Our Lady of Fatima
Feast Day: May 13

Our Lady of Fatima is a title given to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. This title comes from the town of Fatima in Portugal. In 1917, Mary appeared to three shepherd children there. These events became known as the apparitions of Fatima.
The three children were named Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta. They were simple and humble. They spent their days tending sheep. Mary appeared to them six times between May and October of that year.
Mary gave the children messages during these visits. She asked them to pray the Rosary and make sacrifices for sinners. She also shared secrets about the future. These messages were meant for the whole world.
Millions of people honor Our Lady of Fatima today. Her story reminds us to trust God and pray often. It encourages us to follow Mary’s example of love and faith.
When Heaven Came to Fatima
The story of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima began on May 13, 1917. Three shepherd children—Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto—were watching their sheep near a place called Cova da Iria. Suddenly, they saw a bright light. A beautiful lady appeared, standing on a small cloud above a tree.
The lady told the children that she came from heaven. She asked them to come back to the same spot on the 13th of every month for six months. She also asked them to pray the Rosary every day. The children promised to do what she asked. They kept this a secret at first, but people in the village began to notice something unusual.
The children returned to the same spot each month, and Mary appeared to them each time. Crowds began to gather, hoping to see something special. During her visits, Mary gave the children important messages. She told them to pray for peace, offer sacrifices for sinners, and trust in God. She also warned about future wars and troubles if people did not change their ways.
On October 13, the last apparition took place. A huge crowd, estimated at 70,000 people, came to the Cova da Iria. Many were hoping for a miracle. That day, something extraordinary happened. The sun appeared to spin, change colors, and move in the sky. People called it the “Miracle of the Sun.” Even those far away reported seeing it.
Mary’s visits ended that day, but her message did not. The children shared everything she told them. Over time, the apparitions of Fatima became known all over the world. The place where she appeared is now a famous shrine visited by pilgrims each year. Her story still inspires people to pray, turn to God, and live with hope.
Three Little Witnesses
The story of Fatima centers around three shepherd children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto. They lived in a small village in Portugal. Their families were poor, and the children worked as shepherds to help. They were young—Lucia was 10 years old, Francisco was 9, and Jacinta was only 7.
Lucia was the oldest and the leader among them. She was kind, smart, and loved to pray. Francisco was quieter and loved nature. He enjoyed playing his flute while watching the sheep. Jacinta was lively and playful. She was also very sensitive to the suffering of others. All three children had a strong faith, even though they were still very young.
When Mary appeared to them, the children were surprised but not afraid. They listened carefully to everything she said. Francisco could see Mary but could not hear her. Jacinta and Lucia could both see and hear her. They helped Francisco understand the messages.
The children were asked to make sacrifices and pray for sinners. They took this very seriously. They gave up food, offered their small daily struggles, and spent long hours in prayer. Despite their young age, they showed great courage and love for God.
Francisco and Jacinta became very sick after the apparitions. They died a few years later, as Mary had told them they would. Lucia lived much longer and became a nun. She spent her life spreading Mary’s message from Fatima. Today, Francisco and Jacinta are saints. Their lives remind us that even children can do great things for God.
A Call to Prayer and Repentance
The message of Fatima is simple but very important. Mary came to Fatima to remind people to pray and turn away from sin. She wanted people to come closer to God. She asked everyone to pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world.
Mary also spoke about the need for repentance. She said that people should offer sacrifices for sinners. This means giving up small comforts or doing something difficult for the love of God. The children took this message seriously and made sacrifices in their daily lives.
Mary warned that if people did not stop sinning, there would be great suffering. She spoke about wars and the troubles of the world. She also asked for prayers for Russia, which was going through a time of great struggle. She promised that if people prayed and changed their ways, peace would come.
Another part of the message was about the First Saturdays. Mary asked people to go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray the Rosary, and meditate for five First Saturdays in a row. She said this would bring peace to hearts and help save souls.
The message of Fatima is still important today. Mary’s words remind us to trust in God, pray daily, and live holy lives. Her message is for everyone, no matter where they live or what they do. It shows us that prayer and love can make a real difference in the world.
The Day the Sun Danced
The Miracle of the Sun happened on October 13, 1917. It was the last time Mary appeared to the three shepherd children. Word of the apparitions had spread, and a huge crowd gathered at the Cova da Iria. People wanted to see if something amazing would happen, as Mary had promised.
Around 70,000 people came that day, despite heavy rain. The crowd included believers, skeptics, and even reporters. The children arrived and prayed the Rosary as they waited for Mary. When she appeared to them, she told them to pray and continue to trust in God. Then, something extraordinary happened.
The rain stopped, and the clouds parted. The sun began to spin in the sky. It changed colors, throwing rays of light in all directions. Then it seemed to move toward the earth, causing many people to cry out in fear. Some thought it was the end of the world.
The sun returned to its place in the sky, and everything became normal again. Many people noticed that their clothes, soaked from the rain, were now dry. Witnesses were amazed, and even those who had doubted came to believe. Reports of the miracle spread quickly. Newspapers, even those not friendly to the Church, published accounts of what had happened.
The Miracle of the Sun is one of the most famous events connected to Fatima. The Church later declared it a true miracle. It was a sign that Mary’s message was real and that people should listen to what she asked. The event remains a powerful reminder of God’s presence and care for His people.
Mary’s Request to Pray and Change
At Fatima, Mary called the world to prayer and penance. She asked the three children to pray the Rosary every day. This was her main request. She said the Rosary would bring peace to the world and help people turn back to God.
Mary also asked for penance. Penance means doing something to show sorrow for sin. This could be making sacrifices or giving up something we like. Mary told the children to offer these small sacrifices to God. She said they could help save sinners and bring others closer to God.
The children listened carefully to Mary. They gave up food and water at times. They prayed for long hours. They even accepted suffering, like teasing from others, as a way to offer penance. Mary’s message was not just for them—it was for everyone.
Mary also taught the children a prayer to say after each decade of the Rosary. She said, “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” This prayer is now part of the Rosary that many people pray today.
The call to prayer and penance is at the heart of the Fatima message. Mary wanted people to live holy lives and grow closer to God. By praying the Rosary and offering sacrifices, we can answer her call and help bring peace to the world.
Honoring Our Lady of Fatima Today
Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima is still strong today. Millions of people around the world honor her through prayer, pilgrimages, and special devotions. Her message of prayer and repentance continues to inspire people to live better lives.
One of the most popular ways to honor Our Lady of Fatima is by praying the Rosary. Many people pray it daily, as she asked. Families, parishes, and groups often come together to pray the Rosary for peace and for the conversion of sinners. This devotion has brought comfort and hope to many.
Pilgrimages to the shrine at Fatima in Portugal are also very common. Thousands of pilgrims visit the site each year, especially on May 13 and October 13, the anniversaries of her first and last apparitions. People go to pray, attend Mass, and ask for Mary’s help in their lives. The shrine has become a place of great spiritual renewal.
The First Saturday devotion is another way to honor Our Lady of Fatima. Mary asked people to receive Holy Communion, go to confession, pray the Rosary, and meditate for five First Saturdays in a row. This devotion is offered as a way to repair for sins and to draw closer to her Son, Jesus.
Through these practices, devotion to Our Lady of Fatima continues to grow. Her message remains as important today as it was in 1917. By listening to her call and following her example, we can bring peace to our hearts and to the world.
Mary’s Message and the World
The message of Our Lady of Fatima is deeply connected to world events. When Mary appeared in 1917, the world was in the middle of World War I. She told the children to pray for peace and to offer sacrifices for sinners. She warned that if people did not turn back to God, worse things would happen.
One of her warnings was about a second world war. She said this war would come if people did not stop offending God. Sadly, World War II began just over 20 years later. Many people saw this as a fulfillment of her warning. Her message showed the importance of prayer for peace in the world.
Mary also spoke about Russia. She asked for prayers for the conversion of Russia. At that time, Russia was moving toward atheism under Communism. Mary said that if her request was ignored, Russia would spread its errors around the world, causing suffering. Many people believe her message was connected to the rise of Communism and its effects on the world.
In 1984, Pope St. John Paul II consecrated the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This act was done in response to Mary’s message at Fatima. Many believe this prayer helped bring about the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, including the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The message of Fatima continues to speak to world events today. It reminds us of the power of prayer and the need to trust in God during difficult times. Mary’s words encourage us to pray for peace, turn away from sin, and work for the good of the world.
Honoring Our Lady of Fatima in the Church
The Church celebrates the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13. This date marks the anniversary of her first appearance to the three shepherd children in 1917. On this day, Catholics around the world remember her message and offer prayers in her honor.
The apparitions of Fatima were carefully studied by the Church. After a long process, the Church officially declared them worthy of belief in 1930. This means that Catholics are free to believe and honor the events of Fatima. The Church recognized that the message of Fatima calls people to prayer, repentance, and trust in God.
Over the years, many popes have shown their devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. Pope St. Paul VI visited the shrine in 1967, 50 years after the apparitions. Pope St. John Paul II visited several times and credited Our Lady of Fatima with saving his life after an assassination attempt on May 13, 1981. He believed that her intercession guided the bullet away from his vital organs.
Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the shepherd children, were declared saints by Pope Francis in 2017. This was the 100th anniversary of the apparitions. Lucia dos Santos, the third child, is also on the path to sainthood. These recognitions show the Church’s deep connection to the story of Fatima.
The feast day and official recognition of Fatima remind Catholics of Mary’s love and care for the world. They encourage people to live out her message through prayer, sacrifices, and devotion. The story of Fatima continues to inspire faith and hope in God’s plan.
Daily Mass Readings for the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
Readings for the Optional Memorial may also be taken from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- First Reading – Isaiah 61:9-11: I rejoice in the Lord who blesses His people, clothes me with salvation, and promises justice and praise will flourish among all nations.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 45: I am joyfully led into the palace, clad in gold-threaded robes, ready to embrace my new role under the king’s gaze.
- Gospel – Luke 11:27-28: Jesus teaches that true happiness comes from listening to and following God’s word, more than from family connections.
Homilies, Commentaries, and Reflections
Reflection: Learning from Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima teaches us about the importance of prayer and trust in God. She appeared to three children, who were simple and humble, to share a message for the whole world. This shows that God can work through anyone, no matter how young or ordinary they are. It reminds us that our daily actions and prayers matter, even if they seem small.
Mary asked for the Rosary to be prayed every day. This is a simple prayer that brings us closer to Jesus. It can be prayed at home, in a group, or while walking. By praying the Rosary, we are reminded to think about Jesus’ life and listen to what God asks of us. Mary also asked for sacrifices. These do not have to be big. They can be as simple as giving up a treat or doing something kind for someone else.
The story of Fatima also speaks about the need for peace. Mary warned about the harm that sin can bring to the world. Wars, arguments, and divisions often come from selfishness and sin. Her message reminds us to work for peace, beginning with our own hearts and homes. Forgiving others, saying kind words, and praying for those in need are ways we can answer her call.
Our Lady of Fatima reminds us to stay close to God even in hard times. She appeared during a difficult period in history, but her message brought hope. We can reflect on her example and trust that God is always with us, no matter what we face.
Reflection Questions:
- How can I make more time for prayer in my daily life?
- What small sacrifices can I offer to God this week?
- Is there someone I need to forgive or pray for to bring peace into my life?

Pray the Rosary
The Rosary, a cherished method of prayer, invites us to connect intimately with Jesus through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Divided into four sets of mysteries, it allows us to reflect on different aspects of our faith and engage our senses in imagining the life of Jesus and Mary. Through this rhythmic and meditative practice, we foster a profound connection with God and Our Lady of Fatima, echoing the spiritual experiences of the shepherd children.

Make a Rosary Slide Bracelet or Key-Chain
Crafting a rosary slide bracelet or keychain serves as a beautiful reminder for children and teenagers to engage in prayer. The practicality of a rosary keychain is particularly meaningful for new drivers, as it ensures that they always carry their keys and a symbol of their faith with them. This connection to prayer and the devotion to the rosary aligns with the spiritual significance of Our Lady of Fatima, who encouraged the children to pray the rosary.

Participate in the First Five Saturdays Devotion
The Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly known as the First Five Saturdays devotion, holds a significant place in the messages conveyed during the apparitions at Fatima. Our Blessed Mother specifically requested Lucia to ensure the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart through this devotion. This devotion serves as a means of honoring and making amends for offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart, echoing the profound call to repentance and devotion emphasized by Our Lady of Fatima.
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Questions and Answers
Who is Our Lady of Fatima?
Our Lady of Fatima is a title for Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.
When did Our Lady of Fatima appear?
Our Lady of Fatima appeared six times, from May 13 to October 13, 1917.
Who did Our Lady of Fatima appear to?
She appeared to three shepherd children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto.
What did Our Lady of Fatima ask for?
She asked people to pray the Rosary, make sacrifices for sinners, and turn back to God.
What is the Miracle of the Sun?
The Miracle of the Sun happened on October 13, 1917. Thousands of people saw the sun spin and move in the sky.
What are the secrets of Fatima?
The secrets of Fatima are three messages Mary gave to the children. They spoke about prayer, the future, and trusting in God.
Why is the Rosary important to Our Lady of Fatima?
She said the Rosary is a powerful prayer that brings peace and helps people turn away from sin.
Is there a feast day for Our Lady of Fatima?
Yes, the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima is May 13.
Why do people visit Fatima?
Many visit Fatima to pray, honor Mary, and see the place where the apparitions happened.
What can we learn from Our Lady of Fatima?
We learn to pray daily, make sacrifices, trust God, and work for peace in our lives and the world.
What are the Mass readings for the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima?
First Reading – Isaiah 61:9-11: Radiant Bride
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 45: Exaltation of the Royal Bridegroom
Gospel – Luke 11:27-28: Blessedness through Faithful Obedience
A Heavenly Visit to Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima is the title given to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, because of her appearances in Fatima, Portugal. In 1917, she appeared six times to three shepherd children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto. The children were young and lived simple lives, but Mary gave them an important message for the whole world.
Mary asked the children to pray the Rosary every day. She told them to pray for peace and to help save sinners. She also asked for sacrifices. These could be small things offered to God, like giving up treats or accepting difficulties with patience.
On October 13, during her final visit, Mary performed a great miracle. The sun appeared to spin and move in the sky in front of thousands of people. This event became known as the Miracle of the Sun and helped many people believe in her message.
Today, the story of Our Lady of Fatima is known all over the world. Millions of people honor her by praying the Rosary, visiting the shrine in Fatima, and following her request for prayer and repentance. Her message of hope and peace continues to inspire people of all ages.
Your Turn
Our Lady of Fatima reminds us to pray, trust in God, and live with faith. Take time to learn more about her message and how it can bring peace to your life. Start by praying the Rosary or reading about her story. What do you think of her message?
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Let’s encourage each other to follow Mary’s call to prayer and love.
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