Summary: Christ entered the world to demonstrate that traditional animal sacrifices were not what God desired. Instead, a body was prepared for Him to fulfill God's will. By offering Himself once for all, He replaced the old sacrificial system, making everyone holy through His singular, ultimate sacrifice.
Brothers and sisters: It is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats take away sins.
For this reason, when Christ came into the world, he said:
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; in holocausts and sin offerings you took no delight. Then I said, ‘As is written of me in the scroll, behold, I come to do your will, O God.’”
First he says, “Sacrifices and offerings, holocausts and sin offerings, you neither desired nor delighted in.” These are offered according to the law.
Then he says, “Behold, I come to do your will.” He takes away the first to establish the second. By this “will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all.