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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Mass Readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

  • First ReadingJoshua 24:1-2A, 15-17, 18B : Joshua challenges Israel to choose their allegiance at Shechem; the people reaffirm their commitment to the LORD, recalling His deliverance and protection throughout their history.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 34: I will always praise the Lord, who listens to the righteous and rescues them from trouble, delivering and protecting them in their adversity.
  • Second ReadingEphesians 5:21-32 or 5:2A, 25-32: Christ’s love guides marital roles: wives respecting husbands as the church respects Christ, and husbands loving wives as Christ loves the church, symbolizing unity and sanctity.
  • Gospel John 6:60-69: Jesus addresses the difficulty of his teachings and acknowledges disbelief among his followers. After many leave, Peter reaffirms their faith, recognizing Jesus as the Holy One of God.

Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

John 6:68

Themes for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

The readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B focus on faith, commitment, and unity. They show us the importance of choosing to follow God and living according to His teachings.

  • Allegiance to God: Joshua challenges the people to choose whom they will serve. This is a call to put God first in our lives.
  • Commitment and Renewal: The Israelites reaffirm their commitment to the Lord. They remember His protection and guidance throughout their history.
  • Marital Unity: Ephesians speaks of the love and respect in marriage. This mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church.
  • Christ’s Sacrificial Love: Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. This shows the depth and selflessness of true love.
  • Discipleship’s Challenges: Jesus addresses the difficulty of accepting His teachings. Many disciples leave, showing that following Jesus can be hard.
  • Peter’s Confession: Peter reaffirms his faith in Jesus. He recognizes Jesus as the Holy One of God.

These themes for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B help us understand the importance of choosing to follow God and living out our faith in daily life. They remind us that commitment to God brings unity and strength.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.

Resources for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Sunday August 25, 2024

Where Should We Go a Lesson Plan on Following Jesus

Where Should We Go? A Lesson Plan on Following Jesus

This lesson plan explores walking by faith and following Jesus’ teachings, which ties directly to John 6:60-69, the gospel for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. It emphasizes trusting God’s wisdom and seeking His guidance. Participants learn to surrender worries and align decisions with Jesus’ teachings. Despite challenges, staying close to Jesus is crucial. Through reflection, discussion, and prayer, the plan deepens understanding of walking by faith and finding purpose, strength, and fulfillment in life. This lesson helps us apply the messages from the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B to our daily lives.

Walk by Faith Prayer

Walk by Faith Prayer

The “Walk by Faith Prayer” expresses a belief in Jesus and a desire to follow His teachings. It seeks guidance, wisdom, and strength from Jesus amid life’s distractions and challenges. Acknowledging Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the prayer commits to walking by faith, finding peace and joy in Him. Based on John 6:60-69, the gospel for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, this prayer helps strengthen our connection with God. It reflects the yearning for a steadfast relationship with the Lord, seeking His guidance in a world full of distractions and uncertainties.

Thanks Be to God My Deliverer Based on Psalm 34

Thanks Be to God My Deliverer – A Prayer Based on Psalm 34

Psalm 34 is the responsorial psalm for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. It is a prayer of thanksgiving from David when God delivered him from his enemies. This prayer based on Psalm 34 reflects gratitude for God’s protection and love. It emphasizes that God delivers the weak and broken. It praises God for hearing prayers and providing comfort. The prayer reminds us to trust in God’s care and to seek peace and justice. It assures us that even in difficulties, God is with us and will rescue us. This connects with the themes of faith and trust in the readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.

the gospel of john

The Gospel of John: Resources and Reflections

The gospel for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B is John 6:60-69. Jesus addresses the difficulty of His teachings and acknowledges disbelief among His followers. After many leave, Peter reaffirms their faith, recognizing Jesus as the Holy One of God. John’s gospel emphasizes Jesus’ divinity, stating, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). It also highlights the importance of the Eucharist. Jesus declares He is the bread of life, which is central to Catholic worship. This teaching is fundamental to Catholic faith.

Homilies and Reflections for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Sunday August 25, 2024

Time to Test Your Faith

In his homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on John 6:60-69. He discusses Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist, highlighting its challenging nature and the disciples’ reaction. Jesus intensifies His language about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, which shocks many. Peter, however, reaffirms their faith, recognizing Jesus as the Holy One of God. Bishop Barron emphasizes the importance of the Real Presence in the Eucharist and how it remains a key belief in the Catholic faith.

A Choice to Make

In his reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Scott Hahn emphasizes the choice the Apostles and we must make about the New Covenant in Jesus’ Body and Blood. The Gospel parallels Joshua’s challenge to the Twelve Tribes to renew their covenant with God or serve other gods. This choice mirrors our decision to embrace the Eucharist. Despite its difficulty, Peter affirms faith in Jesus, the Holy One of God. Hahn urges us to renew our covenant and trust in God’s promise of eternal life, as reflected in the Eucharist and celebrated at the altar.

You Gotta Serve Somebody

In his homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on Joshua’s challenge to the Israelites to choose whom they will serve. This ties to the Gospel where Jesus asks His disciples to decide about the New Covenant in His Body and Blood. Barron stresses the importance of making God the center of our lives. He reminds us that while many things like career, money, and family are good, they should not take God’s place. This homily urges us to evaluate our priorities and commit to serving the Lord above all else.

More Thoughts for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B readings remind us of the importance of choosing to follow God, living in loving unity, and facing the challenges of discipleship. These reflections will help us deepen our understanding of the scripture and apply its lessons to our lives.

Allegiance to God

In the first reading, Joshua challenges the Israelites to choose whom they will serve. This decision is crucial for their identity and future. Joshua reminds them of God’s faithfulness and the many ways He has delivered them.

We, too, face choices about our allegiance. We can choose to follow God or be swayed by other influences. Our commitment to God shapes our lives and our actions.

Choosing God means putting Him first in everything. It means trusting His guidance and following His commandments. This choice is a daily decision, and it requires faith and dedication.

Marital Unity

The second reading from Ephesians speaks about the love and respect in marriage. Husbands and wives are called to reflect the love between Christ and the Church. This unity is a model for all relationships.

Marriage is a partnership of mutual love and respect. Each person should care for the other, just as Christ cares for the Church. This kind of love is selfless and enduring.

This reading teaches us about the sanctity of marriage. It reminds us that love in marriage should be deep and genuine. This love builds a strong foundation for family and community.

Discipleship’s Challenges

In the Gospel, Jesus talks about the difficulty of His teachings. Many of His disciples find His words hard to accept and leave Him. Peter, however, reaffirms his faith in Jesus.

Following Jesus is not always easy. It requires accepting difficult truths and making sacrifices. Some may find this too challenging and turn away.

Peter’s confession shows true discipleship. He recognizes Jesus as the Holy One of God and chooses to stay. This teaches us the importance of faith and commitment, even when the path is hard.

The readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B encourage us to choose God, live in loving unity, and face the challenges of discipleship. They remind us of the importance of faith, commitment, and love in our lives. Let us reflect on these lessons and strive to live them out daily.


Lord, help us to choose You every day. Strengthen our commitment to follow Your ways. Fill our hearts with love and guide us through the challenges we face. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

  • What does it mean to choose God in daily life?
  • How can we renew our commitment to God?
  • What are the challenges of following Jesus?
  • How can we support each other in our faith journey?
  • How does the love between Christ and the Church inspire us?
  • What can we do to strengthen our marriage or relationships?
  • How can we show love and respect to others?
  • Why did some disciples leave Jesus?
  • What can we learn from Peter’s confession of faith?
  • How can we stay committed to God during difficult times?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

to whom shall we go
Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Following Jesus – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Music Suggestions for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Sunday August 25, 2024

These music selections for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B focus on themes of commitment, faith, and following Jesus. They include hymns of praise, songs about walking in God’s light, and pieces that emphasize choosing to serve the Lord. The music encourages believers to reflect on their faith and make a firm decision to follow Christ. There are also songs about the Eucharist and finding strength in Jesus, which align with the readings and gospel message. This collection helps create a worshipful atmosphere, inviting the congregation to deepen their commitment to God.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and integrate them into their worship services. These songs resonate with the themes of the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, enhancing the liturgical experience. Feel free to try these songs and suggest your own favorites in the comments to inspire others in their music ministry.

Questions and Answers for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

What date is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?

The next date is Sunday August 25, 2024.
For other years see the links below:
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

What are the Mass readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?

The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday August 25, 2024 are:
First Reading – Joshua 24:1-2A, 15-17, 18B: Pledge to Serve the Lord
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 34: The Lord’s Protection
Second Reading – Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2A, 25-32: Love and Respect in Marriage
Gospel – John 6:60-69: Challenge of Faith

Why does Joshua ask the people to choose whom they will serve in the first reading for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?

Joshua wants the people to commit to God fully. He wants them to recognize the importance of following the Lord and not be distracted by other gods or influences.

What is the main message of Joshua 24:1-2A, 15-17, 18B?

The main message is about choosing to serve God. Joshua asks the people to decide if they will follow God or other gods. The people choose to follow the Lord, remembering His help and protection.

How can we apply Joshua’s challenge to our lives?

We can choose to put God first in our lives. This means following His teachings and trusting in His guidance every day. It involves making choices that reflect our commitment to God.

Why does Paul compare marriage to the relationship between Christ and the Church in the second reading for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?

Paul uses this comparison to show the deep love and respect that should exist in marriage. Just as Christ loves the Church selflessly, husbands and wives should love and care for each other.

What does Ephesians 5:21-32 say about marriage?

Ephesians speaks about love and respect in marriage. Husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the Church, and wives should respect their husbands.

How can we live out the message of Ephesians in our marriages?

We can show love and respect to our spouse every day. This means being patient, kind, and supportive, just as Christ is with us.

What is difficult about Jesus’ teaching in the Gospel for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B?

Jesus’ teaching about eating His flesh and drinking His blood was hard for many to understand and accept. This led many disciples to leave Him.

Why did many disciples leave Jesus in John 6:60-69?

They found His teachings difficult and could not accept them. They did not understand the spiritual meaning behind His words.

What can we learn from Peter’s response to Jesus in John 6:60-69?

Peter shows faith and commitment. He acknowledges Jesus as the Holy One of God and chooses to stay, even when it’s hard to understand.

How can we apply the Gospel message to our lives?

We can stay committed to Jesus even when His teachings are challenging. We should trust in Him and seek to understand His words more deeply through prayer and reflection.

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