About This Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
At the heart of Christian teachings lies the profound story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. To make this story relatable and impactful for students, a captivating lesson plan has been developed. This lesson aims to deepen their understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice and the strength it offers in conquering fears. The objective is to explore the reality of the resurrection and discover how Jesus’ presence brings solace and peace to their lives.
The lesson begins with a captivating flashlight ghost story, followed by a scripture reading from Luke 24:35-48, emphasizing the disciples’ fear and Jesus’ comforting presence. Students engage in small group discussions, exploring topics such as immediate reassurance, unwavering belief in the resurrection, and Jesus’ physical presence through the Eucharist and sacraments. The lesson concludes with a challenge to dedicate daily prayer time and consider group visits for Eucharistic adoration.
Lesson Plan: Overcoming Fears through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
Objective: The youth will consider the reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection and explore how Jesus helps us overcome our fears.
- Flashlight
- Luke 24:35-48 (printed or displayed)
- Small group reflection questions (printed or displayed)
- Challenge for the week handout (printed or displayed)
- Closing prayer
Duration: About 60 minutes
Opening Activity for Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
Gather everyone around and turn out the lights. Shine a flashlight under your face. It’s time for a short ghost story.
A young husband and wife were driving home from a weekend in the country. Their car had engine trouble, so they stopped on the lonely road. The husband got out his cell phone to call for help, but there was no signal.
He saw the light of a house not far away, so they walked over and rang the doorbell. A nice elderly couple, a farmer and his wife, answered. The couple explained the problem with their car. The elderly farmer said that the local service station would be closed at that hour. He mentioned that he had some experience with engines from working on his tractor and he would take a look. Meanwhile, the farmer’s wife invited them to come keep her company.
The farmer came back and said he had fixed the engine, but it was only temporary. Since it was almost midnight by then, the farmer and his wife invited the young couple to stay in the guest bedroom, rather than going back on the road with a car which might not get very far anyway. The young couple was very tired, and the farmer and his wife seemed so nice, they agreed to stay.
The young couple arose very early the next morning. They didn’t want to disturb the farmer and his wife, but they wanted to leave them something for all of their trouble, so they left a couple of crisp twenty dollar bills under the vase on the kitchen table. Then they walked back to their car.
The car started and they drove up the road for about five miles. They came to a diner and they went in for breakfast. They were telling their story to the owner of the diner.
“Where did you say this was?” the owner of the diner asked.
“About five miles back down the road.” the young wife answered.
The diner owner said, “You must be mistaken. Nobody lives over there. The Henderson’s used to live there. They were a sweet couple. But they both died in a terrible house fire three years ago. The house is gone.”
The young couple started to wonder if they were completely lost and turned around. So they backtracked down the road. They came upon the place where the car had died and saw the long driveway. As they walked up the driveway and went around the bend, they came upon the burnt out shell of a house. They walked up and could see the charred kitchen table. And there, under a charred vase, were two crisp twenty dollar bills.
Turn the lights back on and give the teens a few minutes to react and talk about the story.
- What is it that makes a good ghost story?
- Why do we enjoy being scared by ghost stories?
It’s no secret that ghost stories have a certain allure and captivate our imagination. These tales often rely on fear and the unknown to send shivers down our spines. While they can be entertaining, they ultimately leave us feeling unsettled and on edge. However, as we delve into our lesson on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will discover a different kind of story—one that offers solace and hope in the face of fear.
The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection provides a powerful narrative that goes beyond the thrill of ghost stories. It is a story of ultimate sacrifice and triumph over darkness, offering a profound message of redemption and conquering fear. In this lesson, we will explore how Jesus’ death and resurrection serve as a beacon of hope, providing a path to overcome our deepest fears and anxieties.
To shed light on this topic, we turn to a scripture reading that reveals how Jesus Himself helps us overcome our fears. This passage will unveil the power of Jesus’ resurrection, demonstrating that He is not a mere ghost, but a living presence that brings comfort, peace, and the assurance of eternal life.
With this understanding, we embark on a journey of exploration, where we will examine the ways in which Jesus’ resurrection offers us strength, hope, and the ability to overcome our fears.
Scripture Reading for Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
Read the gospel:
The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread.
While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.”
And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them.
He said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.”
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”
Luke 24:35-48 – the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Discussion for Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
It is understandable that the disciples were frightened. They had witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and experienced the profound loss of their beloved teacher. When they saw Jesus again, they were filled with disbelief and thought that He must be a ghost.
However, Jesus’ resurrection is far from a ghost story. Rather than frightening His friends, Jesus goes to great lengths to reassure them of His physical presence. He engages in everyday activities, like eating food in front of them, to demonstrate that He is truly there with them in the flesh. Moreover, Jesus patiently guides them through Scripture, explaining how all the prophecies and teachings pointed to Him as the long-awaited Messiah. Undoubtedly, this must have been overwhelming for the disciples as they absorbed the magnitude of Jesus’ resurrection and its significance.
We can ponder whether the disciples were immediately reassured and filled with confidence upon encountering the risen Jesus. It is plausible that they needed time to discuss and process their extraordinary experience. After all, their beliefs and understanding were being reshaped by the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. Yet, historical evidence shows that the disciples ultimately came to believe wholeheartedly in the Resurrection. They were transformed from fearful and doubtful followers to steadfast witnesses who were willing to sacrifice everything, even their lives, for their faith.
In thinking about how Jesus is physically present with us today, we recognize His presence through the Eucharist and sacraments. The Eucharist, in particular, holds deep significance as it allows us to partake in the body and blood of Christ. Through these sacramental encounters, Jesus continues to be physically present in our lives, offering us comfort, guidance, and the strength to overcome our fears.
As we ponder these reflections, let us take a moment to appreciate the immense faith journey the disciples embarked upon. The disciples’ transformation reminds us that doubts and uncertainties are natural, and that it takes time to grasp the profound truths of our faith. Just as Jesus patiently walked with the disciples, we can find comfort in prayer, seeking guidance from trusted spiritual mentors, and turning to the sacraments to deepen our understanding and strengthen our relationship with our risen Lord.
Small Group Reflection Questions for Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
After the reflection, young people will be divided into small groups for further discussion about overcoming fears. The following questions will guide their conversation:
- Reflecting on the disciples’ initial fear, what are some fears or doubts that you have encountered in your own faith journey? How do you think encountering the risen Jesus could alleviate those fears?
- The disciples needed time to discuss and process their experience with the risen Jesus. Why do you think it is important for us to have discussions and share our faith experiences with others? How can talking about our doubts and questions help strengthen our belief in the Resurrection?
- The disciples became steadfast witnesses of the Resurrection, even to the point of martyrdom. What evidence do we have in history that shows their unwavering belief? How does their example inspire you to live out your faith more boldly?
- How is Jesus physically present to us today through the Eucharist and sacraments? In what ways does receiving the Eucharist or participating in the sacraments bring you closer to Jesus and help you overcome your fears?
After a few minutes, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts with the larger group.
Challenge for Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
This week, spend some time contemplating the meaning of the Resurrection. Dedicate a few minutes each day to prayer, engaging in conversation with our risen Lord. If you are currently grappling with any fears or anxieties, take a moment to listen to Jesus’ voice. Visualize Him by your side, offering words of peace and comfort that alleviate your worries. Allow His presence to soothe your troubled heart and provide you with the strength to overcome any obstacles you may face.
Prayer for the Lesson Plan on Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
If possible, arrange to spend 15 minutes in Eucharistic adoration with the group. Or prayer in front of the tabernacle.
O gracious Lord, we offer fervent thanks for the grace-filled time we have spent together. Your companionship, comforting us amidst moments of uncertainty and doubt, is a testament to Your unfailing love and mercy. We ask You to grant us the strength to triumph over the fears that burden our souls. Instill in us the faith to trust in Your promise of new life and resurrection, for in You, all darkness and fear are vanquished.
With great trust, we surrender our worries and apprehensions into Your loving hands. Grant us the courage to face our trials with faith, knowing that Your presence sustains and uplifts us. May the power of Your resurrection give us courage to navigate life’s challenges, fearlessly carrying the light of Your love to all we encounter.
More Themes for the Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
- Overcoming Fears: The lesson plan centers around the idea of conquering fears through Jesus’ resurrection. It explores how encountering the risen Lord can bring solace, courage, and strength in the face of uncertainties and anxieties.
- Presence of Jesus: The lesson emphasizes the tangible presence of Jesus in the lives of believers. It highlights Jesus’ reassurance to the disciples through physical demonstrations, such as eating with them, to aid them in overcoming fears and affirm His real presence among them.
- Faith and Belief: The lesson plan delves into the disciples’ journey from doubt and fear to unwavering belief in the Resurrection. It explores the evidence of their transformation and the role of discussions, reflections, and scriptural understanding in strengthening one’s faith.
- Sacramental Presence: The lesson acknowledges the ways in which Jesus is physically present to believers today through the Eucharist and sacraments. It highlights the significance of these sacramental encounters in deepening one’s relationship with Jesus and overcoming fears.
- Prayer and Reflection: The lesson plan incorporates prayer as an essential component, encouraging students to engage in daily moments of prayer and reflection. It prompts students to imagine Jesus’ comforting presence and listen to His words of peace and assurance, fostering a deeper connection with Him.
- Gratitude and Transformation: The lesson concludes with expressions of gratitude for Jesus’ presence and a prayer for strength to overcome fears through His resurrection. It encourages students to embrace transformation, trusting in the power of Jesus’ resurrection to bring hope, courage, and renewed faith.
Background Material for the Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears
This lesson plan focuses on the Christian belief of overcoming fears through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. It uses specific Bible verses and teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help us understand this theme better.
One scripture passage that beautifully addresses the theme of overcoming fears is 2 Timothy 1:7. This verse reminds us that God has bestowed upon us power, love, and a sound mind instead of a spirit of fear. It serves as a powerful affirmation that God desires us to conquer our fears by placing our trust in His strength. This passage reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, for God has equipped us with the necessary tools to overcome our fears through His empowering presence.
In Matthew 28:5-6, we witness the angel’s message to the women at Jesus’ tomb. The angel reassures them not to be afraid because Jesus has risen, just as He promised. This passage holds profound significance as it conveys the triumphant truth of Jesus’ resurrection, dispelling fear and instilling hope within our hearts. It reminds us that through Jesus’ victory over death, we can find comfort and courage in overcoming fears, knowing that He is with us always.
Additionally, 1 John 4:18 teaches us about the transformative power of perfect love in casting out fear. This passage illuminates the depth of God’s love for us and emphasizes that His perfect love has the ability give us grace for overcoming fears in our lives. As we grow in our understanding and experience of God’s boundless love, we can rest in the assurance that His love is greater than any fear we may encounter.
Paragraph 1808 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church offers further insights on fortitude and its role in overcoming fears. It states that fortitude is a moral virtue that provides strength in challenging situations and perseverance in pursuing what is good. This virtue empowers individuals to resist temptations, overcome obstacles in their moral lives, and face trials and persecutions with unwavering resolve. Fortitude enables us to conquer even the fear of death and instills in us the readiness to sacrifice our lives for a just cause. As we draw from the Lord’s strength and recall His triumph over the world, we can find courage and cheer amid tribulations, relying on fortitude as a guiding virtue in our lives.
By incorporating these scripture verses and teachings from the Catechism, this lesson plan aims to deepen our understanding of how Jesus’ resurrection can help us in overcoming fears and find comfort in God’s love and presence.
Music Suggestions for the Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears

Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
Lesson plans are meant to give a framework for introducing information to youth. This lesson plan on overcoming fears is part of a larger set. Most of these also include reflection questions for small group sharing. These help youth think about how to apply what they have learned to their everyday lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it important to address the topic of overcoming fears in a lesson plan?
Addressing the topic of overcoming fears is crucial because fear is a common human experience that can hinder our growth, prevent us from fully embracing life, and obstruct our spiritual journey. By exploring how Jesus’ death and resurrection offer us the strength to conquer our fears, we can find comfort, hope, and the courage to live out our faith fearlessly.
How can the scripture passages and teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church help in overcoming fears?
The scripture passages provide wisdom and guidance, showing us the importance of overcoming fears through faith in God. They remind us of God’s promises, His loving presence, and the transformative power of His perfect love. The teachings from the Catechism offer valuable insights on fortitude, prayer, and the sacraments, providing practical tools and spiritual practices to help us with overcoming fears in our daily lives.
How can small group discussions contribute to overcoming fears?
Small group discussions create a supportive and safe space where participants can openly share their fears, doubts, and experiences. Engaging in dialogue about overcoming fears allows individuals to gain different perspectives, receive encouragement from fellow believers, and realize they are not alone in their struggles. These discussions can provide insights, strategies, and inspiration for overcoming fears, fostering a sense of community and mutual support in the process.
What can participants expect to gain from this lesson plan about overcoming fears?
Participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ death and resurrection as a source of strength and hope in overcoming fears. They will discover practical ways to rely on God’s strength, seek solace in His presence, and embrace the transformative power of His perfect love. By exploring the scripture passages and teachings, engaging in reflection, and sharing in small group discussions, participants can cultivate a stronger faith and develop practical strategies to for overcoming fears.
How can participants continue to apply the lesson’s teachings on overcoming fears beyond the session?
Participants can continue to apply the lesson’s teachings by dedicating regular moments for prayer, seeking God’s guidance, and envisioning Jesus’ comforting presence in times of fear. They can also deepen their understanding of the Resurrection through further scripture study, engage in ongoing conversations with mentors or fellow believers, and actively participate in the sacraments to draw strength from Jesus’ physical presence. By integrating these practices into their daily lives, participants can develop resilience, grow in faith, and experience the power of Jesus’ resurrection in overcoming fears.
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