Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Thursday February 6, 2025
Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
- First Reading – Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24: You approach not a fearsome mountain, but Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, amidst joyous angels and the righteous. Here, Jesus mediates a new covenant, offering redemption and hope.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 48: In God’s temple, we ponder His kindness. His mountain, beautiful and joyous, stands firm. In Jerusalem, His power and love extend worldwide.
- Gospel – Mark 6:7-13: Jesus empowered the Twelve Apostles to expel demons and instructed them to travel with minimal belongings for their mission. They were advised to find hospitality in one home per town and, if rejected, to leave with a symbolic gesture of shaking off dust. They preached repentance, cast out demons, and healed many.
Themes for the Readings for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
On Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the readings highlight God’s call to holiness and trust in His guidance. They remind us of the greatness of the new covenant in Christ and the mission to spread the Gospel.
- God’s Majesty and Holiness: The first reading shows the awe and majesty of God, contrasting Mount Sinai with Mount Zion. It teaches that God is holy and calls His people to a deep respect and love for Him.
- The New Covenant in Christ: The first reading speaks of the new relationship we have through Jesus. This covenant brings us closer to God and gives us hope in His promises.
- Trusting in God’s Mission: The Gospel describes Jesus sending the apostles out with faith. He calls them to trust in His care as they preach and heal.
- Living Simply for the Gospel: Jesus tells the apostles to take little for their journey. This reminds us to rely on God, not on possessions or worldly things.
- Healing and Deliverance: The apostles heal and free people from evil in the Gospel. This shows that Jesus’ mission includes healing both body and soul.
- The Call to Obedience: Both readings remind us to listen and obey God. Through obedience, we grow in faith and holiness.
Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invites us to trust in God and share His love with others. The readings encourage us to walk in faith, relying on Him for all that we need.
Reflection for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
The readings for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invite us to reflect on God’s holiness, trust in His care, and obedience to His call. They show how God’s greatness is both awe-inspiring and deeply personal. These lessons remind us to approach Him with love, humility, and a willingness to follow His lead.
Standing in Awe of God
The first reading for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 describes the holiness and majesty of God. Mount Sinai shows the fear and trembling of the people as they witnessed God’s power. This reminds us that God is beyond anything we can imagine. He is holy and perfect, and we owe Him our respect and love.
Mount Zion, however, points to a new way of approaching God through Jesus. Jesus makes it possible for us to draw near to God with trust and hope. This does not mean we lose our awe for Him. Instead, it shows us that His greatness is matched by His closeness to those who follow Him.
Reflecting on this, we are called to keep a balance in our faith. We should honor God as holy and majestic while also trusting Him as our loving Father. This balance helps us grow in respect and love for Him every day.
Trusting God Instead of Possessions
In the Gospel for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus sends the apostles out with almost nothing. He tells them to take no food, money, or extra clothes. This seems hard, but it teaches a powerful lesson about trusting God for everything we need.
The apostles had to rely on the hospitality of others and God’s care during their mission. This allowed them to focus completely on their work of preaching and healing. It reminds us to not let material things get in the way of our faith.
We can take this lesson into our own lives by looking at how much we rely on possessions or comfort. Are we trusting God to guide us, or are we putting our security in things? This Gospel invites us to simplify our lives and trust that God will always provide for us.
Obedience to God’s Call
Both the first reading and the Gospel for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 speak about listening to God and following His call. In the first reading, the people of Israel are reminded of God’s power and holiness, which demand obedience and respect. In the Gospel, the apostles obey Jesus’ command to go out and share His message with others.
Obedience requires trust. The Israelites had to trust God even when His ways were overwhelming. The apostles had to trust Jesus as they went out with no guarantees of comfort or success. In both cases, God was leading His people to something greater than they could imagine.
This obedience also applies to us. God calls each of us to follow Him in our daily lives. It might be through acts of service, sharing our faith, or simply trusting Him in difficult times. When we listen and obey, we are walking in the footsteps of those who trusted God before us.
As we think about the themes of this day, we are called to examine our relationship with God. Do we trust Him enough to let go of worldly things? Are we ready to share His message with others? These reflections can help us draw closer to God and live out our faith more fully.
Lord, you are holy and loving. Help us to stand in awe of you and trust in your care. Teach us to rely on you and not on the things of this world. Guide us to follow your call with courage and faith. May we always live as your faithful servants. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How do you show respect and love for God in your daily life?
- What possessions or comforts might be keeping you from trusting God fully?
- When have you felt God calling you to step out in faith or obedience?
- How can you share God’s love and message with others in simple ways?
Homilies and Commentaries for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
Questions and Answers for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
What date is Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The next date is Thursday February 6, 2025.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.
What are the Mass readings for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The Mass readings for Thursday February 6, 2025 are:
First Reading – Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24: You’ve Come to Mount Zion
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 48: Reflections on Divine Kindness
Gospel – Mark 6:7-13: Empowerment and Mission of the Twelve
What is the meaning of Mount Sinai and Mount Zion in the first reading for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
Mount Sinai represents God’s holiness and the fear that the people felt in His presence. Mount Zion represents the closeness we now have with God through Jesus.
Why is the new covenant important?
The new covenant brings us closer to God. It shows that Jesus made a way for us to have a better relationship with Him.
What does the first reading say about God’s holiness?
The first reading reminds us that God is holy and worthy of great respect. It also shows that through Jesus, we can approach God with love and trust.
Why is obedience to God important?
Obedience to God helps us grow in faith. It shows that we trust His plan for our lives.
What does it mean when Jesus sends the apostles out two by two in the Gospel for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
Jesus sends them out in pairs to support one another. This reminds us to share our faith with others and to help each other in our mission.
Why does Jesus tell the apostles to take so little with them?
Jesus wants them to trust in God for their needs. This teaches us to depend on God instead of putting our trust in possessions.
How do the apostles heal and drive out evil?
The apostles act with the power Jesus gives them. This shows that God works through us to help and heal others.
What can we learn from the apostles’ mission?
The apostles show us how to trust in God and share the Gospel. We are also called to share God’s love with others.
How can we live simply like the apostles?
We can focus on what matters most, like faith and helping others. Trusting God and not worrying about material things helps us live simply.
What is the main message of Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The readings remind us to trust in God and share His love. They encourage us to rely on Him and live our faith every day.
Trusting God and Sharing His Love
Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 calls us to reflect on God’s greatness and our mission as followers of Christ. The first reading speaks about two mountains: Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. Mount Sinai shows us the holiness and majesty of God, which filled people with awe and fear. Mount Zion reminds us of the closeness we now have with God through Jesus, who opened the way to a new and lasting covenant.
The Gospel tells of Jesus sending out the apostles in pairs to preach, heal, and drive out evil. He asks them to take little for their journey, teaching them to trust God for their needs. Their mission shows the power of faith and the importance of spreading the Gospel with courage and simplicity.
These readings teach us to rely on God and to share His love with others. They remind us that following Jesus is not always easy, but He gives us what we need. Through obedience and trust, we can carry out His mission in our own lives.
Your Turn
Take time to reflect on the readings for Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. What do they teach you about trusting God and sharing His love? Think about how these lessons apply to your life.
Share your thoughts or experiences in the comment section. Let’s grow together in faith as we listen to God’s call.
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