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Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

This lesson plan is designed to enlighten our youth about the significance of Mary’s fiat, her unconditional “yes” to God, and to inspire them to find ways to say their own yes in the modern world. In our daily lives, we often encounter questions that require little thought – from mundane choices like food preferences to more complex decisions about our future. However, it’s the deeper, more challenging inquiries that truly test our resolve and faith.

In this lesson, we will delve into Luke 1:26-38, where the Angel Gabriel announces to a young, betrothed Mary that she is chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Mary’s response, let it be done, amidst confusion and potential danger, is a profound act of trust and surrender to God’s will. Her fiat is not just a yes to becoming Jesus’ mother; it’s a testament to her faith and courage in the face of uncertainty.

As we explore Mary’s decision-making process and her ultimate act of faith, we will encourage our youth to reflect on their responses to life’s challenging questions. How do we discern and embrace God’s will in our lives? How can we find the courage to say our own fiat in the face of fear and uncertainty? Join us in this journey of faith, learning from Mary’s example to trust and say let it be done to God’s call in our lives.

Opening Game for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

Start this lesson plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done by playing Yes No Game (see the complete instructions).

The Yes No Game, with its simple yet engaging mechanics, serves as a playful yet profound parallel to Mary’s “Fiat” or “let it be done” in the Bible. In this game, participants are challenged to avoid the reflexive response of saying “No,” underlining how habitual and unexamined our responses to life’s questions can be. Just as Mary paused to understand and ultimately embrace God’s extraordinary request, this game encourages youths to pause and reflect on their automatic responses. It’s a reminder that saying “Yes” to God, as Mary did, often requires thoughtful discernment, breaking free from our instinctual replies, and being open to the unexpected paths God may lead us on.

In our lives, many questions are met with automatic responses, often rooted in routine or strong personal preferences. Think about how quickly we respond to everyday questions, like “Do you want fries with that?” or “Do you like spinach?” These questions, usually inconsequential, don’t require much thought. Our answers are almost reflexive, shaped by habit or clear likes and dislikes.

However, life also presents us with questions that aren’t so straightforward, questions that challenge us to pause and ponder. Consider queries like, “Are you going to the football game or Sue’s party this weekend?” or “Would you kiss a frog for $20?” These questions, though seemingly light-hearted, introduce scenarios that are less familiar, requiring us to weigh options and consequences. Even more profound are questions about our future, such as “What are you planning to do after high school?” Such inquiries demand introspection and consideration of our goals, values, and aspirations.

Reflect on recent moments in your life. Have there been questions that made you stop and think deeply before answering? How did you navigate these moments of decision? Making choices, especially in response to complex or unexpected questions, often involves a delicate balance of listening to our hearts, considering practical implications, and seeking guidance from our faith and values. In these moments, we find opportunities for growth, discernment, and deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in God’s plan.

Scripture Reading for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

Having reflected on the nature of our decision-making and the various factors that influence our responses to life’s questions, both trivial and significant, let us now turn our attention to a moment of profound decision in Scripture. We will explore Luke 1:26-38, a passage that recounts a pivotal moment in the life of the Virgin Mary. This scripture vividly illustrates the theme of discernment and response to God’s call, as it portrays Mary’s encounter with the Angel Gabriel and her extraordinary response.

As we delve into this sacred text, let us consider how Mary’s experience of questioning, understanding, and ultimately embracing God’s will can illuminate our own journeys of faith and decision-making. This passage not only provides a historical account of a key moment in Christian faith but also serves as a timeless example of trusting and responding to God’s plan with openness and courage.

Luke 1:26-38 (Mary Agrees to Be the Mother of Our Lord) – the Gospel Reading for the 4th Sunday in Advent – Year B

The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.

And coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.”

But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.

Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.

“Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.

He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?”

And the angel said to her in reply, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.

Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.

And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.”

Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

Luke 1:26-38

Discussion for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

In this gospel passage, we see Mary confronted with a decision that is monumental, not only for her personally but for the entire course of human history. When the Angel Gabriel tells Mary that she is chosen to be the mother of the Messiah, it’s crucial to recognize the profound nature of her choice. Mary, like all human beings, possesses free will. She could have said no. Yet, despite her understandable confusion and the extraordinary nature of this message, her response is one of faith.

Consider Mary’s context: she is young, about 14 years old, and has lived a life directed by her parents. This announcement from an angel, an awe-inspiring and possibly intimidating figure, places her in an unprecedented situation. Mary’s question, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” not only reflects her innocence but also her awareness of the societal implications of her situation. As an unmarried woman betrothed to Joseph, the prospect of pregnancy carried serious social risks, including the possibility of being ostracized or even facing life-threatening consequences.

Yet, in the face of these fears and uncertainties, Mary’s response is a resounding “let it be done.” Her fiat, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word,” is not a passive acceptance but a courageous embrace of God’s will. Her complete trust in God’s plan reflects her deep faith and understanding of her cherished place in God’s heart. Despite the potential for fear and the unknown future this pregnancy could bring, Mary’s decision to say “Fiat” is a powerful testament to her faith.

In our own lives, we may not encounter angelic visitations, but we are often called to make choices that require trust in God’s plan. Mary’s example invites us to reflect on how we respond to God’s call, especially when it challenges our expectations or seems daunting. Her story encourages us to discern and embrace God’s will with faith and courage, trusting that, like Mary, we are beloved by God and that He will guide and care for us in our own unique journeys.

Reflection Questions for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

In this part of the lesson plan, we will break into small groups to deepen understanding and personal reflection on the theme of saying “let it be” to God, inspired by Mary’s example. Use the following questions to guide your discussion:

  1. Identifying Our Personal Call: What is something, big or small, which God asks you to say yes to? This could be a calling, a change in life, an act of service, or a challenge to overcome. Reflect on how this aligns with your personal journey of faith.
  2. Recognizing Challenges: What are some things which make it difficult to say yes to God? Discuss the internal and external factors that create hesitation or resistance in responding affirmatively to God’s call.
  3. Overcoming Barriers: How can we remove some of the barriers to saying yes? Consider practical steps and spiritual practices that can help in overcoming these challenges.
  4. The Role of Community: How does being part of a faith community support you in saying yes to God? Discuss the importance of community support, guidance, and encouragement in your spiritual journey.
  5. Lessons from Mary’s Fiat: What can we learn from Mary’s response to God’s call that can be applied to our lives? Reflect on the aspects of Mary’s character and faith that inspire you.
  6. Personal Reflection and Growth: How has your understanding of saying yes to God changed or deepened through this discussion? Share any personal insights or revelations that have arisen during this conversation.

Encourage each participant to share their thoughts and experiences, fostering an environment of openness, respect, and mutual support. The aim of this discussion is not only to deepen understanding of the scripture and Mary’s example but also to connect these lessons to personal experiences and challenges, thus fostering a more profound and personal faith journey.

Challenge for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

In your personal journey of faith, take time to discern one particular aspect, whether big or small, where you feel God is inviting you to say “let it be done.” It might be a call to change, an opportunity to serve, a challenge to overcome, or a path to grow spiritually. Once you identify this calling, embrace a simple yet powerful practice for moments when you find it challenging to respond affirmatively.

Whenever you encounter hesitation or difficulty in saying yes to this call, pause for a moment of prayer. Gently repeat the word “Fiat” – a word rich with faith and trust, echoing Mary’s response to God. Let this word be a mantra that centers and strengthens you. If you’re in a setting where speaking aloud isn’t feasible, silently repeat “”let it be done” in your thoughts. As you do this, envision yourself surrendering to God’s will, just as Mary did.

While repeating this word, invite God into your struggle. Ask for the strength, courage, and wisdom to say “yes, let it be done.” Seek His guidance to overcome the barriers you face in embracing His call. This practice isn’t just a repetition of a word; it’s an act of opening your heart to God’s grace, allowing His strength to work through your vulnerability and transform your hesitation into a confident and faith-filled response.

Remember, saying “”let it be done” is not merely about acceptance; it’s about actively participating in God’s plan with trust and hope. This small yet profound act of prayer can become a source of spiritual fortitude, guiding you towards embracing God’s will with the same faith and love demonstrated by Mary.

Prayer for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

As we come to the close of this lesson, let us join together in a prayer that honors and seeks the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose unwavering “yes” to God’s will we have reflected upon today. We turn to the Hail Mary, a prayer that has been a cornerstone of Catholic devotion for centuries, encapsulating Mary’s role in salvation history and her continued guidance and protection over us as our spiritual mother.

Let us pray with reverence and love, mindful of the profound example of faith and obedience Mary set for us. As we recite the Hail Mary, let each word remind us of her humility, her strength, and her profound trust in God. May this prayer deepen our connection with Mary and inspire us to emulate her “Fiat” in our daily lives.

Together, let us pray:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

In this prayer, we not only remember and honor Mary, but also ask for her intercession, that we too may find the grace and courage to say “yes” to God’s will, following her example of faith and devotion. May this prayer resonate in our hearts, guiding and strengthening us on our spiritual journey.

Resources for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

Themes for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

The lesson plan “Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done” encompasses several interwoven themes that are pivotal for understanding and reflecting upon Mary’s response to God’s call and its relevance to our lives today. These themes include:

  1. Discernment and Decision-Making: Exploring how we make decisions, especially when faced with challenging or unexpected questions, and the importance of thoughtful discernment in our responses.
  2. Free Will and Choice: Understanding the concept of free will as exemplified in Mary’s ability to choose her response to God’s plan.
  3. Faith and Trust in God: Highlighting Mary’s profound faith and trust in God, which enabled her to say “yes” despite uncertainty and potential risks.
  4. Role of Mary in Salvation History: Exploring Mary’s pivotal role in the Christian narrative, particularly her willingness to accept her role as the mother of Jesus.
  5. The Power of Saying ‘Yes’ to God: Examining the impact and significance of saying ‘yes’ to God in our own lives, inspired by Mary’s example.
  6. Personal Vocation and Calling: Encouraging personal reflection on what God is asking from each of us and how we can respond to our individual callings.
  7. Impact of Social and Cultural Context: Considering how Mary’s social and cultural context influenced her decision and how our contexts influence ours.
  8. Spiritual Growth and Personal Reflection: Fostering a deeper personal spirituality through reflecting on Mary’s example and applying it to our own life experiences.
  9. The Role of Prayer in Discernment: Emphasizing the importance of prayer, like the Hail Mary, in seeking guidance and strength in decision-making.
  10. Community Support in Faith: Discussing how being part of a faith community can support and guide us in saying ‘yes’ to God’s call.

Each of these themes contributes to an understanding of Mary’s fiat and its profound implications for our faith journey and daily life.

Background Material for Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

Mary’s fiat, her “let it be done” in response to the Angel Gabriel’s annunciation (Luke 1:26-38), holds a place of profound significance in Catholic theology and spirituality. This moment is celebrated as the Annunciation, typically observed on March 25th, nine months before Christmas. Mary’s consent to God’s plan is seen as a pivotal moment in salvation history, marking her as the Theotokos (God-bearer).

Central to understanding Mary’s fiat is the concept of free will. Catholic teaching emphasizes that God created humans with free will, enabling them to make choices. Mary’s yes, therefore, was not preordained or forced; it was a genuine act of consent and faith. This underscores the Church’s view of Mary as a model of obedience and trust in God.

God created man a rational being, conferring on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and control his own actions. “God willed that man should be ‘left in the hand of his own counsel,’ so that he might of his own accord seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1730

Catholic tradition often refers to Mary as the New Eve. Just as Eve’s disobedience led to the Fall, Mary’s obedience is seen as opening the way for redemption. Her fiat contrasts with Eve’s ‘no’ in the Garden of Eden, positioning Mary as a key figure in God’s redemptive plan.

The Christian tradition sees in this passage an announcement of the “New Adam” who, because he “became obedient unto death, even death on a cross”, makes amends superabundantly for the disobedience, of Adam. Furthermore many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have seen the woman announced in the Protoevangelium as Mary, the mother of Christ, the “new Eve”. Mary benefited first of all and uniquely from Christ’s victory over sin: she was preserved from all stain of original sin and by a special grace of God committed no sin of any kind during her whole earthly life.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 411

The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which holds that Mary was conceived without original sin, is seen as God’s preparation for her unique role in salvation history. This belief highlights her as the perfect vessel for bringing Christ into the world, further elevating the significance of her willing cooperation with God’s plan.

Mary’s response to God is not just a historical event but a continuing inspiration for the Church’s mission. It exemplifies the ideal posture of the Church and individual believers in receiving and cooperating with God’s grace. Mary’s example encourages the faithful to be open to God’s call, however unexpected or daunting it may be.

Marian devotion, including prayers like the Hail Mary and the Rosary, is an integral part of Catholic spirituality. These practices not only honor Mary but also seek her intercession and aim to emulate her virtues, particularly her profound faith and willingness to accept God’s will.

In Mary, the Holy Spirit fulfills the plan of the Father’s loving goodness. Through the Holy Spirit, the Virgin conceives and gives birth to the Son of God. By the Holy Spirit’s power and her faith, her virginity became uniquely fruitful.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 723

This lesson can be connected with the liturgical observances of the Annunciation and other Marian feasts, deepening the understanding of Mary’s role in the liturgical year. It also aligns well with parish activities that focus on discernment, vocation, and responding to God’s call, whether in liturgy, service, or community life.

Mary’s fiat, therefore, is much more than a moment in Scripture; it is a cornerstone of Catholic faith and spirituality, offering a timeless example of faith, obedience, and trust in God. This lesson plan aims to bring these themes to life, helping participants to understand and emulate Mary’s response in their personal journey of faith.

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections

“Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done” is part of a larger collection of lesson plans designed to inspire deeper engagement with key themes in Catholic faith. This particular lesson plan, focusing on Mary’s “let it be done” to God’s call, is an integral part of this series. It invites participants to explore the power of surrender and trust in divine providence, themes that resonate throughout the collection. This “Let It Be” lesson builds on this foundational concept, encouraging learners to embrace their own “let it be” moments in everyday life, reinforcing the idea that active faith and trust in God are central to Christian living.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done

What is the main focus of the “Fiat – Let It Be Done” lesson plan?

This lesson plan centers around understanding and embracing the concept of “let it be” as exemplified by Mary in the Annunciation. It encourages participants to reflect on how they can say their own “let it be” in response to God’s call in their lives.

How does the “Let It Be” theme apply to everyday life?

The “let it be” theme challenges us to consider how we respond to God’s call in various aspects of our lives. It encourages a posture of openness, trust, and willingness to embrace God’s will, even in the face of uncertainty or challenge.

Who is the target audience for the “Let It Be” lesson plan?

While it’s particularly tailored for youth, this lesson plan is suitable for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Mary’s response to God and how to apply the “let it be” attitude in their own spiritual journey.

What scripture is the “Let It Be” lesson plan based on?

The lesson plan is primarily based on Luke 1:26-38, which recounts the Annunciation, where Mary expresses her consent to God’s plan with her “let it be done unto me.”

Are there any specific activities included in the “Let It Be” lesson plan?

Yes, the plan includes various activities like the Yes No Game, small group discussions, and personal reflection exercises, all designed to engage participants with the “let it be” theme in interactive and thoughtful ways.

Can the “Let It Be” lesson be integrated with church liturgy or events?

Absolutely. This lesson plan can be effectively integrated with church liturgy, particularly during feasts like the Annunciation, or used in conjunction with parish events focusing on discernment and vocation.

Is prior knowledge of the Bible required for the “Let It Be” lesson?

While prior knowledge can be helpful, the lesson plan is designed to be accessible for participants at various levels of biblical understanding, with clear explanations and context provided.

How long does the “Let It Be” lesson plan typically take?

The lesson plan is flexible but is generally designed to fit within a one-hour session, including discussions and activities.

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