Materials Needed:
- Construction paper in four different colors
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Prepare the Paper Strips: Cut the construction paper into strips. Each strip should be about 1 inch wide and 6 inches long.
- Assign Prayer Types to Colors: Choose a color for each type of prayer: yellow for adoration, blue for petition, red for intercession, and green for thanksgiving.
- Write the Prayers: Give each child or student three strips of each color. Have them write a specific prayer on each strip according to its color and prayer type.
- Make the Loops: Take one strip of paper, curl it around to make a loop, and secure the ends with glue or tape.
- Form the Chain: Take another strip, slide it through the first loop, and then secure it to form a second loop. Continue this process to build the chain.
- Display the Prayer Chain: Hang or place the completed prayer chain in a visible area of your home or classroom.
Additional Notes:
- Variations: To make the activity more interesting, use stickers, markers, or crayons to decorate the strips.
- Safety Tip: Make sure younger children use child-safe scissors and are supervised when using glue.