prayer
This prayer, invoking the spirit of Epiphany, seeks divine guidance in understanding and aligning with God’s desires. It expresses a deep yearning to know and find God, acknowledging that despite God’s gifts and creation, the seeker has yet to truly understand their purpose.
The prayer, attributed to St. Anselm, reflects on the human inability to seek or find God without divine intervention. It pleads for God to teach the heart to seek and find Him, emphasizing the desire to know God more deeply. The prayer connects with the Epiphany theme of seeking and discovering Christ, aspiring to bring gifts – not just physical, but of the heart and spirit – that are in harmony with God’s will.
Homilies and Commentaries for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Sunday January 4, 2026
- Optimism (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- Science Points to God (Word on Fire)
- The Wonder of Mystery (Order of Preachers)
- Seeking Christ with Heart and Mind (USCCB)
- Which Bible Message is For You? (Dynamic Catholic)
- The Appearance (Jeff Cavins)
- The Star Is a Universal Symbol of Guidance (Fr. Richard Rohr)
- The Magi and the Spiritual Journey (Scott Hahn)
Fr. Mike Schmitz reflects on the feast of the Epiphany by exploring the power of optimism and the deeper reality of hope. He compares the journey of the Magi to the risks taken by those who trust in something greater than themselves. Optimism can be valuable, but it has limits. The Magi did not know the end of their journey, yet they traveled with hope, not just wishful thinking. He draws from the wisdom of Admiral Jim Stockdale, who survived as a prisoner of war by holding onto hope while also confronting reality. Unlike blind optimism, hope is rooted in trust, not circumstances.
He emphasizes that hope is more than believing things will improve—it is trust in God even when situations do not change. The Israelites, the Magi, and Christians throughout history have walked forward in hope, knowing they are not alone. The feast of the Epiphany reveals that God is with us, even when the future is unknown.
Science Points to God
Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the feast of the Epiphany by exploring the journey of the Magi and the connection between science and faith. The Magi were scholars who studied the stars, seeking order and meaning in the universe. Their work was based on the assumption that creation is intelligible, pointing to a higher intelligence behind it. This idea aligns with modern science, which relies on the order and logic found in nature. Bishop Barron challenges the belief that science and religion are in conflict, emphasizing that the deep study of the universe naturally leads to God, just as the Magi’s journey led them to Christ.
He highlights how Christian belief in a rational Creator laid the foundation for modern science. The Magi, guided by their studies, sought the ultimate source of truth. Their journey teaches that true science does not push people away from faith but brings them closer to the Creator, the Word made flesh.
The Wonder of Mystery
Sr. Mary Jeremiah Gillett reflects on the feast of the Epiphany, focusing on the Magi and the mystery of God’s revelation. The Magi, representing different nations, remind us that Christ came for all people, not just the Jewish people. St. Paul speaks of this mystery in his letter, explaining that the Gentiles are now co-heirs and partners in the promises of Christ. Through baptism, all believers are united in Christ’s body and share in God’s grace. This is not just a spiritual idea but a real and deep connection to God.
She emphasizes that God is not distant or abstract but personal and merciful. The Epiphany reveals Christ not only to the Magi but to all who seek him. Faith allows believers to enter into this mystery and share in God’s divine life. The Epiphany is a reminder of God’s love and the call to grow in unity with Him and with one another.
Seeking Christ with Heart and Mind
Fr. Greg Friedman reflects on the feast of the Epiphany through the wisdom of St. Bonaventure, who saw the journey of the Magi as a model for spiritual life. Bonaventure compared the three wise men to the three powers of the mind—memory, intellect, and will. Just as the Magi sought the newborn King, believers can use these gifts to seek God in their lives. Memory recalls God’s presence in past moments of love, forgiveness, and healing. Intellect helps recognize the signs of God at work, just as the Magi followed the star. Will allows one to accept grace and enter into God’s presence.
The feast of the Epiphany is a reminder that God’s revelation is for all people. The Magi, outsiders to the Jewish faith, recognized and honored Jesus. Their journey invites everyone to search for Christ with an open heart, to adore him, and to offer personal gifts of faith and love.
Which Bible Message is For You?
Allen Hunt reflects on the feast of the Epiphany, highlighting the wise men’s journey to worship Jesus. Their search reveals an important truth—there can only be one true king. Herod, already in power, sees Jesus as a threat and plots against Him. This struggle between earthly rulers and God’s chosen King continues throughout Jesus’ life. The wise men, however, recognize the newborn King and bow in worship, offering gifts of great value. Their actions remind believers that true worship is more than an obligation or a routine. It is an act of love, devotion, and submission to the only King who matters.
Hunt warns that if people do not worship God, they will worship something else—power, success, or even themselves. The wise men show what true worship looks like: they seek Jesus, bow before Him, and give their treasures. Their example calls believers to place God first, knowing that He alone is worthy of worship.
The Star Is a Universal Symbol of Guidance
In his Epiphany homily, Fr. Richard Rohr emphasizes the spiritual journey’s progression from self-love to universal love. He underscores that inherent dignity and goodness are God-given, not earned. Fr. Rohr highlights the Epiphany’s symbol, a star, representing a universal understanding of God, transcending specific religions or groups.
He criticizes the notion of religion as an exclusive club and advocates for a universal message of love, as demonstrated in the readings from Isaiah, Ephesians, and Matthew. Fr. Rohr denounces the persistence of division and racism, even in contemporary society, and urges the embrace of a universal love for all, including perceived enemies, as the true message of the Gospel.
The Magi and the Spiritual Journey
In this Epiphany homily, Bishop Robert Barron extracts five spiritual lessons from the story of the Magi in Matthew’s Gospel. First, he emphasizes the importance of attentiveness in spiritual life, likening it to the Magi’s contemplative stargazing. Second, he stresses the necessity of taking action once God’s will is discerned.
Third, Barron points out that walking the spiritual path inevitably involves facing opposition, both from the world and darker spiritual forces. Fourth, he highlights the need to offer Christ the best of ourselves, not holding back our talents or love. Finally, Barron notes that encountering Christ leads to transformation, suggesting that one cannot come to Christ and remain unchanged, symbolized by the Magi returning home by a different route.
Reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
The Feast of the Epiphany is a celebration of light and revelation. It marks the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, highlighting that His coming is for all nations. Through reflections on Isaiah’s prophecy, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and the Gospel of Matthew, we explore how Jesus’ light shines for all, guiding and inviting us to follow Him.
The Light That Shines for All
The Feast of the Epiphany is a celebration of light. Isaiah’s prophecy speaks of a great light shining upon Jerusalem. This light attracts nations and kings. It shows the presence of God and marks the beginning of a new time. This prophecy points to the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. He is the light for all people.
Isaiah mentions gifts of gold and frankincense. These gifts are the same as those the Magi brought to Jesus. This connection ties the Old Testament to the New Testament. It shows how the prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus. The gifts of the Magi honor Jesus as king and God.
The Epiphany is not just about an event long ago. It reminds us that Jesus’ mission is for everyone. He came for all nations and all people. The light of Jesus shines on us today, guiding us and showing us the way. This light invites us to follow Jesus and to share His light with others.
A Universal Invitation
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul talks about a mystery revealed to him. This mystery is that Gentiles are co-heirs with Jews, sharing in the same promises through Jesus. This reading fits well with the Feast of the Epiphany. It shows that the salvation Jesus brings is for everyone.
In the past, there were strong divisions between Jews and Gentiles. Paul’s message was radical because it broke down these barriers. He explained that in Jesus, all people are welcome. This is the same message we see in the Epiphany, where the Magi, who were not Jews, came to worship Jesus. Their visit shows that Jesus came for all nations.
The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates this inclusive message. It reminds us that Jesus’ grace is for everyone, no matter their background. The light of Jesus shines on all people, inviting us to be part of God’s family. We are called to live out this message of unity and share the good news with others.
The Magi and the Humble King
The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of the Magi visiting Jesus. This is more than a story about wise men bringing gifts. It shows that Jesus is the Messiah for all people. The star guiding the Magi symbolizes God’s light leading all nations to Jesus. This light is different from the power of King Herod. Herod is powerful and fearful. Jesus, though a baby, shows a different kind of kingship. He is humble and vulnerable, yet He changes the world.
Matthew’s account highlights that Jesus’ mission is for everyone, not just for the Jews. Some think Matthew added details to show this point. But even without proof against it, this story is important in our faith. It shows that from the start, Jesus’ life was marked by signs for all people, beyond Israel.
The contrast between Jesus and Herod is clear. Herod hears of a new king and reacts with violence. He orders the killing of male children to protect his power. Jesus, as a baby, is innocent and helpless. Yet, He represents a new kind of authority. This story sets the stage for Jesus’ ministry, which challenges traditional views of power.
Jesus’ kingship is marked by humility and love. He does not come with force but with gentleness. The Magi, wise and powerful in their own right, bow down to this humble king. This act shows that true wisdom recognizes the value of humility and love.
The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates this revelation. It shows us that God’s kingdom is different from earthly kingdoms. In God’s kingdom, the humble are lifted up, and true power is found in love and service. Jesus came for all people, and His light shines on everyone.
As we reflect on the Epiphany, we are reminded to follow the example of the Magi. We are called to seek Jesus, recognize His light, and honor Him as our king. Let us embrace the humility and love that Jesus shows us and share His light with the world.
As we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, we are reminded that Jesus’ light shines for everyone. His humble kingship calls us to live with love and service. Let us follow the example of the Magi, seeking Jesus and sharing His light with the world.
Lord Jesus, light of the world, guide us to You. Help us to see Your light in our lives. May we follow Your example of humility and love. Teach us to share Your light with others, showing them the way to Your truth and grace. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
- How does the Feast of the Epiphany highlight the universality of Jesus’ mission?
- What significance do the gifts of the Magi have in honoring Jesus?
- How does Isaiah’s prophecy connect to the coming of Jesus?
- What barriers did Paul’s message break down in the early Church?
- How does the story of the Magi illustrate God’s light leading all nations to Jesus?
- What contrasts can be seen between the kingship of Jesus and that of King Herod?
- How does Jesus’ humble kingship challenge traditional views of power?
- In what ways can we seek to follow the example of the Magi in our lives?
- How can we share the light of Jesus with those around us?
- What does the Feast of the Epiphany teach us about God’s kingdom and our place in it?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord

The Magi set out at the rising of the star. They teach us that we need to set out anew each day, in life as in faith, for faith is not a suit of armour that encases us; but a fascinating journey, constant and restless movement, ever in search of God.
Pope Francis

Like the Magi, believers are led by faith to seek God in the most hidden places, knowing that the Lord waits for them there.
Pope Francis

Music Suggestions for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
Sunday January 4, 2026
These music selections celebrate themes of light, guidance, and the universal mission of Jesus. They reflect on Jesus as the light shining in the darkness, guiding all people to God. The songs speak of the joy and wonder of Jesus’ birth and the gifts brought by the Magi. They highlight Jesus’ humble kingship and the inclusiveness of His message. These themes connect with the readings for the Feast of the Epiphany, inviting us to reflect on Jesus’ mission for all nations.
- Angels from the Realms of Glory by Henry T. Smart & James Montgomery
- Arise, Shine by Marty Haugen
- As with Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix, Conrad Kocher & William H. Monk
- Awake, Awake, and Greet the New Morn by Brent Holl
- Bethlehem by Chris Tomlin
- Christ Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell
- City of God by Dan Schutte
- Every Nation on Earth by John Michael Talbot
- Lay It Down by Matt Maher
- Love Came Down at Christmas by Jars Of Clay
- Lord, Every Nation by Ken Canedo & Jesse Manibusan
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten by Marcus Aurelius Clemens Prudentius
- Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan
- Our God Is Here by Chris Muglia
- Songs of Thankfulness and Praise by Jakob Hintze & Christopher Woodsworth
- The First Nowell
- We Three Kings by John H.Hopkins,Jr., Randall Debruyn & Christpher Willcock
- What Child Is This? by William C. Dix, Randall Debruyn & John Stainer
- What Star Is This? by Charles Coffin
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to try these selections for the Feast of the Epiphany. These songs can help the congregation reflect on the themes of the season. Share your own favorite music choices in the comments and help others find inspiring ways to celebrate the Epiphany.
Questions and Answers for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
What is the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord?
The Feast of the Epiphany, also known as Three Kings’ Day, is a Christian festival that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ. It primarily commemorates the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, symbolizing Jesus’ physical manifestation to the Gentiles.
What date is the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord?
Epiphany is celebrated on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8.
The next date is Sunday January 4, 2026.
What are the Mass readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord?
The Mass readings for Sunday January 4, 2026 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 60:1-6: Jerusalem’s Radiant Glory
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 72: Global Worship of the Just King
Second Reading – Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6: Shared Inheritance in Christ
Gospel – Matthew 2:1-12: Magi Visit Jesus
Who were the Magi?
The Magi, also known as the Wise Men or Three Kings, were a group of distinguished foreigners who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They are important figures in the Christmas story.
What do the gifts of the Magi symbolize?
The gifts are rich in symbolism: gold representing Jesus’ kingship, frankincense a symbol of his priestly role, and myrrh prefiguring his death and embalming.
Why is the Epiphany important in the Christian tradition?
The Epiphany is significant as it represents the first revelation of Jesus as the Messiah to the Gentiles, symbolized by the Magi, and emphasizes the universal nature of Jesus’ mission.
Are there any special traditions or customs associated with the Epiphany?
Yes, traditions vary by culture but often include blessing homes, chalking the door, and sharing a King’s Cake or Three Kings’ Cake.
How is the Feast of the Epiphany related to Christmas?
The Epiphany is an extension of the Christmas season, focusing on the manifestation of Christ to the world, while Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.
What is the spiritual significance of the star the Magi followed?
The star symbolizes the divine guidance that leads believers to Jesus Christ. It represents the light of God leading the Gentiles to the newborn Messiah.
What is the main theme of Isaiah 60:1-6 for the Feast of the Epiphany?
The first reading emphasizes the theme of divine light and glory shining upon Jerusalem, attracting nations and kings. It symbolizes the revelation of God to all peoples and reflects the universal reach of God’s salvation, a key theme of Epiphany.
How does the First Reading from Isaiah connect with the Gospel account of the Magi?
Isaiah’s prophecy of nations and kings being drawn to the light of Jerusalem prefigures the journey of the Magi, who were likely foreign dignitaries, to Jesus. This connection highlights the fulfillment of prophecy and the universal scope of Jesus’ mission in the Epiphany narrative.
How does the reading from Ephesians relate to the Feast of the Epiphany?
Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6 discusses the revelation of a mystery that Gentiles are co-heirs with Jews. This reflects Epiphany’s theme of inclusivity and the extension of God’s promise to all humanity through Jesus Christ, not limited by ethnic or cultural boundaries.
What significance does the Gospel of Matthew hold for the Feast of the Epiphany?
Matthew 2:1-12 narrates the visit of the Magi to Jesus. This event is central to the Feast of Epiphany as it symbolizes the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi, and underscores the idea of Jesus as a universal Messiah.
How does Herod’s response to the Magi’s visit enhance the Epiphany narrative?
King Herod’s troubled reaction and deceitful intentions contrast with the Magi’s faithful journey, highlighting the theme of opposition to God’s revelation. This element adds depth to the Epiphany story, showing that Jesus’ arrival challenges earthly powers and mindsets.
What is the significance of the Magi returning home by another route?
The Magi’s return by another route, after being divinely warned in a dream to avoid Herod, symbolizes the transformative impact of encountering Christ. It suggests that those who truly encounter Jesus are changed, a theme echoing the transformative nature of Epiphany.
Following the Star
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord celebrates the visit of the magi, or wise men, to the newborn Jesus. These visitors traveled from the East, guided by a unique star, to honor Jesus as King of the Jews. Their journey represents the wider world’s recognition of Jesus and His mission. The gifts they brought—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—each hold symbolic meaning. Gold honors Jesus as King, frankincense as a sign of worship, and myrrh as a symbol of His coming sacrifice.
The readings for Epiphany highlight the theme of God’s light reaching out to all nations. Isaiah’s words in the first reading invite Jerusalem to rejoice, as people and wealth from around the world come to honor God’s light. St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians emphasizes that all people, not just the Jewish people, are invited into God’s family through Christ. This unity is central to the message of Epiphany, showing that the gift of Jesus is for everyone.
In Matthew’s Gospel, we hear the full story of the magi’s visit. After following the star to Jerusalem, they spoke with King Herod, who pretended to support their search for Jesus. However, Herod’s real intent was to find and destroy the child. Warned by God in a dream, the magi chose a different route home, avoiding Herod. This journey and change of direction remind us to remain faithful to God’s guidance.
Epiphany marks a special moment when Jesus is revealed as a light for the whole world. Through the magi’s visit, we see that Jesus came to be known and loved by people from all walks of life. Epiphany encourages us to follow Jesus as our guide and to let His light shine in our own lives.
Your Turn
As you reflect on the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord, consider how these readings speak to you. What does it mean to see Jesus as a light for all people? Think about ways to bring His light into your daily life, even in simple actions.
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How do you follow His guidance? How can we help others see His light? Your reflections might inspire someone else.
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