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5th Sunday of Easter

The 5th Sunday of Easter emphasizes the constant presence of Jesus in our lives and the necessity of deeply rooting our existence in Him for strength and guidance. This day reminds us that following Jesus may lead us into the unknown, requiring reliance on Him as the vine to sustain and nurture us. It acknowledges that suffering can be a part of discipleship, yet encourages looking towards the future with hope. Resources, themes, homilies, and activities are available for youth ministries, classrooms, and family churches to explore these concepts, helping to deepen the understanding and practice of living in Christ.

5th Sunday of Easter Year A: Sunday May 3, 2026
5th Sunday of Easter Year B: Sunday April 28, 2024
5th Sunday of Easter Year C: Sunday May 18, 2025

5th Sunday of Easter Year A
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Mass Readings for 5th Sunday of Easter Year A

Sunday May 3, 2026

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday of Easter Year A readings here.

  • First ReadingActs 6:1-7: A conflict that arose within the early Christian community in Jerusalem, as the Greek-speaking widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. The apostles responded by appointing seven men to oversee this task, who were filled with the Holy Spirit and were successful in resolving the issue.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 33: A prayer of praise and trust in God's mercy, emphasizing the righteousness and faithfulness of the Lord. The psalmist calls on the upright to exult in the Lord, giving thanks and chanting His praises with musical instruments, and declares that the earth is full of the Lord's kindness. The eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him and hope in His kindness, and that He delivers them from death and famine.
  • Second Reading1 Peter 2:4-9: Jesus is the cornerstone of the Church and Christians are a chosen and royal priesthood. Believers should come to Christ, who is a living stone, and to offer spiritual sacrifices to God through Him. Disciples have been called out of darkness and into God's marvelous light.
  • Gospel - John 14:1-12: Jesus teaches His disciples, assuring them that He will prepare a place for them in His Father's house and declaring Himself as the way, the truth, and the life. He also tells them that those who believe in Him will do greater works than He has done, and promises to send them the Holy Spirit to guide them.

Mass Readings for 5th Sunday of Easter Year B

Sunday April 28, 2024

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday of Easter Year B readings here.

  • First Reading - Acts 9:26-31: Initially distrusted, Saul joins the Jerusalem disciples through Barnabas's support, speaking boldly about Jesus. Despite threats, he's safely sent to Tarsus. The church then experiences peaceful growth, strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 22: In the presence of the faithful, I will fulfill my vows and praise the Lord. All nations will turn to Him, and future generations will hear of His righteousness.
  • Second Reading - 1 John 3:18-24: We're called to express love in actions and truth, not just words. A clear conscience gives us confidence before God. Obeying His commandments to believe in Jesus and love one another assures us of God's indwelling Spirit.
  • Gospel -John 15:1-8: Jesus described himself as the true vine and his Father as the gardener. Branches not bearing fruit are removed, while fruitful ones are pruned for more yield. He emphasized staying connected to him, akin to branches on a vine, as the key to bearing fruit. Without him, nothing can be achieved. Unfruitful branches are discarded. Fruitfulness in believers brings glory to God and proves discipleship.

Mass Readings for 5th Sunday of Easter Year C

Sunday May 18, 2025

See resources, homilies, and more for the 5th Sunday of Easter Year C readings here.

  • First ReadingActs 14:21-27: Paul and Barnabas revisited cities, encouraging disciples and explaining hardships in God's kingdom. They appointed church leaders, entrusted them to the Lord, and shared their mission success in Antioch, emphasizing God's outreach to non-Jews.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 145: The Lord's compassion and mercy extend to all, slow to anger and full of love. His works praise Him, and His followers speak of His eternal kingdom and majestic power.
  • Second ReadingRevelation 21:1-5A: John describes a new heaven and earth, with the old gone. He sees a splendid New Jerusalem and hears God proclaim His eternal dwelling with people, erasing all pain and making everything new.
  • Gospel - John 13:31-33A, 34-35: Jesus spoke of his imminent glorification, intertwining his honor with God's. He shared a new commandment with his disciples: to love one another as he loved them. This mutual love among his followers would be the defining mark of their discipleship.

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