Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Tuesday February 3, 2026

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
- First Reading – 2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3: Absalom, caught by his hair in a terebinth tree while fleeing, was killed by Joab. Informed of his son’s death, King David was deeply grieved, expressing a wish to have died instead of Absalom.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 86: In my distress, I seek the Lord’s attentive mercy. Devoted and trusting, I call for His joy and forgiveness, confident in His kindness and abundant grace.
- Gospel – Mark 5:21-43: In a crowd, Jairus, a synagogue leader, pleaded with Jesus to heal his dying daughter. En route, a woman with chronic bleeding touched Jesus’ cloak and was healed. At Jairus’s house, despite reports of the daughter’s death, Jesus revived her, to the amazement of all.
He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”
Mark 5:41
Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
On Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, the readings show how God’s mercy and healing touch both individual lives and entire communities. The stories remind us of the power of faith and the need for trust in God’s care in times of sorrow and need.
- God’s mercy for all: In the first reading, David mourns for Absalom despite his son’s rebellion. This shows the depth of God’s mercy, who loves His people even when they sin.
- Sorrow and forgiveness: David’s grief for Absalom reflects the pain of broken relationships. It also points to the call to forgive, even when hurt by others.
- Trusting Jesus’ power: In the Gospel, Jairus seeks Jesus to heal his daughter, trusting in His power to help. This shows the importance of relying on God in difficult moments.
- Faith leads to healing: The woman with the hemorrhage reaches out to touch Jesus in faith and is healed. Her example teaches that faith brings us closer to God’s help.
- God brings life: Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from death, showing His authority over life and death. It reminds us that God is the source of all life and hope.
- God’s timing is perfect: Jesus does not rush to Jairus’ house but still heals his daughter in the right moment. This teaches patience and trust in God’s plan.
The themes from Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 invite us to reflect on God’s love and care in times of grief and need. They remind us to have faith, seek forgiveness, and trust that God always works for our good.
Thoughts for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

The readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 invite us to reflect on faith, forgiveness, and hope in the face of challenges. Through David’s grief, the woman’s healing, and Jairus’ trust, we see God working in moments of sorrow and need. These stories encourage us to turn to God with faith and to respond to others with love and mercy.
The Pain of Broken Relationships
The first reading for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 shows David mourning the loss of his son Absalom. Absalom had rebelled against David, causing great pain to his family and his kingdom. Yet, David’s grief is deep because he loves his son despite the betrayal. His sorrow shows the heartache of broken relationships.
This reading reminds us of how relationships can bring both joy and pain. Betrayal, anger, or misunderstanding can hurt us deeply. Like David, we may still love those who have caused us pain. His example calls us to pray for healing in these situations and to remember that God’s love can guide us in hard times.
We all face challenges in relationships. The story of David and Absalom invites us to reflect on how we can respond with love and mercy. It reminds us to forgive, even when it is hard, and to seek peace in our hearts.
Faith That Reaches Out
The Gospel for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 tells the story of a woman who has suffered for many years. She believes that touching Jesus’ cloak will bring her healing. Her simple act of faith brings her the help she needs, showing the power of trust in God.
Her story is a reminder that faith does not need to be complicated. Even a small step toward God, like the woman’s touch, can open the door for His help in our lives. It shows us the importance of turning to God with trust, no matter how difficult our situation may seem.
This reflection can apply to us today. When we face struggles, we can remember this woman’s example. Faith gives us the courage to seek God and the strength to believe that He cares for us.
Hope in the Midst of Pain
Both the first reading and the Gospel for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 highlight moments of pain and loss. David mourns the death of his son, and Jairus fears for the life of his daughter. In both cases, there is a longing for hope and healing in the face of sorrow.
David’s grief shows the deep love that binds a father to his child, even when there has been betrayal. In the Gospel, Jairus’ hope for his daughter brings him to Jesus, who responds with compassion and care. These moments remind us that pain is part of life, but it can also lead us to seek God’s help.
When we face struggles, we can turn to God in faith, just as Jairus did. The readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 show that God meets us in our sorrow and gives us hope. They call us to trust that He can bring healing and new life, even in the darkest moments.
The reflections on Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 remind us that God is close to us in all circumstances. Whether through forgiveness, small acts of faith, or seeking hope in hard times, these readings show us how to trust and rely on Him in every part of our lives.
Lord, thank You for showing us Your care in times of sorrow and need. Help us to forgive others, trust You in faith, and find hope in Your love. Guide us to respond with mercy and seek You in all that we face. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How do you respond when a relationship is broken or difficult?
- What can you learn from the woman’s faith in reaching out to Jesus?
- How can you trust God more during times of sorrow or fear?
- Where do you find hope when facing challenges in your life?
Homilies and Reflections for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
Word on Fire: Good Grief
Dr. Tom Neal reflects on grieving in the context of faith, using the story of King David mourning Absalom’s death, which is the focus of the Gospel for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2. He notes the lack of shared social scripts for grieving in American culture, posing questions about the appropriate expressions and duration of grief. Neal emphasizes the healing role of grief and shares his personal experience of overwhelming support after his parents’ deaths. He highlights the profound impact of two friends who provided a sacred space for him to grieve, embodying the compassionate, silent presence of Christ. This experience underscores the importance of presence and listening in supporting those who grieve.
Questions and Answers for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
What date is Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The next date is Tuesday February 3, 2026.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For odd numbered years see Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1.
What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The Mass readings for Tuesday February 3, 2026 are:
First Reading – 2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3: Absalom’s Downfall and David’s Grief
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 86: Plea for Divine Mercy
Gospel – Mark 5:21-43: Faith and Restoration
What is the main message of the first reading for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The first reading shows David’s sorrow over Absalom’s death, even though Absalom had rebelled. It reminds us to love others and show mercy, even when they hurt us.
Why does David mourn for Absalom, who had betrayed him?
David mourns because Absalom is his son, and he still loves him. This shows how God continues to care for us even when we sin.
How does the first reading apply to our lives?
The first reading teaches us to forgive others and pray for them, even when they fail us. It reminds us that love and mercy should guide our actions.
What can we learn from Jairus in the Gospel for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
Jairus trusts Jesus completely and asks Him for help. This shows us the importance of turning to God in our struggles and believing that He will care for us.
Why does the woman with the hemorrhage touch Jesus’ cloak?
She believes that even a small act of faith will bring her healing. Her example teaches us to trust in God’s power and to reach out to Him in faith.
What does Jesus’ healing of the woman and Jairus’ daughter show us?
It shows us that God is always ready to heal and help those who trust Him. It also reminds us that faith is necessary for receiving God’s help.
How can we apply the Gospel to our lives?
We can ask God for help in our needs and trust Him completely. We should also strengthen our faith by praying and staying close to God.
What does Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter teach us about God?
It teaches us that God has power over life and death. We can trust Him to give us life and hope, even in the darkest times.
Why did Jesus take time with the woman before going to Jairus’ house?
Jesus shows that He cares for each person, no matter how small their need may seem. This reminds us to trust God’s timing in all things.
What do these readings together teach about God’s care?
The readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 show us that God loves us deeply and wants to help us. They remind us to trust Him, forgive others, and stay faithful in all circumstances.
Faith in Times of Sorrow and Need
Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 brings together two powerful stories of sorrow and faith. In the first reading, King David mourns deeply for his son Absalom, who had rebelled against him. Even though Absalom’s actions brought harm, David’s grief shows his great love as a father. This reminds us that mercy and forgiveness are part of love, even in difficult moments.
The Gospel tells the story of Jairus, a synagogue leader, who asks Jesus to heal his dying daughter. On the way, a woman who has been suffering for many years touches Jesus’ cloak in faith and is healed. Jesus continues to Jairus’ house and raises the girl from death, showing His power and care. These stories teach us that faith brings healing and life, even in the face of fear or doubt.
Both readings show that God is close to those who trust in Him. They encourage us to forgive, to pray in faith, and to believe that God works for good in all situations. Even in times of sorrow or challenge, God’s care brings hope and strength.
Your Turn
Take a moment to reflect on the readings for Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2. How have you seen mercy, healing, or hope in your life or the lives of others? Consider how these stories speak to your own faith journey.
Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments section. Your reflection could help inspire others. Let us grow together in faith and trust in God.
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