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Saint Alphonsus Liguori was born on September 27, 1696, in Naples, Italy. He was a bright child and very good at his studies. By the age of 16, he became a lawyer. However, he felt called to serve God in a different way.

In 1726, Alphonsus was ordained a priest. He worked hard to help the poor and sick. He was known for his simple and clear sermons. Many people came to him for advice and guidance.

He wanted to do more for people who were far from the church. So, in 1732, he started a new group of priests called the Redemptorists. Their mission was to preach and help those in need, especially in rural areas.

He wrote many books to help people grow in their faith. His teachings on moral theology were very important. Alphonsus died on August 1, 1787. In 1839, he was declared a saint. His legacy continues to inspire many people today.

A Bright Beginning

Saint Alphonsus Liguori was born in Naples, Italy, on September 27, 1696. His family was noble and well-respected. Alphonsus was the eldest of seven children. His parents made sure he received a good education.

He was very intelligent and did well in school. By the age of 16, he had already earned degrees in both civil and canon law. He became a lawyer and started his own practice. People admired his skills and dedication.

Even though he was successful, Alphonsus felt something was missing. He began to feel that God wanted him to do something else. After losing an important case, he decided to leave law and follow a religious path.

At age 27, Alphonsus entered the priesthood. He wanted to serve God and help people. His early life showed his intelligence, hard work, and growing faith. This set the stage for his future mission.

Answering the Call

After leaving his law career, Alphonsus Liguori became a priest in 1726. He was 30 years old. He dedicated himself to serving God and helping others. He spent much of his time preaching and hearing confessions.

He saw the great need for help in poor and rural areas. Many people in these places felt far from the Church. He wanted to bring them back and share God’s love with them. This desire grew stronger over time.

In 1732, Alphonsus founded a new group of priests called the Redemptorists. Their mission was to go to the poor and abandoned. They preached, taught, and provided care to those in need. This new group faced many challenges, but Alphonsus trusted in God.

In 1762, Alphonsus was appointed bishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti. As a bishop, he continued his work of helping the poor and teaching about God’s love. He focused on improving the training of priests and ensuring they could reach out to all people.

The Redemptorists traveled to remote areas. They brought hope and comfort to many people. Alphonsus taught his priests to speak simply and clearly. He wanted everyone to understand the message of God’s love and forgiveness.

The group grew over time. More men joined and became priests. They opened new missions and reached more people. Alphonsus led them with great care and dedication.

Alphonsus’ work with the Redemptorists left a lasting impact. He showed that the Church should care for everyone, especially the poor. Today, the Redemptorists continue to follow his example, spreading God’s love and care around the world.

Words of Wisdom

Saint Alphonsus Liguori wrote many books during his life. He wanted to help people understand their faith better. His writings are still very important today. They cover many topics, from prayer to moral decisions.

One of his most famous books is “The Glories of Mary.” In this book, he explains how Mary helps us and prays for us. He also wrote “The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ,” which teaches about loving Jesus in our daily lives.

He is well-known for his work in moral theology. He wanted to help people make good choices. His book “Moral Theology” gives clear and simple advice. It helps priests and laypeople know what is right and wrong.

He believed that God is merciful and loving. Alphonsus taught that we should always trust in God’s mercy. He also emphasized the importance of confessing our sins and seeking forgiveness. His teachings made it easier for people to follow their faith.

Alphonsus’ writings have helped many people grow closer to God. His clear and simple style makes his books easy to read. His teachings on morality guide people in making good choices. Today, many still read his works and find them helpful in their spiritual journey.

A Saint for All

Feast Day: August 1

Saint Alphonsus Liguori passed away on August 1, 1787. He had dedicated his life to serving God and helping others. His work and teachings left a strong impact on the Church. Many people admired his dedication and love for God.

In 1839, Alphonsus was declared a saint by Pope Gregory XVI. This means the Church officially recognized him as a holy person. People could now honor him as a model of faith. His canonization was a joyful event for many who followed his teachings.

The Redemptorist order, which he founded, continues his mission. They work in many countries, helping the poor and spreading the message of God’s love. They follow the example set by Saint Alphonsus.

Saint Alphonsus’ legacy lives on through his writings and the work of the Redemptorists. Many people still read his books and find guidance in his teachings. His life shows us the importance of faith, mercy, and helping others.

Saint Alphonsus’ feast day is celebrated on August 1st. This is a special day to remember his life and work. Many people attend Mass and say prayers in his honor. It is a time to reflect on his contributions and seek his intercession.

Patron Saint of…

Alphonsus is the patron saint of moral theologians and confessors. This means he is a special protector and guide for these groups. They look to him for inspiration and help in their work. His teachings on moral theology are still studied today.

Daily Mass Readings for the Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

In addition to the suggested readings below, the readings may also be taken from the weekday readings, the Common of Pastors, or the Commons of Doctors of the Church.

  • First ReadingRomans 8:1-4: In Christ, we are free from condemnation. God sent his Son to fulfill the law’s requirements, enabling us to live by the Spirit.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 119: I seek to follow God’s words and cherish his promises, asking for guidance to stay pure and faithful to his commands.
  • Gospel Matthew 5:13-19: Jesus teaches his disciples to be salt and light, fulfilling the law, and warns against breaking or teaching others to break God’s commandments.

Homilies, Commentaries, and Reflections

Following Saint Alphonsus’ Example

Saint Alphonsus Liguori’s life teaches us many valuable lessons. He showed great courage by leaving his successful law career to become a priest. This reminds us to listen to God’s call in our own lives. Sometimes, we need to make difficult choices to follow the path God has for us.

Alphonsus dedicated himself to helping the poor and the sick. He traveled to rural areas to preach and provide care. This inspires us to look beyond our own needs and help others. We can find ways to serve in our communities, just like he did.

His writings on moral theology offer clear and simple guidance. Alphonsus emphasized God’s mercy and forgiveness. He taught that no matter how many times we fall, we can always seek God’s help and forgiveness. This is a comforting message for us, encouraging us to turn back to God when we make mistakes.

The Redemptorist order, founded by Alphonsus, continues to spread his message. They reach out to those in need and provide support and care. We can be inspired by their mission and find ways to contribute to our own communities. By following Saint Alphonsus’ example, we can grow in our faith and help bring God’s love to others.

Reflection Questions

  • How can I listen more closely to God’s call in my life, like Saint Alphonsus did?
  • What are some ways I can help the poor and the sick in my community?
  • How can I better seek and accept God’s mercy and forgiveness in my daily life?
  • In what ways can I contribute to spreading God’s love and care, inspired by the Redemptorist mission?
  • What difficult choices might I need to make to follow the path God has for me?
  • How can I use the teachings of Saint Alphonsus to guide my moral decisions?
  • What can I learn from Saint Alphonsus’ dedication and courage that can strengthen my own faith journey?


Video: Learn more about this saint, his vocation, and how he founded the Redepmtorist order. He turned a failure into service to God’s people. He brought the gospel and the sacraments to simple people. He was convinced that God desires to save every single person.

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Questions and Answers

Who was Saint Alphonsus Liguori?

He was a Catholic priest and founder of the Redemptorists.

When was Saint Alphonsus Liguori born?

He was born on September 27, 1696.

What did Saint Alphonsus Liguori do before becoming a priest?

He was a lawyer before he became a priest.

When did Saint Alphonsus Liguori become a priest?

He became a priest in 1726.

What group did Saint Alphonsus Liguori found?

He founded the Redemptorists in 1732.

What is Saint Alphonsus Liguori known for in his writings?

He is known for his books on prayer, moral theology, and devotion to Mary. One famous book by him is “The Glories of Mary.”

When did Saint Alphonsus Liguori die?

He died on August 1, 1787.

When was Saint Alphonsus Liguori canonized?

He was canonized in 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI.

What is Saint Alphonsus Liguori the patron saint of?

He is the patron saint of moral theologians and confessors.

What are the Mass readings for the Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church?

In addition to the suggested readings below, the readings may also be taken from the weekday readings, the Common of Pastors, or the Commons of Doctors of the Church.
First Reading – Romans 8:1-4: Living by the Spirit
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 119: Seeking God’s Guidance
Gospel – Matthew 5:13-19: Teaching on Salt, Light, and the Law


Saint Alphonsus Liguori was born on September 27, 1696, in Naples, Italy. He was very bright and became a lawyer at a young age. Despite his success, he felt called to serve God. At 30, he left his law career and became a priest.

Alphonsus saw the great need to help the poor and the sick. He traveled to rural areas to preach and provide care. In 1732, he founded the Redemptorists, a group of priests dedicated to this mission. They faced many challenges but continued their work with dedication.

Alphonsus wrote many books to help people understand their faith. His writings on prayer and moral theology are still important today. He taught about God’s mercy and forgiveness, making his teachings easy to understand.

Saint Alphonsus died on August 1, 1787. He was canonized in 1839. His feast day is August 1st, and he is the patron saint of moral theologians and confessors. The Redemptorist order continues his mission, spreading his message of God’s love and care.

Your Turn

Learn more about Saint Alphonsus Liguori and his inspiring life. Read his books or explore the work of the Redemptorists.

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. Let’s discuss how his teachings can guide us today. Join the conversation and grow in faith together.

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