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Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

  • First ReadingRuth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17: Ruth, a Moabite, gleans in Boaz’s field, who shows her favor. He marries her, and they have a son named Obed, the grandfather of David. The women celebrate Naomi’s blessing of an heir.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 128: Those who fear the LORD and walk in his ways are blessed. They will enjoy the fruits of their labor, a fruitful family, and witness the prosperity of Jerusalem.
  • Gospel Matthew 23:1-12: Jesus warned the people to follow the teachings of the scribes and Pharisees but not their actions. He urged humility, reminding them that the greatest among them must serve others.

Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice.

Matthew 23:3

Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the readings from the Book of Ruth and the Gospel of Matthew offer lessons on humility, kindness, and God’s plan for our lives. The story of Ruth and the teachings of Jesus guide us to live in a way that honors God and serves others.

  • Kindness to strangers: Ruth is welcomed by Boaz and treated with kindness, even though she is a foreigner. This shows the importance of being kind and caring to everyone, especially those who are new or different.
  • God’s plan at work: Boaz’s kindness to Ruth leads to a future filled with blessings, including her place in the lineage of David. This reminds us that God has a plan for our lives, even in ordinary situations.
  • Humility in leadership: In the Gospel, Jesus warns against seeking honor and titles. He teaches that true greatness comes from being humble and serving others, not from seeking recognition.
  • Respect for the elderly: Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, is cared for and honored by Ruth. This highlights the value of respecting and caring for the elderly in our families and communities.
  • Reward for faithfulness: Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi and her commitment to God lead to her being blessed with a new family. This encourages us to stay faithful in our duties and trust in God’s timing.
  • Avoiding hypocrisy: Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for saying one thing but doing another. He calls us to be genuine in our actions and words, living out what we believe.

These readings remind us of the value of humility, kindness, and faithfulness in our daily lives. By following these teachings, we can better serve God and those around us.

Reflection for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the readings guide us to reflect on themes of kindness, humility, and faithfulness. The story of Ruth and the teachings of Jesus offer valuable lessons for our daily lives. They invite us to examine how we treat others and how we live out our faith.

The Power of Kindness to Strangers

In the first reading for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, Ruth is a foreigner in a new land, vulnerable and in need of help. Boaz, a man of wealth and standing, chooses to treat Ruth with kindness and generosity. He does not see her as an outsider but as someone worthy of care and respect. This act of kindness is not only a blessing for Ruth but also for Boaz, as it leads to a relationship that changes both their lives.

This reading reminds us of the importance of being kind to those who are different from us or who are in need. Like Boaz, we are called to look beyond someone’s background or status and see them as a person loved by God. On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we are encouraged to reach out to others, especially those who may be new or unfamiliar to us, and show them the same kindness and respect that we would want for ourselves.

Jesus also teaches about kindness in the Gospel, though in a broader sense. He warns against living for the approval of others and encourages humility. Just as Boaz did not seek praise for his actions, we too are called to act out of genuine love and care for others, not for recognition. On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, both readings remind us that kindness is not just a feeling but a choice to act in love toward others.

True Greatness Through Humility

In the Gospel reading for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, Jesus addresses the desire for honor and recognition. He cautions against seeking titles and positions of power, which can lead to pride and self-importance. Instead, Jesus teaches that true greatness comes from being humble and serving others without expecting anything in return. This teaching is a challenge to the way the world often measures success.

Humility means putting others before ourselves and recognizing that our worth does not come from titles or praise. On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, this lesson encourages us to examine our own lives and the motivations behind our actions. Are we serving others out of love, or are we seeking recognition? Jesus calls us to choose the path of humility, where the greatest among us are those who serve.

The first reading also reflects this theme in a different way. Ruth, though she has little, does not demand anything from those around her. She works hard and humbly accepts the kindness shown to her. Boaz, a man of standing, treats Ruth with the same humility that Jesus speaks of in the Gospel. On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we see that humility is not just about thinking less of ourselves, but about thinking of others first and serving them with a sincere heart.

Blessings Through Faithfulness

On Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the first reading shows us the faithfulness of Ruth, who stays with her mother-in-law Naomi despite the hardships they face. Ruth’s loyalty and hard work do not go unnoticed by Boaz, who recognizes her character and decides to help her. This leads to Ruth being blessed with a new family and a secure future, showing that faithfulness and dedication bring blessings.

The Gospel reading echoes this idea of faithfulness but in the context of our relationship with God and others. Jesus teaches that being faithful means living out our faith not just in words, but in actions. He warns against saying one thing and doing another, which is a form of hypocrisy. True faithfulness is consistent, whether people are watching or not.

Both readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 remind us that God sees our faithfulness, even in the small things. Ruth’s story shows how staying true to our responsibilities and to God can lead to unexpected blessings. The Gospel challenges us to be faithful in living out our beliefs, serving others with sincerity, and staying true to our commitments. Through faithfulness, we can experience the fullness of God’s blessings in our lives.

As we reflect on the readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, we are encouraged to embody the values of kindness, humility, and faithfulness in all we do. By following these teachings, we draw closer to God and become better servants to those around us. May we live these truths each day.


Lord, help us to be kind, humble, and faithful in all we do. Teach us to serve others without seeking recognition and to trust in your plan for our lives. Guide us to live out our faith with sincerity and love. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How can you show kindness to someone who is new or different in your community?
  • In what ways can you practice humility in your daily life?
  • How does Ruth’s faithfulness inspire you in your own responsibilities?
  • Are there areas in your life where you struggle with being genuine or consistent in your actions and beliefs?

Homilies and Commentaries for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

The Burden of Moral Superiority

In his reflection on the Gospel for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Year 1, Robert Barron’s focuses on Jesus’ critique of religious leaders who burden people with rigid moral demands while inflating their own egos. The core of Jesus’ message,

Bishop Barron points out, is about being willing to help others bear their burdens. Religious leaders mustn’t use law and morality as ego boosters; the true mark of greatness in the spiritual life is servitude. Jesus advises those in spiritual leadership to avoid seeking marks of respect and instead find satisfaction in doing work on behalf of God’s kingdom.

The Pitfall of Indifference

This USCCB reflection for Saturday of the the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 discusses how spiritual indifference can hinder our relationships with God and others. Using the story of Ruth and Boaz, it shows how love can overcome indifference, guiding us towards empathy and humility in faith. It also warns that getting too caught up in religious law without compassion can lead to this problematic indifference.

The video suggests that practicing mercy is an effective way to counteract this issue. Lastly, it urges viewers to be mindful of how indifference could impact their own spiritual journey and encourages the practice of love and care as a remedy.

Questions and Answers for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

What date is Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The next date is Saturday August 23, 2025.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.

What are the Mass readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Mass readings for Saturday August 23, 2025 are:
First Reading – Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17: Ruth and Boaz
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 128: Blessings for the Faithful
Gospel – Matthew 23:1-12: The Seat of Moses

What does Ruth’s story teach us about kindness in the first reading for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Ruth’s story shows us that kindness to others, especially strangers, can lead to unexpected blessings. We see how being kind can have a big impact on both the giver and the receiver.

Why is it important to care for the elderly?

Ruth takes care of her mother-in-law, Naomi, showing us the importance of honoring and supporting the elderly. This reminds us to respect and care for older family members and others in our community.

How does Ruth’s faithfulness relate to our lives?

Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi and to God brings her many blessings. We are reminded that staying faithful in our responsibilities and trust in God will lead to rewards, even if we cannot see them now.

Why is humility important in the Gospel reading for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Gospel reading teaches us that humility is key to being truly great. Jesus tells us not to seek titles or praise, but to serve others with a humble heart.

What can we learn about leadership from the Gospel?

True leadership is about serving others, not being served. We learn that we should lead with humility and put others’ needs before our own.

How can we avoid hypocrisy in our lives?

Jesus teaches that we should be genuine in what we say and do, without pretending to be something we are not. We are called to live honestly and align our actions with our beliefs.

Lessons of Kindness, Humility, and Faithfulness

The readings for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 teach us about kindness, humility, and faithfulness. In the first reading, Ruth finds herself in a new land, vulnerable and in need of help. Boaz shows her great kindness and treats her with respect, even though she is a foreigner. This story reminds us to care for those who may be different from us and to treat everyone with love and generosity.

The Gospel reading focuses on humility. Jesus warns against seeking honor and recognition for selfish reasons. He reminds us that true greatness comes from serving others with a humble heart. Boaz’s kindness to Ruth reflects this humility, as he helps her without seeking attention or praise. These readings call us to examine how we treat others and whether our actions are guided by love and humility.

Faithfulness is another key theme in Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and her hard work show her deep commitment to her responsibilities. Her faithfulness leads to blessings, as Boaz recognizes her character and chooses to help her. The Gospel also highlights faithfulness by reminding us to live out our beliefs with sincerity and consistency. These lessons encourage us to stay loyal to God and to the people in our lives.

Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invites us to reflect on how we live out kindness, humility, and faithfulness in our daily lives. These values not only draw us closer to God but also help us to build stronger and more loving relationships with others.

Your Turn

Take a moment to reflect on the lessons from Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. How can you show kindness, practice humility, or be more faithful in your life? Think about how these values can guide your actions this week.

We would love to hear your thoughts. How do the readings speak to you? Share your experiences and reflections in the comments. Let’s inspire one another to live out these important teachings.

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