Rooted in the Vine
Lesson Plan on Finding Support in Jesus

The objective of this Rooted in the Vine: Finding Support in Jesus youth ministry lesson plan is to help participants reflect on the sources of support in their lives and consider whether they are rooted in the healthy vine of Jesus.
Youth will explore how Jesus helps us grow strong in our faith, just like a vine supports its branches. This lesson will show them that with Jesus, they are never alone.
Students will discover the importance of staying connected to Jesus. They will learn how this connection gives them strength and guidance every day. The lesson will highlight how Jesus’ support helps us face challenges and grow.
By the end of this free lesson plan, the youth will understand practical ways to seek support in Jesus. They will see how turning to Him in prayer and reading the Bible can strengthen their faith. This understanding will help them feel more supported in their daily lives.
Materials Needed for this Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
- Small sticks (one per participant)
- Larger branches (one per participant)
- Bunches of grapes with string loops for hanging (one per group)
- Regular cellophane tape
- Copies of John 15:1-8 (enough for each participant)
- Pens or pencils for reflection and note-taking
- Small group discussion questions (prepared in advance)
- Bible study resources or youth catechism (optional)
- Prayer materials, such as candles, icons, or prayer cards (optional)
Opening Activity for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
The Support Test
The objective of the opening activity, “The Support Test,” is to engage participants in a hands-on experience that helps them understand the importance of support in their lives. By attempting to tape a small stick to a larger branch and hang a bunch of grapes on it, participants will see how important it is for the stick to be firmly attached to the branch in order to support the weight of the grapes.
The activity serves as a metaphor for how we need strong and healthy sources of support in our lives in order to bear the weight of the challenges we face. Through this activity, participants will be able to reflect on their own sources of support and consider whether they are rooted in the healthy vine of Jesus.
- Explain the purpose of the activity, which is to explore the concept of support and how it affects us.
- Give each participant a small stick and a larger branch, and a bunch of grapes with a string loop for hanging.
- Instruct them to tape the stick to the branch using only the last two inches of the stick and not more than six inches of tape.
- Hang the bunch of grapes on the other end of the stick, about an inch from the end.
- Ask them to observe the results and discuss them with the group.
If the materials provided are flimsy enough, the stick may not be able to support the weight of the grapes and may detach from the branch. Participants should discuss the results and consider the following questions:
- Why was the stick unable to support the grapes?
- What factors contributed to the stick detaching from the branch?
- What changes could be made to improve the stick’s ability to support the grapes?
After completing this activity, we now have a better understanding of the importance of having strong and healthy sources of support in our lives. In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and branches to teach us about the importance of remaining connected to Him as our ultimate source of support. In the following scripture reading, we will explore this metaphor of finding support in Jesus further and reflect on how it can guide us in our daily lives.
Scripture Reading for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
Consider what we hear about finding support in Jesus in John 15:1-8:
Jesus said to his disciples: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.
You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I remain in you.
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”
John 15:1-8 – the Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Easter Year B
Discussion for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
In the Gospel reading, Jesus uses a metaphor to remind us of the importance of our connection to Him. He compares Himself to a grape vine, which is a strong and sturdy plant that supports all of the branches and the grapes. Without a strong and healthy vine, the branches would break off and the clusters of grapes would fall to the ground. Once on the ground, they would quickly become infested with bugs and go bad. This metaphor helps us understand the importance of being rooted and finding support in Jesus, so that we can withstand the challenges of life and grow into the disciples He has called us to be.
Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches. In order to bear fruit and face the challenges of our lives, especially those related to discipleship, we must be firmly attached to Him. Without relying on Jesus for support, we cannot hope to be strong enough to bear the weight of these challenges. This means that we need to nurture our relationship with Jesus through prayer, reading the Bible, participating in the sacraments, and other spiritual practices that help us stay connected to Him.
The metaphor of the grape vine also reminds us of the importance of staying connected to other believers in the Christian community. Just as the branches of a grape vine are interconnected and interdependent, we need to be in relationship with other believers in order to thrive and grow. Through fellowship, we can offer each other support, encouragement, and accountability, which can help us remain rooted in Jesus and bear much fruit.
As we reflect on this Gospel reading about finding support in Jesus, we are reminded of the incredible gift of grace that Jesus offers us. He invites us to remain in Him, and promises that if we do, we will bear much fruit and become His disciples. This promise is both a challenge and a comfort, as we strive to live out our faith in a broken and hurting world. We are grateful for the reminder that our ultimate source of strength and support is Jesus, and we pray that we may remain connected to Him and to each other as we journey forward.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
Divide the youth into small groups of 3-4 people. Encourage them to share their own thoughts and experiences related to the importance of finding support in Jesus and the challenges of remaining rooted in Him. Ask the following questions:
- Which spiritual practices help you strengthen your relationship with Jesus the most? What makes them effective for you?
- In what ways do challenging relationships or difficult situations impact your connection to Jesus? How do you respond in those situations?
- What does it mean to you personally to “bear fruit” as a follower of Jesus? Can you think of a time when you felt like you were bearing fruit in your life?
- How can relying on Jesus help us overcome fear or anxiety? How can we grow in our courage and strength through our connection to Him?
- What are some practical steps we can take to stay connected to Jesus during busy or stressful times, such as during school or work deadlines?
- How can we share our faith with others and help them to find support in Jesus? What are some ways to invite others into our Christian community?
After a few minutes, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts about finding support in Jesus with the larger group.
Challenge for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
As we reflect on the Gospel reading and our small group discussion, we are inspired and challenged to put what we have learned into action. Our challenge this week is to spend at least ten minutes each day in prayer or reading the Bible, focusing on finding support in Jesus. We recognize that in order to be strong enough to bear the weight of the challenges in our lives, we need to be firmly attached to Jesus and draw strength from Him. By spending intentional time in prayer or reading the Bible, we can grow in our relationship with Him and deepen our understanding of His will for our lives.
We recognize that finding the time and motivation to spend time in prayer or reading the Bible can be a challenge, especially with the demands of school, work, and other responsibilities. However, we also recognize that this challenge is an important one, as it calls us to prioritize finding support in Jesus above all else. By making this commitment to spend ten minutes each day with Jesus, we are setting ourselves up for greater strength and resilience in the face of the challenges we may encounter. We pray for the courage and perseverance to meet this challenge with dedication and faithfulness.
Prayer for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
Invite participants to join hands in a circle. Lead them in a prayer thanking God for his love and support.
Gracious God, as we conclude our time together, we pray for the strength and guidance to remain firmly rooted in you. May we bear much fruit as your disciples, and may we continue to grow in our connection to you and to each other. Amen.
More Resources for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
- Our connection to Jesus as the true vine. Cultivating our connection to Jesus as the true vine involves acknowledging Him as the source of our strength and support, and realizing the value of staying firmly attached to Him. We are encouraged to nurture our relationship with Him through spiritual practices like prayer and Bible reading, as we strive to deepen our bond with the true vine and find support in Jesus.
- The challenges of remaining rooted in Jesus. Overcoming the challenges of staying rooted in Jesus requires identifying the factors that weaken our connection to Him, such as fear, anxiety, and other obstacles that hinder our faith journey. We are reminded of the importance of supporting and uplifting each other in our efforts to remain connected to Jesus, as we navigate the hurdles of remaining anchored in Him.
- The role of Christian community in supporting our faith journey. The role of Christian community in sustaining our faith journey involves being part of a supportive community, and recognizing the impact of Christian friends, mentors, and leaders in helping us stay rooted in Jesus. We are encouraged to strengthen our relationships with other believers and grow in our faith collectively, as we aim to stay firmly attached to the true vine.
- The importance of prayer and spiritual practices in strengthening our relationship with God. Regular prayer, Scripture reading, and other spiritual practices are crucial in strengthening our relationship with God. We acknowledge the importance of these practices in deepening our connection to God, and are encouraged to find time and motivation to engage in them. We are also reminded to explore various spiritual practices and find what works best for us individually.
- Bearing fruit as disciples of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, bearing fruit entails understanding what it means to produce fruit and identifying the specific kinds of fruit we hope to bear in our lives. We are reminded of the importance of finding strength and support in Jesus in order to bear much fruit, and of the rewards that come with remaining firmly attached to the true vine.
Background Material
The metaphor of the vine and branches in John 15:1-8 provides a powerful image of the relationship between Jesus and his followers. Jesus identifies himself as the true vine, which provides the branches with the necessary nutrients and support for growth. Without the vine, the branches would wither and die, unable to bear fruit. Jesus emphasizes the importance of remaining in him, which means staying connected to him and relying on him for nourishment and strength. This connection is essential for fruitful Christian living.
The passage also highlights the role of God as the vine grower. Just as a vine grower prunes the branches to ensure their growth and productivity, so too does God prune his followers to refine and strengthen their faith. This can be a painful process, but it ultimately leads to greater spiritual maturity and fruitfulness.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of prayer in nurturing a close relationship with Jesus. Prayer is described as the “life of the new heart” (CCC 2697), which means that it is essential for spiritual growth and vitality. Prayer allows us to deepen our relationship with God, to seek his guidance and support, and to offer him our worship and gratitude.
In addition to personal prayer, the catechism also emphasizes the importance of seeking the support and guidance of other believers. The entire Church, in union with Mary, prays for the coming of the kingdom (CCC 2634), and this sense of community and shared purpose is an essential aspect of Christian living. By relying on the support of others, we can encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and grow together in faith.
Overall, the message of John 15:1-8 and the teachings of the catechism emphasize the importance of a close relationship with Jesus, which is nurtured through prayer, community, and reliance on his strength and support. This relationship is the foundation for fruitful Christian living, which involves bearing fruit in the form of good works and a deepening love for God and others.
Music Suggestions

More Free Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
This Rooted in the Vine: Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan fits into a larger collection of free lesson plans that focus on various aspects of Catholic faith and practice. Taken together, these lesson plans offer a well-rounded and comprehensive education in the Catholic faith, and equip youth to live out their faith in their daily lives.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Finding Support in Jesus Lesson Plan
What is the main goal of the Finding Support in Jesus lesson plan?
The main goal of this free lesson plan is to help young people understand how to find support in Jesus and stay connected to Him, like branches to a vine.
What Bible passage does this free lesson focus on?
This lesson focuses on John 15:1-8, where Jesus talks about being the true vine and His followers being the branches.
What activities are included in this Finding Support in Jesus lesson plan?
The lesson plan includes a vine and branches game, a discussion, and a prayer activity. These help students learn about support in Jesus.
How long will the lesson take?
The lesson is designed to take about 60 to 90 minutes.
Who is this Finding Support in Jesus lesson plan designed for?
It is designed for youth groups, specifically for teenagers.
What materials do I need for the lesson?
You will need Bibles, paper, pens, and optional craft supplies if you want to make a visual aid about the vine and branches.
What are some key points I should emphasize?
Emphasize the importance of staying connected to Jesus for support, just as branches need to stay connected to the vine to live and grow.
How can I apply this lesson to daily life?
Encourage students to daily read the Bible, pray, and participate in church activities to maintain their support in Jesus.
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