Slow Down!
Lesson Plan on Prayer

In today’s fast-paced world, youth often find themselves overwhelmed with activities and distractions. The Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer offers a way to reconnect with God and find peace amidst the chaos. By learning to slow down and pray, young people can discover the importance of rest and reflection in their lives.
Jesus understood the need for rest. Throughout His ministry, He took time to retreat and pray, even when surrounded by demanding crowds. This lesson plan encourages youth to follow Jesus’ example, emphasizing the value of stepping away from busyness to spend time with God. Prayer is not just an additional task; it is a vital part of a balanced and healthy life.
The Gospel of Mark (6:30-34) tells of Jesus inviting His apostles to rest. This passage highlights the importance of taking breaks and finding solitude. Jesus showed compassion for the crowds but also knew the importance of recharging through prayer. This lesson plan aims to teach youth the significance of balancing activity with spiritual rest.
Saints and Church teachings also reinforce the importance of prayer. St. Francis de Sales wisely noted that the busier we are, the more we need to pray. This lesson plan helps youth develop a regular prayer habit, finding a set time and quiet place for prayer, and exploring different methods of connecting with God. By making prayer a priority, young people can grow in their faith and find peace in their daily lives.
Opening Game for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
Start with a game to emphasize the importance of slowing down and finding time for prayer. Have several stations for doing “tasks”:
- Laundry Station: Have some laundry that needs to be folded.
- Book Station: Have some books that need to be put in a backpack.
- Basketball Station: Have a soft basketball that needs to be shot into a hoop.
- Dishwashing Station: Have some dirty dishes and a tub of soapy water to wash them in.
- Additional Ideas: You can add more stations, like sweeping a small area or organizing a stack of papers.
- Divide Into Teams: Split the group into two or more teams. Each team will line up behind the starting line.
- Relay Style: The first person on each team will start the relay. They must complete the following tasks:
- Fold one piece of laundry.
- Put one book in the backpack.
- Shoot one basket with the basketball.
- Wash one dish.
- Complete any additional tasks you have set up.
- After completing the tasks, they tag the next person in line.
- Winning the Game: The first team to have all their members complete the tasks wins the game.
After the game, gather everyone together and ask these questions:
- Did that game make you feel busy? Encourage them to think about how they felt rushing from one task to another.
- Do you like being busy all the time? Ask them to reflect on whether they enjoy being constantly busy or if it makes them feel stressed.
- What do you like to do when you are not busy? Get them to share activities they enjoy when they have free time. This could include hobbies, spending time with family, or praying.
The purpose of this game is to show how busy our lives can be and why it’s important to slow down and find time for prayer. By doing these tasks quickly, they can experience the busyness we often feel in our daily lives. This sets the stage for understanding why Jesus took time to pray and why we should too.
Scripture Reading for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
Rest is important in our lives. Jesus understood this. During his ministry, he was often surrounded by crowds. They could be demanding, either wanting him to work a miracle for them or wanting to challenge him with their questions. He would often go away to a quiet place to pray.
Mark 6:30-34 (Jesus invites his apostles to rest) – the for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught.
He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”
People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them.
When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.Mark 6:30-34
Discussion for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
So, Jesus knew He couldn’t spend all His time curing people and preaching. He understood that He couldn’t be busy all the time. Jesus often took time away from the crowds to pray. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us:
“Jesus often draws apart to pray in solitude, on a mountain, preferably at night. … His words and works are the visible manifestation of his prayer in secret” (CCC 2602).
Jesus knew what He was doing was important. But being connected to God the Father in prayer was even more important.
Why did Jesus go to a deserted place to pray? He also invited His friends to step away from what they were doing. This tells us that taking time away to pray is crucial. We have many distractions and things to do in our lives. Prayer can sometimes seem like just another item on our to-do list. And because it doesn’t seem urgent, it might end up at the bottom of that list.
But prayer is very important. When we are overwhelmed, like Jesus often was by the crowds, we need prayer more, not less. Many saints knew this too. Consider this quote from St. Francis de Sales:
“Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy – then we need an hour.”
This shows us that prayer must be a priority in our lives. So, let’s think about what might keep us from praying every day. How can we develop a regular daily prayer habit?
There are a few things that can help us with praying every day:
First, have a set time to pray. Include it in your daily schedule, just like other things you need and want to do each day. Maybe you can pray in the morning, during lunch, or before bed.
Second, take an example from Jesus and have a quiet place to pray. Don’t try to pray in a room where others are talking or where there are distractions like the TV or your phone. Find a peaceful spot where you can focus.
Third, try some new ways to pray. Some people find meaning in praying the rosary. Others like to read scripture and think about it. The daily examen is a good method of daily prayer where you reflect on your day and see where you felt God’s presence.
Fourth, stick with it. If you are trying a new type of prayer, give it a couple of weeks at least. Don’t give up if it doesn’t seem to be “helping” right away. Like developing any relationship, it takes time to grow in your relationship with God.
Remember, prayer is our time to connect with God. It’s a time to find peace and strength in our busy lives. By making prayer a priority, we follow Jesus’ example and grow closer to God.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
Use these questions to guide your small group discussions and help everyone think more deeply about the importance of prayer in their lives.
- Why do you think Jesus took time to pray alone?
- How does making time for prayer help us in our daily lives?
- What keeps you from praying every day?
- How can you create a regular prayer habit in your life?
- Why is it important to find a quiet place to pray?
- Where can you go to find a quiet place to pray?
- Do you feel like you are always busy? How does this affect your prayer life?
- How can you balance your busy schedule with time for prayer?
- What are some different ways you like to pray?
- Have you tried new forms of prayer like the rosary, scripture reading, or the daily examen? How did they work for you?
- What can we learn from Jesus about the importance of prayer?
- How can we follow Jesus’ example in our own prayer lives?
- How does prayer help you when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed?
- Can you share a time when prayer made a difference in your life?
- What steps can you take to make prayer a priority in your life?
- How can you remind yourself to pray every day?
Challenge for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
If you already have a daily prayer habit, keep it up! Don’t change a prayer habit that is working for you. Consistency is key, and if you have found a routine that helps you connect with God, stick with it. Your regular prayer time is important for maintaining your relationship with God.
If you aren’t praying regularly, use the tips we talked about to develop a habit. Set a specific time each day, find a quiet place, and try different ways of praying. If you need accountability, choose a prayer partner. A prayer partner can check in with you every day to remind you to pray and offer support. This can help you stay committed to your new prayer routine.
Prayer for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
If possible, end the lesson plan by spending some time in adoration or praying before the tabernacle. This is a special way to connect with Jesus. Being in His presence can bring peace and focus to your prayers. Take this time to talk to Jesus and listen to Him in the silence.
End with an appropriate closing prayer. Gather everyone together and pray as a group. You might say a simple prayer like the Our Father, Hail Mary, or a personal prayer thanking God for the time spent together. This closing prayer helps to end the lesson on a positive and reflective note, bringing everyone closer to God.
More Resources for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
Themes for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
- Jesus’ Example of Prayer: Jesus often took time to pray alone. This teaches us the importance of connecting with God. We should follow His example.
- Importance of Rest: Jesus invited His apostles to rest. This shows that rest is essential for spiritual and physical health. We need to balance work and rest.
- Finding Solitude: Jesus prayed in quiet places. We should find a quiet place to pray. This helps us focus on God.
- Connecting with God: Prayer is a way to talk to God. It strengthens our relationship with Him. We need to make time for it.
- Daily Prayer Habits: Regular prayer should be part of our routine. It helps us stay close to God. Set a specific time each day to pray.
- Overcoming Distractions: Life is full of distractions. We must set aside time for prayer. This helps us stay focused on what truly matters.
- Different Ways to Pray: There are many ways to pray. Try the rosary, scripture reading, or the daily examen. Find what works best for you.
- Prioritizing Prayer: Prayer should be a top priority. It’s more important than many other tasks. We must make it a central part of our lives.
- Spiritual Recharging: Just as we need physical rest, we need spiritual recharging. Prayer helps us renew our spirit. It gives us strength for our daily lives.
- Model of the Saints: Saints like St. Francis de Sales emphasized prayer. They showed that it’s essential, especially when we are busy. We can learn from their example.
- Listening to God: Prayer is not just talking to God. It’s also listening to Him. We need quiet time to hear His voice.
- Building a Relationship: Prayer helps build a relationship with God. Like any relationship, it needs time and effort. Regular prayer strengthens this bond.
Background Material for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
The Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer is rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition. Prayer is essential in our relationship with God. The Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church provide a strong foundation for understanding the importance of prayer.
In the Gospels, we see that Jesus often took time to pray. In Mark 6:30-34, Jesus invites His apostles to a quiet place to rest and pray. This passage shows that even Jesus needed time away from the crowds to connect with God. He understood the importance of balancing work and prayer.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the significance of Jesus’ prayer life. It says, “Jesus often draws apart to pray in solitude, on a mountain, preferably at night. … His words and works are the visible manifestation of his prayer in secret” (CCC 2602). This teaches us that Jesus’ public ministry was supported by His private prayer. Our lives should follow this example.
Saints and Church leaders have also emphasized the importance of prayer. St. Francis de Sales famously said, “Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy – then we need an hour.” This quote highlights that the busier we are, the more we need to pray. Prayer helps us find peace and focus amidst our busy lives.
The lesson plan on prayer encourages youth to develop a regular prayer habit. The Catechism states, “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God” (CCC 2559). By setting aside time each day for prayer, young people can strengthen their relationship with God and grow in their faith.
This lesson plan also addresses the challenge of distractions. In our modern world, we are constantly bombarded with noise and activity. Finding a quiet place to pray, as Jesus did, helps us focus on God. The lesson plan on prayer suggests creating a prayer space free from distractions like phones and televisions.
There are many ways to pray, and the lesson plan on prayer encourages exploring different methods. The rosary, scripture reading, and the daily examen are all effective ways to connect with God. The Catechism mentions various forms of prayer, including blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise (CCC 2644). Each form of prayer allows us to communicate with God in different ways.
The lesson plan on prayer fits into Catholic teaching by emphasizing the importance of a regular, dedicated prayer life. It teaches that prayer is not just another task but a vital part of our spiritual health. By following Jesus’ example and making time for prayer, we can find balance and peace in our lives.
In summary, the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer helps young people understand the importance of prayer in their daily lives. It draws from the example of Jesus and the teachings of the Church. By setting aside time for prayer and finding quiet places to connect with God, youth can grow in their faith and strengthen their relationship with Him. This lesson plan aligns with Catholic teaching and tradition, showing that prayer is essential for a balanced and healthy spiritual life.
Music Suggestions for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
Teachers, youth ministers, and catechists can find more free Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer plans and reflections on our website. Visit the free lesson plan page for resources to help your youth grow in their faith. Our site offers various lesson plans and reflections that are easy to use and understand. Explore these tools to support your ministry and help young people deepen their relationship with God.
Questions and Answers for the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer
What is the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer?
It is a plan to help young people learn to pray. It teaches the importance of slowing down and finding time for prayer. It follows Jesus’ example of taking time to connect with God.
Why is prayer important in the lesson plan on prayer?
Prayer is a way to talk to God. It helps us build a strong relationship with Him. The lesson plan on prayer shows how prayer can bring peace and balance to our lives.
How can I find time to pray with this lesson plan on prayer?
Set a specific time each day for prayer. Make it part of your daily routine. Find a quiet place to pray without distractions.
What are some methods of prayer in the lesson plan on prayer?
You can pray the rosary, read scripture, or do the daily examen. Try different ways to see what works best for you. The lesson plan on prayer encourages exploring various methods.
How does the lesson plan on prayer help with distractions?
It suggests finding a quiet place to pray. It also emphasizes setting a regular prayer time. This helps you stay focused and avoid distractions.
What can I learn from Jesus in the lesson plan on prayer?
Jesus often took time to pray alone. He showed that prayer is important even when we are busy. The lesson plan on prayer encourages us to follow His example.
How does the lesson plan on prayer fit into Catholic teaching?
It follows Jesus’ teachings and the examples of saints. It emphasizes the importance of regular prayer. It helps us grow in our faith and relationship with God.
What should I do if I find it hard to pray regularly in the lesson plan on prayer?
Keep trying and don’t give up. Make prayer a priority and part of your daily routine. The lesson plan on prayer encourages persistence and finding what works for you.
Can the lesson plan on prayer help me feel less stressed?
Yes, prayer can bring peace and calm. Taking time to slow down and pray helps reduce stress. The lesson plan on prayer shows how prayer can balance your life.
Why does the lesson plan on prayer emphasize quiet places?
Quiet places help us focus on God without distractions. Jesus often prayed in quiet places. The lesson plan on prayer teaches us to find similar quiet places for our prayer time.
The Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer helps young people learn the importance of taking time to pray. In our busy world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and neglect prayer. This lesson plan shows how Jesus often took time away from the crowds to pray and encourages youth to follow His example.
The plan includes practical tips for developing a daily prayer habit. It suggests setting a specific time to pray, finding a quiet place, and trying different ways to pray. By making prayer a regular part of their day, youth can grow closer to God and find peace in their busy lives.
The lesson plan also includes a fun game that highlights how busy we can feel. After completing the tasks in the game, youth discuss how it feels to be constantly busy and why prayer is important. This helps them understand the need to slow down and make time for God.
The lesson can end with a special time of adoration or prayer before the tabernacle. This allows youth to experience the peace and focus that come from being in God’s presence. The session concludes with a group prayer, reinforcing the importance of connecting with God regularly.
Your Turn
Try the Slow Down! Lesson Plan on Prayer and see how it can help your group connect with God. Use the tips to create a daily prayer habit. Share your own variations and notes in the comment section. Your feedback can help others make the most of this lesson plan. Let’s support each other in growing closer to God through prayer.
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