First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility

The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility helps youth understand the importance of humility through Jesus’ teachings. Young people often face pressures to compete and compare themselves with others. This lesson encourages them to think differently. It shows how true greatness comes from serving others, not from being better than others.
By learning about humility, youth can develop a healthier sense of self-esteem. They will see that their value doesn’t come from winning or being first but from knowing they are loved by God. This allows them to appreciate their own unique gifts without feeling the need to compare.
The lesson plan on humility also helps them realize that humility doesn’t mean thinking less of themselves. Instead, it means recognizing their strengths while being open to the gifts of others. When they learn to build others up, they create a community of respect and kindness.
Finally, the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility teaches youth to look at success through God’s eyes. It shows them that serving others and putting others first is the path to true greatness.
Opening Game for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
Start the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility by playing Alphabet Race. In this game, something simple like knowing the alphabet is made tricky by asking players to race and put it in reverse order. This helps youth realize that sometimes we overestimate our knowledge or skills. It teaches them that being confident in what we know isn’t always accurate. For complete details, see Alphabet Race – A Humility Game.
Follow up with these questions:
- Is it bad to have a special talent?
- What is the danger in being very talented?
- Have you ever known someone who thought they were better because of their talent?
There’s nothing wrong with being good at something. God gave us our gifts and talents, and He wants us to use them. But if we start focusing too much on ourselves, it becomes a problem. We need to remember that all our abilities are from God, and they should be used to help others and build up His Kingdom, not to make ourselves feel important.
Scripture Reading for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
Mark 9:30-37 (The apostles argue over who is the greatest) – the Gospel Reading for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about it.
He was teaching his disciples and telling them, “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.”
But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to question him.
They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house, he began to ask them, “What were you arguing about on the way?”
But they remained silent. They had been discussing among themselves on the way who was the greatest.
Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”
Mark 9:30-37
Discussion for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
It seems the apostles felt embarrassed when Jesus asked them what they had been arguing about on the way. They were silent because they knew deep down that their conversation wasn’t something Jesus would approve of. They had been debating who was the greatest among them, trying to rank themselves in a kind of competition. First or last? They were caught up in trying to elevate themselves, seeking recognition and status in front of each other. But that’s not what Jesus wanted them to focus on.
To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with striving to be excellent. In fact, we should work hard to use the gifts God has given us to the best of our abilities. Doing well and aiming to succeed isn’t the problem. The issue is why we do it. If we are striving for excellence to bring glory to God and help others, that’s a good thing. But if we are trying to be better than others just to make ourselves feel more important, we’re missing the point.
The danger comes when we start comparing ourselves to others. It’s easy to fall into that trap. Maybe someone else seems smarter, more talented, or more popular, and suddenly we feel less important. Or maybe we think we’re doing better than others, and it makes us feel proud and superior. Either way, comparison distracts us from what really matters. God has given each of us unique talents and strengths, and He wants us to use them for His Kingdom. When we compare ourselves to others, it can lead to jealousy or pride, and that’s not what God wants for us.
Remember that God loves you just as you are. He didn’t make a mistake when He created you. You don’t need to try to be someone else or have different gifts to be valuable. Sometimes we might try to make ourselves seem big or important, but if it doesn’t go as planned, we can end up feeling unworthy, useless, or even unlovable.
That’s not what God wants for you. He sees your worth, even when others don’t. Some people’s talents are obvious and easy to see, like being a good athlete, a strong leader, or a great speaker. Others have more quiet, hidden gifts, like being a good listener, being patient, or showing kindness. But both kinds of gifts are important and valuable.
Instead of focusing on who is the best, we should learn to appreciate what is special and beautiful about each person. That includes recognizing and being grateful for our own special gifts. Humility doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself or pretending you don’t have any gifts. It means recognizing your gifts as blessings from God, without needing to put others down to feel good about yourself. Humility lets us appreciate who we are, while also appreciating others.
Here are a few simple ways to practice humility:
First, try to talk about others instead of yourself. Not in a gossiping way, but in a way that builds others up. If you notice something good about someone, say it. Compliment them, encourage them. This doesn’t make you less important to God. It just helps you focus on the good in others and recognize their value.
When someone gives you a compliment, accept it graciously. Sometimes when people compliment us, we might feel awkward and try to brush it off or downplay it. But instead of doing that, just say “thank you.” And remember that your gifts and talents are from God, so take a moment to thank Him, too. It’s okay to feel good about the gifts God has given you, as long as you give the glory back to Him.
Another way to practice humility is to do the “behind the scenes” jobs that nobody else wants to do. Maybe it’s cleaning up after an event or helping someone who needs a hand without expecting praise. These small, humble acts of service are a way of showing love for Jesus. Even if no one else notices, God does.
If you catch yourself thinking about how much better you are than someone else, stop and think of three things that person does well. It might be something you never thought about before. Maybe they’re a great friend, a hard worker, or someone who quietly helps others. Thank God for that person and the gifts they have. This helps shift your focus from pride to gratitude.
Our society loves competition. We look up to celebrities and important people, and sometimes it feels like we need to prove ourselves to be valuable. It’s natural to want to be noticed and feel important. But Jesus turns this idea upside down. He shows us that the only person we should be looking up to is Him. He is the one who teaches us what true greatness looks like.
In the end, the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility reminds us that greatness in God’s Kingdom isn’t about being first in the world’s eyes. It’s about serving others, putting their needs before our own, and trusting that God sees our hearts. He loves us for who we are, not for how we measure up to others. Humility allows us to grow closer to Him and appreciate the beauty in everyone around us, including ourselves.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
As you lead your small group, encourage open and honest sharing. Remind the group that everyone has different experiences, and it’s okay to be vulnerable. Listen to each other without judgment and offer support. The goal is to help each person grow in their understanding of humility and how to apply it in their daily lives. Use the following questions to guide your discussion, but feel free to let the conversation flow naturally.
- Why do you think the apostles were arguing about who was the greatest? How does that relate to how we act today?
- In what areas of your life do you find yourself comparing yourself to others? How does this affect your self-esteem or relationships?
- What does it mean to you to be “the last of all and the servant of all”? Can you think of a time when you saw someone do this?
- Have you ever struggled with pride or false humility? What does that look like in your life?
- How does focusing on Jesus’ humility on the cross change the way we view our own need for humility?
- What are some small acts of service you can do this week to practice humility?
- How can we encourage others to use their gifts without falling into competition or jealousy?
- Why do you think humility is so important in the Catholic faith?
- How can we develop a humble heart in our daily life, especially when the world seems to value success and recognition?
- What is one area of your life where you want to grow in humility, and how can the group support you in that?
Challenge for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
This week, choose one area of your life where you need to practice more humility. Maybe it’s a talent you’ve been using to seek praise or a group of friends that focuses on boosting themselves up. Or perhaps you struggle with false humility, trying to appear humble just to gain admiration. Spend a few minutes each day in prayer, asking Jesus to help you grow in true humility.
If you find it challenging, reflect on the humility Jesus showed on the cross. Though He is God, He allowed Himself to be stripped, wounded, and humiliated for our sake. Meditate on the trust He had in His Father’s love. Ask Jesus to help you trust in God’s love for you, knowing that you don’t need the approval of others to feel valuable.
Prayer for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
Loving Father,
We thank You for the gift of this time together, and for the lesson on humility that You have placed in our hearts. Help us to follow the example of Your Son, Jesus, who showed us that true greatness comes from serving others. Teach us to put aside our pride and seek to love others with a humble heart.
Lord, help us to see ourselves and others through Your eyes. Give us the grace to recognize the gifts You have given us and to use them for Your glory. Show us how to serve with joy, without seeking recognition, and to trust in Your love for us.
We ask for Your guidance in the days ahead, that we may grow in humility and live as true disciples of Christ. Help us to always remember that in serving others, we are serving You.
More Resources for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
Themes for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
- Humility as service: Jesus teaches that true greatness comes from serving others. Instead of seeking power, we are called to care for those in need. This reflects the humble heart of Christ.
- God-given talents: Our gifts are from God, and they are meant to be used for His glory. We don’t need to compare ourselves to others. Instead, we should be grateful for what God has given each of us.
- Self-worth in God: Our value comes from being children of God, not from what we achieve. We don’t need to compete to be important. God loves each of us as we are.
- Receiving others as Christ: When we welcome others, especially those who are vulnerable, we welcome Christ. This shows the importance of humility in our relationships. It reminds us to see Christ in everyone.
- Avoiding pride and comparison: Comparing ourselves to others leads to jealousy and pride. Jesus calls us to focus on our own gifts and the good in others. The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility reminds us that humility helps us avoid putting ourselves above others.
- Servant leadership: Jesus was a leader by serving others, not by seeking status. We are called to follow His example. Leading others means caring for them, not controlling them.
- Childlike trust in God: Jesus places a child in their midst, showing that we must trust in God like children. Children depend on others and don’t seek power. The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility teaches young people than humility is about trusting God and not relying on our own strength.
- Building up others: Humility means lifting others up instead of focusing on ourselves. When we encourage others, we reflect God’s love. This builds community and helps everyone feel valued.
- Christ’s sacrifice as example: Jesus’ ultimate act of humility was His sacrifice on the cross. He put others first, even to the point of death. We are called to imitate His selflessness.
- Gratitude for God’s gifts: Humility helps us recognize that everything we have is a gift from God. This leads us to be thankful instead of boastful. Gratitude keeps our focus on God instead of ourselves.
- Following Jesus’ teaching: Jesus clearly tells us that the first shall be last. This goes against the world’s view of success. We follow Christ by putting others first, just as He did.
Background Material for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility is deeply rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition. Humility is a key virtue in the Christian life. Jesus’ teaching about being first or last shows us that greatness in God’s Kingdom is not about power, status, or comparison. Instead, it is about service, love, and putting others before ourselves. This lesson plan draws from several important Catholic sources to help youth understand how humility is essential to following Christ.
In the Gospel of Mark 9:35, Jesus says, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” This message is a clear reminder that being first in God’s eyes means being willing to serve others. It goes against the common desire for recognition and success that the world often encourages. The apostles were arguing about who was the greatest, but Jesus showed them that greatness comes from humility, not competition.
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility teaches young people to adopt a humble attitude in their daily lives. This lesson reflects a core teaching of the Catholic Church. Humility is closely tied to charity and service. It involves recognizing that every gift and talent we have comes from God. We are not meant to boast or compare, but to use our gifts to serve others and glorify God. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “Humility is the foundation of prayer” (CCC 2559). Without humility, we cannot have a true relationship with God because pride separates us from Him.
One of the most powerful examples of humility is the life of Jesus Christ. He is God, but He became human and lived among us as a servant. His entire life was marked by humility, from His birth in a stable to His death on the cross. St. Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:6-8 that Jesus “emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.” Jesus showed us that true greatness is found in humble service to others.
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility also connects with the Catholic teaching on the dignity of each person. Humility helps us recognize the dignity in others, especially those who are overlooked or marginalized. Jesus’ example of embracing a child in Mark 9:36-37 shows how we should value and care for the most vulnerable.
The Catechism emphasizes this when it says, “Respect for the human person proceeds by way of respect for the principle that ‘everyone should look upon his neighbor (without any exception) as ‘another self’” (CCC 1931). Humility helps us see the good in others and treat them with the love and respect they deserve as children of God.
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility fits well into Catholic teaching because it emphasizes service, selflessness, and respect for others. It helps young people understand that true greatness in God’s Kingdom comes from putting others first. Through Jesus’ example and the teachings of the Church, we see that humility is the path to holiness and lasting joy.
Music Suggestions for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
- Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord by John Michael Talbot
- Nothing I Hold Onto by Will Reagan
- The Least of These by Matt Maher

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
If you’re looking for more free lesson plans like the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility, visit our website. We have plenty of resources for teachers, youth ministers, and catechists. These include lesson plans and reflections to help guide young people in their faith journey. Check out our free materials to inspire deeper discussions and learning about living out the Gospel message. You can find them here: Free Lesson Plans and Reflections.
Questions and Answers for the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility
What is the goal of the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility?
The goal is to help young people understand the importance of humility. It teaches them to follow Jesus’ example of putting others first. They will learn that true greatness comes from serving others, not from competition or pride.
Why is humility important in the Catholic faith?
Humility is a core virtue in Catholic teaching. Jesus taught us that to be great in God’s eyes, we must serve others. Humility helps us recognize our gifts from God and see the dignity in every person.
How does the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility fit into everyday life?
This lesson encourages youth to practice humility in their daily interactions. They learn to avoid comparing themselves to others and to use their gifts for the good of others. It also teaches them to see the value in everyone, especially those who are often overlooked.
How does this First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility use Scripture?
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility is based on the Gospel of Mark 9:30-37. In this passage, Jesus teaches His disciples that to be first, they must be the last and serve others. It helps students understand humility through Jesus’ words and actions.
What role does service play in the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility?
Service is a key part of humility. Jesus showed us that serving others is the true path to greatness. This lesson encourages young people to serve those around them, especially those in need.
How does the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility connect to self-esteem?
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility helps youth understand that their worth comes from being children of God. It teaches that we don’t need to compare ourselves to others to feel valuable. Humility allows us to appreciate our own gifts and those of others without competition.
How does this lesson teach about leadership?
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility shows that true leaders serve others. Jesus was the perfect example of servant leadership. Youth learn that leading means helping and caring for others, not seeking power.
Why does Jesus use a child as an example in this First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility?
Jesus uses a child to show that we should be humble and trust in God. Children don’t seek power or status; they depend on others. This teaches us that humility means trusting God and serving others without seeking praise.
What can students do after completing the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility?
After the lesson, students can look for ways to practice humility in their daily lives. They can focus on serving others, appreciating their own gifts, and encouraging those around them. These small acts reflect the humble heart of Christ.
How can parents or teachers support this First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility?
Parents and teachers can encourage discussions about humility at home or in the classroom. They can also set examples by serving others and showing appreciation for everyone’s unique gifts. This helps reinforce the message of the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility.
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility is designed to help young people understand the value of humility in their lives. Using the Gospel of Mark 9:30-37, this lesson explores Jesus’ teaching that to be truly great, we must serve others. The lesson encourages students to move away from competition and pride, focusing instead on loving and helping those around them.
The First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility highlights the importance of seeing our own gifts as blessings from God. It reminds students that their worth comes from being God’s children, not from their achievements. Humility helps them avoid comparing themselves to others and leads them to appreciate both their own strengths and the strengths of others.
This First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility also teaches the value of servant leadership, showing students that true leaders care for and serve those they lead. By looking at Jesus as the perfect example of humility, young people can learn how to put others first. The goal is for students to adopt a humble heart in their everyday lives, whether at home, in school, or in their communities.
Your Turn
Try the First or Last? Lesson Plan on Humility with your group and see how it helps youth understand the value of humility. The lesson encourages students to serve others and appreciate their own God-given gifts. After completing the lesson, share your experience and any variations you made in the comment section. Your insights can help others improve their own lesson plans.
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