Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time
Tuesday February 18, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
- First Reading – Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10: Amid humanity’s wickedness, God resolved to cleanse the earth, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. Commanded to build an ark for survival, Noah obeyed, preserving species from the impending deluge.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 29: The Lord, majestic and powerful, commands nature and reigns eternally. His presence evokes worship in holiness, promising enduring peace to His people.
- Gospel – Mark 8:14-21: Jesus cautioned his disciples about the corrupting influence of the Pharisees and Herod, but they misunderstood, thinking he spoke of their lack of bread. Jesus challenged their understanding, reminding them of his miracles of feeding thousands with loaves, questioning their memory and comprehension. This exchange highlighted the need for insight beyond immediate physical concerns, pointing toward deeper spiritual awareness.
Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.
Mark 8:15
Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
On Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the readings show God’s justice and mercy through Noah and Jesus’ teaching about understanding and trust. They remind us to listen to God and rely on Him rather than our own strength.
- God’s Judgment on Sin: In Genesis, God sees how human sin has spread everywhere. His decision to send the flood shows that He will not ignore evil.
- God’s Mercy in Salvation: God chooses Noah and his family to be saved. This shows His mercy for those who are faithful to Him.
- Obedience to God’s Commands: Noah listens to God and follows His instructions for building the ark. His example reminds us to trust and obey God even when it is hard to understand.
- Warning Against Forgetfulness: In the Gospel, Jesus warns His disciples not to forget what He has done. This teaches us to keep remembering God’s works in our lives.
- Spiritual Blindness: Jesus rebukes His disciples for not understanding His teachings. It is a reminder to open our hearts and minds to His word.
- Trust in God’s Care: Both readings highlight the need to trust in God to provide for our needs. Whether saving Noah’s family or feeding the crowd, God always cares for His people.
These themes call us to turn away from sin and trust in God’s mercy and care. They remind us to stay faithful and attentive to God’s word in our lives.
Reflection for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
The readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 invite us to reflect on God’s mercy, the danger of forgetting His works, and the call to trust in His plan. From Noah’s obedience to Jesus’ teaching, we see how faith and trust in God lead to salvation and understanding. These reflections help us apply these lessons to our daily lives and grow closer to Him.
God’s Mercy in Salvation
The first reading for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 shows how God looks at the sin in the world and chooses to act. Even though He decides to send the flood, He shows mercy by saving Noah and his family. This reminds us that God always provides a way for those who stay faithful to Him.
Noah’s life teaches us that even in a world full of sin, it is possible to follow God. His obedience to God’s instructions brought safety to his family. God’s mercy is not given because of our perfection but because of His love for those who trust Him.
This theme connects to the Gospel, where Jesus reminds His disciples to trust Him. Just as God provided for Noah, Jesus provides for His disciples by feeding the crowds and teaching them. These readings call us to trust in God’s care and believe that He is always working for our good.
Warning Against Forgetfulness
In the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus warns His disciples not to forget what He has done. They are worried about their needs, but Jesus reminds them of the miracles they have already seen. This warning teaches us to keep God’s works in our minds and not let daily worries distract us.
Forgetting what God has done can lead us to doubt and fear. The disciples had seen Jesus feed thousands, but they still worried about food. We can often act the same way when we face new challenges.
Both the flood story and the Gospel show how quickly people can forget God’s power and care. We are reminded to remember His past works and trust that He will help us again. Keeping His faithfulness in our hearts strengthens us to face any struggle.
Faith in God’s Plan
The readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 highlight faith in God’s plan. Noah trusted God’s command to build the ark even though he could not see the full picture. His faith saved his family and allowed God’s plan to unfold.
In the Gospel, Jesus challenges His disciples to trust Him rather than focus on small problems. He calls them to faith and understanding, reminding them of the miracles He has already performed. Like Noah, the disciples need to look beyond their immediate concerns and see God’s larger plan.
Both stories remind us to have faith when things feel uncertain or confusing. Trusting God means following His lead even when we don’t fully understand what He is doing. These lessons encourage us to rely on Him and believe that His plans are always for our good.
God’s mercy, His call to remember, and His desire for us to trust are clear throughout these readings. Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 challenges us to reflect on how we respond to His care and guidance. May we live with faith, obedience, and hope in His promises.
Lord, help us to trust You as Noah did, even when Your plan is hard to understand. Teach us to remember Your works in our lives and to stay faithful in every challenge. Guide our hearts to rely on You, knowing You always care for us. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How does Noah’s trust in God challenge your own faith?
- What are some ways you can remember God’s works in your life?
- How do you respond when God’s plan feels unclear?
- In what ways can you grow in trust and obedience to God this week?
Homilies and Commentaries for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
USCCB Reflection: Christian Memory
Title: Real Moments of Faith and Memory
This USCCB reflection for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 emphasizes the importance of remembering God’s interventions in our lives, as illustrated in the Gospel where Jesus reminds his hungry disciples of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. It echoes Pope Benedict XVI’s insights on the Christian sense of memory, stressing the need to recall God’s goodness during difficult times. As Lent approaches, the reflection encourages engagement with the pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, abstinence, almsgiving, and spiritual reading. These practices, rooted in remembrance and gratitude, aim to foster a peaceful and happy life, drawing closer to God through acts of faith and charity.
Questions and Answers for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
What date is Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The next date is Tuesday February 18, 2025.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.
What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The Mass readings for Tuesday February 18, 2025 are:
First Reading – Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10: Noah’s Righteousness Amid Wickedness
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 29: Peace Through Divine Majesty
Gospel – Mark 8:14-21: Understanding Beyond the Physical
What does the flood in Genesis mean for us in the first reading for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The flood shows that God takes sin seriously, but He also offers mercy to those who stay faithful. It reminds us to avoid sin and follow God’s ways.
Why did God choose Noah and his family?
God chose Noah because he was faithful and obedient. This teaches us that living a righteous life matters to God.
What does the ark symbolize?
The ark is a sign of God protecting those who trust Him. It shows that God cares for those who follow His commands.
How can we apply Noah’s obedience to our lives?
We can listen to God’s word and follow His instructions, even when it is hard. Obedience to God shows our faith in Him.
What can we learn from God’s care for Noah?
We learn that God does not forget His people. He helps those who stay close to Him.
Why does Jesus warn the disciples about understanding?
Jesus warns them because they are focused on earthly concerns and not on what He is teaching. This reminds us to trust God and pay attention to His word.
What does the yeast represent in the Gospel for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The yeast represents things that can lead us away from God, like pride or doubt. It teaches us to stay focused on God and not let small sins grow in our hearts.
Why did Jesus talk about the feeding of the crowd?
Jesus wanted the disciples to remember how God provided for their needs. It shows us to trust that God will help us too.
How does the Gospel show spiritual blindness?
The disciples could not see what Jesus was teaching them because they were worried about small things. This reminds us to focus on what God is showing us instead of being distracted.
What is the main message of the readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The readings remind us to avoid sin, trust in God, and stay faithful. They teach us to listen to God’s word and follow Him with open hearts.
Trust and Obedience
Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 brings readings that highlight the importance of trust and obedience. In Genesis, God sees how deeply sin has spread in the world. He decides to send a flood to cleanse the earth but spares Noah and his family because of Noah’s faithfulness. Noah’s trust and obedience show what it means to follow God even in uncertain times.
The Gospel shows Jesus teaching His disciples about faith and understanding. The disciples are concerned with small, earthly worries and miss the deeper message Jesus is sharing. Jesus reminds them of the miracles they have witnessed and challenges them to see with faith rather than focus on material needs.
Both readings remind us that God cares for His people and asks us to trust Him. Whether through the ark saving Noah’s family or the feeding of the crowds, God provides for those who stay faithful. These lessons call us to avoid sin, rely on God, and trust His plan even when it feels unclear.
Your Turn
Take time to reflect on the readings for Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. How do you relate to Noah’s obedience or the disciples’ struggle to understand? Consider how these messages apply to your life today.
Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments. Let us grow together by reflecting on God’s word and how it speaks to us.
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