In the Catholic Church, there’s a big need for more priests. Choosing to dedicate your whole life to serving the Church is really different from what most people think is normal or exciting. Because of this, a lot of young people might not even think about becoming a priest. Some might feel like they’re not good enough to be a priest. But here’s the thing: God has a special plan for everyone. He calls each of us to a unique life path, or “vocation.” That means we should all pray, asking God to help those who are meant to be priests to hear His call and to follow it.
So, if you’re looking for a meaningful way to use your prayer time, why not pray for more people to become priests? But that’s not all. It’s also important to pray for yourself, asking God to help you understand your own vocation, your special path in life. Praying like this can make a big difference. It’s about asking for help not just for the Church, but for yourself too, so you can discover the unique role God has just for you.
Ways to Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood
Here are some ways you can pray for more people to hear God’s call to become priests or discover their own special path in life. Remember, praying is a powerful way to support others and yourself:
- Pray a Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Our Father every day for your parish priest. Priests give so much of themselves to help their communities. Show them your love and support with your prayers. At the same time, ask God to inspire more young men to think about becoming priests.
- Say an extra prayer at Mass. Whenever you’re at Mass, take a moment before it starts to pray for the priest leading the Mass and for more people to follow the call to priesthood.
- Dedicate a Rosary to praying for vocations. You can decide to say the Rosary every day, once a week, or even just one time with the intention of asking God for more vocations to the priesthood. It’s a powerful way to pray.
- Check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website. They have over 40 different prayers just for vocations. It’s a great place to find new prayers to help you ask God for more people to join the priesthood or religious life.
- Encourage young people to pray for their own vocation. This means asking God whether He’s calling them to be priests, to join religious life, to get married, or to live a dedicated single life. Here’s a simple prayer they can use: “Lord, help me to hear Your call and give me the courage to follow it, whatever it may be.”
- Add your own ideas to the comments at the bottom of this article.
Praying in these ways can make a big difference. It shows support for those who serve us and helps everyone, especially young people, to think about how God might be calling them to live their lives.
Prayer for Discerning Vocations for Youth
Copyright ©2018 Young-Catholics.com. Free to use with attribution.
Father in Heaven,
In baptism you called me to be priest, prophet, and king.
As priest, I am called to offer my life to your, to sacrifice.
As prophet, I am called to spread the Good News.
As king, I am called to be your daughter (son) , an heir to your Kingdom.
Please send your Holy Spirit to show me how I can live this calling.
Show me how I might serve.
Also, show my brothers and sisters how they are called to serve you:
As priest, sisters, brothers, deacons, lay minister, married people, consecrated singles.
There are so many opportunities for me to lay down my life for you.
Help me see where you are calling me at this time in my life.
Make me open to discern my vocation.
I ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ my Lord.
More Resources
Raising Catholic Kids for Their Vocations
“Raising Catholic Kids for Their Vocations” is a hands-on guide for parents who want to nurture their children’s faith and help them listen to God’s call. Written by Claire and John Grabowski, who have raised five kids themselves, this resource offers real, practical advice rooted in Church teachings. It emphasizes creating a home filled with prayer, service, and witness to the faith. This isn’t about complex theology; it’s about practical steps to fan the spark of faith in your children into a flame. It’s a tool to help your kids find their path to God and to heaven, showing you’re not alone in this important mission.

Tips for Helping Kids Discern Vocations
To raise Catholic kids, start with daily prayer and attending Mass together. This helps grow their faith and shows them the importance of being part of the Church. Teach them about the sacraments and doing good for others, which are key parts of living a Catholic life. Reading the Bible and learning Catholic teachings together can also strengthen their faith. Parents should lead by example, showing how to live out their faith every day. It’s important to talk about serving God in many ways, including the possibility of joining the priesthood or religious life. See more tips.

More Catholic Prayers
If you’re looking for a way to grow in your faith and help the Church, a great place to start is by praying for vocations. Vocations are God’s call to each of us, guiding us to our life’s path, whether that’s becoming a priest, a nun, getting married, or living a single life dedicated to God. Praying for vocations means asking God to help more people hear His call and respond with courage. Use this resource for finding prayers, for vocations and more. It has a lot of Catholic prayers that you can use to pray for your own journey and for others to find their way too. By praying, you’re doing something powerful for yourself and the whole Church.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does “praying for vocations” mean?
Praying for vocations means asking God to help people hear and respond to His call to serve the Church in special ways, like becoming priests. It’s like cheering someone on, but with prayer!
Why is it important to pray for more priests?
Praying for more priests is important because priests help guide us in our faith, celebrate Mass, and are there for us in big moments of our lives. By praying for more priests, we’re asking God to send more helpers to lead and support the Church.
Can I pray for my own vocation?
Absolutely! God has a special plan for everyone, and praying for your own vocation is asking God to help you understand what that plan is. Whether it’s to be a priest, get married, or any other path, talking to God about it is a great step.
How can I pray for vocations?
You can pray in many ways for vocations. Some ideas include saying specific prayers like the Hail Mary, Our Father, or the Rosary with the intention of supporting vocations. You can also pray silently in your heart, especially during Mass or before the Blessed Sacrament.
What should I do if I think God is calling me to be a priest or religious?
If you feel God might be calling you to be a priest or to join religious life, that’s awesome! Talk to a priest, a religious sister or brother, or a youth minister about it. They can help guide you and give you good advice on what steps to take next.
Can only boys pray for vocations to the priesthood?
Nope! Everyone can pray for vocations to the priesthood. God listens to all of our prayers, and when we all pray together for more vocations, it shows how much we care about our Church and each other.
How often should I pray for vocations?
There’s no set rule on how often you should pray for vocations. Some people pray every day, while others might pray once a week or even once a month. The important thing is to pray sincerely, whenever you feel called to.
Thinking about and praying for vocations to the priesthood, as well as seeking understanding about our own unique paths, is our way of showing that we’re really invested in what the future holds for our Church and for ourselves. Every prayer we send up is like a vote of confidence in those who might one day lead our Church as priests, and a step towards discovering the special mission God has in store for us individually.
But why stop there? These prayers aren’t just whispers into the wind; they’re powerful messages of hope and support. They tell future priests that we believe in them and they remind us that God has a plan for every single one of us. It’s amazing to think that just a few moments spent in prayer can have such a big impact, both on the Church and on our own spiritual journeys.
When you pray for vocations, you’re not just asking for more priests. You’re also praying for strong leaders who can guide us, inspire us, and help us grow in our faith. And when you pray to understand your own vocation, you’re opening your heart to the incredible possibilities that God has in store for you, whether that’s leading a congregation, building a family, or serving the community in a unique way.
Your Turn
Now, let’s turn our thoughts into action!
Make it a part of your daily routine to send up a prayer for those considering the priesthood and for guidance on your own path. It doesn’t have to be complicated; a simple prayer will do. And why not spread the word? Encourage your classmates, friends, and family to join in. Imagine the power of so many prayers coming together!
Don’t be shy about diving deep into your own spiritual journey, either. Chat with God about your hopes, dreams, and even your uncertainties. Remember, whether you’re called to wear the collar, join a religious community, walk down the aisle, or forge a unique path, discovering your vocation is one of the most rewarding adventures you can embark on. So let’s pray, reflect, and act with conviction. Together, we can light up the world with our faith and determination.
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