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Mass Readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

  • First ReadingIsaiah 62:1-5: For the sake of Zion and Jerusalem, I will speak until their righteousness shines. Nations will see their glory. The Lord will rejoice over them as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 96: Sing to the Lord, proclaim his salvation, and declare his wonders. Give him glory, worship him, and say to the nations: The Lord is king who rules with justice.
  • Second Reading1 Corinthians 12:4-11: The same Spirit gives different gifts to each person for the benefit of all, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and their interpretation.
  • GospelJohn 2:1-11: At a wedding in Cana, Jesus turned water into wine after his mother informed him of the shortage. This miracle revealed his glory and led his disciples to believe in him.

Do whatever he tells you.

John 2:5

Themes for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C highlights the importance of recognizing God’s work in our lives. The readings emphasize the joy, unity, and gifts we receive from God.

  • God’s Promise of Joy: Isaiah speaks of Jerusalem’s new name and joy. This joy is a sign of God’s love and faithfulness.
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Paul explains that the Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people. These gifts are for the good of the community.
  • Unity in Diversity: Paul teaches that though there are many different gifts, they come from the same Spirit. This shows the importance of unity in the Church.
  • Transformation through Christ: The wedding at Cana in John’s Gospel shows Jesus turning water into wine. This miracle is a sign of Jesus’ power and care for others.
  • The Role of Mary: At the wedding in Cana, Mary notices the need for wine and asks Jesus to help. Her role shows her care and faith in Jesus. She also acts as an intercessor for us.
  • Celebration of Marriage: The wedding feast in Cana reminds us of the importance of marriage. It highlights marriage as a joyous celebration and a sign of God’s presence.

The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C helps us see how God is present in our lives. It encourages us to use our gifts and celebrate the joy and unity God brings.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

Resources for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday January 16, 2028

Mother Mary Lesson Plan

The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C features the Wedding at Cana, where Mary plays a key role. This lesson plan helps youth understand Mary as our mother and intercessor. We discuss the importance of Mary’s advice to “Do whatever he tells you.”

This story shows Mary asking Jesus to help, and He performs His first miracle. Mary’s intercession and instruction remind us to trust and follow Jesus.

Sacrament Scavenger Hunt

The Sacrament Scavenger Hunt helps youth learn about the sacraments through fun activities. Tie this into the matrimony theme for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Hide sacrament-related items like a baptismal candle, a chalice, a toy dove, and a wedding ring around your meeting space.

These items represent Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, and other sacraments. This activity encourages discussions and deeper understanding of the sacraments.

The Memorare

The Memorare is an intercessory prayer that entrusts our needs to the Virgin Mary. On the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we reflect on Mary’s role in the Wedding at Cana from John 2:1-11.

In this prayer, we ask Mary to pray for us, just as she interceded for the hosts at Cana. We trust in her motherly care and her ability to bring our petitions to Jesus.

Background Information for the Book of Isaiah

The first reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, Isaiah 62:1-5, celebrates God’s deep love for His people. Isaiah speaks of God’s promise to restore Jerusalem and bring joy to His people, calling them “a crown of beauty.” This passage fits a larger theme in Isaiah about God renewing and blessing His people, even after times of hardship.

Throughout the book, Isaiah highlights God’s commitment to His people, showing them as a “delight” to God. This reading emphasizes the joy and closeness between God and His people, comparing their relationship to that of a bride and groom.

A Song to God

Psalm 96, the Responsorial Psalm for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, expresses gratitude for God’s glory, blessings, and creation. It calls for everyone to recognize and celebrate God’s greatness and justice. The psalm emphasizes that God is greater than anything on earth and deserves our praise and offerings.

See a A Prayer of Praise and Trust based on Psalm 96

Understanding 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 12:4-11 speaks about spiritual gifts and how they are meant to serve the whole community. Paul explains that there are different gifts, such as wisdom, healing, and faith, but all come from the same Spirit. This passage reminds the Corinthians that each person’s gifts are important and should be used for the good of all.

It fits with the overall theme of unity in 1 Corinthians, where Paul encourages believers to see themselves as one body in Christ. Each gift has a purpose, and together they help build a strong, loving, and united Church community.

Background Information for the Gospel of John

The Gospel for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, John 2:1-11, tells of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. This miracle is the first “sign” in John’s Gospel, revealing Jesus’ power and showing His compassion.

It highlights themes in John’s Gospel, such as Jesus bringing new life and abundance. Jesus performs this sign quietly, showing that He often works in humble ways. Throughout John, Jesus’ miracles invite people to believe in Him. The wedding at Cana points to the joy Jesus brings and hints at the greater “wedding” of God and His people.

Homilies and Commentaries for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday January 16, 2028

The Marriage of Divinity and Humanity

For the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the wedding feast at Cana as a lens for understanding the Church year and biblical religion. The Gospel of John portrays this first sign of Jesus as deeply symbolic, revealing God’s desire to unite with humanity in an intimate and life-giving way. Drawing from Isaiah’s imagery of God as a spouse, Bishop Barron highlights that God does not demand performance for love but freely offers grace and seeks to bring His people to fullness of life. The abundance of new wine at Cana signifies the overflowing grace brought by Christ, fulfilling the long-awaited promise of salvation.

This passage also points to the Eucharist, where divinity and humanity meet in the sacrifice and celebration of the Mass. The Mass is a wedding feast where participants receive the new wine of Christ’s blood, symbolizing the divine invitation to union with God. Bishop Barron encourages reflecting on this extraordinary claim: God’s ultimate desire is to marry His people and share His divine life with them.

On Purpose: Be Great

For the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Fr. Mike Schmitz reflects on living intentionally and discovering the purpose God has for each of us. He challenges listeners to ask themselves what they are here for, encouraging them to aim for greatness—not in comparison to others, but by striving to be excellent in their roles and responsibilities. He highlights the importance of understanding that our gifts, opportunities, and roles are given by God, not for personal gain, but to serve and bless others. Fr. Mike emphasizes that true greatness is found in doing what we do well, with love and purpose.

Drawing from Isaiah’s declaration to never be silent for the sake of others, Fr. Mike explains that our “why” must be rooted in love for God and for people. He shares St. John Henry Newman’s prayer, which affirms that every person is created for a unique mission. By trusting God’s plan, even in uncertainty, we can live with joy and purpose, knowing we are made on purpose and for a purpose.

Do Whatever He Tells You

For the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Sister Kathleen Gallagher reflects on the Wedding at Cana, emphasizing Mary’s role in Jesus’ first miracle. Mary shows confidence in her son’s ability to help, even when Jesus says his hour has not yet come. Her instruction to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you,” becomes a moment of trust and action. Jesus responds, turning water into wine, revealing his glory and deepening his disciples’ belief. Mary’s maternal insight and faith serve as a model for us to trust God’s timing and ability, even when we hesitate or doubt.

Sister Kathleen encourages us to act when we feel called, even if it seems inconvenient or unclear. Like Mary, we can trust in the opportunity to be an instrument of grace for others. Whether in small gestures or significant moments, responding to the needs around us reflects faith and helps reveal God’s love to the world.

Turn Your Shortage into Abundance

For the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Allen Hunt reflects on the Wedding at Cana, where Mary notices a shortage of wine and immediately turns to Jesus, trusting He will provide. Jesus transforms 150 gallons of water into wine, not just any wine, but the finest. This miracle reveals Jesus’ power to take any shortage—whether of food, faith, health, or hope—and turn it into abundance. Through this first sign, Jesus shows His glory and reminds us that with God, nothing is impossible.

Hunt connects the Gospel to our lives, asking us to reflect on our own shortages—whether they are struggles, broken relationships, or feelings of hopelessness. Just as Mary approached Jesus with confidence, we too can bring our needs to Him, trusting in His care for every detail of our lives. Jesus takes what the world sees as lacking and transforms it into abundance, revealing God’s glory in unexpected ways.

The Abundance of Faith

For the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Fr. Greg Friedman reflects on the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus provides an abundance of wine, symbolizing the arrival of the Messiah and the fullness of God’s blessings. Drawing from the wisdom motif in Scripture, Fr. Friedman compares Jesus to divine wisdom, bringing abundance and joy to the feast. This miracle reveals Jesus’ identity and invites us to see God’s presence in moments of hope and celebration.

The story also inspires faith, as Jesus’ glory is revealed, and His disciples begin to believe in Him. Much like a wedding that fills guests with joy and optimism for the future, this Gospel account reminds us to trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness. As the new liturgical year unfolds, Fr. Friedman encourages us to seek the gift of faith and to recognize the abundance of grace Jesus offers in our lives.

Your Water Into God’s Wine

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Bishop Robert Barron explores the theological richness of the wedding feast at Cana. Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine is a sign of His divinity and the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel.

The abundance of wine symbolizes the overflowing grace and life that Jesus brings. Bishop Barron explains how Jesus, the bridegroom, unites humanity and divinity, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of God marrying His people.

Mary: Our Spiritual Mother and Intercessor

In his reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Jeff Cavins discusses the wedding at Cana. He highlights Mary’s role as a spiritual mother and intercessor, drawing a parallel with the Queen Mother in the Old Testament.

Mary brings our needs to Jesus, and her instruction to “do whatever He tells you” is key. Cavins encourages praying the rosary to follow Jesus’ life with Mary’s intercession, emphasizing the importance of listening to Jesus’ guidance.

In the Wedding

In his reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Scott Hahn discusses how the wedding at Cana reveals another dimension of our relationship with God. Jesus, as the divine bridegroom, begins His public ministry at a wedding to symbolize the covenant relationship between God and humanity.

The new wine represents the Holy Spirit, uniting us to Christ as His bride through baptism. Hahn emphasizes that this wedding feast is a call to a deeper, covenantal relationship with Jesus.

Reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C offers us important lessons about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, unity in diversity, transformation through Christ, and the role of Mary. These reflections will help us understand how to apply these teachings in our daily lives and strengthen our faith.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In the second reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Paul talks about the Holy Spirit giving different gifts to people. These gifts are meant to help the community and show God’s love. Paul lists several gifts, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, and healing. Each person receives a gift that can be used to help others.

Paul’s message reminds us that everyone has something valuable to contribute. No one person has all the gifts, so we need each other. When we use our gifts together, we can do great things for our community and the Church.

We can apply this teaching in our lives by recognizing our own gifts and the gifts of others. We should encourage each other to use these gifts for the good of everyone. By working together, we can build a stronger and more loving community.

Unity in Diversity

Paul also teaches about unity in diversity in the second reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. He explains that even though we have different gifts, they all come from the same Spirit. This means that our differences should not divide us but bring us together.

This message is important because it shows that diversity is a strength, not a weakness. Each person’s unique gift is necessary for the Church to function well. When we embrace our differences, we can create a more vibrant and effective community.

In our daily lives, we can practice unity in diversity by respecting and valuing each other’s contributions. We should celebrate our different talents and work together for a common goal. This will help us grow in love and unity as a community.

Transformation through Christ

The Gospel reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C tells the story of the wedding at Cana. Jesus performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. This miracle shows Jesus’ power and care for others.

Jesus’ action at Cana also symbolizes how He can transform our lives. Just as He changed water into wine, He can change our hearts and make us new. This story encourages us to trust in Jesus’ ability to help and guide us.

We can reflect on this miracle by thinking about areas in our lives that need change. We should ask Jesus to help us grow and improve. By trusting in His power, we can experience positive changes and become better followers of Christ.

The Role of Mary

Mary’s role in the wedding at Cana is highlighted in the Gospel reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. She notices that the wine has run out and asks Jesus to help. Her faith and care for others are evident in her actions.

Mary’s request to Jesus shows her trust in His ability to help. She serves as an example of faith and intercession. Just as she asked Jesus to help at the wedding, we can ask her to intercede for us with her Son.

Reflecting on Mary’s role can inspire us to have faith and trust in Jesus. We should follow her example by bringing our needs to Jesus and believing in His power to help. Mary’s care and faith remind us to turn to Jesus in times of need.

The readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C guide us in understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, unity in diversity, transformation through Christ, and the role of Mary. By applying these teachings in our lives, we can grow in faith and build a stronger, more loving community.


Lord, thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the unity they bring. Help us to use our gifts for the good of all. Transform our hearts and guide us to trust in You. May we follow Mary’s example of faith and intercession. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

  • What gifts of the Holy Spirit do you recognize in yourself?
  • How can you use your gifts to help others in your community?
  • Why is unity in diversity important in the Church?
  • How can you practice unity in diversity in your daily life?
  • What areas of your life need transformation through Christ?
  • How can you trust Jesus to help you with these changes?
  • What can you learn from Mary’s actions at the wedding at Cana?
  • How can you show faith and care for others like Mary did?
  • In what ways can you ask for Mary’s intercession in your life?
  • How do the readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C inspire you to grow in faith?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The first sign Jesus accomplished was not an extraordinary healing or something prodigious in the temple of Jerusalem, but an action that responded to a simple and concrete need of common people. This is how God loves to act.

Pope Francis
Stone water jars – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Music Suggestions for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday January 16, 2028

The music selections for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reflect themes of unity, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, transformation through Christ, and love. Many songs emphasize the power and majesty of Jesus’ name, calling us to recognize His role in our lives. Other hymns focus on the unity of the Church, bringing people together as one body and one spirit. Songs about the Holy Spirit remind us of the different gifts we receive and how these gifts help build up the community. There are also beautiful hymns about love and faith, encouraging us to follow Christ’s example and Mary’s intercession in our daily lives.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to try these selections for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. These songs align well with the themes of the readings and can enhance the liturgical experience. Please share your own suggestions and experiences with these hymns in the comments. Let’s work together to create a meaningful and inspiring worship environment.

Questions and Answers for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

What date is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The next date is Sunday January 16, 2028.
For other years see the links below:
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

What are the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday January 16, 2028 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 62:1-5: The Lord’s Delight in Zion
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 96: Declare His Wonders to All
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11: Gifts of the Spirit
Gospel – John 2:1-11: The Wedding at Cana

What does Isaiah mean by giving Jerusalem a new name in the first reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

Isaiah says Jerusalem will have a new name to show God’s love and care. This new name represents a fresh start and a close relationship with God.

How can we celebrate joy like in Isaiah’s reading?

We can celebrate joy by being grateful and recognizing God’s love. This helps us stay positive and share happiness with others.

Why does Paul talk about different gifts in the second reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

Paul talks about different gifts to show that the Holy Spirit gives unique gifts to each person. These gifts help build and support the Church community.

How can we use our gifts like Paul says?

We can use our gifts by helping others and serving our community. Each person’s gift is important for the Church’s unity and growth.

Why does Paul mention unity in diversity?

Paul mentions unity in diversity to teach that different gifts come from the same Spirit. This means we should work together and respect each other’s talents.

How can we apply the theme of unity in our lives?

We can apply unity by working together and appreciating others’ gifts. This helps create a strong and supportive community.

What can we learn from Mary’s actions at Cana in the Gospel for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

Mary notices the lack of wine and asks Jesus to help. We learn to trust in Jesus and bring our needs to Him. We also learn that Mary acts as an intercessor.

Why is the wedding at Cana important?

The wedding at Cana is important because Jesus performs His first miracle there. Turning water into wine shows His power and care for people’s needs.

How does the wedding at Cana relate to marriage?

The wedding at Cana shows marriage as a joyful and important event. It highlights marriage as a sign of God’s blessings.

What is the main message of the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The main message is recognizing God’s presence and gifts in our lives. It reminds us to celebrate joy, unity, and our unique gifts.

Celebrating Gifts, Unity, and Faith

The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us to see God’s work in our lives and our community. The readings focus on the joy and blessings we receive from God, encouraging us to use our gifts and work together in unity. In Isaiah, we hear of God’s promise to bring joy to His people, showing His faithful love. Paul’s letter explains that the Holy Spirit gives each of us unique gifts, like wisdom, knowledge, and faith, meant to help and strengthen the community. This message calls us to recognize and share these gifts, knowing each one has purpose and value.

Unity in diversity is another important lesson from Paul’s message. Though we are all different, our gifts come from the same Spirit, meant to unite, not divide. When we embrace our differences and use our gifts together, we create a community that reflects God’s love. This way of living shows that diversity can bring us closer to each other and build a stronger Church.

The Gospel tells of Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana, where He turned water into wine. This miracle shows Jesus’ care for others and His ability to bring newness and joy. Mary’s role in this story also stands out. She notices the need, asks Jesus for help, and trusts in His power. Her actions inspire us to turn to Jesus with trust, knowing He can help and renew us.

These readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C encourage us to use our gifts, to live in unity, and to trust Jesus. Together, these lessons invite us to see God’s presence in our lives and to live with faith and purpose.

Your Turn

On the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the readings invite us to recognize our gifts, live in unity, and trust in Jesus. Take a few moments to reflect on these themes in your own life. How are you using your gifts to help others? Are there areas where you can build unity with those around you?

Share your thoughts or experiences on how God’s work has brought joy or renewal to your life in the comments below.

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