Sunday June 20, 2027
Mass Readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
- First Reading – Job 38:1, 8-11: The Lord tells Job how He set boundaries for the sea, controlling its limits and waves.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 107: God shows his power and love by calming the storm and bringing sailors to safety. We should praise him for his kindness and wonders.
- Second Reading – 2 Corinthians 5:14-17: Christ’s love leads us to live for him, not for ourselves. In Christ, we become a new creation, leaving the old behind.
- Gospel – Mark 4:35-4: Jesus calms a storm after his disciples wake him in fear. He questions their faith, and they are amazed that even the wind and sea obey him.
He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!”
Mark 4:39
Themes for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the readings show God’s power and love. They remind us to trust in Him and live as new creations in Christ.
- God’s Power Over Creation: God sets boundaries for the sea and controls its limits. This shows His power and authority over all creation.
- Trust in God’s Control: In the Gospel, Jesus calms the storm. He asks the disciples why they are afraid, reminding us to trust in God’s control over our lives.
- Christ’s Love Changes Us: Paul’s letter says Christ’s love leads us to live for Him. In Christ, we become new creations, leaving our old selves behind.
- New Life in Christ: We are called to live differently because of Christ. Our old ways are gone, and we are made new.
- Faith in Difficult Times: The disciples’ fear during the storm shows a lack of faith. Jesus’ calming of the storm shows that faith in Him can bring peace.
These themes help us understand the readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. They remind us to trust in God’s power and let Christ’s love transform our lives.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Resources for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Sunday June 20, 2027

What Are You Afraid Of? Lesson Plan
This lesson plan helps youth understand how faith in Jesus can bring peace during life’s storms. Based on the Gospel for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B (Mark 4:35-41), it starts by discussing fun, scary activities and then shifts to deeper fears. The lesson emphasizes trusting Jesus and turning to Him for peace and calm. It encourages youth to rely on their faith and seek support from trusted friends or adults.

Ships and Sailors Game
Ships and Sailors is a fun, fast-paced game for Vacation Bible School, camp, or youth group. It works well with middle schoolers and older. Players follow nautical-themed commands, like “Captain’s coming” or “Man overboard.” The game helps with memory and listening skills and is great for large groups. It can be played indoors or outdoors. This game fits well with a discussion based on the Gospel for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B (Mark 4:35-41), where Jesus calms the storm, teaching about faith and trust.

The Book of Job: Understanding Suffering
This article gives background information for the first reading for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Job 38:1, 8-11. Job, a righteous man, suffers greatly and questions why. God responds from a whirlwind, showing His power and wisdom. This shifts the focus from why Job suffers to understanding who God is. Job learns that his suffering is part of a larger plan beyond human understanding. This encounter teaches us to trust in God’s wisdom and authority, even when we don’t understand our own suffering.

Resources for the Gospel of Mark
This article provides background for the Gospel for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Mark 4:35-41. In this passage, Jesus calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee, showing His power over nature. This miracle highlights Jesus’ authority and ability to bring peace in chaos. It is part of His early ministry in Galilee, where He teaches and performs many miracles, like healing the sick and feeding the 5000. These acts demonstrate the breaking in of God’s kingdom and invite people to trust in Jesus’ power and message.
Homilies and Reflections for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Sunday June 20, 2027
Peace in the Storm
In his homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark’s Gospel. He offers three interpretations: first, Jesus asleep in the boat represents inner peace amid life’s storms. Second, if Christ is “asleep” within us due to neglecting our spiritual life, we must wake Him through prayer and sacraments. Third, Jesus’ sleep symbolizes His death and resurrection, showing that He has conquered chaos and death. By trusting in Him, we find peace and victory over life’s challenges.
Be Not Afraid!
In his reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Jeff Cavins encourages us to boldly share the Gospel, despite fear or opposition. He reminds us that Jeremiah faced persecution but was assured of God’s protection. Jesus warns that sharing the truth may lead to rejection, as it did for Him. The key to overcoming fear is deepening our relationship with Christ. Cavins emphasizes that we should fear God more than people and trust in His care, as we are valuable to Him. Acknowledging Jesus before others means He will acknowledge us before the Father, offering a powerful incentive to be courageous witnesses.
In the Storm
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Scott Hahn reflects on Jesus calming the storm and its connection to the story of Jonah. Both stories show God’s power over nature and call us to trust in Him. The Psalm for this Sunday echoes this theme, describing sailors saved by God during a storm. Hahn emphasizes that just as the Apostles were called to trust Jesus, we must trust Him in our own life’s storms. We are new creations in Christ, living with faith and thanksgiving, trusting that God is always with us.
Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?
Trusting God’s Plan
In this homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Barron discusses the book of Job and the problem of suffering. Job, a righteous man, loses everything and questions God. In response, God speaks from a whirlwind, highlighting His control over creation. Bishop Barron compares this to Jesus calming the storm in the Gospel. Both stories remind us that God’s ways are beyond our understanding, and we must trust in His plan. Our sufferings, like Job’s, are part of a larger divine providence. Ultimately, we are called to trust in God’s wisdom and care.
The True Meaning of Surrender
In his homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains the concept of surrendering to God using the example of Walter Ciszek, a Jesuit priest. He clarifies that surrender is not giving up but giving God access to our lives. Surrender is a continuous process, much like balancing, and involves letting go of rebellion and resentment. He shares a prayer of surrender by St. Ignatius of Loyola to illustrate this. By praying, “Take Lord, and receive all my liberty, (the Suscipe prayer)” we open ourselves to God’s will, moving beyond complaint and truly living for God.
The ‘De Profundis’ Prayer
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Barron reflects on Psalm 130 and the “De profundis” prayer. This prayer, meaning “out of the depths,” expresses our deep reliance on God during our darkest times. Bishop Barron connects this to the Gospel story where Jesus calms the storm. The disciples, terrified and feeling helpless, cry out to Jesus, who calms the sea, showing His power and care. Bishop Barron encourages us to pray “out of the depths” in our own struggles, trusting that Christ will bring peace and calm to our storms.
Trusting God in the Storm
In the USCCB video reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, we explore Job’s and the disciples’ experiences during storms. God questions Job, highlighting His control over creation, while Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee, asking His disciples about their faith. Both stories emphasize that despite suffering and fear, God is ultimately in charge. Job had to acknowledge God’s power, and the disciples gradually understood Jesus’ divine nature, fully realized after His resurrection. We are challenged to move beyond fear and place our faith in the Risen Christ, trusting in His power and presence.
The Storm at Sea
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Barron reflects on Jesus calming the storm. He connects this Gospel story to our own lives, showing that Jesus’ calm presence in the boat symbolizes His presence within the Church and our lives. Despite the chaos and storms we face, Jesus brings peace. Bishop Barron encourages us to trust in Jesus, even in the midst of our worst struggles, just as the disciples did. He reminds us that Christ’s presence can calm any storm and urges us to awaken this trust within ourselves.
More Thoughts for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Trusting in God’s Power
The readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B show us God’s power and our need to trust Him. In the first reading, God reminds Job of His control over the sea. He set boundaries for the waters and commands the waves.
This shows God’s authority over creation. Even the mighty sea, which can be so powerful and frightening, obeys God’s commands. We can trust that God is in control of everything in our lives too.
In the Gospel, we see Jesus calming the storm. The disciples are afraid, but Jesus shows His power over the wind and sea. He asks them why they are afraid and questions their faith.
Finding Peace in Christ
When we face storms in our own lives, we can remember Jesus’ power. Just as He calmed the sea for the disciples, He can bring peace to our troubled hearts. We only need to trust Him and have faith.
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians tells us that Christ’s love changes us. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Him. In Christ, we become new creations, leaving our old ways behind.
This new life in Christ is full of hope and promise. When we trust in His love, we can face any storm with courage. We know that He is with us, guiding and protecting us.
Living as New Creations
Being a new creation in Christ means living differently. It means turning away from sin and selfishness. It means loving others as Christ loves us.
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, we are reminded to trust in God’s power and live for Christ. This is a call to deeper faith and a stronger commitment to following Jesus.
The disciples’ fear during the storm teaches us about our own fears. We often feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges. But Jesus shows us that He is greater than any storm.
Turning to God in Prayer
When we feel afraid or lost, we can turn to God in prayer. Just as the disciples cried out to Jesus, we can cry out to Him too. He hears us and will help us.
Jesus is always with us, even in the stormiest moments. He is our peace and our strength. By trusting in Him, we find the courage to face any challenge.
Lord, help us to trust in Your power and love. When we face life’s storms, remind us that You are with us. Calm our fears and give us peace. Help us to live as new creations in Christ, showing Your love to others. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
- How do the readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B show God’s power?
- What can we learn from the disciples’ fear during the storm?
- How does Christ’s love change the way we live?
- When have you felt God’s presence during a difficult time?
- How can you trust God more in your daily life?
- In what ways can you live as a new creation in Christ?
- What storms in your life do you need to bring to Jesus?
- How does remembering God’s control over creation give you peace?
- How can you show Christ’s love to others in your community?
- What steps can you take to deepen your faith and trust in God?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Music Suggestions for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Sunday June 20, 2027
These music selections for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B focus on themes of trust, faith, and God’s power over creation. They include hymns and contemporary songs that emphasize God’s presence in times of fear and uncertainty. The music reminds us of Jesus calming the storm and encourages us to rely on His strength and guidance. These songs are a mix of soothing, reflective pieces and powerful, uplifting tunes that help the congregation feel God’s peace and assurance during life’s storms.
- Abide with Me
- All Creatures of Our God and King
- Be Not Afraid
- Be Still
- Be Still and Know
- Be With Me Lord
- Because He Lives
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save
- Everlasting God
- He Is Exalted
- How Can I Keep from Singing?
- How Great Thou Art
- How He Loves
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- In the Light
- New Creation
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past
- Our God Saves
- Rain Down
- Save Us O Lord
- Shelter Me O God
- Stand By Me
These selections align with the themes of trust and faith from the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. These songs can help the congregation connect with the message of God’s presence in our lives. Feel free to share your own additional music suggestions in the comments to inspire others.
Questions and Answers for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
What date is the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?
The next date is Sunday June 20, 2027.
For other years see the links below:
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
What are the Mass readings for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday June 20, 2027 are:
First Reading – Job 38:1, 8-11: The Lord’s Command Over the Sea
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 107: The Lord’s Wonders at Sea
Second Reading – 2 Corinthians 5:14-17: New Life in Christ
Gospel – Mark 4:35-4: Jesus Calms the Storm
What is the main message of the first reading (Job 38:1, 8-11)?
The main message is that God is in control of creation. He set boundaries for the sea and commands the waves. This shows His power and authority.
How does the first reading apply to our lives?
It reminds us to trust in God’s control over our lives. Just as He controls the sea, He can handle our problems.
What happens in the Gospel reading (Mark 4:35-41)?
Jesus calms a storm while in a boat with His disciples. They are afraid, but Jesus shows His power over the wind and sea.
Why did Jesus ask, “Do you not yet have faith?”
Jesus asked this to challenge the disciples’ fear and lack of trust. He wanted them to have more faith in His power and presence.
How can we apply the Gospel reading to our lives?
We should trust Jesus during our own life’s storms. Remembering that He has the power to calm any storm can give us peace.
What does the second reading (2 Corinthians 5:14-17) teach us?
It teaches us that Christ’s love changes us. We are new creations in Christ, and we should live for Him, not for ourselves.
How can we live as new creations in Christ?
By turning away from sin and living for Jesus. We should love others and follow His teachings.
What do the readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B say about fear?
They show that fear comes from a lack of faith. Trusting in God and His power can help us overcome fear.
How does the Psalm for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B relate to the Gospel?
The Psalm talks about sailors caught in a storm who call out to God for help. This is similar to the disciples calling out to Jesus during the storm.
What is the key takeaway from the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?
The key takeaway is to trust in God’s power and presence. Whether it’s controlling the sea or calming life’s storms, God is always with us.
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