Sunday May 9, 2027
Mass Readings for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
The Solemnity of the Ascension occurs on the 40th day of Easter. However, in most dioceses in the United States, the observance is moved to the following Sunday, superseding the 7th Sunday of Easter.
- First Reading – Acts 1:1-11: Jesus, after His resurrection, instructed the apostles to await the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, promising them power to witness globally. He then ascended into heaven, affirming His eventual return.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 47: Clap and shout joyfully for God, the supreme ruler, as He ascends His throne amid cheers and trumpets. He reigns over all nations and sits on His sacred throne.
- Second Reading – Ephesians 1:17-23: Paul prays for believers to receive wisdom and revelation to know God fully, understanding their hope, inheritance, and the immense power granted to them, the same power that raised Christ.
- Alternate Second Reading for Year B – Ephesians 4:1-13: Paul urges believers to live humbly and gently, preserving unity and peace. Christ, who descended and ascended, bestowed gifts, appointing some as church leaders to mature and unify the faithful.
- Gospel – Mark 16:15-20: Jesus commanded His disciples to spread the gospel to the world, promising salvation to believers baptized and condemnation to non-believers. He assured that miraculous signs would follow believers, including exorcising demons, speaking new languages, and healing the sick. After these instructions, Jesus ascended to heaven. The disciples faithfully preached everywhere, with Jesus confirming their words through signs.
Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
Themes for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
The readings for the The Ascension of the Lord for Year B encourage us to being open to the Holy Spirit and willing to spread the Good News. The first reading tells of Jesus’ ascent into heaven and his promise to send the Holy Spirit. The second reading asks for the Holy Spirit to come to us so we can declare the kingship of Jesus Christ. And in the gospel, Jesus gives us the Great Commission, to go and spread the gospel.
The readings for the Feast of the Ascension Year B cover key aspects of Christian faith and mission. Here are some themes from these readings:
- Awaiting the Holy Spirit: Jesus instructs His apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit. This shows the importance of patience and reliance on God’s timing for empowerment.
- Unity and maturity in faith: Paul speaks about living in humility and maintaining peace. He highlights the role of diverse spiritual gifts in strengthening the community’s faith and unity.
- Mission of evangelization: Jesus commands His disciples to preach the gospel globally. This illustrates the universal call to evangelize and spread the message of salvation.
- Signs of faith: The Gospel mentions miraculous signs that will accompany believers. This underscores the power of faith and God’s active presence in the work of evangelization.
- Jesus’ ascension: Jesus’ ascension into heaven is central to all the readings. It signifies His divine authority and the fulfillment of His earthly mission.
These themes for the Feast of the Ascension Year B reflect the journey and responsibilities of Christians in their faith and interactions with the world.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the Feast of the Ascension Year B.
Resources for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
Sunday May 9, 2027

Who Lives in Your World? – Discussion and Reflection Questions
The lesson plan from Young Catholics focuses on teaching youth to spread the Gospel around the world, as taught in Mark 16:15-20, the Gospel for the Feast of the Ascension Year B. It starts with a game to show different ways to communicate. Then, it discusses how simple daily actions can help share the Gospel. The lesson stresses the need to share faith with everyone, not just people we know well, and shows how to share God’s message broadly and inclusively.

The Acts of the Apostles
This background information about the Acts of the Apostles connects to the Feast of the Ascension Year B, focusing on the first reading from Acts 1:1-11. It explains the early Church’s experiences after Jesus ascended to heaven. This text is important for understanding how the apostles spread Jesus’ teachings with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It shows the beginnings of the Church and highlights the promise of Jesus’ return. This book of the Bible shows how the apostles started to teach others about Jesus, following His instructions from before He went to heaven.

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Mark
See resources and reflections on the Gospel of Mark, specifically focusing on its use in teaching and understanding the Catholic faith. It is especially useful as background material the Gospel for the Feast of the Ascension Year B. The content is designed to help guide discussions and reflections, making it a helpful tool for educators and students alike to explore deeper meanings and teachings found within this Gospel.
Homilies and Reflections for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
Sunday May 9, 2027
Our Role in God’s Plan
Jeff Cavins’ homily for the Feast of the Ascension Year B focuses on the importance of sharing the gospel message with others. He highlights the basic proclamation of the gospel, emphasizing seven key points: God’s love and plan for our lives, the interruption of that plan by sin, Christ’s sacrifice for us, the call to repentance and belief, the significance of baptism, the importance of uniting with the Church, and the mission to make disciples.
Cavins encourages listeners to share their own stories of faith and transformation, as these testimonies can have a powerful impact on others seeking hope and healing.
The Feast of the Ascension
Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for the Feast of the Ascension Year B emphasizes that Jesus’ ascension into a higher dimension of existence empowers the Church to fulfill its mission of gathering nations into a relationship with God. He explains that while Jesus’ glorified body transcends earthly limitations, the Church is entrusted with spreading His message and love.
Bishop Barron highlights the disciples’ role as witnesses, empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel locally and globally. He underscores the importance of the Church’s mission and Jesus’ ongoing guidance from his elevated position, urging believers to actively participate in spreading God’s love and message.
The Good News
Scott Hahn’s reflection for the Feast of the Ascension Year B reveals that Jesus’ story continues beyond the empty tomb. As the great high priest, he ascends to the heavenly Jerusalem for liturgical celebration. Hebrews emphasizes his sinless intercession, leading to the Holy Spirit’s descent at Pentecost.
The Ascension, a precursor to Pentecost, completes salvation, including expiation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Psalm likens it to the priest-king’s enthronement in Solomon’s temple, bringing peace. Paul’s letter highlights believers’ enlightenment and hope for divine inheritance. This “good news” is the Apostles’ mission to share worldwide, beginning from Jerusalem.
More Thoughts for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
The Feast of the Ascension Year B marks an important event in Christianity. It celebrates the day Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection. This feast reminds us that Jesus completed His mission on earth and returned to His Father in heaven. It is a key moment because it leads to the sending of the Holy Spirit. The Ascension encourages us to look forward to Jesus’ promise to come again.
The Promise and the Power
In the first reading from Acts 1:1-11, we learn about Jesus’ final moments with His apostles. Before ascending, He promises that the Holy Spirit will come to them. This Spirit will give them the strength to spread His message across the world. The Ascension is not just about Jesus leaving but also about preparing His followers for their mission.
Jesus’ ascension shows that His followers are not alone. They have a great task: to tell the world about Jesus. This story teaches us about obedience and trust. Jesus told His apostles to wait in Jerusalem, and they listened. They trusted His words and waited for the Holy Spirit. This teaches us to also trust in God’s timing and promises.
Living the Call
The second reading from Ephesians 4:1-13 talks about how believers should behave. Paul tells us to live in a way that is humble and gentle. We should try to keep peace and unity among ourselves. This is important because Jesus’ ascension also means that He has given us different gifts. These gifts are for building up the church, not for causing division.
Paul explains that Jesus, who went to the lowest places on earth, also ascended above all the heavens. This shows us that Jesus is Lord over all, both in heaven and on earth. Because He ascended, He could fill the church with gifts. These gifts help us grow in faith and bring us closer together. Every believer has a role in strengthening this unity.
Following in Faith
The Gospel from Mark 16:15-20 tells us about Jesus’ last instructions to His disciples. He told them to go out and share the Gospel everywhere. Jesus promised that those who believe and are baptized will be saved. He also said that signs would follow those who believe. These include casting out demons and healing the sick. After giving these instructions, Jesus ascended into heaven.
The disciples did as Jesus commanded. They went everywhere and preached. God worked with them, confirming their words through miraculous signs. This shows that even though Jesus ascended, He is still active in the world through His followers. It reminds us that we are called to continue Jesus’ work. We should share the good news and live in a way that shows we are His followers.
The Feast of the Ascension Year B is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ journey and His plans for us. It teaches us about trust, duty, and the promise of Jesus’ return. It also reminds us to use our gifts to help others and spread the Gospel. Even though Jesus has ascended, He is still with us, guiding us through the Holy Spirit. We are to continue His work faithfully, looking forward to the day He returns.
Reflection Questions for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
- Trust and Patience: Reflect on a time when you had to wait for something important. How does the apostles’ experience of waiting in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit help you understand the value of patience and trust in God’s timing?
- Spiritual Gifts: What gifts do you believe God has given you? How can you use these gifts to strengthen the unity and peace within your community?
- Mission and Obedience: Jesus gave His disciples a clear command to spread the Gospel. How can you better follow this command in your daily life? What are some practical ways you can share your faith with others?
- Signs of Faith: The Gospel mentions miraculous signs that followed the believers. How do you see the power of God working in your life or in the lives of others around you?
- Reflection on Ascension: Why is the Ascension of Jesus significant to your faith? How does knowing that Jesus is in heaven interceding for us change the way you pray and live?
- Looking Forward: The Feast of the Ascension Year B reminds us that Jesus will return. How does this promise impact your hope and perspective on life’s challenges?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
Music Suggestions for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
Sunday May 9, 2027
For the Feast of the Ascension Year B, music directors have a special chance to pick songs that make the service more meaningful. It is good to choose music that shows the joy and glory of Jesus ascending to heaven and the tasks given to His followers. The music should match the readings and prayers of this day, focusing on hope, God’s mission, and Jesus’ glory.
- Alleluia Sing to Jesus
- Be Lifted High
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Go Out Go Out
- Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
- How Great Is Our God
- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
- I Will Exalt You
- I Will Follow
- Lord You Give the Great Commission
- The Church’s One Foundation
- The Lion and the Lamb
- The Lord Has Set His Throne in Heaven
- We Walk by Faith
Choosing the right music helps everyone feel more connected to the Ascension’s themes. It can make people think more about their own role in sharing the Gospel. The music played during this feast can lift spirits and remind us all to live out the teachings of Jesus in our everyday lives.
Questions and Answers for the Feast of the Ascension Year B
What date is the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
The next date is Sunday May 9, 2027.
For other years see the links below:
Feast of the Ascension Year A
Feast of the Ascension Year C
What are the Mass readings for the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday May 9, 2027 are:
First Reading – Acts 1:1-11: Jesus’ Final Instructions and Ascension
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 47: Joyful Ascension of God
Second Reading – Ephesians 1:17-23: Prayer for Spiritual Insight
Alternate Second Reading – Ephesians 4:1-13: Unity and Gifts from Christ
Gospel – Mark 16:15-20: The Great Commission
What happens in the First Reading on the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
In the First Reading from Acts 1:1-11, Jesus tells the apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they receive the Holy Spirit. He promises they will have power to share His message all over the world. After that, Jesus ascends into heaven.
Why did Jesus ask the apostles to wait in Jerusalem in the First Reading?
Jesus wanted the apostles to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit, which would give them the power and guidance they needed to carry out His mission.
What is the main message of the Second Reading for the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
The Second Reading from Ephesians 4:1-13 encourages believers to live in humility and gentleness, keeping peace and unity. It talks about Jesus giving gifts to His people, including leaders like apostles and teachers, to help everyone grow in faith and stay united.
What are the roles of the church leaders mentioned in the Second Reading for the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
The church leaders like apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are given to help believers learn more about Jesus, grow in faith, and stay united in their mission.
What does Jesus command in the Gospel reading for the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
In the Gospel from Mark 16:15-20, Jesus commands His disciples to preach the gospel to everyone in the world. He talks about the importance of baptism and the consequences of belief and unbelief. Jesus also promises that miraculous signs will accompany those who believe.
What signs does Jesus say will follow believers, according to the Gospel on the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
Jesus says that believers will cast out demons, speak new languages, handle snakes safely, and heal the sick by laying hands on them.
How did the disciples respond after Jesus ascended into heaven in the Gospel for the Feast of the Ascension Year B?
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went out and preached everywhere. Jesus helped them by making sure that miraculous signs accompanied their words.
What is the significance of Jesus’ ascension into heaven?
Jesus’ ascension into heaven marks the completion of His mission on earth and His return to the Father. It also signifies the beginning of the Church’s mission to spread the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit.
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