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The Alphabet Race game is a fun way for youth to think about humility. It may seem easy at first, but it quickly becomes a challenge. Players often realize they are not as good at the task as they thought. This helps them learn about themselves.

The game teaches an important lesson: we can sometimes overestimate our abilities. We might think we are great at something, only to discover we still have room to grow. This is a great reminder that we are not perfect and that we need to be humble.

It also helps youth see that some tasks, which seem easy for them, may be hard for others. This can build understanding and patience with others. They may appreciate the struggles others face in different areas of life.

Playing this game opens up a conversation about being honest with ourselves. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Learning to accept that helps us grow in humility and respect for others.

Learning Humility Through the Alphabet

The Alphabet Race game connects to the theme of humility found in many Bible stories. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The Pharisee was proud of his own goodness, but the tax collector humbled himself before God. Jesus says it is the humble who will be exalted. This game can help youth understand that we should not boast about our abilities, but be humble and willing to learn from our mistakes.

Another connection is to the story of the disciples arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus taught them that greatness comes from serving others and being humble, not from being first. The Alphabet Race shows that even if we think we are the best at something, we might face challenges we did not expect. It reminds us to stay humble and not think too highly of ourselves.

In youth ministry, this game can help young people reflect on their pride and teach them to be more humble. It encourages them to rely on God and not just their own abilities. It shows them that being humble is important in all areas of life, even in simple tasks like the Alphabet Race.

Alphabet Race Game Instructions


  • One bowl for each player
  • One set of alphabet letters for each player (can be paper, plastic, or wooden letters)
  • Cheat sheet for monitors (optional)
  • Extra letters for variation (optional)

Setup Instructions:

  1. Prepare a bowl for each player.
  2. Place one set of alphabet letters in each bowl. Mix them up so they are not in order.
  3. Set up a space where players can arrange their letters. Make sure they have enough room to work.

Game Play Instructions:

  1. Ask the group who knows the alphabet well. Choose players from those who raise their hands.
  2. Give each player a bowl with their set of mixed alphabet letters.
  3. Players must arrange the letters in reverse order, from Z to A.
  4. Players can only take one letter out of the bowl at a time. They must leave the other letters in the bowl until they are ready to place them.
  5. If a player places a letter out of order, they must return all the letters to the bowl and start again.
  6. The first player to successfully arrange the alphabet from Z to A wins.

Notes and Variations:

  • Make sure the play area is clear of obstacles to prevent tripping or injury.
  • Monitors can be assigned to watch each player and make sure the letters are in the correct order. Use a cheat sheet for quick reference.
  • For a more difficult challenge, add extra letters to each bowl that do not belong in the alphabet.


Why play games in youth ministry?

More Youth Ministry Games

If you enjoyed the Alphabet Race game and are looking for more fun activities for your youth group, visit our website for more ideas. We have a wide selection of youth ministry games that are great for building faith and teaching important lessons in a fun way. Check out our full list of games and activities here: Youth Ministry Games.

ABC Prayer Circle

If you’re using the Alphabet Race game, consider pairing it with the ABC Prayer Circle activity to deepen the experience. The ABC Prayer Circle helps break the habit of repetitive prayer by encouraging participants to pray for things starting with different letters of the alphabet. It’s a simple way to get youth thinking about more diverse prayers. You can even use the same alphabet letters from the Alphabet Race game to make it easy. Try it out with your group and explore creative ways to pray! Read more about the ABC Prayer Circle here: ABC Prayer Circle.

Humility Prayer

You might also consider using this Humility Prayer alongside the Alphabet Race game to help youth reflect on humility. The game teaches about being humble in our abilities, while the prayer focuses on letting go of the need for attention and praise. Together, they create a meaningful way to encourage self-reflection and discipleship. After the game, use this prayer to guide a discussion about the challenges of pride and the importance of putting God first. You can find the full Humility Prayer here: Humility Prayer.

Questions and Answers for the Alphabet Race Game

What is the Alphabet Race game?

The Alphabet Race game is a fun activity where players arrange the alphabet in reverse order (from Z to A) using individual letters. It teaches lessons about humility and patience.

What materials do I need for the Alphabet Race game?

You need a bowl for each player and a set of alphabet letters for each player. You can also have a cheat sheet for monitors.

How many players can join the Alphabet Race game?

You can have as many players as you want. Just make sure each player has their own set of alphabet letters.

How do you win the Alphabet Race game?

The first player to correctly arrange all the letters from Z to A wins the game.

Can I make the Alphabet Race game harder?

Yes, you can add extra letters that don’t belong in the alphabet to make it more challenging.


The Alphabet Race game is a fun and challenging activity for youth groups. Players must arrange the alphabet letters in reverse order, from Z to A. While it seems simple, the game can quickly become difficult, especially when players make mistakes and have to start over. This teaches valuable lessons in patience and humility.

The game helps young people realize that they may not be as skilled at a task as they think. It opens up a conversation about pride and humility, drawing from biblical themes. It encourages self-reflection and an understanding that we all have room to grow.

The Alphabet Race game also allows for creativity and variation. Leaders can add extra letters or introduce time limits to make the game more challenging. By playing, youth learn about themselves and develop virtues like humility, patience, and perseverance.

Your Turn

Try the Alphabet Race game with your youth group! It’s a fun way to teach humility and patience. After playing, share your own variations and notes in the comment section. We’d love to hear how the game worked for you and if you added any creative twists to the challenge.

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