The Presentation of Mary
Feast Day: November 21

The Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a special day in the Church. It celebrates when Mary, as a young child, was presented to God at the Temple by her parents, Saints Joachim and Anne. Though this the presentation of Mary is not found in the Bible, it comes from ancient Church tradition.
This feast is important because it shows Mary’s life was dedicated to God from the very beginning. From her conception, she was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. The Presentation reminds us that Mary’s whole life was set apart for a special purpose.
In the Church calendar, this feast takes place on November 21. It has been celebrated for many centuries. By honoring this moment in Mary’s life, the Church also invites us to think about our own dedication to God.
The origins of this feast are found in writings from the early Church. One important source is the Protoevangelium of James, an ancient text from the second century. It tells the story of Mary’s parents bringing her to the Temple when she was three years old, where she stayed and grew in holiness. Over time, this story became part of the Church’s memory and tradition.
Mary’s Story: Tradition and Faith
The story of the Presentation of Mary comes from ancient tradition. It is not found in the Bible, but it is based on writings from the early Church. One important source is the Protoevangelium of James, an early Christian text from around the second century. This book tells us that Mary’s parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, took her to the Temple when she was three years old. There, they presented her to God as a sign of their gratitude.
In the Jewish tradition, it was common for parents to dedicate their children to God. This custom was part of the faith of Israel, especially for families who had received a special blessing from God. Saints Joachim and Anne had prayed for many years to have a child, and when Mary was born, they wanted to offer her life back to God. This is the root of the Presentation story.
The Protoevangelium of James says that Mary stayed in the Temple after her parents presented her. She was raised in the Temple and spent her time in prayer and learning about God. This story highlights Mary’s early commitment to God’s will, even as a small child. It shows that she was prepared by God for her special role in salvation history.
While this story is not part of Scripture, it has been embraced by the Church. It helps us understand more about Mary’s early life and her deep connection to God. Over the centuries, this tradition became part of the Church’s teaching about Mary’s holiness and her special mission as the Mother of Jesus.
Mary’s Yes: A Life for God
The Presentation of Mary is more than just a story about her childhood. It shows us the beginning of Mary’s role in God’s plan for salvation. From the very start, Mary was set apart for a special mission. Her presentation at the Temple reminds us that God had chosen her to be the Mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world.
The Presentation marks the beginning of Mary’s total dedication to God. Even as a young child, Mary gave her life to God. This dedication would continue throughout her life, especially when she said “yes” to becoming the Mother of Jesus at the Annunciation. Her “yes” to God’s will was complete, from her early years to her final moments on earth.
Mary’s purity and obedience to God are shown in her Presentation. She was free from sin from the moment of her conception, a special grace given to her by God. Her obedience is seen in the way she followed God’s plan without hesitation. She trusted God completely, even when she didn’t know all the details. This trust began in her childhood and remained strong throughout her life.
The Presentation also highlights Mary’s unique relationship with God. She was chosen to carry Jesus in her womb, to nurture Him, and to share in His mission. From the very beginning, Mary had a special place in God’s plan. Her life was marked by grace, purity, and a deep connection to God. Through her example, we learn how to say “yes” to God and live a life dedicated to His will.
Following Mary’s Example
The Presentation of Mary shows us her complete trust in God. From a young age, she gave her life to God without holding back. This trust continued throughout her life, especially when she agreed to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary always believed that God’s plan was best, even when it was difficult. Her life teaches us to trust God with everything, knowing He will guide us.
We can follow Mary’s example by living with the same trust and commitment to God’s will. In our daily lives, we face choices and challenges. Like Mary, we are called to say “yes” to God, even when we don’t understand the full picture. Her example encourages us to listen to God’s voice and to follow Him with faith.
Devotion to Mary helps us grow in holiness. When we honor her and ask for her prayers, she leads us closer to Jesus. Mary’s life was centered on Jesus, and she helps us do the same. By following her example and asking for her help, we grow in our love for God.
Consecrating ourselves to Mary is an important step in spiritual growth. It means giving our lives to Jesus through Mary, trusting that she will help us become more like her Son. Many saints have encouraged this practice because they knew how powerful Mary’s help can be. When we give ourselves to her, she brings us closer to Jesus and helps us live holy lives.
Honoring the Presentation of Mary Today
The Church celebrates the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on November 21. This feast is remembered during Mass with special prayers that honor Mary’s dedication to God. The readings reflect Mary’s role in God’s plan and her importance in the Church. It is a day to reflect on how her life was fully given to God from the very beginning.
Many Catholics also celebrate this day with devotions to Mary. These include praying the Rosary, offering personal prayers, and reflecting on the virtues of Mary. In some places, processions are held, with people carrying statues or images of Mary as a sign of their love and devotion. These processions are a way for the faithful to publicly honor Mary and ask for her intercession.
In religious communities, especially those dedicated to Mary, this feast is often marked with special prayers and acts of consecration. Some people choose this day to consecrate or renew their consecration to Mary, giving their lives to Jesus through her. This act of devotion is a way to follow Mary’s example of complete trust in God’s plan.
Honoring Mary’s Presentation is important because it reminds us of her unique role in the Church. As the Mother of Jesus, she is a model of holiness for all believers. By celebrating this feast, we acknowledge her role in salvation history and her ongoing presence in the life of the Church. She continues to guide and pray for us, leading us closer to her Son.
Daily Mass Readings for the for the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- First Reading – Zechariah 2:14-17: The Lord will come to live among his people, and many nations will join him. Silence before the Lord, for he has risen from his holy place.
- Responsorial Psalm – Luke 1: My soul praises God for his great works. He lifts the humble, fills the hungry, and remembers his promise of mercy to Israel and all generations. His Name is holy forever.
- Gospel – Matthew 12:46-50: When Jesus was told that his mother and brothers were outside, he pointed to his disciples, saying that anyone who follows God’s will is his true family.
Homilies and Reflections
Order of Preachers: As the World Falls Apart, Sing a New Song
Fr. Scott Steinkerchner reflects on the Presentation of Mary by drawing from Revelation’s imagery of the scroll, the lamb, and the breaking of seals. He encourages us to see the collapse of the old world as a chance to embrace a new one built on love and compassion. Just as heaven celebrates the arrival of a new order, we too can let go of division and anger, allowing something better to rise in our hearts. The Presentation of Mary reminds us to welcome God’s call to renewal and unity, where all people work together in harmony and peace.
Reflection: Mary’s Life of Dedication
The Presentation of Mary is a reminder of how her life was given to God from the very beginning. Her parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, brought her to the Temple as a young child, offering her to God in gratitude. Even though this story isn’t found in the Bible, it is part of the Church’s tradition and shows how special Mary’s role was in God’s plan.
Mary’s dedication to God didn’t start with the Annunciation when she said “yes” to being the Mother of Jesus. It began even earlier, from the moment of her presentation. She was set apart for God’s purposes, and her life was shaped by trust in God’s will. Her example shows us that every life, from the start, has a purpose and can be dedicated to God.
In our own lives, we can follow Mary’s example by offering ourselves to God. Just like her, we might not always know what God’s plan is, but we can trust that He has a special purpose for us. Mary teaches us that saying “yes” to God, even in small things, leads us closer to Him and helps us grow in holiness.
The Presentation of Mary also reminds us to trust God, even when we don’t understand. Her complete faith in God, from her childhood to the end of her life, shows us how to follow God’s plan without fear. In our daily lives, we face challenges and decisions. Like Mary, we can choose to trust that God will guide us in every step.
Reflection Questions
- How can I dedicate more of my life to God’s will, like Mary did?
- Are there areas in my life where I find it difficult to trust God’s plan?
- How can I ask for Mary’s help in growing closer to Jesus?
From among the descendants of Eve, God chose the Virgin Mary to be the mother of his Son. “Full of grace”, Mary is “the most excellent fruit of redemption” (SC 103): from the first instant of her conception, she was totally preserved from the stain of original sin and she remained pure from all personal sin throughout her life.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 508
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Questions and Answers about the Presentation of Mary
What is the Presentation of Mary?
The Presentation of Mary is when, according to tradition, Mary’s parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, brought her to the Temple as a child to dedicate her to God. This event is celebrated by the Church every year on November 21.
Is the Presentation of Mary found in the Bible?
No, the story of the Presentation of Mary is not in the Bible. It comes from early Church tradition, especially from a text called the Protoevangelium of James.
Why is the Presentation of Mary important?
The Presentation of Mary is important because it shows her complete dedication to God from a young age. It reminds us that Mary’s life was fully given to God’s will, preparing her to be the Mother of Jesus.
How does the Church celebrate the Presentation of Mary?
The Church celebrates the Presentation of Mary with special prayers and readings at Mass on November 21. Many Catholics also pray the Rosary or take part in devotions honoring Mary on this day.
What does the Presentation of Mary teach us?
The Presentation of Mary teaches us about trusting God and giving our lives to Him. Mary’s early dedication to God shows us how to follow God’s plan and live a life of holiness.
What is the Protoevangelium of James?
The Protoevangelium of James is an ancient Christian text that tells stories about Mary’s early life, including her Presentation at the Temple. Although it’s not part of the Bible, it has been important in shaping Christian tradition.
How can we honor the Presentation of Mary?
We can honor the Presentation of Mary by praying to her, reflecting on her life, and following her example of trust and obedience to God. Some people also choose to consecrate themselves to Mary on this day.
What are the Mass readings for the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
First Reading – Zechariah 2:14-17: Rejoice, Daughter Zion
Responsorial Psalm – Luke 1: God’s Greatness
Gospel – Matthew 12:46-50: True Family of Christ
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a special day celebrated by the Church on November 21. This feast remembers the tradition of Mary’s parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, bringing her to the Temple as a child. They dedicated her to God’s service, showing that her life was meant for a special mission.
Though this story is not found in the Bible, it comes from ancient Church tradition, especially the Protoevangelium of James. This early text explains how Mary was given to God and stayed in the Temple, where she grew in holiness. Her Presentation shows her early trust and dedication to God’s plan.
Theologically, the Presentation reveals Mary’s role in salvation history. It reminds us that her life was fully given to God, preparing her to become the Mother of Jesus. Mary’s purity and obedience to God’s will began in her childhood, and her example is a model for all Christians.
Today, the Church celebrates this feast with Mass and special prayers. Many Catholics also honor Mary with devotions, such as the Rosary. The Presentation of Mary is a reminder of her unique role in the Church and invites us to imitate her complete trust in God.
Your Turn
As we reflect on the Presentation of Mary, let us look at how we can dedicate our own lives to God. Mary’s example shows us the importance of trust and obedience to His will. Take time to pray and think about how Mary’s life can inspire your faith. Share your thoughts and experiences about honoring Mary in the comment section below. How has devotion to Mary helped you in your spiritual life? Your story could inspire others on their journey of faith!
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