Mountain Time
Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible

Mountains in the Bible are special places where people have powerful encounters with God. These high, quiet places bring people closer to God, away from daily worries and distractions. Through stories of mountains, we learn about trust, sacrifice, and the importance of faith in God’s plan. This lesson plan on mountains in the Bible is a way for youth to explore what it means to draw near to God and listen to His guidance.
For young people, mountains can also symbolize the challenges and efforts needed to grow in faith. Just as climbing a mountain takes patience and persistence, building a relationship with God does too. This lesson plan helps them see that even the effort to reach God is valuable and rewarding. They’ll discover that encountering God often involves stepping away from routines and making a choice to seek Him.
Learning about mountains in the Bible also reminds youth that God is not distant but is reachable when we put our hearts into finding Him. These stories show how, throughout history, people have gone up mountains to be with God. For youth today, understanding these biblical moments helps them see that, while they might not climb a real mountain, they can still meet God through prayer, reflection, and their daily actions.
Finally, youth can see that just like Jesus and the disciples came back down from the mountain to continue God’s work, they too have a mission. After a deep experience with God, they’re encouraged to bring that faith back into their everyday lives. This lesson plan on mountains in the Bible teaches them to carry their encounters with God forward, letting each experience strengthen their faith journey.
Opening Game for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Start this lesson plan on mountains in the Bible by playing the “Around the Mountain” game (see full instructions). In this game, youth run around a circle based on different criteria.
After the game, ask a few questions to transition into the lesson:
- Have you ever been to a real mountain?
- Do you think you could run around an actual mountain?
- What words or feelings come to mind when you think of mountains?
Did you know that mountains show up a lot in the Bible? In fact, mountains are more than just giant piles of rock—they’re special places where people go to experience God. Throughout Scripture, people climb mountains to hear from God, receive His guidance, or even witness amazing events.
Think about what a mountain is like: it’s tall, steady, and seems to last forever. When people went up a mountain, they were actually moving physically closer to the sky, which helped them feel closer to God. The height, strength, and size of mountains remind us of God’s power and greatness. Being on a mountain also means leaving behind distractions from daily life, which makes it easier to focus on what God wants to say to us.
Today, we’ll look at a few of these mountain stories and how each one brought people into God’s presence in a powerful way. We’ll see that just as mountains helped people experience God in Bible times, they can inspire us to come closer to God, too.
Scripture Reading for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Keep that in mind when reading this Gospel:
Luke 9:28B-36 (The Transfiguration) – the Gospel Reading for the 2nd Sunday of Lent – Year C
Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray.
While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were conversing with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.
As they were about to part from him, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good that we are here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” But he did not know what he was saying.
While he was still speaking, a cloud came and cast a shadow over them, and they became frightened when they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
After the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. They fell silent and did not at that time tell anyone what they had seen.
Luke 9:28B-36
Discussion for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
When we look at mountains in the Bible, we see that they are often places where people encounter God in powerful ways. These moments on the mountaintop are more than just dramatic events; they teach us about trusting God, growing in faith, and being willing to listen. Throughout the Bible, mountains appear as places where God calls people to rise above everyday distractions and connect with Him in a real and focused way. To understand the meaning of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, where Jesus was transformed and revealed His glory, it helps to look at other mountain encounters in Scripture.
Let’s look at a few important examples.
Mount Ararat
The first big mountain story we see in the Bible is Mount Ararat. In Genesis, we read about Noah and the flood. God instructed Noah to build an ark to survive the coming flood. Noah obeyed, gathering his family and two of every animal onto the ark, which saved them from the raging waters. When the flood finally ended, the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. For the people of that time, this mountain was thought to be the highest place in the world.
On Mount Ararat, God established His covenant with Noah, promising never again to destroy all life on earth by a flood. This covenant, or promise, is a sign of God’s mercy and faithfulness. God’s covenant with Noah reminds us that God cares for us and keeps His promises. Noah’s obedience brought him closer to God, showing that God calls us to listen and trust, even when it’s difficult.
Mount Moriah
Mount Moriah is another important mountain in the Bible. This is where God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. This was a test of Abraham’s trust in God, and he obeyed, even though he loved his son dearly. Just before Abraham sacrificed Isaac, God provided a ram as a substitute, sparing Isaac’s life. This event is also a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, showing us that God would one day give His only Son for the salvation of the world.
According to tradition, Moriah is also where Solomon later built the Jewish temple. This is significant because the temple was the center of Jewish worship and a place where sacrifices were made to atone for sins. Abraham’s obedience on Mount Moriah teaches us about trust and reminds us that God’s love sometimes asks for sacrifice. We see that God honors those who put Him first.
Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai is perhaps the most famous mountain encounter in the Old Testament. This is where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. God called Moses up the mountain, and there, in a cloud of fire and thunder, He revealed His law. The Ten Commandments were God’s instructions for how His people should live, showing them what it means to be holy and how to live in a way that honors God. Sinai is also likely the same as Mount Horeb, where God first appeared to Moses in the burning bush.
Through these encounters, Moses learned more about God’s nature and His expectations. God revealed Himself as holy, loving, and just. Mount Sinai teaches us about obedience and shows that God calls us to live by His commandments. These laws reveal God’s heart and help us understand what it means to follow Him.
Mount Carmel
Mount Carmel is where Elijah the prophet lived, and it’s also where he called upon God during a time of severe drought. After Elijah prayed seven times, God sent a rainstorm that saved the people from drought. On this mountain, Elijah also faced off against the prophets of Baal, a false god. God showed His power by sending fire from heaven to burn Elijah’s offering, proving to everyone that the God of Israel is the one true God.
Mount Carmel teaches us that God hears our prayers and responds to them. It also reminds us of the importance of staying faithful to God, even when others turn away.
Mount Tabor
Finally, we have Mount Tabor, where the Transfiguration took place. Jesus brought Peter, James, and John up the mountain to pray. While He was praying, His appearance changed, and He became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared with Him, and the voice of God the Father declared, “This is my chosen Son; listen to Him.” This moment revealed Jesus’ divine nature to the disciples and showed them a glimpse of His glory.
Mount Tabor, like the other mountains in the Bible, is a place of encounter and revelation. Jesus’ Transfiguration was a moment when His true identity as the Son of God was revealed. The Father’s voice tells us to listen to Jesus, emphasizing that His teachings are the way to life.
So, why do mountains in the Bible have this special role in encountering God? Traditionally, people think of God in heaven, so being on a high place like a mountain feels closer to Him. Climbing a mountain also takes effort and focus, symbolizing that seeking God isn’t always easy. Mountains help us step away from the busyness of daily life, quiet our minds, and put our focus on God.
One of the hardest parts about going up a mountain is that you have to come back down. Jesus and the apostles didn’t stay up on Mount Tabor forever. They had to come back down because there was work to do. In our lives, we sometimes have mountaintop experiences where we feel especially close to God, like on a retreat or in a powerful moment of prayer. But like the apostles, we can’t stay on the mountain forever. We are called to bring that encounter with God into our everyday lives.
Remembering these experiences can be helpful. Spend time in prayer reflecting on them, write about them in a journal, or share them with friends. And stay open to future encounters with God, knowing that He will call you back to the mountain in His own time. When He does, answer the call.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Encourage group members to share openly and honestly as you discuss the lesson on mountains in the Bible. Remind them that each person’s experiences and thoughts are valuable and can help others grow in their faith. Allow time for everyone to respond to each question and listen respectfully. If a group member is unsure of an answer, encourage them to share any reflections that come to mind. The goal is for everyone to feel comfortable exploring how the themes of mountains, faith, and encounters with God can apply to their lives.
Discussion Questions
- Why do you think mountains are used as places of encounter with God in the Bible? How would a mountain setting help a person focus on God?
- Have you ever had a “mountaintop experience” in your own faith journey, like on a retreat or in prayer? What impact did it have on you, and how did it change your daily life afterward?
- When Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah, he trusted God even though it was difficult. What is an area in your life where you find it hard to trust God fully?
- How do you make time to “go up the mountain” in a spiritual sense, even if you don’t actually go anywhere? What are some ways to encounter God in your daily life?
- After experiencing God on Mount Sinai, Moses returned to share God’s laws with the people. How do you think we are called to share our faith with others after an encounter with God?
- Mountains in the Bible often represent both effort and sacrifice. What does this mean to you? How do effort and sacrifice play a role in growing closer to God?
- Why do you think it was important for Peter, James, and John to come down from Mount Tabor after the Transfiguration? How can we “bring back” our encounters with God to our lives?
- Elijah faced challenges and doubts, but he encountered God on Mount Carmel. What are some challenges that might make it difficult to feel close to God, and how can we work through them?
- God often speaks to people in quiet moments, like those on mountains. How can we create time and space in our lives to listen to God’s voice?
- Reflecting on these mountain stories, what is one lesson or example from them that you would like to bring into your life? How could it change your relationship with God or with others?
Challenge for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
This week, challenge yourself to revisit one of your “mountain encounters” with God—a time you felt deeply connected to Him. Find a quiet place where you can spend a few moments in peace, away from distractions. Try to go back to that experience in your mind. Don’t rush through it; take time to remember the details. Think about what you saw, heard, and felt. Let those memories bring you back to that moment with God and reconnect with the feelings and thoughts you had then.
Once you’ve spent time remembering, reflect on what made that experience so meaningful. Why did it feel special? Was it the setting, something you were going through, or a specific way God touched your heart? Ask God to help you understand what you can take from that experience and use in your life now. Pray for guidance about how this encounter might inspire you today, whether it’s encouraging you to pray more, serve others, or trust God in a new way. Let God show you how to carry that “mountain” moment back down into your everyday life.
Prayer for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Gather in a quiet circle, and invite everyone to take a moment to settle into God’s presence. Then pray:
Loving God, we thank You for the gift of time spent together, learning about the mountains in the Bible and the ways people encountered You. Help us to seek You in our daily lives, even when it’s hard, and to carry the lessons we’ve learned today into our hearts. Like the people who climbed mountains to meet You, give us courage and strength to draw closer to You and trust in Your guidance. Lead us to places of peace, hope, and purpose.
Lord, be with us as we come down from our own “mountain” experiences, bringing what we have learned into our lives. May Your presence be our guide each day. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
More Resources for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Themes for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
- Encountering God in Nature: Mountains in the Bible show how people experience God in natural settings. Nature, especially high places, can bring us closer to God as we see His creation. Going to a mountain teaches us to seek God outside our daily routines.
- Closeness to Heaven: Mountains in the Bible often represent getting closer to God. Their height symbolizes a physical way to draw nearer to heaven. We can see how seeking God means moving upward in faith and holiness.
- Importance of Prayer and Focus: Mountain encounters with God in the Bible teach us about the importance of prayer. On mountains, distractions are fewer, which helps us focus on God. These moments remind us to make time for prayer and be present with Him.
- Learning Obedience to God: In stories of mountains in the Bible, people are often called to trust and obey God’s commands. From Abraham to Moses, each person listens to God and follows His guidance. This teaches youth that obedience and trust are keys to a faithful life.
- Trust in God’s Plan: Mountains in the Bible remind us that faith involves trusting God, even without knowing the outcome. Abraham’s journey up Mount Moriah shows deep trust in God’s plan. We are encouraged to trust God in our own lives, knowing He has a purpose for us.
- The Power of Sacrifice: Mountains are places of sacrifice, like Abraham’s offering on Mount Moriah or Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary. Sacrifice is a part of Catholic teaching that brings us closer to God. Mountains remind us that sacrifice is often hard but leads us to a deeper relationship with God.
- Unity in Worship: Mountains in the Bible are places where people gather in worship, such as the tribes of Israel going to Jerusalem. Worship unites us as God’s people, bringing all tribes and nations together. These stories teach us the importance of coming together in faith and prayer.
- Preparation for Mission: Coming down from the mountain, Jesus and others return to carry out God’s work. Mountains teach us that after an encounter with God, we’re called to live out His mission. This reflects Catholic teaching that faith leads us to serve others.
- Revelation of God’s Will: Mountains in the Bible often reveal God’s will, such as the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. This shows that God speaks to us, giving direction for our lives. Catholic teaching encourages us to listen to God’s will through prayer and Scripture.
- A Journey of Faith: Climbing a mountain is a journey that takes commitment, like the journey of faith. Mountains in the Bible remind us that faith requires effort, patience, and perseverance. Youth can see that their relationship with God grows as they keep climbing toward Him.
- Seeking Holiness Through Effort: Going up mountains in the Bible takes hard work, which can symbolize our effort to grow in holiness. Being close to God often requires dedication and intention. This lesson shows youth that spiritual growth is worth the climb.
Background Material for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Mountains in the Bible appear many times as places where people have significant encounters with God. In Catholic teaching, mountains symbolize moments of revelation, reflection, and preparation for mission. These encounters help people understand God’s will, experience His presence, and receive guidance for life. When we look at mountains in the Bible, we see important themes like trust, obedience, sacrifice, and holiness. Catholic teaching encourages us to approach God in these ways, inspired by biblical figures who sought Him on mountains.
In the Bible, mountains often represent a closeness to God, reminding us of the need to rise above daily life to focus on Him. Throughout Scripture, the elevation of a mountain symbolizes striving toward heaven. Mountains were places where prophets, kings, and Jesus Himself withdrew to pray and seek God.
Mount Sinai is one of the best-known mountains in the Bible and holds deep meaning in Catholic teaching. At Sinai, Moses received the Ten Commandments, revealing God’s law for His people (Exodus 19-20). In giving these commandments, God established a covenant with Israel, showing them how to live. This encounter reminds us that God reveals His will and expects us to respond with obedience and faith.
The Catechism highlights that God’s law is given to help us live in communion with Him: “The Ten Commandments state what is required in the love of God and love of neighbor. The first three concern love of God, and the other seven love of neighbor.’” (CCC 2067). The commandments, received on a mountain, teach us about God’s expectations and guide us toward holiness.
Mount Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration, is another important mountain in the Bible. Here, Jesus revealed His glory to Peter, James, and John, foreshadowing His resurrection and divine nature (Luke 9:28-36). Catholic teaching sees the Transfiguration as a powerful sign of Jesus’ identity and mission. This event shows that Jesus is both fully God and fully man and that He would ultimately sacrifice His life for humanity’s salvation.
The apostles’ experience on Mount Tabor also reflects our need for encounters with God that strengthen our faith and prepare us for mission. After seeing Jesus transfigured, the apostles came down the mountain ready to continue their journey with Him, even knowing it would lead to the cross.
Mountains in the Bible also include Mount Moriah, where Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Genesis 22). This event foreshadows God’s own sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for the salvation of the world. Catholic teaching connects Abraham’s sacrifice with the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, the hill where He was crucified.
As the Catechism states, “God’s love for Israel is compared to a father’s love for his son. His love for his people is stronger than a mother’s for her children. God loves his people more than a bridegroom his beloved; his love will be victorious over even the worst infidelities and will extend to his most precious gift: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”” (CCC 219). Mountains remind us that God’s love is sacrificial and that we are called to respond with trust and commitment.
In Catholic teaching, mountains also represent faith journeys. Each ascent shows us that coming close to God takes effort, dedication, and the willingness to leave behind distractions. The stories of mountains in the Bible encourage Catholics to seek encounters with God, to trust Him, and to live in obedience. Just as Jesus and many others found strength and purpose on mountains, we are called to meet God in prayer, grow in faith, and bring that faith back into our everyday lives. Mountains in the Bible inspire us to keep climbing closer to God.
Music Suggestions for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
- Common Ground by Matt Maher
- Holy Ground by John Michael Talbot
- Holy Ground by Hillsong

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
For more free lesson plans on mountains in the Bible and other helpful reflections, visit our website! Teachers, youth ministers, and catechists will find a variety of resources to engage young people with Scripture. These lesson plans and reflections can help youth connect to their faith in meaningful ways. Check out our full selection of free resources here: Young Catholics Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections.
Questions and Answers for the Mountain Time Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible
Why are mountains so important in the Bible?
Mountains in the Bible are important because they are places where people encounter God. These high places symbolize closeness to heaven and allow people to focus on God, away from everyday distractions. Many key events happen on mountains, making them special in Scripture.
What can young people learn from mountains in the Bible?
Youth can learn that God calls us to seek Him, just as people did on mountains. Mountains in the Bible teach us about trust, prayer, and obedience. They remind us that building a relationship with God requires effort, just like climbing a mountain.
How does this lesson plan fit into Catholic teaching?
This lesson plan helps students see how mountains in the Bible connect to themes of faith, sacrifice, and prayer in Catholic teaching. It teaches youth to seek God actively and to be open to His guidance, just like those who encountered God on mountains.
Are there specific mountain stories included in this lesson?
Yes, this lesson includes key stories like Moses on Mount Sinai, Abraham on Mount Moriah, and the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Each of these events on mountains in the Bible shows us a different way people encounter God.
What can we learn from Jesus’ Transfiguration on a mountain?
The Transfiguration shows Jesus’ divine nature and mission. This event on Mount Tabor reveals that Jesus is the Son of God and prepares the disciples for His coming sacrifice. It teaches us to be open to moments where God reveals His purpose in our lives.
Why does this lesson plan focus on mountains instead of other places in the Bible?
Mountains in the Bible are special because they often mark moments of revelation and transformation. By focusing on mountains, we can see how different encounters with God help us understand faith and the effort needed to come closer to Him.
How do mountains in the Bible help us understand prayer?
Mountains help us understand prayer because people often went up mountains to be alone with God. Just like in the Bible, mountains represent the quiet places we need to focus on prayer and listen for God’s voice.
How can we connect mountain encounters with God to our daily lives?
Though we might not climb real mountains, mountains in the Bible show us the importance of setting time aside for God. We can connect with God through prayer, reflection, or quiet moments, just as people did in these mountain encounters.
Why do mountains symbolize sacrifice in the Bible?
Mountains in the Bible, like Mount Moriah, are places where sacrifices are made. These sacrifices represent trust in God and show us the cost of faith. For Catholics, these stories remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
How does this lesson encourage youth to live their faith?
This lesson on mountains in the Bible encourages youth to seek God and remember the importance of faith and prayer. It helps them see that growing in faith is a journey, often requiring patience and dedication, like climbing a mountain.
Reaching New Heights
This lesson plan on mountains in the Bible explores the spiritual importance of mountains as places where people experience God in meaningful ways. Throughout Scripture, mountains symbolize the effort of seeking God, as they are high, challenging places that bring us closer to heaven. The lesson helps students understand that mountains in the Bible are more than physical locations; they represent moments of revelation, sacrifice, and trust in God.
Students will learn about different mountain events, like Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, Abraham’s test of faith on Mount Moriah, and the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. Each of these events reveals different aspects of our faith and how God calls people to trust, obedience, and mission. Through these stories, youth see how God’s presence can transform lives and strengthen faith.
The lesson also ties into everyday life by showing how mountains in the Bible remind us to create space for God. Just as biblical figures climbed to meet God, youth today can seek God in prayer and daily actions. Through this lesson, students can reflect on their own journeys of faith, understanding that growing closer to God takes patience, dedication, and moments of quiet reflection.
Your Turn
Try the lesson plan on mountains in the Bible to explore how these special places reveal God’s presence. As your group dives into stories like Moses on Sinai or Jesus on Tabor, you’ll uncover lessons about trust, prayer, and dedication.
After using this lesson, share your own insights, ideas, or variations in the comments. We’d love to hear how your group connects with these powerful mountain moments!
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