Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time
Friday February 14, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
- First Reading – Genesis 3:1-8: The serpent deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, claiming it would grant divine knowledge. Both she and Adam ate, becoming aware of their nakedness and hiding from God, marking the fall from grace.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 32: Blessed are those forgiven by the Lord, free from deceit in their spirit. Confessing sins brings pardon, and in times of trouble, God is a protective refuge, surrounding them with deliverance.
- Gospel – Mark 7:31-37: In the Decapolis, Jesus healed a deaf man with a speech impediment in a private moment, using touch and the command “Ephphatha,” meaning “Be opened.” Despite Jesus’ request for discretion, news of the miraculous healing spread, leading to widespread marvel at his ability to restore hearing and speech.
They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Mark 7:37
Themes for the Readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 highlights themes of temptation, sin, and God’s healing power. The readings invite reflection on humanity’s weaknesses and the need for God’s mercy and help.
- The reality of temptation: The serpent’s cunning shows how easily we can be led astray. The reading reminds us to stay close to God and avoid things that lead us away from Him.
- The consequences of sin: Adam and Eve’s actions bring shame and separation from God. This shows how sin disrupts our relationship with Him and each other.
- God’s care for sinners: Despite their sin, God seeks out Adam and Eve in the garden. This reflects God’s constant desire to restore and forgive us.
- Healing of the broken: The Gospel shows Jesus healing a man who is deaf and mute. This reveals Jesus’ care for those in need and His power to make us whole.
- Faith and trust in Jesus: The people in the Gospel bring the man to Jesus with hope. This reminds us to trust in Jesus to help us in our struggles.
- Openness to God’s work: Jesus opens the ears and loosens the tongue of the man. This calls us to be open to hearing God’s word and sharing it with others.
The readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 call us to recognize our weaknesses and seek God’s help. Through His mercy, He heals and restores us, leading us back to Himself.
Reflection for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
The readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invite us to think deeply about temptation, healing, and God’s care for us. From Adam and Eve’s fall to Jesus’ healing of the deaf and mute man, we see God’s desire to draw us back to Him. These reflections help us consider how to avoid sin, hear God’s word, and share His love.
The Danger of Temptation
In the first reading for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the serpent uses clever words to tempt Eve. It makes her question God’s commands and focus on what seems good in the moment. This shows how temptation can come in ways that seem harmless but lead to sin.
The story reminds us to be alert. Not everything that looks good is truly good for us. We must trust God’s word even when something seems attractive or exciting. Without His guidance, we can make choices that hurt us and others.
This reading invites us to reflect on the temptations we face. Are there areas in life where we are drawn away from what God wants? We should ask for God’s help to see clearly and choose what is right.
Hearing and Sharing God’s Word
In the Gospel for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus opens the ears of a man who could not hear and loosens his tongue so he can speak. This healing reminds us of the importance of hearing and sharing God’s word. Just as the man’s ears were opened, we need to open our hearts to listen to God.
Once we listen to Him, we are called to share what we have heard. The man’s tongue was loosened, and he could speak again. In the same way, we can use our words to bring others closer to God.
This Gospel encourages us to be open to God’s work in our lives. We can pray for the grace to hear Him better in our daily lives. We can also ask for courage to share His message with those around us.
God Seeks to Restore Us
Both readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 show God reaching out to those who are lost or broken. In Genesis, God seeks Adam and Eve after they have sinned, asking, “Where are you?” He does not leave them alone in their shame but begins the process of restoring their relationship with Him.
In the Gospel, Jesus heals the man who cannot hear or speak. This shows God’s desire to bring healing and wholeness to those in need. Whether through forgiveness or physical healing, God always wants to restore what is broken.
These readings remind us that God does not abandon us in our weakness. Even when we sin, He seeks us out and offers His help. We can take comfort in knowing that He always wants to bring us back to Him and make us whole again.
God’s word in Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 reminds us of His patience and mercy. He seeks to restore us when we are broken and calls us to live in trust and openness. Let us take these lessons to heart and strive to walk closely with Him.
Lord, open my ears to hear Your word and my heart to follow it. Help me to avoid temptation and trust in Your guidance. Teach me to share Your love with others and lead them to You. Thank You for always seeking to restore and heal me. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How do I handle temptation in my daily life?
- What are some ways I can listen more closely to God?
- Who in my life needs help coming closer to God, and how can I support them?
- How do these readings encourage me to trust in God’s care for me?
Homilies and Commentaries for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
USCCB Reflection: Embracing Faith and Proclaiming Christ
This USCCB video reflection on the Gospel for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 focuses on the healing of a deaf man with a speech impediment by Jesus, emphasizing the growth of faith among the people. Despite witnessing Jesus’ miracles, they struggled to fully understand His divine identity. The reflection challenges us to examine our own faith and openness to Jesus’ teachings, encouraging us to overcome spiritual deafness and boldly proclaim the Gospel, recognizing Jesus as the Son of God through our words and actions.
Questions and Answers for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
What date is Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The next date is Friday February 14, 2025.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.
What are the Mass readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The Mass readings for Friday February 14, 2025 are:
First Reading – Genesis 3:1-8: Temptation and Fall in Eden
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 32: Joy in Forgiveness
Gospel – Mark 7:31-37: Healing in Decapolis
Why did the serpent approach Eve in Genesis?
The serpent wanted to lead Eve into sin by making her question God’s commands. This reminds us that temptation often comes in ways that seem harmless or attractive.
Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
They hid because they felt shame after disobeying God. This shows how sin makes us feel separated from God and afraid to face Him.
What can we learn from Adam and Eve’s sin?
Their sin teaches us the importance of trusting God’s word and resisting temptation. It also shows the need for repentance when we fail.
How does God respond to sin and suffering?
In Genesis, God searches for Adam and Eve after their sin. In the Gospel, Jesus heals the man. Both readings show God always wants to bring us back to Him and restore us.
Why does Jesus heal the deaf and mute man in the Gospel?
Jesus heals the man to show His love and care for those who suffer. It also shows that He has the power to help us in every need.
What does it mean to have ears opened and a tongue loosened?
It means being open to hearing God’s word and speaking about Him. This calls us to listen to His teachings and share them with others.
How can we trust God like the people in the Gospel?
The people brought the man to Jesus, trusting He would help. We can show the same trust by bringing our needs to God in prayer and believing He will care for us.
What does the Gospel tell us about community?
The people in the Gospel brought the man to Jesus because he couldn’t ask for help himself. This reminds us to help others come closer to God when they cannot do it alone.
What can we do when we feel separated from God?
We can ask for His forgiveness and help, just as the people in the Gospel asked Jesus to help the man. God always listens and welcomes us back.
How can we apply these readings to our lives?
The readings remind us to avoid sin, trust in God, and help others come closer to Him. They encourage us to pray for healing and stay open to God’s word.
Healing and Hope in God
Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invites us to reflect on our human weakness and God’s mercy. In Genesis, we see Adam and Eve fall into sin through temptation. Their decision to disobey God leads to shame and separation. This reminds us how sin can harm our relationship with God and others.
In the Gospel, Jesus heals a man who cannot hear or speak. The people bring him to Jesus, trusting in His care. Jesus restores the man, showing that He has the power to heal both physical and spiritual wounds.
Together, these readings show the need to avoid sin and turn to God for healing. They also remind us to trust in God’s help and bring others closer to Him. God is always ready to restore what is broken and bring us back to Him.
Your Turn
Reflect on the readings for Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. Think about how temptation, sin, and healing apply to your life. Have you ever felt separated from God or experienced His healing?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Let us learn from each other and grow in faith.
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