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Visit a Cemetery With Your Family

Why Visit a Cemetery with Your Family?

From time to time it is good to think about our own mortality and how Jesus brings us from death into life through His sacrifice on the cross. With children, especially young children, it is best not to be to heavy handed about this though. We don’t want to scare them. Visit a cemetery to see the graves of loved ones and and remember them to make this a positive experience for them.

When you visit a cemetery with your family, children can remember how much they loved their deceased relatives and friends and say a prayer for them. It might help to take a few photos to look at. And then talk about how Jesus died so we could all be together again in the Resurrection. For older children, you can tie this in to one of the Corporal Works of Mercy: “Bury the dead.”

While there, say a rosary or read a scripture passage aloud.  There are some good suggestions for scripture on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops site.

Here is a suggested prayer to say when you visit a cemetery with your family. Then conclude with the well known Catholic prayer for the dead at the bottom. Change the pronouns to fit.

Prayer for a Deceased Loved One

God our Father, we entrust our dear (name) to your care.
We remember with love and thanksgiving the time we spent together.
In your mercy, grant him entrance into your heavenly kingdom
Where we hope to meet again.
Meanwhile we who remain here
Request the courage and strength to continue the work of your Kingdom.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Other Resources

Prayer for the Grieving

This prayer is appropriate if you are grieving the loss of a loved one , or a friendship, or a dream. Pour your heart out in prayer and our Lord and know you are heard.

A Guardian’s Farewell

This not only speaks of the passage from this world to eternal life. Sometimes life is very hard and the trials of living make the days feel long. But this world is passing and there are better things to come. Just be brave and patient.

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