What Moves You?
Holy Spirit Lesson Plan

The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is designed to help young people understand the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Through this lesson plan, youth will learn how the Holy Spirit guides them and gives them the strength to live out their faith. This plan encourages them to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit, who is always with them, helping them to grow closer to God.
Young people often face challenges that make it hard to share their faith or stay committed to their beliefs. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” helps them see that they are not alone. The Holy Spirit is there to give them courage, wisdom, and strength. By following this plan, they can discover how the Holy Spirit can help them overcome their fears and doubts.
This lesson plan also teaches that the Holy Spirit is like the breath of God, filling them with life and energy. Just as breath is necessary for life, the Holy Spirit is essential for living as a disciple of Jesus. The plan shows how the Holy Spirit helps them move forward in their faith, just as breath fills a balloon and makes it move.
In the end, the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” encourages youth to ask for the Holy Spirit’s help in their daily lives. It reminds them that God never forces Himself into their lives but patiently waits for them to invite Him in. By doing so, they can experience the joy and peace that comes from living in the Spirit.
Opening Game for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
Start this Holy Spirit lesson plan with a game about movement.
Divide the group into pairs and give each pair a deflated balloon. Tell them to wait for instructions before blowing up the balloon.
Explain the game: Each pair should stand six feet apart. They will bat the balloon to each other using their hands, without catching or holding it. The goal is to keep the balloon in the air as long as possible. The pair that keeps it up the longest wins.
If they start blowing up their balloons early, remind them they haven’t been told to do so yet. They must play the game with deflated balloons.
After they attempt to play, discuss how it went.
- How successful were you in getting the balloon to your partner?
- What would have made the game easier?
Now, let them blow up the balloons and play the game again.
Afterward, discuss again.
- It was easier this time, right?
- Are you usually aware of the air around you?
- How surprising is it that a little air could make such a big difference in this game?
Just as the air made a big difference in the game, the Holy Spirit makes a big difference in our lives. We might not always be aware of the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit is essential in helping us share our faith with others. The Holy Spirit moves our hearts and helps us reach the hearts of others.
Scripture Reading for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
Read the gospel:
John 20:19-23 (The disciples receive the Holy Spirit) – the Gospel Reading for the Pentecost – Years A, B, and C
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”
Discussion for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
The Holy Spirit is presented as breath in the Gospel we just read. It might seem like a small thing at first, but when you stop and think about it, breath is really important. Remember how we used breath to fill up the balloons during our game? Those balloons were just sitting there, flat and lifeless, until we filled them with air. The moment we added breath, they came to life, ready to move and be part of the game.
In the same way, the Holy Spirit is like God’s breath in us. Without breath, those balloons couldn’t move; they were stuck where they were. Just like that, without the Holy Spirit, we can also get stuck. We might find ourselves afraid, unsure, or too comfortable to step out and do what God is calling us to do. But when the Holy Spirit fills us, we can move. We can leave our comfort zones and go out to share the Gospel with others.
So, let’s talk about this. What are some ways you can share your faith with those around you? Maybe you’ve thought about inviting a friend to church, talking to someone about Jesus, or just being a kind and loving example to others. Sharing your faith doesn’t always mean giving a big speech. It can be as simple as living in a way that shows others God’s love through your actions, words, and attitudes.
But here’s the thing—sometimes it’s not easy to do this. So, what is keeping you from sharing your faith? How are you stuck? Maybe it’s fear. Fear of what others might think or say. Maybe you feel like you don’t know enough or aren’t confident enough to talk about your faith. Or maybe it’s just easier to stay quiet and go along with the crowd. These are normal feelings, and it’s okay to admit them. We all have things that hold us back.
But this is where the Holy Spirit comes in. The Holy Spirit isn’t just some distant force; the Spirit is God’s very breath within us, giving us life, strength, and courage. Is there a gift of the Holy Spirit that could help you get unstuck? Think about it. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts like wisdom, understanding, and courage. Maybe you need wisdom to know the right words to say. Or maybe courage is what you need to overcome your fears and step out in faith. The Holy Spirit is ready to give you what you need, but you have to ask.
So, what might you do to allow the Spirit to move you? It starts with prayer. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, to breathe new life into you, and to give you the strength to move forward. You don’t have to do it all on your own. The Holy Spirit is there to help you every step of the way. Spend time in prayer, asking for the specific gifts you need. Whether it’s courage, wisdom, understanding, or something else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you get unstuck and move in the direction God is calling you.
Remember, God never forces Himself into our lives. The Holy Spirit is a gift, but we have to be open to receiving it. We have to invite the Holy Spirit in and be willing to follow where the Spirit leads. It might feel uncomfortable at times, but that’s okay. Growth often happens when we step out of our comfort zones.
Think of it like this: just as the breath filled those balloons and made them move, the Holy Spirit fills us and helps us move too. The Spirit gives us the power to share our faith, to live out the Gospel, and to be witnesses of God’s love in the world. But it all starts with letting the Holy Spirit in and allowing God to work in and through us.
So, what will you do? Will you ask for the Holy Spirit’s help? Will you allow the Spirit to move you? Take some time to think and pray about it. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with God’s breath, to help you get unstuck, and to give you the courage to share your faith with those around you. God is ready to help you along the path of discipleship, but it’s up to you to take the first step and ask for the Spirit’s assistance.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
In small groups, youth have the opportunity to share thoughts and experiences with each other in a more personal way. These discussions can help youth grow in our faith as they listen to and support one another.
The Holy Spirit works through our conversations, helping us to understand more about God and how He is active in our lives. Let’s take this time to open up, listen carefully, and encourage one another as we explore these questions together.
- How can we support each other in living out our faith with the help of the Holy Spirit? Discuss ways the group can encourage and pray for each other, especially when facing challenges in sharing your faith. How can you rely on the Holy Spirit together?
- When have you felt the Holy Spirit moving in your life? Share a moment when you felt guided, comforted, or strengthened by the Holy Spirit. How did this experience impact your faith?
- What holds you back from sharing your faith with others? Are there fears, doubts, or challenges that make it difficult for you to talk about your faith? How can the Holy Spirit help you overcome these obstacles?
- How do you think the Holy Spirit helps us spread the Gospel? Discuss how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and the hearts of others to share God’s love and message. Why is the Spirit’s role important in evangelization?
- Which gift of the Holy Spirit do you think you need most right now? Whether it’s wisdom, courage, or another gift, talk about which gift you feel would help you in your current situation. How can you ask the Holy Spirit for this help?
- How do you see the Holy Spirit working in our group? Reflect on how the Holy Spirit has been present in your discussions, actions, or prayers as a group. What signs of the Spirit’s presence have you noticed?
- What can you do this week to be more aware of the Holy Spirit in your life? Think about practical ways you can invite the Holy Spirit into your daily routine. How can you stay open to the Spirit’s guidance throughout the week?
- How does understanding the Holy Spirit as “God’s breath” change the way you think about your faith? Consider the idea of the Holy Spirit as the breath of God giving us life and energy. How does this image affect your relationship with God and your approach to living out your faith?
Challenge for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
The Holy Spirit is always ready to guide us on our journey of discipleship, but we must invite the Spirit into our lives. God respects our free will and does not force Himself upon us. It is up to us to ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, trusting that the Spirit will provide the guidance, strength, and wisdom we need to follow Jesus more closely. By opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit, we allow God to work within us, helping us grow in faith and love.
This week, consider making a habit of praying to the Holy Spirit each day. You might start with St. Augustine’s prayer to the Holy Spirit, which is a simple yet powerful way to invite the Spirit into your life. If you prefer, you can also pray from your heart, asking the Holy Spirit to fill you with God’s presence and lead you in your daily decisions. Regular prayer to the Holy Spirit can deepen your relationship with God and help you stay focused on the path of discipleship.
Prayer for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
As we come to the end of our lesson, let’s take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives. The Holy Spirit is our guide, comforter, and source of strength as we walk the path of discipleship. Let’s ask the Spirit to fill us with the love, wisdom, and courage we need to live out our faith every day.
(Get a printable copy of St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit here)
We will close with St. Augustine’s prayer to the Holy Spirit. This beautiful prayer reminds us to rely on the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance in all that we do. Let’s pray together:
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy.
More Resources for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
Themes for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
- Holy Spirit as Guide: The Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives, helping us make decisions that align with God’s will. We can trust the Spirit to lead us on the right path. Listening to the Spirit’s guidance is key to living a faithful life.
- Empowerment through the Spirit: The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and courage to live out our faith. With the Spirit’s help, we can overcome fear and boldly share the Gospel. The Spirit empowers us to be true disciples of Christ.
- Holy Spirit as Comforter: In times of trouble and worry, the Holy Spirit offers us comfort and peace. The Spirit helps us feel God’s presence and love. We can rely on the Spirit to bring us calm in difficult moments.
- Receiving God’s Breath: The Holy Spirit is the breath of God, bringing life to our souls. Just as breath is essential for physical life, the Spirit is essential for spiritual life. The Spirit fills us with God’s love and energy.
- Forgiveness and the Spirit: The Holy Spirit helps us understand the importance of forgiveness. Through the Spirit, we can forgive others and seek forgiveness for our sins. The Spirit works in us to bring healing and reconciliation.
- Spreading the Gospel: The Holy Spirit inspires us to share the Good News of Jesus with others. The Spirit gives us the words and courage to speak about our faith. Through the Spirit, we can reach out to others with love and truth.
- Gifts of the Spirit: The Holy Spirit gives us special gifts like wisdom, understanding, and courage. These gifts help us live as faithful Christians. We are called to use these gifts to serve God and others.
- Living as Disciples: The Holy Spirit helps us live as true disciples of Jesus. The Spirit guides us to follow Christ’s teachings and be examples of His love. We can rely on the Spirit to help us grow in holiness.
- Renewal through the Spirit: The Holy Spirit renews our hearts and minds, helping us grow closer to God. The Spirit transforms us, making us more like Christ. This renewal is ongoing and helps us stay committed to our faith.
- Prayer and the Spirit: The Holy Spirit helps us pray, even when we don’t know what to say. The Spirit intercedes for us, bringing our needs to God. Through prayer, we open ourselves to the Spirit’s guidance and strength.
Background Material for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” fits into Catholic teaching by focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers. The Holy Spirit is central to our faith, guiding us, empowering us, and helping us live as disciples of Jesus Christ. This lesson plan helps young people understand how the Holy Spirit works in their lives, drawing from Scripture, the Catechism, and Catholic tradition.
In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is described as the breath of God that brings life and renewal. In John 20:22, Jesus breathes on His disciples and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” This moment shows how the Holy Spirit is a gift from God, meant to empower us to live out our faith. The breath of God that fills us with life is the same Spirit that gives us the courage and wisdom to share the Gospel with others.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) teaches that the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in our spiritual lives. It says the Holy Spirit is “the principal agent of the whole of the Church’s mission” (CCC 852). This means that the Holy Spirit is the one who moves us to act, to spread the Gospel, and to live as witnesses of Christ. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” emphasizes this aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work, helping young people see how they are called to participate in the mission of the Church.
Another important aspect of the Holy Spirit’s role is in the sacraments. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, Catholics receive the Holy Spirit in a special way. The Catechism explains that Confirmation “increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us” (CCC 1303). These gifts, such as wisdom, understanding, and courage, are given to us so that we can live as true disciples. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” helps young people recognize these gifts in their lives and encourages them to use these gifts to serve God and others.
The Holy Spirit also helps us in our prayer life. St. Paul writes in Romans 8:26, “The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.” This verse highlights how the Holy Spirit guides us in prayer, helping us connect with God even when we struggle to find the right words. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” encourages young people to rely on the Holy Spirit in their prayers, trusting that the Spirit will lead them closer to God.
The Holy Spirit’s role in forgiveness is another key point in Catholic teaching. Jesus gave the apostles the authority to forgive sins, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them” (John 20:22-23). This authority, passed down through the Church, shows how the Holy Spirit is involved in the sacrament of Reconciliation. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” helps young people understand the importance of forgiveness and the role of the Holy Spirit in this process.
In summary, the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” aligns with Catholic teaching by focusing on the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding, empowering, and transforming us. It draws from the Bible, the Catechism, and Catholic tradition to help young people see how the Holy Spirit is active in their lives. Through this lesson plan, they are encouraged to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to move them to live out their faith boldly and joyfully.
Music Suggestions for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
- Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli
- Come Holy Spirit by by Matt Maher and Martin Smith
- Come Holy Ghost by Catholic Music Initiative
- Holy Spirit, Living Breath Of God by Keith and Kristyn Getty

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
If you’re looking for more lesson plans and reflections like the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan,” visit our website. We offer a variety of free resources for teachers, youth ministers, and catechists. These materials can help guide youth in their faith journey and make learning about the Holy Spirit engaging and meaningful. You can find more lesson plans and ideas to use in your ministry by visiting this page: Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections. Explore these resources to enrich your teaching and inspire your youth.
Questions and Answers for the What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan
What is the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan”?
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is a resource designed to help young people understand the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives. It includes activities, reflections, and discussions that guide youth in recognizing how the Holy Spirit empowers and guides them in their faith journey.
Who can use the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan”?
This lesson plan is suitable for teachers, youth ministers, catechists, and anyone working with young people. It is designed to be adaptable for different age groups and settings, such as classrooms, youth groups, or religious education programs.
What will young people learn from this Holy Spirit lesson plan?
Through the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan,” young people will learn about the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding, empowering, and comforting them. They will explore how the Holy Spirit helps them live as disciples of Jesus, share their faith, and grow in their relationship with God.
How does this Holy Spirit lesson plan fit into Catholic teaching?
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is based on Catholic teachings about the Holy Spirit. It draws from the Bible, the Catechism, and Catholic tradition to help youth understand how the Holy Spirit is active in their lives, guiding them in their faith journey.
Are there any special materials needed for this Holy Spirit lesson plan?
Most of the activities in the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” can be done with simple materials like paper, pens, and Bibles. Specific activities might require additional materials, which will be listed in the plan. However, it is designed to be easy to implement with minimal resources.
How long does the Holy Spirit lesson plan take to complete?
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is flexible and can be adjusted to fit the time available. It can be completed in one session or spread out over multiple sessions, depending on your schedule and the needs of your group.
Can this Holy Spirit lesson plan be used for Confirmation preparation?
Yes, the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” can be a valuable resource for Confirmation preparation. It helps young people understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they can use these gifts in their lives as confirmed Catholics.
What if my students have different levels of understanding about the Holy Spirit?
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is designed to be adaptable for different levels of understanding. You can modify the activities and discussions to meet the needs of your group, ensuring that all students can participate and learn.
Discover the Holy Spirit’s Power
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is designed to help young people understand the vital role of the Holy Spirit in their lives. It focuses on how the Holy Spirit guides, empowers, and comforts us as we live out our faith. The plan includes activities, reflections, and discussions that encourage youth to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit and to rely on His guidance.
Through this Holy Spirit lesson plan, young people will explore key teachings about the Holy Spirit from the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They will learn how the Holy Spirit strengthens them to live as true disciples of Jesus and how the gifts of the Holy Spirit help them serve God and others. The plan is designed to be flexible, allowing leaders to adapt it to different age groups and settings.
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is not just about learning facts; it is about experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in a personal and meaningful way. It encourages young people to step out in faith, trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide them in their decisions, help them in their struggles, and inspire them to share the Gospel. This lesson plan is a valuable resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Holy Spirit and His work in their lives.
Your Turn
Try the “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” with your group today. It’s a great way to help young people connect with the Holy Spirit and grow in their faith.
After using the Holy Spirit lesson plan, share your own variations and notes in the comment section. Your insights could inspire others and make the lesson plan even better for future groups. The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” is a powerful tool—explore it, adapt it, and let the Holy Spirit move you!
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