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Mass Readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

  • First ReadingDeuteronomy 30:10-14: Moses told the people that God’s commandments are not beyond their reach; they are close and in their hearts, ready to be followed with all their heart and soul.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 69: I pray to you, Lord, in my suffering. Answer me and help me. God hears the poor and will save Zion.
  • Alternate Responsorial PsalmPsalm 19: The Lord’s perfect law refreshes the soul, gives wisdom, brings joy, and enlightens the eyes. God’s words are precious, true, just, and sweeter than honey.
  • Second ReadingColossians 1:15-20: Christ shows us God, created everything, holds everything together, leads the church, and reconciles all things through his death on the cross.
  • GospelLuke 10:25-37: A scholar asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus told a story about a Good Samaritan, showing that loving your neighbor means showing mercy, regardless of who they are.

Lectionary Reference: 105

Upcoming dates: July 13, 2025, July 16, 2028, July 13, 2031

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.

Luke 10:27

Themes for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C focuses on living out God’s Word in everyday life. The readings encourage faith in action, love for others, and seeing Christ as the center of all creation.

  • Obeying God’s Word: God’s commandments are clear and close to us. The first reading reminds us that following God’s will is not beyond our reach.
  • Christ at the Center: The second reading highlights Jesus as the foundation of creation and our faith. Everything exists through Him and is united in Him.
  • Loving Your Neighbor: The Gospel calls us to love others, especially those in need. The story of the Good Samaritan challenges us to show kindness and mercy.
  • Faith in Action: Faith is not just about knowing God’s Word. The readings show that faith comes alive when we live it out through our actions.
  • Compassion for Others: The Good Samaritan shows what compassion looks like. True love for God means caring for people, even strangers or those we find hard to love.
  • God’s Word is Close: The first reading teaches that God’s Word is already in our hearts. We can live it out if we listen and choose to follow it.
  • Jesus as the Source of Unity: The second reading shows Jesus as the one who holds all things together. Our faith unites us with Him and with one another.

On the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we are reminded to live our faith through love and action. God’s Word is near to us, and Jesus calls us to serve others with compassion and care.

Resources for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 13, 2025

Good Samaritan Lesson Plan

The Gospel reading for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, is the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37. In this passage, Jesus responds to a lawyer who asks, “Who is my neighbor?” with a story that challenges us to see everyone as our neighbor, especially those who are suffering or in need. The priest and Levite walked past the injured man, but the Samaritan chose compassion, even though Jews and Samaritans were enemies at the time. Jesus ends with a clear instruction: “Go and do likewise.” This message is at the heart of what it means to live as a follower of Christ.

This free lesson plan connects directly to Jesus’ call to “Go and do likewise.” It helps young people see that loving their neighbor isn’t just about big actions—it’s about small, everyday choices to show compassion and mercy. By engaging with this Gospel, teens are inspired to notice those around them, take action, and live their faith in a real and meaningful way. This helps them become the Good Samaritans of today, bringing Christ’s love into their homes, schools, and communities.

Best Ever Lesson Plan on the Great Commandment

For the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, this lesson plan focuses on the Great Commandment: love God and love your neighbor. It reminds us that these are the foundation of all rules and actions. Rules are not just tasks to complete but ways to show love for God, others, and ourselves.

The reflection explains that simple daily actions, like helping at home or going to Mass, are opportunities to live out love. By putting love at the center, we move beyond following rules and start living with purpose. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C teaches that true faith begins with love.

Love Your Neighbor Game

The Love Your Neighbor game is an engaging activity that connects to the message of the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. It encourages movement and connection in a group while teaching the importance of loving others. By listening closely and responding with action, players reflect on what it means to show care for one another.

This game ties directly to the parable of the Good Samaritan, where love is demonstrated through actions, not just words. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us that loving our neighbor requires attentiveness and a willingness to act when someone is in need.

What Is “Moral Law”?

This article explains that moral law comes from God as a gift to guide us in choosing what is good and avoiding harm. For the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, this connects to Moses’ words that God’s commands are already in our hearts. By following moral law, we grow closer to God and live in ways that respect others.

The moral law is not just a set of rules. It helps us understand right from wrong and build a just and loving community. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us that loving God and our neighbor fulfills the purpose of moral law.

Psalm 19: Discover Joy in God’s Law and Creation

Seeing God in Creation and His Word

Psalm 19 praises God’s greatness in two ways: through creation and His law. The beauty of nature—like the heavens and skies—shows God’s presence to us. This ties to the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, where Moses reminds us that God’s commands are already close to us. They guide us to live good and loving lives.

The psalm also celebrates God’s law, describing it as perfect and life-giving. It reminds us that following His teachings brings joy and wisdom. On the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we are encouraged to see God in creation and follow His Word with love and care.

See a Prayer for Guidance and Awareness Based on Psalm 19

Background Information for the Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke highlights Jesus’ compassion, love, and concern for the poor and outcasts. For the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, this focus is seen in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke’s Gospel challenges us to go beyond social and cultural divisions, showing that God’s love is for everyone.

Luke emphasizes salvation for all people, making his Gospel accessible to a wide audience. His message aligns with the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, where Jesus calls us to love our neighbor fully. Luke’s Gospel reminds us that true faith is shown through mercy and action.

Homilies and Commentaries for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 13, 2025

Christ Can Heal Us

For the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Bishop Robert Barron explains that the parable of the Good Samaritan is about more than moral lessons. It reveals Jesus as the healer of fallen humanity. Just as the man in the story is wounded and helpless, we are all weakened by sin.

Jesus, like the Samaritan, comes to save us when no one else can. He pours healing into our wounds, especially through the sacraments of the Church. Bishop Barron reminds us that as Jesus saves us, we are called to be like Him—bringing compassion and healing to others.

Being the Good Neighbor

In his reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Jeff Cavins highlights the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus shows that true love means caring for those in need, no matter who they are. The Samaritan, an unlikely hero, shows mercy and compassion when others do not.

Jeff Cavins shares a story about Mother Teresa, who cared for a suffering man when others turned away. Her simple act of love reflects what God asks of us. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us that helping others is not too difficult. It starts with love and action.

What We Must Do

In his reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Scott Hahn explains that Jesus calls us to love God and our neighbor fully. The parable of the Good Samaritan reveals God’s mercy, as Jesus Himself came to save us when we were broken and helpless in sin.

Jesus heals our wounds, pays the price for us, and entrusts us to His Church. Scott Hahn reminds us that we are to love others as we have been loved by God. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C teaches that this limitless love leads us to eternal life.

Reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us that God’s law calls us to love. The readings show us how love for God and love for others cannot be separated. The parable of the Good Samaritan challenges us to act with compassion, even when it is not easy. These reflections help us look more closely at how we can live out God’s word in simple, everyday ways.

The Law Points Us to Love

In the first reading for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, God reminds Israel that His law is not far away or hard to understand. The laws were meant to shape people who loved God and cared for one another. Over time, as Jewish society changed from a collective of small farms to a more urban based culture, some laws became harder to understand or apply. People began to focus more on rules about purity than on caring for others.

This is why the Gospel story of the Good Samaritan matters so much. Jesus shows that the heart of God’s law is love. Loving God and loving others go hand in hand. Following the law is not about looking good or avoiding others who seem unclean. It is about becoming the kind of people who care for those around us.

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us to ask what God’s law really means. God wants us to love our neighbors and act with kindness. When we choose love, we fulfill what God truly asks of us.

The Good Samaritan Shows God’s Will

In the Gospel for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Jesus tells a parable to answer a challenge. He uses the example of a Samaritan to show what it means to follow God’s will. Samaritans were seen as outsiders who did not keep the law like the Jewish people. Yet, in the parable, the Samaritan does what others do not—he stops to care for someone who is suffering.

The priest and Levite, who should have known the law best, ignore the man in need. They may have been concerned about purity rules or their own safety. But Jesus shows that God’s law is not about avoiding people. It is about helping them. The Samaritan, though rejected by others, lives out God’s call to love.

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C challenges us to be like the Samaritan. We cannot ignore the pain and needs of those around us. God’s will is clear. We are meant to care for others, no matter who they are.

Loving Without Holding Grudges

It is interesting that Jesus chooses a Samaritan as the hero of the parable. In the Gospel just one chapter earlier, a Samaritan village turned Him away. Still, Jesus does not hold a grudge. He does not see the Samaritan people as enemies. Instead, He uses one of them as an example of love and mercy.

The Samaritan in the parable does not ask who the injured man is. He does not stop to question whether the man deserves help. He simply chooses to care for him. Jesus teaches us that love does not carry grudges or make excuses. Loving others means seeing their needs and responding to them with kindness.

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C invites us to let go of grudges and choose love. Jesus shows us how to look past divisions and see every person as a neighbor. When we act with mercy, we become the people God calls us to be.

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C leaves us with a clear message: love is action. God’s word is already in our hearts, and Jesus shows us how to live it. When we care for others, let go of divisions, and choose kindness, we follow what God truly asks of us.


Lord, open my heart to see those who need my care. Teach me to love without hesitation or judgment. Help me to live your word through simple acts of kindness and mercy. May I become a neighbor to everyone I meet. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

  • What does it mean for God’s word to be close to our hearts?
  • How can you live out God’s law of love in your daily life?
  • Who are the “neighbors” you find it hardest to love?
  • What does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach about caring for others?
  • Why do you think the priest and Levite ignored the injured man?
  • How can you show love to someone in need this week?
  • Why does Jesus use a Samaritan as an example in the Gospel?
  • Are there grudges or divisions in your life that keep you from loving others?
  • How can Jesus help you let go of excuses and choose kindness?
  • What small step can you take to be a better neighbor to those around you?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

Music Suggestions for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday July 13, 2025

These music selections reflect the themes of love, mercy, and unity found in the readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Many of the songs focus on loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors, just as Jesus teaches in the parable of the Good Samaritan. The music encourages us to act with compassion, care for others, and live out our faith through service and unity. Whether through joyful praise or quiet reflection, these pieces help us focus on God’s Word and the call to live as His followers.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and incorporate them into liturgies for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. These songs can inspire the congregation to reflect on love, mercy, and action. Share your thoughts and suggestions for additional music in the comments to help others in their planning.

Questions and Answers for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

What date is the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The next date is Sunday July 13, 2025.
For other years see the links below:
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

What are the Mass readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

The Mass readings for Sunday July 13, 2025 are:
First Reading – Deuteronomy 30:10-14: Obeying God’s Commandments
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 69: God Will Help You
Alternate Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 19: God’s Words Refresh and Guide
Second Reading – Colossians 1:15-20: Christ Is Supreme
Gospel – Luke 10:25-37: The Good Samaritan

What does the first reading mean when it says God’s word is close to us?

The first reading for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C tells us that God’s teachings are not far away or hard to understand. God has placed His word in our hearts so we can follow Him in our daily lives.

How does the first reading apply to us?

It reminds us that we don’t need to look far to know what God asks of us. If we listen to our hearts, we can choose to do what is right and love others.

Why is Jesus called the image of God in the second reading?

The second reading for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C shows that Jesus reflects who God is. He is the center of everything and helps us see God’s love and plan for the world.

What does the second reading teach about Jesus?

It teaches that Jesus holds all creation together. He is not only the Savior but the one who keeps our faith strong and unites us to God.

What is the main message of the Good Samaritan story in the Gospel?

The Gospel for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C teaches us to love and care for others. It shows that loving our neighbor means helping anyone in need, no matter who they are.

Who is our neighbor in the Gospel reading?

Our neighbor is anyone who needs our help. Jesus teaches that love has no limits, and we should care for everyone, even those we don’t know.

Why is the Good Samaritan an example for us?

He shows kindness and mercy to a stranger when others ignored him. The story reminds us to act with compassion and not to look away from those who need help.

How can we follow the message of the Good Samaritan?

We can follow it by helping people in need around us. Simple acts of kindness, like listening, sharing, or giving support, are ways to live out the Gospel.

How do the readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C fit together?

All the readings focus on living our faith through action. They remind us to follow God’s word, keep Jesus at the center, and care for others with love.

What should we learn from the readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?

We learn that faith is not just words or ideas. Faith comes alive when we love others, follow Jesus, and live out God’s teachings every day.

Love in Action

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C reminds us that God’s word is not far away. It is already in our hearts, and we are called to live it out each day. The first reading shows that God’s commands are clear and close to us. We do not need to search for answers far away. Instead, we can choose to follow what is right and good.

The second reading focuses on Jesus as the center of all creation. Everything exists through Him and is held together by Him. Jesus shows us the way to live with purpose and faith. When we keep Him at the center, we find unity and direction in our lives.

The Gospel tells the story of the Good Samaritan. A man in need was ignored by others but helped by a stranger. Jesus teaches us that loving our neighbor means helping anyone who needs our care. True love does not look at who someone is. It simply acts with kindness and mercy.

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C calls us to live out our faith. God’s word is near, and we can follow it by loving others as Jesus teaches us.

Your Turn

Take a moment to reflect on the readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Think about times when you have shown love to others or times you could have done more. How can you live out God’s word by helping someone in need?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. Let’s learn from each other how to bring love and action into our daily lives.

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One response to “15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C (Jul 13, 2025) Free Resources and Reflections”

  1. Fr Biju Thomas Avatar
    Fr Biju Thomas

    I Like to read your weekly articles, it’s so lovely and great.

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