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Our Lady of Lourdes is the title given to Mary, the mother of Jesus, after she appeared in Lourdes, France. The apparitions happened in 1858. A young girl named Bernadette Soubirous saw Mary at a place called the Grotto of Massabielle. Bernadette was only 14 years old when this happened.

Mary appeared to Bernadette a total of 18 times. She wore white with a blue sash and had a yellow rose on each foot. During these visits, Mary asked people to pray, turn away from sin, and trust God. She also asked for a chapel to be built at the grotto.

One special event during the apparitions was the discovery of a spring. Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground, and water began to flow. People believe this spring has healing powers. Many sick people have found hope and comfort there.

Today, Lourdes is a major pilgrimage site. Millions of people visit every year. They come to pray, find healing, and strengthen their faith. The Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11 each year.

The Lady in White: Mary’s Visits to Bernadette

The first apparition happened on February 11, 1858. Bernadette Soubirous was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend. She heard a noise near the Grotto of Massabielle. When she looked up, she saw a beautiful lady dressed in white. The lady smiled at Bernadette, but she did not say anything. Bernadette prayed the rosary with the lady, who also held a rosary in her hand.

The lady continued to appear to Bernadette over the next few months. During one of the visits, she told Bernadette to pray for sinners. She also asked for people to do penance, which means to show sorrow for their sins. Mary said that people needed to change their hearts and come closer to God.

In another apparition, the lady asked Bernadette to dig in the ground. Bernadette obeyed, and a small spring of water appeared. Mary told her that people should come to the spring to drink and wash. Many believe that the water can bring healing to the sick.

On March 25, 1858, during one of the final apparitions, the lady told Bernadette who she was. She said, “I am the Immaculate Conception.” This surprised many people. The Church had only recently declared the teaching of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. It means that Mary was conceived without sin.

The last apparition was on July 16, 1858. Bernadette never saw the lady again after this visit. But Bernadette always remembered the messages she received. She shared these messages with others, as Mary had asked. Mary’s words at Lourdes remind people to pray, trust God, and seek healing.

The Girl Who Saw Mary

Bernadette Soubirous was born on January 7, 1844, in Lourdes, France. She was the oldest of nine children. Her family was very poor and often struggled to have enough food. Bernadette herself was often sick. She suffered from asthma and other health problems.

When Mary appeared to Bernadette in 1858, she was just 14 years old. Bernadette did not expect to see Mary. She was just trying to gather wood to help her family. But she felt drawn to the lady in white. Even though Bernadette faced doubts from others, she stayed strong. She described what she saw honestly, even when people mocked her.

Bernadette played an important role in sharing Mary’s messages. She told people about the calls to prayer, penance, and the healing spring. Crowds of people began to visit the grotto to pray. Many believed that Bernadette was telling the truth. But Bernadette never sought fame. She remained humble and quiet.

In 1866, Bernadette joined the Sisters of Charity in Nevers, France. She wanted to live a simple life of prayer. She worked in the convent, even though she was often sick. She continued to suffer from health problems, including tuberculosis. Despite this, she remained dedicated to God.

Bernadette died on April 16, 1879, at the age of 35. She was canonized a saint in 1933 by Pope Pius XI. She is remembered for her faith, her courage, and her trust in Mary’s words. The Church celebrates her feast day on April 16.

Learn more about St. Bernadette here.

A Call from Mary: The Message of Lourdes

The message of Lourdes is simple. Mary called people to prayer, penance, and trust in God. During the apparitions, she asked Bernadette to pray for sinners. She wanted others to do the same. Prayer is an important way to come closer to God and ask for mercy.

Mary also spoke about penance. Penance means showing sorrow for our sins. It can include acts of sacrifice, like fasting or giving up something we like. Penance helps people remember their need for God’s forgiveness. Mary’s words at Lourdes remind us that we should always try to turn away from sin.

Another part of the message is conversion. Conversion means a change of heart. It is when a person decides to follow God more closely. Mary wanted people to change their hearts and live good lives. She hoped that people would be sorry for their sins and seek God’s mercy.

Faith and trust in God were central to Mary’s message. She encouraged Bernadette and others to trust God, even when it was hard. Trusting God means believing that He loves us and wants the best for us. It means staying faithful even when we do not understand His plans.

Today, Mary’s message at Lourdes still speaks to the world. It is a reminder to pray, turn away from sin, and trust God. It is a call to live a good life, one that leads to heaven.

The Healing Spring: Lourdes as a Place of Hope

One of the most important events at Lourdes was the discovery of a spring. During one of the apparitions, Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground near the grotto. Bernadette obeyed, and soon water began to flow. This small spring quickly grew into a steady stream of water.

The water from the spring is believed to have healing powers. Many sick people come to Lourdes hoping for a cure. There have been many reports of physical healings after using the water. Some people say they were healed after drinking it, while others bathed in it. The Church has officially recognized several of these healings as miracles.

Get some Lourdes water

Lourdes became a major pilgrimage site soon after the apparitions. People from around the world began to visit the grotto to pray. In 1876, a large basilica was built above the grotto to honor Our Lady of Lourdes. It became a place of prayer and hope. The shrine now includes the grotto, a large basilica, and many chapels.

Lourdes is known as a center for prayer and healing. People come to seek both physical and spiritual healing. Many pilgrims pray the rosary, attend Mass, and go to confession. Some come seeking a miracle, while others come for peace and comfort.

Today, Lourdes welcomes millions of visitors each year. It remains a place of faith and hope for all who visit. The message of healing and prayer continues to draw people closer to God.

Recognizing Lourdes: The Church’s Approval and Devotions

The Church investigated the events at Lourdes soon after the apparitions. Church leaders interviewed Bernadette and examined the messages. They also looked into the reports of healings at the spring. After careful study, the Church declared the apparitions to be real in 1862. This meant that Catholics could honor Our Lady of Lourdes.

The Church also recognized the healings connected to the water. Over the years, many healings were reviewed by doctors and Church officials. Some were declared miracles. These miracles helped to strengthen belief in the events at Lourdes. People continue to visit Lourdes in search of physical, mental, and spiritual healing.

The feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes is celebrated on February 11. This is the date of the first apparition in 1858. On this day, Catholics around the world honor Mary’s appearance to St. Bernadette. It is also a special day for the sick. Many parishes hold Masses and prayers for those in need of healing.

One of the main devotions connected to Lourdes is the Rosary. Pilgrims often pray the Rosary at the grotto or while walking around the site. There are also processions with candles, especially at night. This is called the “Candlelight Procession,” and it honors Mary’s messages of prayer and hope.

Today, Lourdes remains an important place in the Catholic Church. It is a sign of Mary’s care for her children. It invites everyone to pray, trust God, and seek healing. The Church continues to encourage devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, especially on her feast day.

Lessons from Lourdes: Mary’s Message for Today

The messages of Lourdes are still important for people today. Mary called for prayer, penance, and trust in God. These actions help us grow closer to God and live better lives. They can also bring peace to our hearts, even in difficult times.

Prayer is one of the main messages from Lourdes. Mary asked people to pray for sinners and for themselves. Prayer helps us focus on God. It also helps us remember that we need His help every day. Today, in a busy world, prayer can bring us peace and strength.

Mary also called for penance, which means being sorry for our sins. Penance is about changing our hearts and turning away from sin. It can mean simple things, like fasting or giving up a bad habit. In modern life, penance can remind us to live humbly and ask God for forgiveness.

Mary’s message of trust in God is important today too. Many people face struggles and worries. It can be easy to lose hope. But Mary’s words at Lourdes remind us to trust God, even when life is hard. Trusting God means believing that He loves us and will guide us.

The lessons of Lourdes offer inspiration for daily life. They encourage us to live with faith, hope, and love. Mary’s words call everyone to seek God, pray more, and live with compassion. Her message from Lourdes can still bring hope and healing to the world today.

Following Mary’s Call: A Reflection on Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes invites us to live with faith, prayer, and trust in God. Mary appeared to a simple, poor girl named Bernadette. This reminds us that God often chooses the humble. We do not have to be perfect or strong to receive God’s love. We only need to have a willing heart.

Mary’s message at Lourdes focused on prayer. She asked for prayers for sinners, including ourselves. This is a call for each of us. No matter how busy or tired we are, prayer can help us. It is how we talk to God and open our hearts to Him. Prayer is also a way to bring peace to our lives and to the world.

The message of penance challenges us to take responsibility for our sins. It is easy to overlook our faults or make excuses. But Mary calls us to be honest about our sins and ask for forgiveness. Penance helps us grow and become better followers of Jesus. It helps us live in a way that pleases God.

Mary also encouraged trust in God’s plans. Life can be hard. We may face sickness, family problems, or financial struggles. During these times, it is easy to feel lost. But Mary reminds us to keep our trust in God. He always cares for us, even when we cannot see it.

Reflection Questions

  • Are there areas of your life where you need to trust God more?
  • How can you make more time for prayer in your daily life?
  • What are some ways you can practice penance?

Daily Mass Readings for the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes

  • First ReadingIsaiah 66:10-14c: God promises joy, comfort, and peace to those who love Jerusalem, likening His care to a mother’s love. His faithful will witness this and find strength and joy.
  • Responsorial PsalmJudith 13:18bcde, 19: Blessed by God, you are honored above all women, and your brave act will be remembered by those who proclaim God’s strength. You are the glory of your people.
  • Gospel John 2:1-11: At a wedding in Cana, Jesus’ mother informed him of the shortage of wine. Jesus turned water into wine as his first sign, revealing his glory and leading his disciples to believe.


Our Lady of Lourdes Lesson Plan and Reflection Questions

The lesson plan focuses on the messages of Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette. It emphasizes having a personal relationship with God, recognizing the dignity of others, and valuing eternal life over worldly things. It also encourages prayer, penance, and caring for the salvation of all people. The plan invites reflection on personal growth, spiritual healing, and the call to holiness. Reflection questions help students consider how to build a deeper relationship with God, treat others with respect, and make sacrifices for the good of others.

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Questions and Answers about Our Lady of Lourdes

Who is Our Lady of Lourdes?

Our Lady of Lourdes is the name given to Mary, the mother of Jesus, after she appeared in Lourdes, France, in 1858.

Who saw Our Lady of Lourdes?

A 14-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous saw Our Lady of Lourdes at the Grotto of Massabielle.

How many times did Our Lady of Lourdes appear?

Our Lady of Lourdes appeared 18 times to Bernadette between February and July 1858.

What was the message of Our Lady of Lourdes?

Our Lady of Lourdes asked for prayer, penance, and trust in God. She wanted people to turn away from sin.

What is the spring at Lourdes?

Our Lady of Lourdes told Bernadette to dig in the ground. A spring of water appeared, which many believe has healing powers.

Why do people visit Lourdes?

People visit Lourdes to pray, seek healing, and grow closer to God. Many come hoping for both physical and spiritual healing.

Is the water from Lourdes really healing?

Many people believe the water from Lourdes has healing power. The Church has confirmed some healings as true miracles.

When is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes?

The feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes is on February 11, the date of the first apparition in 1858.

Why is Lourdes important to Catholics?

Lourdes is important because it is where Mary appeared and shared messages of faith. It is also a place where many people have found healing.

What can we learn from Our Lady of Lourdes?

Our Lady of Lourdes teaches us to pray, be sorry for our sins, and trust God’s plan.

What are the Mass readings for the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes?

First ReadingIsaiah 66:10-14c: Rejoice with Jerusalem
Responsorial PsalmJudith 13:18bcde, 19: You Are Blessed Among Us
Gospel John 2:1-11: The Wedding Feast at Cana


Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. The apparitions took place at the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes, France. Our Lady appeared 18 times over several months. She was dressed in white with a blue sash and carried a rosary.

Our Lady of Lourdes gave Bernadette a message. She asked for prayer, penance, and conversion. Mary called people to pray for sinners and trust in God. She also asked Bernadette to dig in the ground, where a spring appeared. Many believe the water from this spring can heal the sick.

Lourdes soon became a place of pilgrimage. People from all over the world visit Lourdes to pray and seek healing. The Church approved the apparitions in 1862. Our Lady of Lourdes has a feast day on February 11. Lourdes remains a center for prayer and hope.

Your Turn

Learn more about Our Lady of Lourdes and her message of prayer, penance, and trust in God. Her story inspires faith and healing. Reflect on how this message applies to your life. Have you visited Lourdes or experienced its message?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. We’d love to hear from you!

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