It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when praying. Sometimes our prayer seems the same every time. While it is not necessarily wrong to always pray with this sort of repetition, sometimes a little push out of our routine will help. ABC Prayer Circle does that. With a little encouragement we can discover more things to pray about.
This ABC prayer prompt is to discover prayer ideas which start with different letters of the alphabet. This is a suggestion for a group prayer, but it could also be used as an individual prayer starter.
This activity helps break youth out of the habit of just praying for the same thing every time. You can use toy alphabet letters or just write the letters on pieces of paper.
ABC Prayer Circle
- Foam alphabet letters (optional)
- The group should arrange themselves in a circle so that there is a clear order.
- Pass out the alphabet letters in order to each person. Some people might have multiple letters.
- Let them spend a few moments deciding what they will pray for.
- The first person (who should be holding an A) prays for something which starts with the letter A. (Aunt Mary, attitude adjustment, answered prayers…)
- The next person (holding a B) prays for something which starts with the letter B (better habits, blessings for my teachers, belief… )
- The next person (holding a C) prays for something which starts with the letter C (crime victims, courage, conversion …)
- Continue in this manner until you reach the end of the alphabet
Feel free to add additional suggestions in the comments.
Some letters might be challenging. Be prepared to give suggestions if someone gets stuck. Here are some ideas:
- A: adoptive parents, agnostics, atheists
- B: belief, baptized Christians, bishops
- C: courage, converts to Catholicism
- D: discernment, desire for the Eucharist,
- E: evangelization, elderly
- F: faith, fathers
- G: gentleness, gratitude
- H: hospitality, healers, holiness
- I: immigrants, inclusiveness
- J: joy, justice
- K: knowledge, kindness
- L: leadership, love
- M: ministers, mercy, married couples, mothers
- N: nuns, new life
- O: outsiders, oneness
- P: priests, persecuted Christians, peace, patience, pope
- Q: questions, quiet
- R: religious, reconciliation
- S: sisters, self-control, sick
- T: teachers, trust, truth
- U: understanding, United States
- V: victims of violence, vocations
- W: wisdom, wonder
- X: xylophones and the gift of music, x-rays and the technicians who take them
- Y: youth ministers, yearning
- Z: zoos and the diversity they represent, zeal
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