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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C (July 2, 2028)

Free Resources and Reflections

Mass Readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 2, 2028

  • First Reading1 Kings 19:16B, 19-21: God told Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor. Elisha left his work, said goodbye to his family, and followed Elijah, becoming his assistant.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 16: God is my refuge and my portion. He guides and protects me. My heart is glad, and my soul rejoices, for He will not abandon me. He shows me the path of life.
  • Second ReadingGalatians 5:1, 13-18: Christ freed us to live in freedom, not to indulge the flesh but to serve in love. Live by the Spirit, not by the desires of the flesh.
  • GospelLuke 9:51-62: Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem, facing rejection and instructing his disciples on the cost of following him. He emphasized the urgency and commitment required to proclaim God’s kingdom.

Lectionary Reference: 99

Upcoming dates: July 2, 2028

No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.

Luke 9:62

Themes for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C calls us to reflect on the commitment and freedom of following Jesus. The readings show how making a choice for God demands a deep response, without hesitation or looking back.

  • Commitment to God’s Call: Elisha leaves everything to follow Elijah, showing how we must be ready to give up our old life when God calls us (1 Kings 19). This reflects the Gospel call to follow Jesus without looking back (Luke 9).
  • Freedom in Christ: In Galatians 5, Paul tells us that Christ has set us free. This freedom means living in love and service to others, not for selfish gain.
  • Leaving the Past Behind: Jesus says, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9). This reminds us not to be tied to our old life when we decide to follow Him.
  • Total Surrender to God: Elisha’s burning of his plow shows complete surrender. We too must be ready to let go of our attachments for the sake of following Jesus.
  • Love and Service: Paul calls us to use our freedom to serve one another in love (Galatians 5). Christian freedom means serving others instead of living for ourselves.
  • Urgency in Following Christ: Jesus’ words to His followers show the urgency of His call. There is no time to delay or make excuses when He asks us to follow Him.

The readings for this Sunday remind us of the serious and joyful decision to follow Jesus. We are called to live in freedom, love, and commitment, always ready to follow Him fully.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

Resources for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 2, 2028

Litany of the Call to Discipleship

The Litany of the Call to Discipleship reflects the theme of answering God’s call, which is central to the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. It asks for the grace to follow Jesus, just as the disciples and others in the Gospels did. This prayer encourages us to let go of our attachments and follow Christ with trust and commitment. It connects with the readings, which remind us to prioritize God’s call above everything else. .

Prayer to the God of Goodness

Psalm 16 is the responsorial psalm for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. This psalm celebrates God’s guidance and protection. It invites us to reflect on God’s goodness in our lives, just as the readings call us to trust Him completely as we follow His call. See some background information on Psalm 16 here.

A prayer based on Psalm 16 is also available.

Where Should We Go? A Lesson Plan on Following Jesus

The lesson plan Where Should We Go? explores the idea of following Jesus and walking by faith, which ties in with the message of the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. The readings remind us that God’s call requires us to let go of our own ways and fully trust in Him. This lesson encourages reflection on whether we are following Jesus or relying too much on ourselves. It helps us understand what it means to walk in faith as His disciples.

Homilies and Reflections for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 2, 2028

Following Jesus Comes First

In his homily for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Bishop Robert Barron explains that following Jesus requires making Him the center of our lives. Jesus is not just one teacher among many, but the one who speaks with the authority of God. We must detach from worldly goods like comfort, ethnic identity, and even family when they take priority over Christ. The Gospel shows how Jesus challenges us to follow Him with total commitment, without looking back or being distracted by anything else.

The Yoke

Commitment Without Looking Back

In his reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Jeff Cavins emphasizes the importance of full commitment to following Christ. He discusses how both Elijah and the followers in the Gospel face the challenge of leaving behind their old lives to fully embrace God’s call. Cavins explains that once we decide to follow Jesus, we must not look back or let anything else take priority. He also highlights Galatians 5, which reminds us not to return to the “yoke of bondage” but to live in the freedom Christ offers, keeping Him as our top priority.

Taking the Call

Called to Follow Christ’s Spirit

In his reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Scott Hahn explains that we are called to follow Jesus, who is greater than Elijah. Through Baptism, we take on a new identity, leaving our past behind and following Christ wherever He leads. Unlike Elijah’s call for judgment, we follow a new Spirit of love and service, even in the face of rejection. Hahn reminds us that Jesus sets us free from the old Law and guides us to live by His Spirit, leading us to eternal joy in His presence.

More Thoughts for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C offers important lessons about letting go, preparing others, and living in true freedom. Through the examples of Elijah, Elisha, and Jesus, we are reminded of the need for total commitment to God’s call. The readings also show us the importance of preparing others to continue God’s work and using our freedom to love and serve one another.

Letting Go and Moving Forward

On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we are reminded that following God’s call means leaving behind the things that keep us tied to our old life. Elisha shows us this when he walks away from his work as a farmer to follow Elijah. He doesn’t hold on to what he was doing before. Instead, he burns his plow, showing he is ready to follow God’s path, no matter where it leads.

In the Gospel, Jesus is fully committed to His mission as He heads to Jerusalem. He knows it will be hard and painful, but He doesn’t look back. He leaves behind the comfort and the good reception He had in Galilee. He is focused on what God wants Him to do, and He asks the same of His disciples.

The message for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C is clear. God’s call takes priority over everything else in our lives. Elisha couldn’t go back to say goodbye or take care of unfinished business. Jesus tells His followers that they must leave their attachments behind too if they want to follow Him.

We don’t know what lies ahead when we say yes to God. There will be times when the road is tough, and we are tempted to look back and wish for what we had before. But, just like Elisha and the disciples, we are called to trust God and move forward without hesitation.

On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we are invited to reflect on what might be holding us back. Are there things or habits in our lives that keep us from fully following Jesus? Letting go is hard, but when we do, we make room for new life, just as God promises.

Passing the Mantle

On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we see how Elijah passes his role as a prophet to Elisha. Elijah knows that his time as the main prophet is coming to an end, so he chooses Elisha to continue the work. By placing his cloak on Elisha, Elijah shows that he is handing over his role and preparing someone else to lead.

This is a reminder that leadership is not just about doing a job ourselves. It’s about teaching others how to do it as well. Whether in ministry or other areas of life, there comes a time when we must step aside. A good leader always looks for someone else who can take on the task.

If we don’t teach others, we might fall into the trap of thinking that no one else can do the job as well as we do. This is pride and can hurt the community. By sharing what we know and encouraging others to step up, we realize that it’s not all about us. We are part of something bigger.

The readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C also remind us that ministry is not a solo effort. It is something that involves everyone working together. Elijah doesn’t just finish his work without thinking of the future. He prepares Elisha to carry it on.

As we reflect on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we can ask ourselves if we are helping others learn and grow. Are we ready to pass on what we have learned to the next generation of leaders? By doing this, we ensure that God’s work continues even when our role changes.

Freedom to Love and Serve

On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Paul reminds us that Christ has set us free. This freedom is not about doing whatever we want. Instead, it’s about being free to love and serve others. True freedom means using our lives to care for those around us, not living only for ourselves.

Paul teaches that selfishness is the opposite of the freedom Christ gives us. When we focus on our own desires, we become trapped in pride and greed. But when we use our freedom to love and serve, we find true joy and peace. Serving others shows that we are living as Christ calls us to live.

The readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C help us see that following Jesus is about giving, not taking. We are free from sin and selfishness, but that freedom comes with responsibility. God calls us to live in love and care for one another, just as Christ gave Himself for us.

As we reflect on this message, we can ask ourselves if we are using our freedom to serve others. Are we living for ourselves or for the good of those around us? The freedom Christ gives us leads to a life of love and service, which is the true path to happiness.

As we reflect on the readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we are invited to examine our own lives. Are we fully committed to God’s call, ready to pass on what we have learned, and using our freedom to love others? These reflections challenge us to live with purpose, trust, and generosity.


Lord, help us to follow Your call with open hearts. Give us the strength to let go of anything that holds us back. Teach us to serve others with love and guide us to share Your work with those around us. May we trust in You always. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

  • What is holding me back from fully following God’s call?
  • How can I let go of attachments that keep me tied to the past?
  • In what ways can I help prepare others to continue God’s work?
  • Am I willing to step aside and let someone else lead?
  • Do I sometimes think no one else can do the job as well as I can?
  • How can I better use my freedom in Christ to serve others?
  • Am I living for myself or for the good of those around me?
  • What does true freedom in Christ mean to me?
  • How can I respond to God’s call with greater trust and commitment?
  • What steps can I take to prepare the next generation of leaders in my community?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want. – Galatians 5:16-17

Music Suggestions for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 2, 2028

The music selections for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C focus on themes of following Jesus, letting go of our old life, and trusting in God’s call. Many of the songs speak about answering God’s invitation with a willing heart and committing to the journey, even when it is difficult. Other songs remind us of the freedom we have in Christ, calling us to live in service and love for others. These songs support the message of the readings by encouraging us to walk in faith and trust, knowing that God will guide us.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections, which align with the themes of commitment, trust, and freedom found in the readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Try incorporating them into your liturgy or use them as inspiration for your own choices. Feel free to share your suggestions and experiences in the comments to help others find the right music for this important Sunday.

Questions and Answers for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

What date is the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The next date is Sunday July 2, 2028.
For other years see the links below:
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

What are the Mass readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday July 2, 2028 are:
First Reading – 1 Kings 19:16B, 19-21: Elisha Follows Elijah
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 16: The Lord Is My Portion
Second Reading – Galatians 5:1, 13-18: Live by the Spirit
Gospel – Luke 9:51-62: The Cost of Following Jesus

Why does Elisha leave everything to follow Elijah in the first reading for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

In the first reading, Elisha shows that following God requires leaving behind our old life. This teaches us that when God calls, we need to let go of things that keep us from fully following Him.

Why does Elisha burn his plow?

In the first reading, Elisha burns his plow to show he is leaving his old life completely. This shows us that following God means not keeping anything that might hold us back from fully committing to His call.

How can I apply the second reading for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C to my life?

The second reading talks about freedom in Christ. We can live this out by choosing to serve others with love instead of living only for ourselves.

What does freedom in Christ mean?

The second reading explains that Christ sets us free to live for others. We are called to serve one another in love, not to live for selfish desires.

What does the plow mean in the Gospel reading?

In the Gospel for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the plow represents our old way of living. Jesus teaches that following Him means not going back to our past, but staying focused on our new life with Him.

Why does Jesus seem so strict about following Him?

In the Gospel for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Jesus shows that following Him requires full commitment. We cannot follow Him with half a heart or keep looking back at our old life.

What is the message of the Gospel reading for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The message of the Gospel is that following Jesus takes full focus and no turning back. It challenges us to ask if we are truly ready to follow Him without hesitation.

How does this relate to my daily life?

The readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C remind us to make real choices for God in everyday life. We can ask ourselves if we are truly following Jesus or still holding on to old habits or distractions.

How can I let go of my old life to follow Jesus?

We can ask ourselves if there are things in our life that keep us from fully following Jesus. By letting go of distractions or attachments, we make room to fully follow Him, just like Elisha did.

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