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8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Mass Readings for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

  • First ReadingIsaiah 49:14-15: Zion feels forgotten by God, but God assures that, unlike a mother with her child, He will never forget.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 61:2-3, 6-9: My soul finds peace and hope in God, my rock and salvation. Trust in him always, for he is our refuge and strength.
  • Second Reading1 Corinthians 4:1-5: We are Christ’s servants and must be trustworthy. The Lord judges us, revealing our hearts’ motives. Wait for his judgment, and then we will receive God’s praise.
  • Gospel Matthew 6:24-34: Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about their needs. Trust God, who provides for all creation. Seek God’s kingdom first, and everything else will follow.

Do not worry about your life.

Matthew 6:25

Themes for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A readings invite us to trust in God’s care and love. They remind us that God is always with us, providing for our needs and guiding us through life’s challenges.

  • God’s Unfailing Love: The first reading from Isaiah 49:14-15 assures us of God’s constant love, comparing it to a mother’s love for her child. Even if a mother forgets, God will never forget us.
  • Trust in God’s Care: In Matthew 6:24-34, Jesus tells us not to worry about our daily needs, but to trust in God’s care. This teaches us to focus on God’s kingdom and trust that He knows our needs.
  • Stewards of God’s Mysteries: The second reading from 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 calls us to be faithful stewards of God’s mysteries. It highlights the importance of being trustworthy in our responsibilities and relying on God’s judgment.
  • Seek First the Kingdom: Jesus urges us in the Gospel to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means prioritizing our spiritual life and trusting that God will provide for our material needs.
  • Freedom from Worry: The readings emphasize the freedom that comes from trusting in God’s care. When we focus on God and His love, we are freed from the worries of daily life.
  • God’s Knowledge of Our Needs: Jesus reassures us that God knows our needs even before we ask. This encourages us to rely on God’s understanding and care for us, rather than being anxious about the future.
  • Faithfulness in Small Things: The readings also remind us of the importance of being faithful in small things. This teaches us that every task and responsibility is an opportunity to serve God and show our trust in Him.

The themes from the readings of the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A call us to trust in God’s loving care. They encourage us to seek God’s kingdom first and to be faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A.

Resources for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Sunday February 28, 2038

Have No Anxiety – A Lesson Plan on Trusting In God

This reflection, appropriate for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, encourages youth to trust in God to alleviate anxiety and live in freedom. It explores the relationship between anxiety, faith, and inner peace, emphasizing that trust in God can be a powerful antidote to fear. The reflection aligns with the Gospel message of not worrying, highlighting that faith in God provides strength and hope amidst life’s uncertainties.

Understanding the Book of Isaiah

The first reading for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Isaiah 49:14-15, comes from the Book of Isaiah, a major prophetic text in the Old Testament. Isaiah’s messages, aimed at Judah, focus on reform and renewal. The book also introduces the servant songs, which are important for understanding Jesus Christ’s mission. Isaiah addresses social and political issues of his time, while also exploring themes like faith, salvation, and God’s steadfast love. These insights can help us relate the reading to our own faith journeys.

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Matthew 6:24-34, is part of a larger section in Matthew’s Gospel, which includes the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus’ teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount. This section, Matthew 3:1–7:29, covers John the Baptist’s call for repentance and Jesus’ ministry of preaching about the kingdom of God. Jesus teaches about prayer, ethical living, and the importance of building one’s life on a strong foundation. The overall message emphasizes repentance, obedience, and faith in God’s kingdom.

Homilies and Reflections for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Sunday February 28, 2038

Prioritizing God Over Worry

In his reflection for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Jeff Cavins discusses the importance of setting priorities in life. He explains that Jesus’ teaching in the Gospel reminds us to put God first, rather than being consumed by material concerns or the “tyranny of the urgent.” Cavins emphasizes that seeking God first helps reduce anxiety and brings peace. He suggests practical steps like prayer, Bible study, and a sacramental life to focus on what truly matters. This reflection encourages choosing one master, Jesus Christ, to lead a balanced and peaceful life.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

In his homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. He discusses the challenge of serving both God and material wealth, emphasizing that our primary focus should be on God. Bishop Barron explains that Jesus’ teachings encourage us to prioritize God above all else, warning that focusing on material concerns can lead us away from our true purpose. He uses examples from modern life to illustrate how materialism often overshadows our spiritual values.

More Thoughts for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A offers readings that remind us of God’s constant care and love. They teach us to trust in God’s unwavering love, to be faithful stewards of His mysteries, and to seek first His kingdom. These reflections help us to apply these teachings to our daily lives, providing comfort and guidance.

God’s Unwavering Love

On the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, the reading from Isaiah speaks of God’s unbreakable love for us. Isaiah compares God’s love to a mother’s love, saying even if a mother forgets her child, God will never forget us. This image helps us understand how deep and constant God’s love is for each of us.

This reading reminds us that God’s love does not depend on our actions or feelings. Even when we feel distant from God or doubt His presence, He is always with us, loving us unconditionally. It’s comforting to know that, like a caring mother, God is always looking out for us, even when we don’t realize it.

In our daily lives, we often face challenges and doubts. Remembering the message from the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A can help us feel secure in God’s love. No matter what we face, we can trust that God will never abandon us. This unwavering love gives us strength and hope.

Being Trustworthy Stewards

The second reading for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A focuses on being faithful stewards of God’s mysteries. Paul tells us to be trustworthy in all our responsibilities, knowing that God sees and judges our actions. This teaches us the importance of being reliable and honest in everything we do.

As stewards of God’s mysteries, we are called to share God’s love and teachings with others. This means living out our faith in practical ways, whether it’s through kindness, service, or honesty in our daily tasks. Being trustworthy stewards is not just about big actions; it’s about being faithful in small things too.

This reading encourages us to reflect on how we handle the responsibilities God has given us. Are we faithful and trustworthy in our work, relationships, and commitments? On the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, we are reminded to seek God’s guidance and strive to be good stewards in all aspects of our lives.

Prioritizing God’s Kingdom

In the Gospel for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Jesus teaches us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” This message calls us to prioritize our spiritual life over material concerns. Jesus reassures us that if we focus on God, our needs will be met.

Often, we worry about our daily needs and forget to place our trust in God. Jesus’ words remind us that God knows our needs better than we do. By putting God first, we acknowledge that our true happiness and fulfillment come from Him, not from material possessions or achievements.

Living out this teaching means making time for prayer, participating in the sacraments, and helping others. It means trusting that God will take care of us when we follow His will. On the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, we are encouraged to let go of our anxieties and put our faith in God’s loving care.

The readings for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A guide us to trust in God’s constant love, to be faithful stewards, and to seek His kingdom first. These teachings help us to grow in our faith and live more fully according to God’s will. May we carry these lessons with us and let them shape our daily lives.


Dear God, help us to trust in Your constant love and care. Guide us to be faithful stewards of Your gifts. Teach us to seek Your kingdom first and rely on Your wisdom. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

  • How does the image of a mother’s love help you understand God’s love?
  • What worries can you entrust to God, knowing He cares for you?
  • How can you be a faithful steward of God’s mysteries in your daily life?
  • What does it mean to you to seek first the kingdom of God?
  • How can you prioritize your spiritual life over material concerns?
  • In what ways can you show trust in God’s care this week?
  • How do you handle responsibilities with faithfulness and trustworthiness?
  • What small actions can you take to live out your faith more fully?
  • How do you feel knowing that God will never forget you?
  • How can you make time for prayer and spiritual growth in your busy schedule?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. – 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Music Suggestions for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Sunday February 28, 2038

These music selections focus on themes of trust, hope, and God’s constant care, reflecting the readings for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. They emphasize relying on God’s love and protection, not worrying about daily needs, and seeking first His kingdom. The songs include both contemporary and traditional styles, offering a mix of reflective and uplifting pieces that encourage faith and confidence in God’s guidance.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and consider how they can enhance the liturgy for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. Feel free to suggest your own favorite songs in the comments and share how they connect with the readings and themes of this special day.

Questions and Answers for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

What date is the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A?

The next date is Sunday February 28, 2038.
For other years see the links below:
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

What are the Mass readings for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A?

The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday February 28, 2038 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 49:14-15: God’s Unfailing Love
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 61:2-3, 6-9: Trust in God Alone
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 4:1-5: Servants of Christ
Gospel – Matthew 6:24-34: Trust in God’s Care

Why does Isaiah compare God’s love to a mother’s love?

Isaiah uses this comparison to show how strong and constant God’s love is. Even if a mother could forget her child, God will never forget us. This message from the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A reminds us that God’s love is unwavering.

What does being “stewards of the mysteries of God” mean in the second reading?

Being “stewards of the mysteries of God” means being responsible for sharing God’s message and love. The second reading on the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A encourages us to be trustworthy and faithful in our roles as followers of Christ.

Why is being faithful in our responsibilities, even the small ones, important?

Being faithful in small things shows our trustworthiness and dedication to God. The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A readings remind us that every task, no matter how small, is an opportunity to serve God.

What does “seek first the kingdom of God” mean in the Gospel?

“Seek first the kingdom of God” means to put God and His ways above everything else. On the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, we are reminded to focus on living according to God’s will, trusting that He will take care of our needs.

Why should we not worry about our daily needs?

Jesus tells us not to worry because God knows what we need. The readings for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A teach us to trust in God’s care and focus on our relationship with Him instead of being anxious about material things.

How can we apply freedom from worry in our lives?

To reduce anxiety, we should trust in God’s care and focus on our faith. The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A teaches us that worrying does not add anything to our lives; instead, we should rely on God’s guidance and love.

What does it mean that God knows our needs before we ask?

It means God understands our situations and needs better than we do. On the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, we are reassured that God is always aware of our needs and cares for us, even without us asking.

How can we live out these teachings in our daily lives?

We can live out these teachings by trusting in God, not worrying about our needs, and putting God first. The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A calls us to focus on God’s kingdom and be faithful stewards of what we have been given.

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