Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
Saturday November 22, 2025
Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
- First Reading – 1 Maccabees 6:1-13: King Antiochus, failing to plunder Elymais and learning of his army’s defeat in Judah, becomes grievously ill. Reflecting on his past atrocities, he faces death in despair.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 9: I gratefully acknowledge God’s mighty deeds, rejoicing in His triumph over my enemies. He delivers justice, ensuring the needy and afflicted are not forgotten.
- Gospel – Luke 20:27-40: Confronted by Sadducees with a question about marriage and resurrection, Jesus clarified that in the resurrected life, people neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are immortal like angels and children of God. He affirmed the resurrection, citing Moses’ encounter with God as evidence that God is of the living, not the dead, thus silencing his questioners.
Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
On Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the readings focus on themes of faith, humility, and hope in eternal life. They encourage a simple, steadfast trust in God and a humble acceptance of His ways, even in times of uncertainty and hardship.
- Acknowledging God’s Power: In the reading from Maccabees, the king realizes his weakness and acknowledges that he cannot overcome God’s will. This reminds us that human power has limits, while God’s power is boundless.
- Humility in Failure: The king’s defeat leads him to humility as he reflects on his mistakes. This theme teaches us to accept our own failures and to turn to God for strength.
- The Promise of Resurrection: In the Gospel, Jesus addresses the Sadducees about the resurrection, showing that life goes beyond earthly existence. This reminds us of our hope in eternal life and God’s promise of resurrection.
- Trusting Beyond Understanding: Jesus encourages belief in the resurrection, even though the Sadducees cannot fully understand it. This theme invites us to trust in God’s plan, even when we cannot see or understand all of it.
- Rejecting Worldly Attachments: Jesus shows that in the resurrection, earthly relationships and attachments are no longer the focus. This theme encourages us to focus more on our relationship with God than on material or worldly connections.
- God’s Faithfulness to His People: Jesus points out that God is “the God of the living,” meaning He remains faithful to His people, even after death. This theme reminds us that God is always with us, in life and in death.
- Seeking Forgiveness: In the first reading, the king regrets his pride and violence. This theme encourages us to seek forgiveness and to be humble before God in our own lives.
Together, these themes help us see that God’s power and mercy are with us even in our struggles. They remind us to live with humility, trust, and hope in God’s promise of eternal life.
Thoughts for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
On Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the readings invite us to consider humility, the nature of eternal life, and our trust in God’s promises. In the story of the king’s defeat in Maccabees and Jesus’s teaching about the resurrection in the Gospel, we see themes of surrendering our pride, focusing on God above all, and finding hope in His promise of eternal life. These reflections offer us a chance to examine our own lives and our priorities.
Turning to God in Humility
In the first reading for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the king faces defeat and begins to regret his choices. This experience brings him to a place of humility as he reflects on his mistakes and actions. His regrets reveal a human need to acknowledge our limits and seek help, especially from God. When the king recognizes that he has overestimated his strength and power, he opens himself to a truth that many of us often resist—that we cannot do everything on our own.
This moment of humility reminds us to accept our own failures without letting them define us. Rather than feeling defeated, we can bring our failures to God and ask Him to guide us through our weaknesses. God does not hold our past failures against us, but He wants us to recognize where we’ve gone wrong so we can grow. The king’s reflection on his mistakes teaches us that humility can bring us closer to God when we are honest about where we have fallen short.
The story encourages us to find the courage to let go of pride and to admit our need for God’s guidance. Turning to God in humility allows us to receive His strength in our own times of struggle. In our own lives, we too can examine where we have tried to take control on our own, and instead, turn to God to help us rebuild with His strength and direction.
Eternal Life with God as Our Focus
In the Gospel for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, Jesus responds to questions about marriage in the resurrection, explaining that relationships will be different in the afterlife. The Sadducees focus on earthly connections, but Jesus redirects them to focus on life with God. Jesus shows us that our life in heaven will be centered on God, with a closeness to Him that surpasses any earthly bond.
This teaching calls us to re-evaluate where our focus lies. Instead of becoming overly attached to specific relationships or concerns in this life, we are encouraged to look beyond them toward our relationship with God. God is the source of all love, and our relationships only gain their true meaning when they point us back to Him. In the resurrection, our earthly worries and attachments will not be the same, because we will experience God’s love in a deeper way.
The Gospel reminds us that eternal life is not just an extension of earthly life but something entirely different and filled with God’s presence. We can trust that God’s love will fill every need and every longing, making earthly ties seem less essential. As we look to God as the ultimate relationship in our lives, we will find joy, freedom, and purpose that lead us closer to Him both now and in eternity.
Finding Hope in God’s Promise of Eternal Life
Both readings on Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, reflect on the limits of earthly life and the hope of something more. The first reading reveals the king’s disappointment and defeat, showing that earthly pursuits can fail us. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that there is life after death, where God’s presence is our ultimate reality. Both readings help us see that our lives are not defined by earthly success or failure but by our relationship with God and His promise of eternal life.
The hope of resurrection, which Jesus teaches, gives us strength to face hardships and limitations in this life. When things do not go as we planned, or when we encounter our own limitations, we can remember that God’s promise goes beyond this world. This promise is a reminder that our true purpose lies not in temporary success but in preparing our hearts for eternal life with Him. The king’s struggle and Jesus’s teachings both reveal that we are meant to place our hope in God, not in worldly power or plans.
Reflecting on these readings, we are encouraged to remember God’s love, which calls us into eternal life with Him. This promise is meant to comfort us and give us purpose beyond earthly concerns. We can find peace in knowing that God’s love is steadfast and that eternal life with Him is a reality we can look forward to, giving us strength to live each day with hope and trust in Him.
The reflections for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, remind us of God’s closeness and our need to rely on Him. When we face struggles, disappointment, or questions about life’s purpose, we can turn to God with a humble heart, trusting in His strength and the promise of eternal life. May we let these readings inspire us to live each day in hope and trust, always looking toward Him.
Lord, help us to grow in humility, recognizing our need for Your strength. Teach us to focus on You above all and to remember the hope You offer in eternal life. May we live each day in trust and peace, knowing You are always with us. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- In what ways have I relied on my own strength instead of turning to God for help?
- How can I keep my relationship with God as my main focus amid daily distractions?
- What does Jesus’s teaching about eternal life tell me about God’s love and promises?
- When I experience failure or disappointment, how can I find hope in God’s presence and plan?
Homilies and Reflections for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
Word on Fire: Belief in the Resurrection Gives Hope
In his reflection for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, Bishop Robert Barron addresses Jesus’s response to the Sadducees, who deny life after death. Jesus insists that God is the God of the living, not the dead, and affirms the resurrection of the body. Bishop Barron explains that belief in resurrection brings hope, showing that all things are destined for redemption. Unlike secularists who see everything as temporary, believers know that their efforts for justice and peace have eternal value because God’s life and promise go beyond this world.
USCCB Reflection: Choosing to Live with Eternity in Mind
In a USCCB video reflection for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, Sr. Annie Bremmer reflects on life, death, and eternal life. After visiting a friend unafraid of death, she considers how belief in eternal life shapes how we live. She explains that Jesus corrects the Sadducees’ view of eternal life, revealing it as a mystery filled with joy and beauty beyond this world. Citing Pascal’s wager, Sr. Annie suggests that living as if eternal life is real allows us to gain everything, reminding us to live with purpose, service, and hope.
Questions and Answers for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
What date is Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The next date is Saturday November 22, 2025.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.
What are the Mass readings for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The readings for Saturday November 22, 2025 are:
First Reading – 1 Maccabees 6:1-13: Antiochus’ Downfall
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 9: Grateful Praise to the Lord
Gospel – Luke 20:27-40: Marriage and Resurrection
What does the story of the king in Maccabees teach us?
The story of the king shows that no one can stand against God’s power. When the king faces defeat, he realizes his limits, reminding us to trust in God and rely on His strength.
Why does the king regret his actions in the first reading for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The king regrets his actions because he realizes his pride and violence have led him to failure. His regret teaches us to seek forgiveness and turn back to God when we have done wrong.
How can we apply the humility of the king in Maccabees to our own lives?
The king’s humility comes after realizing his mistakes and limitations. This encourages us to stay humble, accept our own limits, and seek God’s help in everything.
Why do the Sadducees question Jesus about the resurrection in the Gospel for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The Sadducees question Jesus because they do not believe in life after death. Jesus answers them with faith in the resurrection, teaching us to trust that God has prepared eternal life for us.
How does Jesus’ teaching on resurrection apply to us?
Jesus teaches that life does not end with death but continues with God. This encourages us to live in hope, knowing that our relationship with God lasts forever.
What does Jesus mean when He says God is the God of the living?
Jesus means that God is always with His people, even after they die. This reminds us that our connection with God never ends, whether in life or in death.
What does the Gospel for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 tell us about earthly relationships in heaven?
Jesus explains that earthly relationships are different in heaven, where God is our main focus. This reminds us to keep our relationship with God as our priority here and in eternity.
Why is resurrection important for our faith?
Resurrection is the hope of eternal life with God, beyond our earthly existence. This faith helps us face challenges and live with purpose, trusting in God’s promise.
How can we trust in something we do not understand, like resurrection?
Jesus encourages faith in things beyond our understanding. We are called to trust in God’s plan, even when it is mysterious, because God’s love and power are always with us.
How do these readings for Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 encourage us to trust God more?
The readings remind us that God is stronger than any power and that His promises are real. By trusting in God’s strength and His promise of eternal life, we can face challenges with peace and hope.
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