Instructions for the Emotion in Motion Game

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Equipment / Materials

  • None

Instructions for Setup

  1. Have the group sit in a circle on the floor or in chairs.
  2. Make sure everyone can see each other’s faces.
  3. Choose someone to start the game.

Instructions for Game Play

  1. The leader says an emotion, like happy, sad, surprised, scared, or angry.
  2. The starting player makes a facial expression to show that emotion.
  3. The next person to the left copies the emotion and passes it on.
  4. Continue around the circle until everyone has shown the emotion.
  5. The leader then gives a new emotion, and the process starts again.


  • Phrases Instead of Words: Instead of naming an emotion, the leader can say a phrase like, “You just got ice cream,” or “You stepped in something gross.” Players act out their reaction to the phrase.
  • Secret Word or Phrase: The leader writes the emotion or phrase on a card and gives it to the first player. That player acts it out without speaking. Each person copies the expression, and the last player guesses the word or phrase.
  • Speed Round: Set a timer and see how quickly the emotion can go around the circle.

Additional Notes

  • Remind players to avoid physical contact and keep their movements safe.
  • Encourage everyone to exaggerate their expressions for fun, but no teasing.
  • Adapt the emotions or phrases for the age and comfort level of the group.

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