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Daily Mass Readings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

  • First ReadingDaniel 2:31-45: Daniel’s vision features four beasts symbolizing kingdoms, each distinct and powerful. The last, most terrifying beast is vanquished by the Ancient One, who grants everlasting dominion to the ‘son of man’.
  • Responsorial PsalmDaniel 3: Mountains, hills, plants, springs, seas, rivers, aquatic creatures, birds, and all animals are called to bless, praise, and exalt the Lord eternally, above everything.
  • Gospel Luke 21:29-33: Jesus used the fig tree’s budding as a metaphor for recognizing signs of the Kingdom of God’s nearness. He assured His disciples that the current generation would witness these signs, emphasizing the enduring nature of His words, transcending even heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Luke 21:33

Themes for the Readings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the readings bring a message of hope, faith, and God’s eternal kingdom. Daniel’s vision and Jesus’ teaching both remind us to trust in God’s plan, even as the world changes and shifts around us.

  • God’s Everlasting Kingdom: Daniel’s vision shows a stone that becomes a mountain and fills the earth. This symbolizes God’s eternal kingdom, which is unbreakable and will outlast all earthly powers.
  • Endurance of God’s Word: Jesus teaches that His words will not pass away. This reminds us that God’s promises are reliable and that His teachings give us a firm foundation.
  • Faith in Uncertain Times: Both Daniel’s vision and Jesus’ words reveal unsettling images, yet they call for trust. Even when the future is unclear, believers are encouraged to have faith in God’s plan.
  • God’s Power over Nations: Daniel’s vision of different kingdoms being replaced by one enduring kingdom reflects God’s authority over all nations. Earthly kingdoms rise and fall, but God’s power remains constant.
  • Readiness for God’s Plan: Jesus speaks of the signs that show the coming of His kingdom. This theme calls us to be spiritually prepared and attentive, watching for God’s work in our lives.
  • Passing Nature of Earthly Things: Jesus compares the end times to the budding of a fig tree, a sign that change is coming. Earthly things are temporary, but God’s presence and promises endure.
  • God’s Promises Fulfilled: Daniel’s vision points to a future where God’s promises are fulfilled. This reminds us that God will accomplish all He has promised, even if we do not see it yet.

On this Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, these themes remind us of the permanence of God’s love and His kingdom. While the world changes, we are called to trust that God’s kingdom is unshakable.

Thoughts for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we are reminded of God’s everlasting kingdom and His call to trust, even when the future is unclear. The readings from Daniel’s vision and Jesus’ words give us images of things changing, passing, and new signs appearing. They remind us to look beyond what is temporary and to focus on God’s unchanging promises. Reflecting on these themes helps us deepen our faith in God’s love and His kingdom, which lasts forever.

God’s Kingdom: The Stone That Endures

In Daniel’s vision from the readings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we see a small stone that eventually becomes a great mountain and fills the earth. This stone is God’s kingdom, starting humbly but growing strong, steady, and eternal. The image reminds us that earthly kingdoms and empires may seem strong, but they cannot last forever.

Unlike human kingdoms, God’s kingdom does not rely on wealth, armies, or power. It grows quietly in the hearts of believers and spreads through acts of love, forgiveness, and faith. While we may be tempted to put our trust in things that seem solid—our possessions, status, or abilities—these things cannot last. God’s kingdom is different. It doesn’t change and is not shaken by world events.

This reading is a call to center our lives around God’s unchanging promises. While we can appreciate the good things in life, we are reminded to put our trust in what will never pass away: God’s love and presence. The stone becoming a mountain shows us that God’s kingdom is more powerful than we may realize, capable of transforming the world and outlasting all that seems mighty in human eyes.

The Fig Tree: Recognizing Change and Staying Hopeful

In the Gospel for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus speaks about the end times, comparing it to the budding of a fig tree. Just as we recognize the change of seasons by the trees, Jesus says that we can learn to recognize the signs of God’s kingdom. This message encourages us to stay aware of God’s actions in the world and in our lives.

The fig tree’s new growth also reminds us that even during challenging times, something good is happening beneath the surface. Seasons change, but God’s love and promises endure. Jesus’ words encourage us to be people of hope, trusting that God is bringing about His kingdom even if it is not obvious. Earthly things may fade, but God’s kingdom is always growing.

We can look at the fig tree as a reminder that God’s work is steady and active. When we see signs of His kingdom—acts of kindness, moments of peace, people coming to faith—we can be assured that God’s promises are real and alive. The fig tree shows us that while the world around us changes, God’s word and love remain constant and sure.

Faith When the Future Is Unclear

Both Daniel’s vision and Jesus’ words in Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 show unsettling images. Daniel sees great kingdoms rising and falling, and Jesus speaks of the end times. While these images may feel overwhelming, they invite us to trust in God’s control, especially when the future is uncertain.

In times of doubt or fear, it is natural to feel anxious about what is coming next. But these readings remind us that God’s kingdom is already here and is not threatened by worldly events. The images of chaos and change actually point to a greater truth: God’s kingdom is steady, unbreakable, and cannot be defeated. His plan is unfolding, and He is leading us even when we cannot see the full picture.

We are encouraged to face the unknown with faith, knowing that God is with us and His promises stand firm. This trust allows us to remain peaceful and hopeful in uncertain times. No matter what we face, God’s kingdom endures, and His plan for us is greater than anything we can imagine.

Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 encourages us to place our hope in God’s promises rather than in earthly things that cannot last. Daniel’s vision and Jesus’ words help us stay grounded in faith, even during uncertain times. By trusting God’s steady plan, we find strength, peace, and a lasting hope that guides us forward.


Lord, strengthen our faith in Your everlasting kingdom. Help us to trust You in every season and to find peace in Your steady love. May we look to You in uncertain times, knowing that Your promises never fail. Guide us in hope and trust today and always. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • What are some earthly things I often put my trust in rather than God?
  • How can I learn to recognize signs of God’s kingdom in my life?
  • When faced with uncertainty, what helps me turn to God with trust and hope?
  • How can I keep my focus on God’s lasting promises instead of temporary things?

Homilies and Reflections for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Word on Fire: Finding Hope Beyond the Passing World

In his reflection for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Bishop Robert Barron reminds us that everything in this world is temporary. Earthly joys, accomplishments, and even the cosmos itself will one day pass away. This reality can make life feel pointless, as existentialists suggest. But, Bishop Barron points us beyond this to the steady love of God, who created and sustains everything and offers us a joy and life that will never end. In God, we find purpose and hope beyond all temporary things.

USCCB Reflection: Preparing Our Hearts for Advent

In this USCCB video reflection for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Fr. John McKenzie reflects on being spiritually prepared. He discusses Jesus’ call to readiness in the Gospel and notes how Daniel’s visions remind us of God’s presence in all things. As we approach Advent, Fr. McKenzie encourages us to prepare our hearts in two ways: by being watchful over our own faith and helping others grow closer to Jesus. Advent is a time to welcome both Christ’s birth and His second coming with open, prepared hearts.

Questions and Answers for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

What date is Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The next date is Friday November 28, 2025.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.

What are the Mass readings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Mass readings for Friday November 28, 2025 are:
First Reading – Daniel 2:31-45: Daniel’s Vision of Four Beasts
Responsorial Psalm – Daniel 3: Creation’s Praise to the Lord
Gospel – Luke 21:29-33: Parable of the Fig Tree

What is the stone in Daniel’s vision in the first reading for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The stone in Daniel’s vision represents God’s kingdom. It shows that God’s kingdom will last forever, even after all earthly kingdoms are gone.

Why does Daniel describe different kingdoms?

Daniel’s vision explains how different kingdoms rise and fall over time. This reminds us that only God’s kingdom is permanent and worth trusting in completely.

What does Daniel’s vision teach us about power?

Daniel’s vision shows that earthly power is temporary and will not last. True power belongs to God, and His kingdom will replace all others.

Why does Jesus talk about signs in the Gospel for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Jesus mentions signs to help us recognize when His kingdom is near. He encourages us to be watchful and stay ready for God’s work in our lives.

What does Jesus mean when He says His words will not pass away?

Jesus means that His teachings are permanent and reliable. We can depend on His words as our guide through changing times and uncertain situations.

How can I stay ready for God’s kingdom?

Staying ready means living according to God’s teachings and keeping faith. It means trusting in God’s plan, even when things around us change.

Why does Jesus compare His kingdom to a fig tree?

Jesus compares His kingdom to a fig tree to show how we can see signs of God’s work just as we see signs of spring. It encourages us to be aware of God’s presence in daily life.

How can these readings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 help me trust God more?

The readings remind us that God’s kingdom is the only unchanging reality. This helps us trust God, knowing He is steady even when life is difficult or uncertain.

What is the message of hope in these readings?

These readings give hope by promising that God’s kingdom is strong and will overcome all other powers. We can find peace in knowing that God’s kingdom is eternal and unstoppable.

How can I apply these teachings for Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 to my life?

We can apply these teachings by putting our trust in God and following His word. This means focusing on His promises rather than worrying about temporary things.

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