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Leaders We Love - Youth Ministry Activity

Leadership is an essential quality that is highly valued in various aspects of life, whether in personal or professional settings. It is essential to develop leadership skills, especially during the formative years of youth. However, it can be challenging to identify what makes a good leader, and that is where the activity "Leaders We Love" comes in.

"Leaders We Love" is a simple and effective activity that helps young people identify the qualities of a good leader. The activity is held in an informal, small group setting, which helps the youth feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. The activity requires no equipment, except for a poster paper and color markers.

To begin the Leaders We Love activity, the youth are separated into small groups of 5 or 6. Each group is given a poster paper and a set of color markers. One of the youth is asked to name a leader they admire, either someone famous or someone they know personally. They then write the person's name on the posterboard and write down three qualities that they feel makes them a good leader. This process continues until each person in the group has put a leader on the board. If time permits, the youth can each put a second person and qualities on the board.

Once the groups have completed their posters, they come back together, and each group shares the people and qualities they admired. The youth then talk about the qualities which were brought up most often. This discussion enables them to understand what qualities they value in leaders and why. Additionally, they can explore how these qualities can motivate and influence them.

The next discussion focuses on surprising characteristics. The youth can discuss any unusual or unexpected qualities that came up on the posters. This discussion can help the youth broaden their understanding of what makes a good leader beyond conventional thinking. They can also explore how some of the characteristics they initially thought were "negative" could be positive in certain circumstances.

In conclusion, the "Leaders We Love" activity is an excellent way for youth to explore and understand the qualities of a good leader. The informal, small group setting encourages the youth to share their thoughts and ideas, which can help them develop their leadership skills. This activity also allows the youth to explore different perspectives on leadership and broaden their understanding of what makes a good leader.

Leaders We Love

Objective: The objective of this Leaders We Love activity is to help youth think about the qualities of a good leader and enable them to consider how others motivate and influence them.


  • poster paper (1 sheet per group)
  • color markers (1 set per group)


  1. Separate the youth into small groups of 5 or 6.
  2. Have one of the youth name someone they consider a leader. It can be someone famous or someone they know personally.
  3. Have the youth write the person’s name on the poster board and write down three qualities that they feel makes them a good leader.
  4. Continue until each person has put a leader on the board.
  5. If time permits, have the youth each put a second person and qualities on the board.
  6. Bring the groups back together. Let each group share the people and qualities they admired.
  7. Talk about the qualities which were brought up most often. What does this tell us about how we view leaders?
  8. Talk about any surprising characteristics. Were any of these characteristics what you would consider “negative” in other circumstances? What made some of the characteristics unusual?
Developing Teen Leaders in Your Youth Ministry
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7 Proven Tips for Developing Teen Leaders in Your Youth Ministry

The "Leaders We Love" activity is an excellent way to support the development of teen leaders in youth ministry. As youth leaders, we can use this activity as a starting point to engage with teenagers and develop their leadership skills intentionally. By providing practical opportunities for leadership, mentorship, and accountability, we can equip teenagers to become effective leaders who make a positive impact in their communities.


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