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Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

  • First Reading2 Corinthians 6:1-10: As co-workers, we urge you to embrace God’s grace. Now is the time of salvation. We endure hardships and show God’s power through sincere love, truthful speech, and righteous living.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 98: God has revealed his salvation and justice to all nations. He has shown his love and faithfulness to Israel. Let the whole earth rejoice and sing praise to the LORD.
  • GospelMatthew 5:38-42: Jesus teaches not to retaliate against evil. Instead, turn the other cheek, give more than asked, go the extra mile, and be generous to those in need.

Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:2

Themes for the Readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 teaches important lessons about living a Christian life. The readings highlight key themes that help us understand how to follow Jesus in our daily lives.

  • Embrace God’s Grace: We are called to receive God’s grace and live according to His will. This means acting with love and righteousness.
  • Endurance in Hardship: We face difficulties but must stay strong in faith. By enduring, we show God’s strength and love.
  • Sincere Love: Our actions should come from a place of true love. This sincere love reflects God’s love for us.
  • Truthful Speech: Honesty is essential in our words and actions. Speaking the truth helps us live in a way that pleases God.
  • Righteous Living: We are called to live in a way that is right and just. This means following God’s commandments and being a good example.
  • Non-Retaliation: Jesus teaches us not to seek revenge. Instead, we should respond to wrongs with patience and kindness.
  • Generosity: We should give freely to those in need. Helping others shows our love and commitment to God’s teachings.
  • Going the Extra Mile: Jesus encourages us to do more than what is required. This means going beyond basic obligations to show kindness and care.

The themes for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 remind us of how to live as true followers of Christ. By embracing these teachings, we can grow closer to God and reflect His love in our lives.

Reflection for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

The readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 offer us wisdom for our daily lives. In the first reading, Paul urges us to embrace God’s grace and live as His faithful servants. In the Gospel, Jesus challenges us to respond to wrongs with love and patience. These teachings remind us of the power of faith, kindness, and perseverance, even in difficult times.

Living in God’s Grace

In the first reading for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Paul tells us not to waste God’s grace. God has already given us everything we need to follow Him, but we must choose to live in a way that honors Him. Paul reminds us that now is the time to act. We cannot wait for another day to start living as God calls us to live.

Paul’s words are a challenge to examine our lives. Are we making use of the grace God has given us? Are we living in faith and trust, or are we letting fear or distraction keep us from doing what is right? When we face struggles, Paul shows us that grace is enough to carry us through them.

To live in God’s grace means to take our faith seriously. It is about making choices that reflect trust in God’s love and care. Each day is a chance to grow closer to Him and show His love to others. We do this by staying faithful in prayer, being patient with others, and serving those in need.

Responding to Hurt with Kindness

In the Gospel for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek. He is not telling us to let others harm us without cause, but He is calling us to choose kindness over revenge. It is easy to respond to hurt with anger, but Jesus asks for patience and peace.

This teaching reminds us that love is stronger than hate. When we respond to someone with patience instead of anger, we show God’s love in action. It is not weakness to forgive someone or to refuse to strike back. It takes strength to choose mercy.

Jesus calls us to break the cycle of anger and revenge. By turning the other cheek, we invite others to see a different way—a way of love and peace. This is not easy, but it is how we follow Jesus and bring His light into the world.

Faith That Endures in Trials

Both readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 remind us of the call to endure challenges with faith. Paul speaks about facing hardships, such as hunger and persecution, while staying faithful to God. Jesus teaches us to respond to injustice with patience and love. Both readings encourage us to trust God even when life is difficult.

Enduring trials is not about pretending they don’t hurt. It is about believing that God is with us and will bring good from every situation. When we face challenges with faith, we grow stronger. We learn to trust God more deeply and rely on His grace.

Trials also give us a chance to show our faith to others. When we endure with patience and kindness, people see something different in us. We become witnesses to the power of God’s love. Whether through small acts of kindness or by simply staying faithful, we show that love can overcome even the hardest struggles.

God calls us to trust in His grace and follow the example of Jesus. The readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 encourage us to live with love, patience, and strength. May we take these lessons into our hearts and let them guide our actions every day.


Lord, help us to trust in Your grace and live as You call us to. Teach us to love others with patience and kindness, even when it is hard. Give us the courage to endure trials with faith and to choose Your ways in all things. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How can you make better use of God’s grace in your daily life?
  • When have you chosen patience instead of anger in a difficult situation?
  • What helps you stay faithful to God during times of trial?
  • How can you reflect God’s love to others in moments of conflict or misunderstanding?

Homilies and Commentaries for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Word on Fire: Nonresistance as Courageous Resistance

In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection for Monday of the 11th 2eek in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, he explores the concept of nonresistance to evil as depicted in the Sermon on the Mount. Contrary to passive submission, nonresistance involves a unique form of resistance. By turning the other cheek when struck, one refuses to cooperate with the aggressor’s world and instead stands courageously, declaring that they will not be treated unjustly.

This approach, practiced by figures like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., offers a powerful means of countering injustice and reflecting the aggressor’s actions back upon them.

USCCB Reflection: The Joy of Giving

In this reflection for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Father recounts an experience where he had only a $20 bill to pay for pizza with a group of kids from the youth group. Despite his concerns, the following day he received an envelope with a $50 bill from a parishioner as a gift. He reflects on the importance of giving, emphasizing that giving should be an integral part of who we are, not just from our excess, and that it encompasses our time, talent, and treasure.

He shares examples of individuals using their gifts and resources to make a difference in the lives of others, highlighting the transformative power of giving.

Questions and Answers for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

What date is Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The next date is Monday June 16, 2025.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.

What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Mass readings for Monday June 16, 2025 are:
First Reading  – 2 Corinthians 6:1-10: Now is the Time
Responsorial Psalm –  Psalm 98: God’s Salvation Revealed
Gospel – Matthew 5:38-42: Teachings on Retaliation

What does Paul mean by “now is the time of salvation” in the first reading for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Paul is saying that we should not wait to follow God. This is the perfect time to accept His grace and live according to His will.

How can we endure hardships as Paul talks about in the first reading?

We can endure hardships by trusting in God and staying strong in our faith. Prayer and support from others can also help us stay faithful.

What does “sincere love” mean in the context of the first reading?

Sincere love means showing genuine care and kindness to others. It is about loving others honestly and deeply, just as God loves us.

Why is truthful speech important in the first reading?

Truthful speech is important because it builds trust and shows our commitment to living a righteous life. Honesty reflects our faith and helps us live in a way that pleases God.

How can we live righteously as Paul encourages in the first reading?

We can live righteously by following God’s commandments and making choices that reflect our faith. This means being just, honest, and loving in our actions.

What does Jesus mean by “turn the other cheek” in the Gospel reading for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Jesus means we should not seek revenge when someone wrongs us. Instead, we should respond with patience and kindness, showing forgiveness.

How can we apply Jesus’ teaching of giving more than asked to our lives?

We can apply this by being generous and helpful. When someone asks for help, we can do more than what they ask, showing extra kindness and care.

What does it mean to go the extra mile in our daily lives?

Going the extra mile means doing more than what is required or expected. It means putting in extra effort to help others and show kindness.

Why is generosity important according to the Gospel reading for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Generosity is important because it shows our love and care for others. Helping those in need reflects God’s love and our commitment to His teachings.

What is the main message of the readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The main message is to embrace God’s grace and live a life of love, truth, and righteousness. We should be patient, kind, and generous, reflecting God’s love in our actions.

Living with Grace and Love

Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 gives us lessons about faith and how we treat others. The first reading from Paul reminds us not to waste the grace God has given us. He calls us to live in ways that show we trust in God’s love. Paul also talks about facing struggles with patience and faith.

In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek. He challenges us to respond to hurt with love, not revenge. This is not easy, but it shows the strength of a heart guided by God. Jesus invites us to break the cycle of anger and choose peace instead.

Both readings encourage us to trust in God, even during hard times. They show us how faith can help us face challenges and treat others with kindness. We are reminded that God’s grace gives us the strength to live in love and peace.

Your Turn

Take time to reflect on the readings for Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. Think about how Paul and Jesus challenge us to trust in God’s grace and live with patience and love. How do these messages speak to your life?

Share your thoughts in the comments. We can learn from each other’s experiences.

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