Opening Game
Peer Pressure Challenge
This game will help youth experience how peer pressure feels in a fun way. It will also show how hard it can be to stand alone.
Choose one volunteer to be the “leader.” Have everyone stand in a circle. The leader will start doing a simple motion, like clapping, jumping, or spinning. After a few seconds, everyone should copy the motion. Then, secretly pull one person aside and tell them not to follow the group. Instead, they should do their own motion, like tapping their head or waving their arms. The rest of the group should keep following the leader.
After about a minute, stop the game and ask the person who did their own motion how it felt to be different. Ask the group how they felt about someone doing something different from them. Play another round with a new leader and a new person doing their own motion.
Follow-Up Questions:
- How did it feel to go along with the group?
- How did it feel to be the one doing something different? How did you view the person doing something different?
- Have you ever been in a real-life situation where you felt pressured to follow the crowd?
- Why is it sometimes hard to stand alone?
In this game, you probably felt the pressure to do what everyone else was doing. It can be uncomfortable to stand out, even in a silly game. But in real life, peer pressure isn’t always fun. Sometimes, it pushes us to do things we know aren’t right.
Jesus understands this struggle. He knew that following Him would not always be easy. Some people will accept His message, but others won’t. In fact, He told His followers that His teachings would cause division, even in families. That might sound surprising, but it shows us that faith can be challenging.
Today, we are going to talk about how to stay strong in our faith when we face peer pressure. We’ll look at what Jesus says in Luke 12:49-53 and talk about what it means for us today. Let’s listen to His words and think about how they apply to our own lives.
Scripture Reading
Read Luke 12:49-53 (Jesus Speaks of Division), the Gospel for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!
There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished!
Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.
From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”
Standing Strong in Faith
Have you ever felt pressured to do something you knew was wrong? Maybe you were afraid of being left out or made fun of. Peer pressure is something everyone faces, but it can be especially hard when it challenges your faith. You might hear people say that believing in God is old-fashioned or that going to Mass is a waste of time. You might be pressured to lie, cheat, or go along with something that you know is not right.
Jesus understands this struggle. In Luke 12:49-53, He says that His message will bring division, even within families. That might seem confusing. Isn’t Jesus about love and peace? Yes, but following Him isn’t always easy. Not everyone will accept His teachings. Some people will reject them, and they might reject those who follow Him too. That’s why living your faith can sometimes make you feel different or even alone.
Why Does Faith Cause Division?
Jesus’ message challenges people. It asks them to change their hearts and follow God’s ways. Some people accept this, but others don’t. Some might feel uncomfortable because your choices remind them of what they should be doing. Others might simply not understand why faith is so important to you.
Think about what happens when you stand up for what is right. If your friends are gossiping and you refuse to join in, they might think you are judging them. If your teammates skip Mass for a game, but you choose to go, they might think you are too serious about your faith. If a friend asks you to lie for them and you refuse, they might get angry. These situations can be hard, but they are part of what it means to follow Jesus.
Jesus Knows What You’re Facing
Jesus faced rejection too. Some people loved His message, but others hated it. The religious leaders of His time were so angry with Him that they wanted Him gone. Even some of His followers turned away when His teachings became difficult. Jesus understands what it feels like to be left out, mocked, or rejected. When you struggle with peer pressure because of your faith, remember that He has been there too.
You Are Not Alone
It might feel like you are the only one trying to live your faith, but that’s not true. Many other young people are facing the same struggles. The saints also had to deal with peer pressure. St. Maria Goretti chose purity even when she was threatened. St. Dominic Savio refused to join in bad behavior at school. They stayed strong in their faith, and with God’s help, so can you.
The Holy Spirit gives us courage. Jesus never promised that following Him would be easy, but He did promise to be with us. When you feel pressured to do something wrong, ask the Holy Spirit for strength. Surround yourself with friends who support your faith. Talk to a priest, a youth minister, or someone you trust. You don’t have to face peer pressure alone.
Choosing to Follow Jesus
Every day, you have the chance to choose Jesus. Some choices are big, and some seem small, but they all matter. When you choose to pray, to go to Mass, to tell the truth, or to stand up for what is right, you are choosing to follow Him. Sometimes, that means standing apart from the crowd. But in the end, staying close to Jesus is always worth it.
Small Group Reflection Questions
Small group discussions help youth open up about their experiences with peer pressure. Encourage everyone to share honestly, but remind them to be respectful of each other’s thoughts and feelings. No one should feel judged for their struggles. The goal is to help each other grow in faith and learn how to handle difficult situations.
- Have you ever felt pressured to do something you knew was wrong? How did you handle it?
- Have you ever been made fun of or questioned for your faith? How did you respond?
- Why do you think Jesus said His message would cause division? Have you ever experienced this in your own life?
- What are some ways peer pressure can make it hard to live as a Catholic?
- How can the Holy Spirit help us when we feel pressured to make the wrong choice?
- Who are the people in your life that help you stay strong in your faith? How can you support each other?
- What is one thing you can do this week to stay strong in your faith when facing peer pressure?
This week, choose one small way to stand up for your faith. It doesn’t have to be a big action—small choices matter. You could pray before meals, even when you’re with friends who don’t usually pray. You could wear a cross or a saint medal as a quiet reminder of your beliefs. Maybe you invite a friend to Mass or youth group, even if you’re not sure how they will respond. Every time you choose to show your faith, you grow stronger in it.
Standing up for your faith doesn’t mean you have to argue or prove anything to others. It just means living as a follower of Jesus, even when it feels uncomfortable. When you make the choice to do what is right, you set an example for others. You never know who might be encouraged by your faith. Pray for courage, trust in God, and take one small step this week.
Let’s take a moment to pray and ask God for strength in facing peer pressure. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and open your heart to Him.
Jesus, You know how hard it can be to stand up for what is right. Sometimes we feel alone or afraid when others don’t understand our faith. Help us to be strong and to follow You, even when it’s difficult. Give us courage when we feel pressured to make the wrong choice.
Holy Spirit, guide us in our words and actions. Remind us that we are never alone. Help us to trust in God’s plan and to be a light to those around us.
Lord, thank You for always being with us. Help us to grow in faith and to support each other in our journey. We give You our struggles and ask for Your strength. Amen.
More Resources
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