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Talent Comm - A Talent Game

Talent Comm is a talent game which lets players interact based on their personal gifts for communication. Some people communicate through words, others through pictures, and others through actions.

Those who are good at action play the game Charades style. Those who like to draw can play like Pictionary. And those who have the gift of gab can play like Catch Phrase.

How to Play this Talent Game


  • A list of predetermined words for the talent game written in a list (see the notes below)
  • Large pads of paper (one per team)
  • Black markers (one per team)


  1. Divide the group into teams. Six to eight players make a good size.
  2. Within each team, each player must decide if he/she is an actor, an artist, or a speaker. There must be at least one of each type on every team.
    • Actors will communicate by actions, Charades style
    • Artists will communicate by drawing, Pictionary style
    • Speakers will communicate with words, Catch Phrase style
  3. Have a leader stand in the middle of the room. The teams spread out on the sides.
  4. Give each team a marker and pad of paper for their artists to use.
  5. On go, the first person from each team goes to the leader and gets a word. They go back to their team and use their communication style to express the word. When the team gets the word, the next person in line goes to the leader and gets the next word.
  6. This continues until one team has communicated all of the words in the list. That team wins.

Notes for This Talent Game

  • A list of about 10 words is a good length. There are some suggestions below.
  • Pick common words such as driving, glasses, dolphin, toast
  • If this is related to a lesson, choose words associated with that theme
  • It might be a good idea to have a leader with each group to verify that the group guessed the word
  • Remember the rules
    • Actors cannot draw or speak
    • Artists cannot speak or act
    • Speakers cannot act, draw, or say a part of the word

Suggested Themed Lists for Talent Comm

Use just one of these or combine them. After you cut them up, you can remove any which you think will be too difficult for your group.

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