Sunday June 10, 2040
Mass Readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- First Reading – 1 Kings 17:17-24: God demonstrates His power and compassion by resurrecting the deceased son of a widow through the prophet Elijah.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 30: The Lord has rescued me, turning my mourning into dancing; I will praise Him forever for His deliverance and steadfast love.
- Second Reading – Galatians 1:11-19: Paul emphasizes the divine origin of his Gospel message, recounting his personal transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a faithful follower of Christ.
- Gospel – Luke 7:11-17: Jesus displays His power and compassion by raising the widow of Nain’s son from the dead, demonstrating His authority over life and death. This miraculous event brings immense joy and astonishment to the people, revealing Jesus as the source of hope and the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Themes for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
On the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the Mass readings invite us to reflect on God’s compassion, transformative power, and faithfulness. These readings emphasize the importance of encountering God’s grace, placing our trust in Him, and witnessing the incredible ways in which He brings forth life, hope, and joy from seemingly impossible situations.
- God’s compassion: The readings illustrate how God’s compassion is displayed through restoring the widow’s son to life in the first reading and raising the widow’s son in the Gospel, demonstrating His ability to bring hope and new life even in the face of despair.
- The importance of faith and trust in God: The Gospel passage emphasizes the significance of the widow’s faith and trust in Jesus, which leads to the miraculous restoration of her son, highlighting the need for unwavering trust in God’s providence.
- Change through encountering Christ: The second reading highlights the transformative power of encountering Christ, as witnessed in the Apostle Paul’s conversion from persecutor to follower, illustrating how encountering Jesus can lead to profound and radical change in our lives.
- God’s faithfulness: The readings showcase God’s faithfulness through the fulfillment of the prophetic word spoken by Elijah, restoring the widow’s son in accordance with God’s promise, reminding us of God’s reliability and commitment to His people.
- The impact of encountering God’s grace: The Gospel passage demonstrates the transformative impact of encountering God’s grace, not only bringing joy to the widow but also inspiring the crowd to glorify God, highlighting how encounters with God’s grace can influence both individual lives and the broader community.
- God’s ability to bring life out of death: The readings illustrate God’s extraordinary power to bring life out of death, exemplified by the restoration of the widow’s son in both the first reading and the Gospel, revealing His capacity to turn mourning into joy and reminding us of the ultimate victory over death through Jesus’ resurrection.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Resources for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday June 10, 2040

Psalm 30: Hope and Trust in God
Many people face struggles and hardships. Psalm 30 shows that we can trust God to help us. This message is encouraging. It reminds us that we are not alone. Take some time to read Psalm 30. Reflect on its message of gratitude and trust in God. Think about times when God has helped you. Pray this Prayer to God My Hope in Time of Fear, which is based on Psalm 30.
Homilies and Reflections for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday June 10, 2040
The Power of Touch: Reaching Lives with the Gospel (Jeff Cavins)
The Whole Gospel is About Resurrection (Bishop Robert Barron)
This reflection from Jeff Cavins on the readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C highlights the power of God over death and the importance of reaching out and touching the lives of others as Jesus did. It contrasts the Pharisees’ emphasis on separation and what they couldn’t do with Jesus’ focus on righteousness and the transformative power of his touch, urging us to interact with the world and share the Gospel fearlessly.
The Whole Gospel is About Resurrection
Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C centers around the Gospel account of Jesus raising the widow of Nain’s son, highlighting it as a powerful illustration of Jesus’ actions pointing towards his own resurrection. The homily emphasizes the Gospel truth that all of Jesus’ words and deeds foreshadow the transformative power of his resurrection.
Making Something From Nothing
Another homily from Bishop Robert Barron for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C highlights the theme of hopelessness and God’s ability to bring new life and grace into our darkest moments. Drawing from the readings, including the accounts of Elijah and Jesus raising the dead, as well as Paul’s conversion, the homily emphasizes that God can create something from nothing and inject grace into our lives if we remain open to Him.
More Thoughts for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
God’s Power to Bring Life from Despair
In the first reading, “Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son,” we witness the extraordinary power of God to bring forth life from despair. Elijah, through God’s intervention, restores the widow’s son to life, offering a glimpse of God’s ability to bring hope and renewal in the face of overwhelming loss.
Similarly, in the Gospel passage, we encounter Jesus as the compassionate Savior who resurrects the son of the widow of Nain. These narratives emphasize God’s unfathomable power to breathe life into the most dire circumstances, instilling in us the reassurance that no situation is beyond His transformative touch.
At the heart of the Gospel passage, we witness Jesus’ deep empathy for the grieving widow. Moved by her profound sorrow, Jesus exercises divine authority over life and death, demonstrating His identity as the embodiment of God’s compassion and mercy. In the face of human suffering, Jesus does not remain distant or aloof. Instead, He enters into our human experience, confronts our pain and sorrow, and offers the gift of new life. Through His actions, Jesus reveals the tender love of the Father and His unrelenting desire to bring healing, restoration, and hope to all.
A Path to Transformation
The conversion of St. Paul serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of encountering Christ. In his letter, Paul recounts his profound shift from a fierce persecutor of Christianity to becoming its great advocate. This radical transformation highlights the life-altering impact of encountering Jesus personally. It reveals that when we open ourselves to His grace, our lives can be utterly transformed, enabling us to fulfill our unique mission in service to God and others. Encountering Christ is not merely an intellectual exercise but a deeply personal journey.
Life often presents us with moments of hopelessness, where despair and uncertainty overshadow our path. Yet, even in the darkest of times, we are called to embrace the hope that God offers. Trusting in His presence and His ability to bring forth new life and grace, we can find solace and strength. God’s power transcends our human limitations, and He invites us to entrust our burdens and struggles to Him, knowing that His love and providence will guide us through.
Sharing God’s Love and Mercy
As recipients of God’s boundless love and mercy, we are called to extend the same compassion and grace to others. Responding to the Gospel’s call, we become instruments through which God’s transformative power can flow into the lives of those around us. By embodying Christ’s love, kindness, and mercy, we participate in His mission of bringing hope and healing to a broken world. As witnesses to the transformative power of the Gospel, we are called to be a source of light, compassion, and inspiration to those in need.
The readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C invite us to embrace the power of God’s grace in our lives. They assure us that no situation is beyond His reach, no despair too great for His healing touch. By encountering Christ, we unlock the doors to personal transformation and become catalysts for hope and renewal in our communities. Let us wholeheartedly embrace the call to share God’s love and mercy, trusting in His ability to bring forth new life and grace, and becoming beacons of His power in the world.
Reflection Questions for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday June 10, 2040
- How have you witnessed God’s ability to bring hope and renewal in the midst of despair? Share a specific experience or story that demonstrates His life-giving presence.
- Reflect on moments when you have encountered Jesus as a compassionate Savior. How has His deep empathy and love impacted your life and relationships? How can you extend that same compassion to others?
- Think about personal encounters with Christ that have led to significant changes in your life. How did those encounters shape your perspective, values, or actions? How can you continue to deepen your relationship with Him and allow His grace to guide your transformation?
- When faced with hopelessness or despair, what has been your typical response? How can you cultivate a deeper trust in God’s presence and His ability to bring new life and grace into challenging situations?
- How can you actively share God’s love and mercy with others in your daily life? Consider practical ways to be a conduit of His compassion and hope to those around you.
- Reflect on the role of hope in your faith journey. How does your hope in God’s promises sustain you during challenging times? How can you nurture and strengthen that hope in your daily life?
- Recall instances when you have experienced acts of compassion and grace from others. How did those experiences impact you? How can you actively extend similar acts of love and grace to those around you?
- How can you create intentional space for encounters with Christ in your daily life? How can you cultivate a deeper awareness of His presence and invite Him to shape your heart and actions through His grace?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Frequently Asked Questions
What date is the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
The next date is Sunday June 10, 2040.
For other years see the links below:
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
What are the Mass readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
The Mass readings for Sunday June 10, 2040 are:
First Reading – 1 Kings 17:17-24: The Widow’s Son Restored
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 30: From Despair to Dancing
Second Reading – Galatians 1:11-19: From Persecutor to Apostle
Gospel – Luke 7:11-17: Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son
What Are the themes for the Mass readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
God’s compassion
The importance of faith and trust in God
Change through encountering Christ
God’s faithfulness
The impact of encountering God’s grace
God’s ability to bring life out of death
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