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St. Benedict

Saint Benedict of Nursia was born around 480 AD in Italy. He is known as the father of Western monasticism. He established a way of life that helped shape the Church and society. His influence is still felt today.

He grew up in a time of turmoil. The Roman Empire was falling apart. He sought peace and a closer relationship with God. He left his studies in Rome and lived as a hermit in a cave. People soon learned about his holiness and wisdom.

Many men wanted to follow his way of life. He founded twelve monasteries, each with twelve monks. He created a rule to guide them. This rule became known as the Rule of Saint Benedict. It focuses on prayer, work, and community life.

Benedict later founded a larger monastery at Monte Cassino. It became the center of his work. Monte Cassino was a model for other monasteries. He spent the rest of his life there. He taught the monks and wrote more about the monastic life.

Saint Benedict’s rule helped many live a balanced and holy life. His teachings emphasized humility, obedience, and stability. He showed that ordinary tasks can be done for the glory of God. His legacy continues in monasteries around the world.

Saint Benedict had a close relationship with his twin sister, Saint Scholastica. They both dedicated their lives to serving God. Scholastica founded a monastery for nuns near her brother’s monastery at Monte Cassino. They supported each other in their spiritual journeys. Scholastica is remembered for her holiness and dedication, much like her brother. See the article on her for a good story about their relationship.

The Rule of Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict wrote his rule to help monks live together in harmony. The Rule of Saint Benedict focuses on prayer, work, and community life. It is easy to understand and follow. It has been used by monks for centuries.

Prayer is at the heart of the rule. Monks pray together several times a day. This is called the Liturgy of the Hours. It helps the monks stay connected to God throughout the day. Personal prayer is also important.

Work is another key part of the rule. Monks work to support the community. They may farm, cook, clean, or make things to sell. Benedict believed that work keeps monks humble and disciplined. It also provides for their needs.

Community life is also essential in the rule. Monks live together like a family. They share meals, prayers, and daily tasks. They support each other and live in peace. The rule teaches respect, obedience, and humility. It helps the monks grow closer to God and each other.

The Lasting Impact of Saint Benedict

His legacy lives on through his Rule and the monasteries that follow it. His Rule has guided monks for over 1,500 years. It offers a simple and balanced way to live a holy life. Many communities around the world still use it today.

Monasteries following Saint Benedict’s Rule have played a big role in history. They preserved knowledge during the Dark Ages. Monks copied books by hand and kept learning alive. They also taught people farming, medicine, and other skills.

His influence extends beyond monasteries. His Rule has inspired many people, even those who are not monks. Its principles of prayer, work, and community life can help anyone live a good and balanced life. Many laypeople follow his teachings in their daily lives.

The Benedictine tradition continues to grow. New monasteries are still being founded. Monks and nuns around the world live by Saint Benedict’s Rule. They keep his spirit alive through their prayers and work. His legacy of faith, work, and community endures.

Patron Saint of …

He is the patron saint of Europe, monks, and people in religious orders.

Daily Mass Readings for the Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot

The readings for this date may be taken from those below, from the Mass of the day, or from the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious.

  • First ReadingProverbs 2:1-9: If you seek wisdom and understanding, you will find the knowledge of God. The Lord provides wisdom and protects those who walk with integrity.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 34: Always praise the LORD. Seek Him, and He will answer and deliver you. The humble will rejoice. The LORD protects and provides for those who fear Him.
  • Gospel Matthew 19:27-29: Peter asked Jesus what they would receive for following Him. Jesus promised that in the new age, they would sit on twelve thrones and judge Israel. Those who sacrifice for Jesus will be greatly rewarded and inherit eternal life.

Homilies and Reflections

USCCB Reflection: A Model of Prayer and Work

In this USCCB video reflection on Saint Benedict, we learn about his influence on Western monasticism and his rule for monks. Known for valuing silence and prayer, Benedict taught that listening to God requires a quiet heart. His motto, “Ora et Labora” (Pray and Work), encourages a balanced life of action and contemplation. Saint Benedict emphasized humility, obedience, and the sincere search for God. He calls us to place Christ’s love above all else and live in a way that glorifies God. Through his intercession, we can deepen our relationship with God and seek a life of true fulfillment.


The Holy Twins: This delightful children’s book, illustrated by Tomie dePaola, tells the story of twins Benedict and Scholastica. It shares their childhood adventures in northern Italy and how these experiences shaped their remarkable achievements as adults. *

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Questions and Answers

Who was Saint Benedict?

He was a monk who founded Western monasticism. He wrote the Rule of Saint Benedict.

When was Saint Benedict born?

He was born around 480 AD in Nursia, Italy.

Why did Saint Benedict leave Rome?

He left Rome because he was unhappy with the city’s lifestyle. He wanted to seek God in solitude.

Where did Saint Benedict live as a hermit?

He lived as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco, Italy.

What is the Rule of Saint Benedict?

The Rule is a guide for monastic life. It focuses on prayer, work, and community.

What did Saint Benedict do at Monte Cassino?

He founded a large monastery at Monte Cassino. He spent the rest of his life there teaching and writing.

How did Saint Benedict influence history?

He influenced history through his Rule, which guided many monks and monasteries. Monasteries helped preserve knowledge and taught important skills.

Who was Saint Scholastica?

Saint Scholastica was his twin sister. She founded a monastery for nuns near Monte Cassino.

How do people remember Saint Benedict today?

People remember him for his Rule and his role in founding Western monasticism. Many monasteries still follow his Rule.

What are some key values in the Rule of Saint Benedict?

Key values in the Rule include prayer, work, humility, obedience, and community life.

What are the Mass readings for the Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot?

First Reading – Proverbs 2:1-9: Pursuing Wisdom
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 34: Praise and Trust in the Lord
Gospel – Matthew 19:27-29: Reward for Following Jesus


Saint Benedict was born around 480 AD in Nursia, Italy. He is known for founding Western monasticism. As a young man, he left his studies in Rome to live as a hermit. He sought peace and a closer relationship with God. He found a cave in Subiaco, where he lived alone for three years.

People soon heard about his holy life and wisdom. Many men wanted to follow him. He started twelve small monasteries, each with twelve monks. He created a rule to guide them. This rule became known as the Rule of Saint Benedict. It focused on prayer, work, and community life.

Later, he founded a larger monastery at Monte Cassino. It became the center of his work. He spent the rest of his life there, teaching and writing. His Rule helped monks live in peace and unity. It emphasized humility, obedience, and stability.

Saint Benedict’s influence is still felt today. His Rule has guided monks for over 1,500 years. Many monasteries around the world still follow it. His teachings on prayer, work, and community life inspire many people, even those who are not monks.

Your Turn

Learn more about Saint Benedict and his teachings. His simple and balanced way of life can help you grow closer to God. Explore his Rule and see how it can apply to your daily life.

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s discuss how his wisdom can guide us today.

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