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Trinity Sunday Year C (June 15, 2025)

Free Resources and Reflections

Mass Readings for Trinity Sunday Year C

Sunday June 15, 2025

  • First ReadingProverbs 8:22-31: God’s wisdom declares it was created first, before the earth and oceans. Present during creation, it rejoiced beside God, delighting in the formation of the world and humankind.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 8: In awe of the heavens and stars, I marvel at human significance and dignity, honored by God with dominion over all creatures of earth, sea, and air.
  • Second ReadingRomans 5:1-5: Justified by faith, we are at peace with God through Jesus, and rejoice in hope. Our sufferings produce endurance, character, and hope, filled with God’s love through the Holy Spirit.
  • GospelJohn 16:12-15: Jesus acknowledged the disciples’ limitations in understanding and promised the coming of the Spirit of truth. This Spirit would guide them into all truth, speaking not independently, but revealing future events and glorifying Jesus by sharing His teachings. Jesus affirmed that the Spirit’s revelations are from His divine authority.

But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.

John 16:13

Themes for Trinity Sunday Year C

Trinity Sunday Year C celebrates the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The readings help us understand God’s wisdom, love, and truth through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Wisdom’s Role in Creation: The first reading from Proverbs speaks of Wisdom present at the creation of the world. This shows the involvement of God’s wisdom in all creation.
  • Justification by Faith: In Romans, Paul tells us that we are justified by faith and have peace with God. This peace comes through Jesus Christ, showing our connection to God through faith.
  • Hope and Endurance: Paul also speaks of enduring afflictions, which build character and hope. This hope is because of the Holy Spirit within us, highlighting the Spirit’s role in our lives.
  • Spirit of Truth: Jesus, in the Gospel, promises the Spirit of truth who will guide us. This Spirit will reveal God’s truth to us, showing how the Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s will.
  • Unity of the Trinity: Jesus speaks of the unity between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Everything the Father has is also the Son’s, showing their deep connection and shared mission.
  • God’s Delight in Humanity: Proverbs mentions that Wisdom found delight in the human race. This highlights that God takes joy in His creation, especially humanity.

Trinity Sunday Year C reminds us of the interconnectedness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It calls us to reflect on how each Person of the Trinity is active in our lives.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

Resources for Trinity Sunday Year C

Sunday June 15, 2025

What Is the Holy Trinity?

The mystery of the Trinity tells us that God is a relationship of perfect unity. This means that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God. Trinity Sunday Year C celebrates this unity and helps us see how God’s relationship is reflected in the readings. The Father creates, the Son saves, and the Holy Spirit guides us to all truth. This teaches us about living in harmony and sharing God’s love.

A Prayer of Human Dignity (Psalm 8)

Psalm 8, the responsorial psalm for Trinity Sunday Year C, praises God for granting us human dignity. This prayer recognizes our special place in creation as God’s children, honored and cared for by Him. This prayer reminds us of the great love and value God places on each of us. It calls us to reflect on our role and responsibility in God’s creation. The readings for Trinity Sunday Year C highlight the unity and relationship within the Holy Trinity,

The Glory Be Prayer

The Glory Be, or Doxology, is a short, one-verse prayer that glorifies the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This simple prayer acknowledges their power and majesty. On Trinity Sunday Year C, this prayer reminds us of the unity and glory of the Holy Trinity celebrated in the readings. The Father creates, the Son redeems, and the Holy Spirit guides us, highlighting their eternal connection and role in our lives.

Understanding the Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles’ Creed is an ancient statement of Christian belief from the early Church. It articulates the core tenets of our faith and has roots in the apostolic tradition. This Creed is used as a baptismal formula and a guide for believers. When we recite the Creed, we profess our belief in the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On Trinity Sunday Year C, this Creed helps us reflect on the unity and roles of the Trinity, as highlighted in the readings.

Homilies and Reflections for Trinity Sunday Year C

Sunday June 15, 2025

What Is the Trinity?

In his homily for Trinity Sunday Year C, Bishop Robert Barron discusses the interconnectedness and communication within the Holy Trinity. He explains that being, at all levels, is naturally communicative, creating images of itself. Biship Barron uses St. Thomas Aquinas’ insights to illustrate how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit form perfect images of each other. This profound unity within the Trinity exemplifies the perfect, interior communication of God’s nature. Bishop Barron concludes that this divine unity invites us to share in God’s life, emphasizing the significance of the Trinity in our spiritual journey.

The Trinity and Wisdom

In his reflection for Trinity Sunday Year C, Jeff Cavins discusses the importance of seeking godly wisdom in daily life. He explains that wisdom is not just knowledge, but the practical application of knowledge according to God’s will. Cavins emphasizes that Jesus embodies this wisdom and that through the Holy Spirit, we receive guidance for everyday decisions. He encourages us to engage deeply with Scripture, particularly Proverbs, to grow in wisdom and strengthen our relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Cavins urges us to apply these teachings actively in our lives.

Glorious Processions

In his reflection for Trinity Sunday Year C, Scott Hahn explores the eternal relationship within the Trinity and its significance for humanity. He describes how Wisdom, eternally begotten and the craftsman of creation, delights in humanity. Hahn emphasizes that through Jesus, we are restored to the glory intended for us and gain access to the Father by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit, poured into our hearts, makes us God’s children and guides us to all truth. This reflection encourages us to find peace and unity in sharing the life of the Trinity.

More Thoughts for Trinity Sunday Year C

Trinity Sunday Year C invites us to reflect on the mystery and unity of the Holy Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together in perfect harmony, guiding us to live according to God’s truth and plan. These reflections explore the themes of the Spirit of Truth, the unity within the Trinity, and the dynamic relationship we are invited to join.

Embracing the Spirit of Truth

A common theme in the readings for Trinity Sunday Year C is the Spirit of Truth. In the Gospel, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, who will guide us to all truth. This promise shows that God wants us to know and understand His will. The Holy Spirit is given to us to help us live according to God’s plan.

The second reading also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul speaks of the love of God being poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. This means the Spirit is always with us, helping us endure challenges and grow in hope. The Holy Spirit is our helper and guide, supporting us in all we do.

The first reading speaks of Wisdom, present at the creation of the world. This Wisdom is a part of God’s truth, showing us that truth has been with God from the beginning. The Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of Truth, continues to share this Wisdom with us. This helps us understand that living in truth is living in harmony with God.

Trinity Sunday Year C reminds us to embrace the Spirit of Truth in our lives. We are called to listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him guide our actions and decisions. By following the Spirit, we can live more faithfully and share God’s truth with others. This reflection encourages us to be open to the Holy Spirit and to seek God’s truth in all we do.

The Unity of the Holy Trinity

Trinity Sunday Year C helps us understand the deep connection between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus teaches us that everything the Father has also belongs to the Son. This shows their unity and shared mission. They work together perfectly, showing us what true harmony looks like.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not separate in their actions. They are always united in their purpose. When Jesus came to earth, he did the will of the Father. When the Holy Spirit came, it was to continue the work of Jesus. This unity helps us see how closely they are connected.

We can learn from this unity in our own lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to work together in love and purpose. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share everything, we should share our gifts and talents with others. This strengthens our community and helps us fulfill God’s mission.

Trinity Sunday Year C reminds us that God’s unity is a model for us. We are invited to live in harmony with one another, just as the Holy Trinity does. By doing so, we reflect the love and unity of God in the world. This reflection encourages us to seek unity and share God’s love with everyone we meet.

Joining the Dance of the Trinity

Trinity Sunday Year C reminds us of the beautiful mystery of the Holy Trinity. God is one, but also three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This shows us how God can be beyond our understanding and yet very close to us. The Father is in heaven, Jesus walked on earth, and the Holy Spirit is with us now. This helps us see that God is always with us in different ways.

Through Jesus, we learn about receiving and sharing. The first reading speaks of wisdom that God shared with the world at creation. Jesus showed us the strength of obedience to God. Our mission as Christians is to share these gifts with others. We are called to help others feel God’s presence in their lives.

God is not still or far away. God is active, like a dance. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit move together in love and harmony. This dance is open to us. We are invited to join in and bring others with us. By living in love and unity, we participate in this divine dance and share God’s love with the world.

Trinity Sunday Year C encourages us to reflect on this dance of love. It reminds us that we are part of something bigger. We are called to live in a way that brings others closer to God. This celebration helps us understand our role in God’s plan and inspires us to share His love every day.

Learn more about how the Trinity is a dance.

These reflections for Trinity Sunday Year C help us see the beauty and unity of the Holy Trinity. We learn how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together to guide us in truth and love. By embracing these lessons, we can live more faithfully and share God’s love with others. Trinity Sunday Year C is a call to deepen our understanding and participation in the life of the Trinity.


Holy Trinity, help us embrace your truth and love. Guide our actions and decisions through the Holy Spirit. May we reflect your unity and share your love with all we meet. Amen.

Reflection Questions for Trinity Sunday Year C

  • How can we listen more closely to the Holy Spirit in our daily lives?
  • What does the unity of the Holy Trinity teach us about working together?
  • How can we share God’s truth with others in simple ways?
  • In what ways can we see the Spirit of Truth guiding us?
  • How can we help others feel the presence of God in their lives?
  • What gifts has God given us that we can share with our community?
  • How can we live in harmony with others, following the example of the Trinity?
  • What challenges do we face in embracing the Spirit of Truth?
  • How can we join in the “dance” of the Trinity in our daily actions?
  • What steps can we take to grow closer to God and share His love more fully?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for Trinity Sunday Year C

We even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. – Romans 5:3-5
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity tells us that we do not have a solitary God up there in heaven, far away; no, He is the Father who gave us his Son, who became man like us, and who sends his own Spirit to be even closer to us. – Pope Francis
Trinity Sunday Year C

Music Suggestions for Trinity Sunday Year C

Sunday June 15, 2025

The music selections for Trinity Sunday Year C focus on themes of praise, the majesty of God, and the unity of the Holy Trinity. These hymns celebrate God’s creation, the power and beauty of the earth, and the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They invite us to reflect on God’s greatness and our place in His creation. The music ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs, all aimed at helping the congregation experience the awe and wonder of God’s presence.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to try these music selections for Trinity Sunday Year C. These songs will enhance the worship experience and help the congregation reflect on the themes of the Holy Trinity. Please share your experiences and suggest additional songs in the comments to create a richer worship environment for everyone.

Questions and Answers for Trinity Sunday Year C

What date is Trinity Sunday Year C?

The next date is Sunday June 15, 2025.
For other years see the links below:
Trinity Sunday Year A
Trinity Sunday Year B

What are the Mass readings for Trinity Sunday Year C?

The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday June 15, 2025 are:
First Reading – Proverbs 8:22-31: Wisdom Present at Creation
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 8: Human Dignity and Creation
Second Reading – Romans 5:1-5: Justified by Faith, Strengthened by Suffering
Gospel – John 16:12-15: Promise of the Holy Spirit

What does it mean that Wisdom was present at creation?

In the first reading for Trinity Sunday Year C, Wisdom is described as being with God from the beginning. This means that God’s wisdom was part of creating everything. It shows us that God planned everything with great care and understanding.

How can we experience the joy of God?

Proverbs says that Wisdom found delight in the human race. We experience God’s joy by living according to His ways and enjoying His creation. This shows us that God wants us to be happy and find joy in life.

How can we see God’s wisdom in our lives?

The first reading for Trinity Sunday Year C shows that God’s wisdom was part of making the world. We can see God’s wisdom in the beauty and order of nature and in the way everything works together. This helps us appreciate God’s careful planning.

How does faith bring us peace with God?

In the second reading, Paul says we have peace with God through faith. This means that believing in Jesus helps us be close to God and feel calm and safe. It shows that trust in Jesus is important for a good relationship with God.

Why should we find consolation in suffering?

Paul talks about boasting in our afflictions in the second reading for Trinity Sunday Year C. He means that difficult times can make us stronger and more hopeful. By facing troubles with faith, we become better people and grow closer to God.

Why is it important to have hope?

Paul talks about hope coming from endurance in the second reading for Trinity Sunday Year C. Hope is important because it keeps us going in hard times. It reminds us that God’s love is always with us, even when things are tough.

What does it mean to be justified by faith?

Being justified by faith, as Paul says, means that we are made right with God by believing in Jesus. It’s not about what we do, but about trusting in Jesus. This teaches us to rely on Jesus for our relationship with God.

Who is the Spirit of truth?

In the Gospel, Jesus promises the Spirit of truth. This is the Holy Spirit who helps us understand what is right and true. The Holy Spirit guides us and helps us follow God’s will.

What does it mean that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united?

Jesus explains that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share everything. This unity means they work together perfectly as one. It teaches us about the close relationship within the Holy Trinity.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

The Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus, guides us to all truth. The Spirit helps us understand God’s messages and supports us in making good choices. This shows us that we are never alone; the Holy Spirit is always with us.

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