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Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

Saturday June 8, 2024

Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years.

  • First Reading (Cycle 1) - Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20: Tobit instructs his son Tobiah to give what is due to the man who accompanied him on a journey, along with a bonus. Later, the angel Raphael reveals his true identity, praises God, and encourages righteous acts. He instructs Tobit to document their encounters before ascending to God.
  • First Reading (Cycle 2) - 2 Timothy 4:1-8: Proclaim the word persistently, endure hardship, evangelize, and await the Lord's appearance for a crown of righteousness.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 1) - Tobit 13: Blessed be the eternal God, praised for His deeds, exalted as the King of ages, His power shown to a sinful nation, and His chosen ones celebrating and praising His majesty.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 2) - Psalm 71: May I forever hold onto hope, extolling your salvation and declaring your justice and wondrous deeds, expressing gratitude and singing your praises with instruments.
  • Gospel - Mark 12:38-44: Jesus criticizes the religious leaders for their hypocrisy and self-importance, highlighting their desire for public recognition. He then observes a poor widow who gives sacrificially, commending her for her genuine and wholehearted offering, emphasizing the value of her small but meaningful contribution.

Themes for the Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

  • Hypocrisy: In this passage, Jesus criticizes the religious leaders for their hypocritical behavior. He points out that they enjoy receiving honor and attention from others, but they don't genuinely care for the well-being of the people they are supposed to serve. Jesus encourages people to be aware of such hypocrisy and not to be deceived by outward appearances.
  • Selfless Giving: Jesus observes a poor widow who comes to the temple and puts in two small coins as an offering. Although her offering seems insignificant compared to the rich people's contributions, Jesus praises her because she gave out of her poverty, giving all she had. This teaches us the importance of giving from the heart and being generous, even if we don't have much. Jesus values selfless giving and emphasizes that it's not the amount we give that matters, but the sincerity and sacrifice behind our actions.

Thoughts for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

In Mark 12:38-44, the gospel for Saturday of the 9th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus imparts a lesson on true generosity. He warns his disciples about religious leaders who exhibit outward displays of piety for personal recognition. Instead, Jesus directs their attention to a humble widow who offers all she has to the temple treasury. Her meager gift of two small copper coins holds great significance in Jesus' eyes. It is not the amount that matters, but the sincerity and selflessness behind the act. This passage challenges us to reflect on the authenticity of our own giving and the intentions of our hearts.

The story of the widow's offering encourages us to reconsider our understanding of generosity. The widow's gift, though seemingly insignificant in material value, speaks volumes about her unwavering trust in God's providence. While others contributed out of their abundance, she gave sacrificially from her poverty. This serves as a reminder that true generosity goes beyond monetary value. It requires a genuine willingness to make sacrifices for the well-being of others, trusting that God will provide for our needs.

As we contemplate the widow's example, we are challenged to evaluate our motives in acts of charity. Jesus condemns the desire for public recognition displayed by the religious leaders. Instead, he calls us to selfless giving, driven by a desire to serve God and our fellow human beings. The widow's offering invites us to examine our own hearts and consider if our giving is driven by love, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. May we be inspired by the widow's faith and generosity, and may her story ignite a transformation within us, leading us to a deeper understanding and practice of true generosity in our own lives.

Prayer for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to cultivate true generosity in our hearts, so that we may give without seeking recognition and serve others with love and compassion. May our acts of charity be driven by a sincere desire to honor You and uplift those in need. Amen.

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Homilies and Reflections for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

Word on Fire: Embracing Divine Generosity

In his reflection for Saturday of the 9th week in ordinary time, Bishop Robert Barron highlights the Gospel's message of the poor widow's generosity, which mirrors God's abundant and grace-filled giving. Christianity celebrates God's overwhelming generosity and calls upon believers to emulate it by becoming conduits of grace for others, inspired by the notion that if amazing grace has saved them, they should extend that grace to every lost soul they encounter.

USCCB Reflection: Embracing Holy Trust

This video reflection from the USCCB for Saturday of the 9th week in Ordinary Time explores the theme of trusting in God's providence and surrendering our own desires. It draws upon the readings of Tobit's surprising encounter with the angel Raphael and the story of the Widow's mite, emphasizing the importance of having unwavering trust in God's care and abandoning ourselves to His guidance and love.

Frequently Asked Questions for Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

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