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Listening to God is an important part of growing in faith. But in today’s busy world, it can be hard to really hear what God is saying. We get caught up in our daily lives and forget to take the time to be open to His voice. This lesson plan encourages youth to slow down and pay attention to what God might be telling them.

By focusing on the idea of “be open,” this lesson helps young people recognize the barriers that might be blocking their ability to hear God. Whether it’s distractions, doubts, or fears, these can make it hard to understand God’s message. The lesson helps youth identify these barriers and encourages them to be open to God’s voice in their lives.

The plan also shows how being open to God’s word can change how we interact with others. When we listen to God, we are better able to share His love and truth with those around us. It becomes easier to speak His word with confidence and courage.

Overall, this lesson plan is about learning to be open to God in all aspects of life. By doing so, youth can grow in their relationship with Him, become better listeners, and share His message more effectively with others.

Opening Game for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Start by playing Silent Sorting, a variation of the game where people arrange themselves in order of their birthdays. However, there’s an extra rule that makes it a bit more challenging! You can find the full instructions at Silent Sorting Game.

After playing, discuss these questions:

  • Was it hard to communicate without speaking?
  • How did you manage to overcome this challenge?
  • What did you enjoy about communicating silently?

Scripture Reading for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Read the scripture passage:

Mark 7:31-37 (Jesus heals a deaf man) – the Gospel Reading for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis.

And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him.

He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, “Ephphatha!” – that is, “Be opened!” –
And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed,and he spoke plainly.

He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more he ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it.

They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

Mark 7:31-37

Discussion for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

In this Gospel passage, Jesus heals a man who was both deaf and had a speech impediment. Imagine how hard life must have been for him. He couldn’t hear the voices of his family, friends, or community, and he couldn’t clearly express himself either. Communication, something we often take for granted, was a constant struggle for him. But when Jesus commands the man’s ears to be opened, everything changes. Suddenly, he can hear and speak plainly. His world opens up in ways he probably never imagined.

God also wants to communicate with us, just as He did with this man. But sometimes, like the deaf man, we have our own issues that make it hard for us to hear what God is saying. It might not be a physical problem, but there are definitely things that can block us from truly listening to God’s voice. These obstacles can make it difficult for us to understand God’s Word and His plan for our lives.

One of the most common reasons we struggle to hear God is because we’re simply too busy. We have so much going on—school, sports, hobbies, friends, social media—that we don’t make time to listen to God. We might pray quickly before meals or at bedtime, but often we’re just rushing through it, not really pausing to hear what God might be saying to us. Our schedules are packed, and in the midst of all this activity, God’s voice can easily get drowned out. We brush Him aside as we move on to the next thing on our to-do list, missing out on the chance to really connect with Him.

Another reason we might not hear God is because of our prejudices or preconceptions. We might think we already know what God is going to say, so we don’t even bother to listen. Maybe we’ve heard certain Bible stories or teachings so many times that we think we’ve got it all figured out. Or maybe we have certain beliefs or opinions that make it hard for us to be open to anything new that God might want to show us. We think we have the answers, so we stop listening. But God often speaks in unexpected ways, and if we’re not open, we might miss out on something important He’s trying to communicate with us.

So, what are some things that might be preventing you from hearing God’s Word? Is it your busy schedule? Are you too caught up in your activities to make time for quiet prayer and reflection? Or are there certain prejudices or assumptions you have that keep you from really listening to God? Take a moment to think about these questions. Identifying these barriers is the first step in overcoming them.

But it’s not just about hearing God’s Word. Once we’ve heard it, we’re also called to speak it to others. Just like the man in the Gospel who had a speech impediment, we might struggle with this part too. Maybe we know what God wants us to say, but we hold back. We might be too timid, afraid of what others will think, or unsure of how to share God’s message. We might hear God’s Word in our hearts, but then we keep it to ourselves, missing the opportunity to share it with those around us.

What are some barriers that might be keeping you from speaking God’s Word to others? Are you afraid of being judged or misunderstood? Do you feel like you don’t know enough to share your faith? Or maybe you just don’t know how to start the conversation. These are all common challenges, but it’s important to remember that God doesn’t expect us to have all the answers or be perfect speakers. He just asks us to be open to His guidance and to share His love and truth as best as we can.

So how can you be more open to what God is trying to say to you? Start by making time for quiet prayer and reflection. Turn off your phone, step away from your busy schedule, and spend some time in silence with God. Ask Him to help you hear His voice and be open to whatever He wants to say. Be willing to let go of your own ideas and opinions, and be ready to receive what God has for you.

And how can you let Jesus heal your deafness, just like He did for the man in the Gospel? Begin by acknowledging the areas where you might be spiritually deaf—where you’ve been too busy or too set in your ways to hear God. Then, ask Jesus to help you be open to His voice. Remember, Jesus wants to communicate with you, and He has the power to remove whatever is blocking you from hearing Him.

Finally, think about how you can overcome the speech impediment that might be keeping you from sharing God’s Word. Start small—maybe share a Bible verse with a friend or talk about something you learned in church. Don’t worry about having all the right words; just be open to the opportunities God gives you to speak His truth. Trust that He will guide you and give you the words you need.

Being open to God’s voice is a journey. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to let go of our own plans. But as we grow in our ability to listen to God and share His Word, we’ll find that our relationship with Him deepens, and our lives become more aligned with His will. So take the time to be open, listen, and let God speak to your heart.

Small Group Reflection Questions for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Small group discussions are a great way for youth to explore their faith with others. In a small group, everyone has the chance to share their thoughts and listen to the perspectives of others. It’s a safe space to talk about experiences, ask questions, and support each other on the journey of faith.

Here are some questions to get your discussion started. Take your time with each question, and don’t feel rushed to move on to the next one. Allow the conversation to flow naturally, and be open to where God leads your discussion.

  • What does being open to God mean to you? How can you practice being more open in your daily life?
  • What are some things that make it hard for you to hear God’s voice? How can you overcome these obstacles?
  • Have you ever experienced a time when you felt God speaking to you? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?
  • What are some barriers that keep you from sharing God’s Word with others? How can you work on being more open and courageous in sharing your faith?
  • How do you think your life would change if you were more open to hearing and speaking God’s Word? What practical steps can you take to make this change?
  • In what ways can your group support each other in being open to God’s voice? What can you do together to grow in your faith and openness to God?
  • How can you create more quiet time in your life to listen to God? What changes might you need to make to prioritize this time?
  • What role does humility play in being open to God? How can you cultivate a humble attitude that is open to learning from God and others?

Challenge for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Remember that God loves you deeply and desires to guide you on the right path. This week, make it a priority to ask God what He wants you to hear. Commit to actively listening for His voice in your life. Spend some intentional time in prayer each day, creating space for God to speak. You can do this by reading Scripture, sitting quietly in His presence, or simply reflecting on His goodness. Pay attention to the ways God might be speaking to you—not just in prayer, but also in the world around you. Notice how He might be communicating through nature, conversations, or even in the quiet moments of your day.

As you listen, try to be open and receptive to God’s message without stress or anxiety. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand what He is saying right away. Trust that God will reveal more to you in His perfect timing. Hold His message in your heart, even if it’s not completely clear. Let it guide you throughout your week, and be patient as you wait for deeper understanding. Remember, God’s timing is perfect, and He will continue to lead you as you remain open to His voice.

Prayer for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

If time permits, let’s spend some quiet moments in adoration or prayer before the tabernacle.

This is a special opportunity to be in the presence of Jesus, who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. In this sacred space, we can allow our hearts to be still and open to God’s voice. Together, we can reflect on His love for us and listen for what He might be speaking into our lives. Whether we spend just a few minutes or a longer period in adoration, let’s be fully present, letting go of any distractions or worries.

As we close our time in prayer, we entrust all that we’ve heard and felt to God. Let our hearts rest in His peace, knowing that He is with us and will continue to guide us. We open our hearts to His love and ask Him to help us remain attentive to His voice throughout the week. As we finish our prayer time, let’s use the following prayer to close:

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for this time of quiet and reflection. Help us to be open to Your voice and to hear what You are saying to us. Guide us along the right path and give us the courage to follow Your will. May we always seek Your presence and find peace in Your love. As we go forward, help us to carry Your Word in our hearts and share it with others. We entrust ourselves to You, trusting that You will lead us every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

More Resources for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Themes for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

  • Hearing God’s Voice: God speaks to us in many ways, but we must be open and listen. This lesson teaches the importance of quieting our minds to hear His voice.
  • Overcoming Distractions: In a busy world, distractions keep us from hearing God. Being open means setting aside time and space to focus on Him.
  • Faith and Trust: Listening to God requires faith and trust. We must believe that He is speaking and trust in His guidance.
  • Obedience to God: When we hear God’s voice, we are called to respond in obedience. Being open means being willing to act on what we hear.
  • Prayerful Reflection: Prayer is a key way to listen to God. This lesson encourages developing a habit of prayer to better understand His will.
  • Humility and Openness: We must be humble to truly listen to God. Recognizing that we don’t have all the answers helps us be more open to His direction.
  • Sharing God’s Word: Once we hear God’s voice, we are called to share it with others. This lesson emphasizes the importance of speaking God’s truth in love.
  • Overcoming Fear: Fear can keep us from hearing and responding to God. Being open involves trusting in God’s protection and stepping out in faith.
  • Community and Support: Listening to God is not done in isolation. We can find support and guidance through our faith community.
  • God’s Healing Power: Just as Jesus healed the deaf man, God wants to heal our spiritual deafness. Being open allows us to experience His healing and transformation.

Background Material for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

Listening to God is a central part of our Catholic faith. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of how important it is to hear God’s voice and respond to it. In the Old Testament, the prophets were often called by God to listen and then deliver His message to the people. For example, in the story of Elijah, God spoke to him not in a powerful wind or an earthquake, but in a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). This teaches us that God’s voice can be gentle and quiet, and we must be open to hearing it in the midst of our busy lives.

In the New Testament, Jesus frequently emphasized the importance of listening to God. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23), Jesus compares those who hear God’s word to different types of soil. Only the good soil, representing those who truly listen and understand, bears fruit. This shows us that being open to God’s word allows it to take root in our hearts and produce good works.

The Catholic Church teaches that listening to God is essential for spiritual growth. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The living and true God tirelessly calls each person to that mysterious encounter known as prayer. In prayer, the faithful God’s initiative of love always comes first; our own first step is always a response” (CCC 2567). This reminds us that God is always reaching out to us, but we must be open and respond to His call through prayer.

Listening to God also involves reading and reflecting on Scripture. The Bible is God’s Word, and by spending time with it, we open ourselves to His guidance and wisdom. The Second Vatican Council emphasized the importance of Scripture in the life of a Catholic, saying, “The Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she venerated the Body of the Lord” (Dei Verbum 21). This means that the Bible is not just a book, but a living word that speaks to us today. We must be open to what God is saying to us through Scripture.

Another way we listen to God is through the teachings of the Church. The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, helps us understand God’s will for our lives. By being open to the teachings of the Magisterium, we can grow in our faith and live according to God’s plan. The Catechism explains that the pope and bishops are “authentic teachers, that is, teachers endowed with the authority of Christ, who preach the faith to the people entrusted to them, the faith to be believed and put into practice.” (CCC 2034), meaning that when we listen to the Church, we are ultimately listening to God.

Finally, listening to God requires humility. We must acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and that we need God’s guidance. In the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus heals the deaf man, He says “Ephphatha,” which means “Be opened” (Mark 7:34). This miracle is not just about physical healing, but also about spiritual openness. Jesus is calling us to be open to His voice, to let Him heal our spiritual deafness, and to guide us in our lives.

In summary, the Catholic faith teaches us that listening to God is essential for our spiritual life. We must be open to His voice through prayer, Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and by cultivating humility. By being open, we allow God to lead us, shape us, and help us grow in faith.

Music Suggestions for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections

If you’re looking for more free lesson plans and reflections like the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God, visit our website. We have a variety of resources designed to help teachers, youth ministers, and catechists engage young people in their faith. Each lesson is easy to use and focuses on helping youth grow closer to God. You can explore these resources and find the right ones for your group here.

Questions and Answers for the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God

What does it mean to “be open” in this lesson plan?

To be open means being ready and willing to hear God’s voice. It involves setting aside distractions, listening with your heart, and being ready to act on what God tells you. The lesson plan helps youth learn how to be open to God in their daily lives.

How does this lesson plan help youth listen to God?

This lesson plan encourages youth to slow down, be open, and create space to hear God. It guides them in recognizing the barriers that might be blocking God’s voice, like distractions or fears, and teaches them how to overcome these barriers. It also includes practical steps for being open to God’s message.

Why is listening to God important for Catholic youth?

Listening to God is key to growing in faith. When youth are open to God, they can better understand His will for their lives and live according to His guidance. It also helps them develop a deeper relationship with God, which is important for their spiritual growth.

What are some barriers to being open to God?

Common barriers include being too busy, having preconceived ideas, or being afraid of what God might ask. This lesson plan helps youth identify these barriers and provides ways to overcome them, so they can be open to hearing God’s voice.

How can youth be more open to God’s word?

Youth can be more open by making time for prayer, reading Scripture, and listening to the teachings of the Church. The lesson plan encourages these practices and helps youth understand the importance of being open to God in their everyday lives.

How does this lesson plan connect to Catholic teaching?

The lesson plan is based on Catholic teachings about prayer, Scripture, and the importance of listening to God. It draws from the Bible and the Catechism, showing how being open to God is a central part of our faith.

Can this lesson plan be used with any age group?

While the lesson plan is designed for youth, it can be adapted for different age groups. The principles of being open to God apply to all ages, and the activities can be adjusted to fit the needs of your group.

How can this lesson plan help youth share God’s word with others?

When youth are open to God, they are better equipped to share His message with others. The lesson plan encourages them to listen carefully to God and then speak His truth with confidence and love. It helps them understand that being open also means being ready to share what they hear.


The Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God is designed to help youth learn how to hear God’s voice in their lives. It focuses on the importance of being open to what God is trying to say. The lesson plan encourages youth to slow down, set aside distractions, and listen with their hearts.

This lesson also helps youth recognize common barriers that might prevent them from being open to God. These could be busy schedules, preconceived ideas, or fears. By identifying and overcoming these obstacles, youth can better understand and follow God’s guidance.

The Be Open Lesson Plan uses practical steps to teach youth how to listen to God. It includes activities, reflections, and discussions that make it easier for them to apply these principles in their daily lives. The goal is to help youth develop a deeper relationship with God by being open to His voice and willing to act on what they hear.

Your Turn

Try the Be Open Lesson Plan on Listening to God with your group. It’s a great way to help youth learn how to hear God’s voice in their daily lives. After using the lesson plan, share your own variations and notes in the comment section. Your feedback can help others as they teach youth to be open to God.

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