Saints Philip and James, Apostles
Feast Day: May 3

Saints Philip and James were two of the Twelve Apostles chosen by Jesus. Philip was from Bethsaida, the same town as Peter and Andrew. He was one of the first to follow Jesus, and he quickly shared the good news with others. James, known as James the Less to distinguish him from James the Greater, was the son of Alphaeus. He is sometimes called James the Younger. Both of these men spent their lives following Jesus and spreading His teachings.
The Church remembers Philip and James together. This is because their relics were brought to Rome and placed together in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles. Since then, they have been celebrated on the same feast day. Honoring them together shows the unity of the apostles in their mission.
Their feast day is on May 3. On this day, the Church reflects on their example of faith and dedication. The feast day is a reminder of their loyalty and their work in spreading the message of Jesus. It is a day to honor their courage and their love for God.
Philip and James each brought their own gifts to the early Church. Philip was known for his questions, which helped others see the truth of Jesus’ words. James was known for his wisdom and leadership, especially in Jerusalem. Today, the Church looks to Saints Philip and James as examples of faith, strength, and commitment.
Philip: The Questioning Apostle
Saint Philip was one of the first followers of Jesus. He was from Bethsaida, a fishing village, and likely knew Peter and Andrew, who were also from there. Philip’s story begins when Jesus calls him directly, saying, “Follow me.” Philip responded immediately. He was excited about Jesus and wanted to share Him with others. The Gospel of John tells us that Philip went right away to his friend Nathanael, telling him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about” (John 1:45). Philip’s enthusiasm was clear from the beginning.
Throughout the Gospels, Philip is curious and eager to understand Jesus better. He asks questions that help others understand Jesus’ teachings. At the Last Supper, Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus replied, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). This was a moment for Jesus to explain His close relationship with the Father. Philip’s question opened the door for Jesus to share this important truth with all the apostles.
Philip was also present during the miracle of the multiplication of loaves. When Jesus saw a large crowd, He asked Philip where they could buy bread to feed them all. Philip answered practically, saying it would cost a lot of money to feed so many people (John 6:5-7). Jesus then performed the miracle, feeding thousands with just five loaves and two fish. Philip’s practical approach showed that he was thinking about real solutions. Jesus used this moment to show that God can provide beyond what seems possible.
Philip’s questions and actions show his curiosity and his willingness to learn. He wanted to understand Jesus’ words and works. Philip was not afraid to ask questions, even if he didn’t always understand right away. His questions led to deeper understanding for him and for others. Philip’s search for answers is part of what made him a good disciple.
Tradition says that Philip continued to preach about Jesus after the resurrection. He traveled to spread the Gospel, bringing more people to Jesus. Like the other apostles, Philip faced challenges and persecution, but he remained strong in his mission. He wanted others to know Jesus as he did.
Saint Philip reminds us that questions can lead to a stronger faith. His life shows that even simple questions can lead to deeper truths. Philip’s curiosity helped him grow as a disciple and bring others closer to Jesus. Today, we can look to Philip as an example of how seeking answers can help us grow in our faith.
James the Lesser: The Quiet Leader
Saint James the Lesser was one of the Twelve Apostles. He is called “the Lesser” to distinguish him from James the Greater, another apostle who was the brother of John. James the Lesser was the son of Alphaeus, but we do not know much else about his family or his early life. He is sometimes called “the Younger” as well, likely because he was younger than James the Greater or because he was less well-known.
Although the Gospels do not record many stories about James, he was important in the early Church. After Jesus’ resurrection, James became a key leader in the Christian community in Jerusalem. He helped guide the first believers and kept the community strong. His role in Jerusalem showed his dedication and loyalty to the mission of Jesus. James worked to keep the Church united, even as it faced new challenges.
James was known for his faith and his commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus. He was respected for his wisdom and integrity. Many people looked to him for guidance. In the early Church, James became a strong voice, especially when there were disagreements. At the Council of Jerusalem, James helped make decisions about how non-Jewish converts could join the Church without following all Jewish customs. His leadership was a source of unity and peace.
Tradition tells us that James lived a life of prayer and simplicity. He spent time in the Temple, praying for his people. Eventually, he was martyred for his faith. He died as a witness to Jesus, remaining faithful until the end. His example of strength and humility inspired many early Christians and continues to inspire believers today.
Saint James the Lesser teaches us that true greatness comes from serving others quietly and faithfully. He was not famous, but he was steady and faithful. James shows us that leading by example and staying true to our beliefs is powerful. His life reminds us that even small acts of faith can have a big impact.
Faithful to the End: The Martyrdom and Legacy of Philip and James
Saints Philip and James both gave their lives for Jesus. They each preached the Gospel with courage and dedication. Though their missions were different, both apostles stayed true to their faith, even to the point of death. Their martyrdoms became examples of strength for early Christians, showing that following Jesus was worth any sacrifice.
According to tradition, Saint Philip traveled to areas around Asia Minor to preach about Jesus. In the city of Hierapolis, he faced opposition from those who did not believe. Some accounts say that he was tortured and crucified there. His death showed his commitment to spreading Jesus’ message, even when it was dangerous. Philip’s martyrdom became a witness to the power of faith, inspiring others to believe in Jesus.
Saint James the Lesser also faced persecution for his faith. He was a respected leader in Jerusalem, known for his life of prayer and fasting. But his influence did not protect him from enemies of the Christian faith. According to early Church writings, James was taken to the Temple and asked to deny Jesus. When he refused, he was thrown down from the Temple and then beaten to death. His steadfastness in the face of death showed that his loyalty to Jesus was greater than any fear of suffering.
The deaths of Philip and James had a strong impact on the early Christian community. Their courage encouraged other believers to stay strong in their faith. At a time when being a Christian was dangerous, the martyrs reminded people that life with Christ was worth more than anything in this world. For those who suffered for their beliefs, Philip and James were examples of true discipleship.
Today, the Church honors Saints Philip and James together on May 3. Their shared feast day highlights their unity as apostles and their lasting influence in the Church. The Church remembers their faith, courage, and love for Jesus. On their feast day, Catholics around the world pray for strength to follow Jesus as Philip and James did.
Saints Philip and James are also special patrons for certain groups. Philip is the patron of hat makers and pastry chefs. James is the patron of pharmacists and the dying. People turn to them for help and guidance in times of need, trusting in their prayers before God.
The legacy of Saints Philip and James lives on in the Church. Their lives and deaths show us what it means to follow Jesus with courage and dedication. Even in times of struggle, their example reminds us to stay faithful to God’s call, no matter the cost.
Lessons in Faith: The Teachings of Philip and James
Saint Philip had a strong desire to understand Jesus fully. In the Gospel of John, Philip asked Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us” (John 14:8). Jesus responded by saying, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” This moment taught Philip and all of us that Jesus Himself is our connection to God. When Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6), He reminded His followers that He is the path to truth and to God. Philip’s life shows us how important it is to seek Jesus and rely on Him as our guide.
Philip’s example encourages us to ask questions and deepen our understanding of faith. He was not afraid to approach Jesus with his doubts and his desire to know more. This openness can help us in our own faith journeys. Like Philip, we can come to Jesus with our questions, trusting that He will lead us to greater understanding and peace. Philip reminds us that faith involves both trust and a willingness to learn.
Saint James, known as James the Lesser, was a leader in the early Christian community and a model of humble service. Though James was not as prominent as some other apostles, he served with faith and dedication, especially in Jerusalem. He was known for his commitment to prayer and fasting, showing that faith is rooted in a deep relationship with God. James’s quiet leadership reminds us that true greatness often comes from serving others without seeking attention.
James also teaches us about the importance of patience and perseverance. He faced many challenges and even persecution for his faith, yet he remained committed to his calling. James’s example encourages us to stand firm in our own faith, even when it is difficult. His life shows that a strong faith is steady and patient, trusting in God’s plan through both good times and hardships.
The teachings and examples of Philip and James are valuable guides for us today. Philip teaches us to turn to Jesus with our questions and to trust in Him as the way to God. James shows us the strength of quiet faith and humble service. Together, they remind us that faith involves both seeking understanding and acting with love.
By following the examples of Philip and James, we can grow closer to Jesus and live out our faith in meaningful ways. Their lives encourage us to be humble, to serve others, and to trust in God as we journey in faith.
A Legacy of Faith
In Rome, there is a basilica dedicated to Saints Philip and James. This church, called the Basilica of the Holy Apostles, holds relics of both apostles. Built in the 6th century, it has been an important pilgrimage site for many years. People visit this basilica to honor Philip and James and to ask for their prayers. The church itself is a reminder of the lasting impact these apostles had on the early Church and on believers through the centuries.
The basilica has become a place for reflection and prayer. Pilgrims come to remember the lives of Philip and James and to feel close to the apostles who walked with Jesus. The church also serves as a symbol of the unity of the apostles in their mission. By honoring both apostles together, the basilica highlights the shared dedication and faith of all those who followed Jesus.
In the Church’s liturgy, Saints Philip and James are remembered together each year on May 3. On this feast day, Catholics around the world honor their sacrifices and their faith. The readings and prayers of the day focus on their commitment to spreading the Gospel and their role as witnesses to Jesus. The feast day reminds us of the unity of the apostles and the strength of their example.
Over the centuries, devotion to Saints Philip and James has grown. People admire Philip’s desire to know Jesus deeply and James’s steady leadership. Many turn to them for guidance in times of doubt or difficulty. Their stories encourage Christians to seek understanding, to serve others humbly, and to stand firm in faith, even during trials.
Believers also ask Saints Philip and James for their intercession in specific needs. Philip is often prayed to for understanding and guidance, while James is asked to help with perseverance and strength. When facing challenges, many find comfort in asking for their prayers, trusting that these apostles understand the struggles of faith and can help us stay strong.
The devotion to Saints Philip and James reminds us of the power of faith and friendship with God. Their lives show us how to live as true followers of Jesus. By seeking their prayers, we can grow in faith and find courage to face the challenges of life with trust in God.
Daily Mass Readings for the Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles
- First Reading – 1 Corinthians 15:1-8: I remind you of the Gospel I preached. Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose on the third day, and appeared to many.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 19: The sky and heavens display God’s glory. Every day and night share truths about Him. Their voice reaches every corner of the world.
- Gospel – John 14:6-14: Jesus speaks to his disciples, declaring that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one can come to the Father except through him. Jesus also promises that his followers will do greater works than he did, and that they can ask for anything in his name and he will do it.
Homilies, Commentaries, and Reflections
Word on Fire: Philip Doesn’t Get It
Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the Gospel for the Feast of Saints Philip and James. In his reflection, he discusses a passage from John’s Gospel, chapter fourteen, during the Last Supper. Here, Jesus emphasizes his intimate connection with the Father, telling his disciples that knowing him is knowing the Father. He highlights that his words and actions are direct manifestations of the Father’s will.
Despite this clear message, Philip struggles to understand, asking Jesus to show them the Father, missing the point of Jesus’ unity and humility with the Father.
USCCB Reflection: We Never Stop Searching
On the Feast of Saints Philip and James, the USCCB video reflection focuses on our inherent desire for God, highlighting how this desire is fundamentally a search for happiness, peace, and truth. The Catechism explains that God instills this desire in every human heart as we are created by and for Him.
In the day’s Gospel, Jesus assures Thomas that knowing Him is to know God, as He is the visible representation of God’s love. Jesus embodies the path to fulfilling our deepest longings for connection with the divine, emphasizing that true happiness and peace are found in Him.
Reflection: Following in the Footsteps of Saints Philip and James
Saints Philip and James each followed Jesus in their own way, but both stayed close to Him. Philip was eager to know Jesus more deeply and asked questions that led him closer to the truth. His desire to understand reminds us that it’s okay to have questions in our faith. Philip shows us that seeking answers is a good thing, as long as it brings us closer to God. Like Philip, we can bring our questions to Jesus, trusting that He will help us grow in understanding.
James, on the other hand, teaches us about quiet, steady faith. He didn’t seek attention, but he was a rock for the early Christians, especially in Jerusalem. His quiet strength reminds us that we don’t have to be loud or famous to make a difference. James teaches us that simply being faithful, doing what is right, and supporting others is powerful. His life shows that faithfulness in small things is valuable to God.
Both Philip and James show us the importance of staying committed, even when life is hard. Philip went on to spread the Gospel in dangerous places, while James kept leading and helping Christians in Jerusalem. Their courage shows us that following Jesus is worth any struggle. We may face challenges, but their example encourages us to keep going, trusting that God is with us.
Finally, the lives of Philip and James remind us that each of us has a unique role in God’s plan. Philip’s curiosity and James’s steady leadership were both needed in the early Church. God calls each of us to follow Him in our own way. By looking at Philip and James, we can ask ourselves how God might be calling us to serve, using our own gifts and strengths.
Reflection Questions:
- What questions about faith would I bring to Jesus?
- How can I live with quiet strength like James, even in small things?
- In what ways is God calling me to serve others with my unique gifts?
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Questions and Answers about Saints Philip and James
Who were Saints Philip and James?
Saints Philip and James were two of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. Philip was known for asking questions, and James was a quiet leader in the early Church.
Why are Saints Philip and James celebrated together?
They are celebrated together because their relics were brought to Rome and placed in the same church, the Basilica of the Holy Apostles.
When is the feast day of Saints Philip and James?
The feast day of Saints Philip and James is May 3.
What is Saint Philip known for?
Saint Philip is known for his eagerness to understand Jesus better. He often asked Jesus questions that led to deeper understanding.
What is Saint James known for?
Saint James is known for his humility and leadership. He led the early Christians in Jerusalem and was respected for his faith.
Where did Saints Philip and James preach?
Saint Philip preached in areas around Asia Minor, while Saint James mainly stayed in Jerusalem to lead the Christian community there.
How did Saints Philip and James die?
Tradition says that Saint Philip was crucified in Hierapolis, and Saint James was killed in Jerusalem after being thrown from the Temple.
What are Saints Philip and James the patrons of?
Saint Philip is the patron of hat makers and pastry chefs, while Saint James is the patron of pharmacists and the dying.
Why do people pray to Saints Philip and James?
People pray to Saints Philip and James for help with understanding faith, staying strong in hard times, and being humble.
What can we learn from Saints Philip and James?
Saints Philip and James teach us to seek understanding, to live with humility, and to stay faithful to Jesus even in difficult times.
What are the Mass readings for Feast of Philip and James, Apostles?
The Mass readings for Saturday May 3, 2025 are:
First Reading – 1 Corinthians 15:1-8: The Resurrection
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 19: The Glory of God in Creation
Gospel – John 14:6-14: Knowing Through Jesus
Faithful Followers of Jesus
Saints Philip and James were two of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. Philip was from Bethsaida, the same town as Peter and Andrew. He followed Jesus early on and was excited to share the news with others. Philip often asked Jesus questions, helping others understand who Jesus really was. His curiosity and desire to know Jesus better make him an example of seeking faith.
Saint James, also known as James the Lesser, was the son of Alphaeus. He became an important leader of the early Church in Jerusalem. James was known for his humility, wisdom, and dedication. He focused on prayer and serving the Christian community, providing strong leadership in difficult times. James’s life reminds us of the strength of quiet, steady faith.
The Church celebrates Saints Philip and James together on May 3. Their relics were placed together in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles in Rome. This feast day honors their devotion to Jesus and their example of faithfulness. People pray to Saints Philip and James for help with understanding, humility, and perseverance.
Both Saints Philip and James gave their lives for Jesus. Philip was crucified in Hierapolis, while James was killed in Jerusalem. Their courage and commitment strengthened the early Christian community and continue to inspire believers. Saints Philip and James remind us of the importance of both seeking faith and living it with humility.
Your Turn
Learn more about the lives of Saints Philip and James and see how their examples can guide us today. They were followers of Jesus who showed courage, humility, and a desire to know Him better. Their lives encourage us to stay strong in faith and seek understanding.
Share your own thoughts in the comments: How do Saints Philip and James inspire you? Have you felt a connection with them? Let’s share our insights and grow together in faith.
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