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Stellar VBS Ideas

Do you need some more ideas to go with Stellar VBS? Here are some additional games, crafts, and snack recipes to go with this easy space themed Vacation Bible School program from Group.

The tagline for Stellar VBS is “Shine Jesus’ Light” and the description is “Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.” So this theme focuses on space and astronauts.

Here are the points and verses for each day:

  • Day 1: When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light! “Jesus …. said, ‘I am the light of the world.’” (John 8:12) The bible story is Jesus comes as a baby to be king (Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 1:18-2:12)
  • Day 2: When people don’t get along, shine Jesus’ light! “Live in harmony with each other. ” (Romans 12:16) The bible story is Jesus accepts Zacchaeus. (Luke 19:1-9)
  • Day 3: When good things happen, shine Jesus’ light! “Show with joy to the Lord, all the earth!” (Psalm 100:1) The bible story is Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king. (Luke 19:28-40)
  • Day 4: When people are sad, shine Jesus’ light! “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.” (John 14:1) The bible story is Jesus cares for his mother during his crucifixion.
  • Day 5: When people need help, shine Jesus’ light! “Let your good deeds shine … so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16) The bible story is Philip helps the Ethiopian. (Acts 8:26-39)

Stellar VBS Game Ideas

Here are some suggestions for games you can use to supplement the Stellar VBS program.

Planet Pickup Game

Players must grab a planet and get it into orbit. It can be played just for fun. There is also a competitive option for teams. See more details.

Pin the Rocket on the Planet

This game is similar to the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” game. Draw a large picture of a planet on a poster board and cut out paper rockets for the kids to pin onto the planet while blindfolded.

Meteorite Toss

This game involves throwing “meteorites” (small, soft balls) into a bucket or bin. The further the bucket, the higher the score.

Cosmic Scavenger Hunt

Hide small space-themed objects around the party area and give each child a list of items to find.

Astronaut Relay Race

Set up an obstacle course with different space-themed challenges for the children to complete, such as crawling through a tunnel, jumping over “moon rocks” (large pillows), and walking on a balance beam like an astronaut in space. The team that completes the course the fastest wins.

Glow in the Dark Balloon Stomp

Most people working with youth are familiar with Balloon Stomp. This is a twist on the game which uses glowsticks. It would go well the Stellar VBS tagline of “Shine Jesus’ Light”. See more details.

Space Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course with different space-themed challenges, such as crawling through an “asteroid field,” jumping over “craters,” and walking across a “moonwalk” area.

Craft Ideas for Stellar VBS

Here are some supplemental crafts for Stellar VBS.

Design Your Own Space Helmet

Provide the children with blank paper or cardboard and art supplies, such as markers and stickers, to decorate and design their own space helmets.

Pin Hole Planetariums

Make small constellations using aluminum cans and flashlights. Shine in a darkened room. This is a fun indoor activity. Learn more.

Moon Rock Painting

Provide each child with a smooth, round rock and acrylic paint in shades of gray, white, and black. Have the children paint the rocks to look like moon rocks, and then let them dry.

DIY Rocket Ship

Provide each child with a cardboard tube, construction paper, glue, and scissors. Have the children cut out and decorate the construction paper to look like a rocket ship, and then glue it onto the cardboard tube to create a 3D rocket.

Planet Mobile

Provide each child with paper or cardboard cutouts of the planets in our solar system, string, and a wire hanger. Have the children tie the string around each planet and then attach them to the wire hanger to create a planet mobile.

Snacks for Stellar VBS

Moon Rocks

These can be made by coating small candies or popcorn in white chocolate or white candy melts, and then rolling them in crushed Oreos or graham crackers to look like moon rocks.

Rocket Ship Fruit Kabobs

Use fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and bananas to create rocket ship-shaped kabobs. For the rocket fins, use slices of kiwi or pineapple, and for the rocket flames, use slices of oranges or strawberries.

Cosmic Cupcakes

Frost cupcakes with blue or purple frosting, and then add silver or gold sprinkles to look like stars. Top with a candy rocket or astronaut decoration.

Galaxy popcorn

Pop popcorn and drizzle with melted blue and purple candy melts, and then add star-shaped sprinkles or candy-coated chocolates to resemble a galaxy.

Planet Pizzas

Make mini pizzas using English muffins or pita bread as the base. Use tomato sauce or pesto as the “planet surface” and add toppings like sliced olives, mushrooms, and peppers to represent different features on the planet. Cut the pizzas into small pieces and serve.

Astronaut Pudding

Eat like the astronauts do – by squeezing food into your mouth! See more details.

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