16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday July 20, 2025

Mass Readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- First Reading – Genesis 18:1-10A: The Lord appeared to Abraham, who welcomed three visitors with hospitality. One of them promised that Sarah would have a son within a year.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 15: Those who live justly, speak truthfully, avoid harm, reject corruption, and act fairly will live with the Lord and never be shaken.
- Second Reading – Colossians 1:24-28: I suffer for you to share Christ’s afflictions and reveal the mystery of Christ in you, our hope of glory.
- Gospel – Luke 10:38-42: Martha, busy with serving, asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her. Jesus said Mary chose the better part by listening to him, and it won’t be taken from her.
Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.
Luke 10:41-42
Themes for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
The Mass readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C include stories of hospitality, service, and devotion. These readings offer important lessons on how we can live out our faith in everyday life.
- Hospitality to Strangers: In the first reading, Abraham welcomes three visitors. This shows the importance of being open and welcoming to others.
- Service and Work: The Gospel tells the story of Martha and Mary. Martha’s busy work and Mary’s attentive listening show different ways to serve Jesus.
- Suffering for the Faith: In Colossians 1:24-28, Paul talks about rejoicing in his sufferings. This teaches us that enduring hardships can strengthen our faith.
- Listening to Jesus: Mary sits at Jesus’ feet in the Gospel. This highlights the importance of taking time to listen to Jesus’ teachings.
- God’s Promise: Genesis 18:1-10A includes God’s promise to Abraham about having a son. This reminds us that God keeps His promises.
- Balance of Work and Prayer: Martha and Mary show the need to balance work and prayer. Both are important in our faith journey.
- Mystery of Christ: The second reading speaks of the mystery of Christ. Understanding this mystery helps deepen our faith.
These themes from the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C remind us of the different ways we can live out our faith. By welcoming others, serving, listening, and trusting in God’s promises, we grow closer to Jesus.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Resources for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday July 20, 2025

Distraction Free Zone Lesson Plan
The story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 is the Gospel for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. It shows how distractions can affect our relationship with God. In the story, Martha is busy with hosting tasks, while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet and listens to Him. When Martha complains and asks Jesus to make Mary help her, He gently tells Martha she is “anxious and troubled about many things.” Jesus explains that Mary has made the better choice by focusing on Him.
This Gospel asks us to think about how we spend our time and whether we put God first. Like Martha, we can get caught up in the busyness of life and let distractions take over. This lesson helps youth think about their own “Martha moments” and how to make time for prayer and being with Jesus. It reminds us that while work and responsibilities are important, our relationship with God should come first. By following Mary’s example, we can grow closer to Jesus and find peace, even when life is busy.

Lectio Divina
For the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the readings emphasize contemplation. Lectio Divina, meaning “divine reading,” is a prayer practice that helps us listen to God’s voice in scripture. This practice can deepen our understanding of the themes in these readings. Learn more about Lectio Divina and how it can enrich your faith.

Prayer for Doing the Right Thing
For the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the responsorial psalm is Psalm 15, which emphasizes acting with justice. This prayer is based on Psalm 15 and calls us to be “doers of the Word.” It reminds us of God’s expectation to act justly. Learn more and pray along.

Martha or Mary? Who Should You Be? Father Mike Schmitz discusses the story of Martha and Mary. He addresses the common misconception that only one of these women of the Bible was doing God’s will.

The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke focuses on Jesus’ care and compassion for everyone, especially those who are often overlooked. In Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary highlights the importance of putting our relationship with Jesus first. Martha is busy with housework, while Mary chooses to sit and listen to Jesus. This shows how we need to balance our daily tasks with time for prayer and being with God.
This story reminds us to think about the distractions in our lives that keep us from focusing on God. Like Mary, we are called to spend time with Jesus and grow closer to Him. Luke’s Gospel teaches us to live a life of faith that includes both serving others and taking time to connect with God.
Homilies and Commentaries for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday July 20, 2025
Waiting on the Lord
In his reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Scott Hahn contrasts Abraham’s selfless hospitality with Martha’s self-focus. Abraham welcomes his divine guests with concern for their well-being, while Martha is anxious about serving. Hahn reminds us that Jesus comes to serve us, not to be served, and calls us to embrace the “better part” of fellowship with God. By keeping His Word and practicing justice, we invite God to dwell with us, free from anxiety. Christ’s promise to return assures us of His continual presence in our lives.
Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C provides us with rich readings that highlight important themes such as hospitality, service, contemplation, and enduring hardships. Through the stories of Abraham, Sarah, Martha, Mary, and Paul, we learn valuable lessons on how to live out our faith in everyday life. These reflections help us understand how we can welcome others, balance our actions with prayer, and find strength in difficult times.
The Importance of Hospitality
In the time of Abraham, there was a code of hospitality that ensured fairness for both hosts and visitors. The host would provide food and shelter, while the visitor would bring news from afar or entertain with stories. This exchange created a mutual respect and bond between people.
For the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we reflect on how Abraham welcomed three visitors. He saw them as important guests and offered them the best he had. This act of hospitality was not just about providing food and shelter, but about showing respect and honor.
Sarah, on the other hand, might have thought the promise of a child was just a funny story. But Abraham believed his guests were special. These three men are often seen as a representation of the Trinity, showing that Abraham’s hospitality was not in vain.
This story reminds us of the importance of being hospitable. Like Abraham, we should be willing to offer our best to others. By doing so, we show respect, kindness, and a welcoming spirit, reflecting the teachings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Encountering Christ Through Service and Contemplation
Martha and Mary also offer hospitality in their home. Martha is sometimes seen as not paying the right kind of attention to Jesus. However, she was doing what was expected of her by preparing and serving. Yet, she failed to recognize the holy presence in her home and that Mary was offering hospitality by listening to Jesus.
For the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we learn from Martha and Mary that our discipleship must balance service with contemplation. Martha’s actions were important, but without recognizing Jesus, they were just tasks. Mary chose to sit and listen to Jesus, showing the importance of taking time to know Him.
Our actions, like Martha’s, are vital in serving others. However, if we do not also take time to learn from Jesus, our works can miss the deeper connection to our faith. Mary’s choice to listen reminds us that contemplation is essential in our journey with Christ.
The lesson for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C is clear. Both service and contemplation are necessary. By combining action with a deep understanding of our Lord, we can truly encounter Christ in all we do. This balance helps ensure our works are not just good deeds but true reflections of our faith.
Rejoicing in Hardships
Paul talks about rejoicing in his sufferings. This teaches us that enduring hardships can strengthen our faith. For the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, we see similar themes in the first reading and the Gospel. These stories show different forms of hardship, such as infertility and frustration with others.
In Genesis, Sarah faces the hardship of infertility. She struggles to believe the promise of a child because it seems impossible. Yet, through this hardship, Abraham and Sarah learn to trust in God’s promises. Their faith is tested, but it also grows stronger.
The Gospel story of Martha and Mary includes the hardship of frustration. Martha is frustrated with Mary for not helping her with the work. Jesus gently reminds Martha that Mary has chosen the better part by sitting and listening to Him. This teaches us that in our frustrations, we need to focus on what truly matters.
Paul’s message, along with these readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, reminds us that hardships are a part of life. Whether it is physical suffering, emotional pain, or everyday frustrations, these challenges can help us grow in faith. By trusting in God and focusing on what is important, we can find joy even in difficult times.
The readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C guide us through the themes of hospitality, service, contemplation, and finding strength in hardships. They encourage us to open our hearts to others, balance our active lives with prayer, and trust in God’s promises even in tough times. Let these reflections help us grow in faith and live out our Christian calling.
Lord, help us to be hospitable like Abraham, serve like Martha, and listen like Mary. Give us strength in hardships and guide us with your wisdom. May we always find joy in your presence. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- How can you show hospitality in your daily life?
- What are some ways you can balance service and prayer?
- How do you handle frustrations when things don’t go as planned?
- Why is it important to trust in God’s promises?
- How can you support others facing hardships?
- What lessons can you learn from Abraham’s hospitality?
- How does taking time for contemplation strengthen your faith?
- In what ways can you rejoice in your own sufferings?
- How can Martha and Mary’s story inspire your discipleship?
- How can these readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C help you grow closer to Jesus?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Music Suggestions for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday July 20, 2025
The music selections reflect themes of hospitality, service, contemplation, and trust in God. Some songs focus on welcoming others and being present, aligning with the story of Abraham and the visitors. Others emphasize balancing action with prayer, like Martha and Mary. There are also songs about finding strength in hardships and trusting in God’s promises, mirroring Paul’s message. The blend of contemporary and traditional hymns can help us connect deeply with these themes.
- A Rightful Place by Steve Angrisano
- Abide With Me by Matt Maher
- Be Still by David Kauffman
- Be Still My Soul by Jean Sibelius
- Be Thou My Vision by Audrey Assad
- Christ Be Beside Me by Laura Wasson
- Christians, Let Us Love One Another by Claudia Foltz SNJM
- Gathered In Your Name by Mikey Needleman
- Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by The Hillbilly Thomists
- I Received the Living God by the OCP Session Choir
- I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth
- I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin
- Like a Child Rests by Christopher Walker
- O Beauty, Ever Ancient by Roc O’Connor SJ
- Only in God by John Michael Talbot
- Psalm 15: He Who Does Justice
- Rest by Matt Maher
- Sacred Silence by Tom Booth
- Seek Ye First by Karen Lafferty
- Servant Song by Donna Marie McGargill OSM
- The Servant Song by Richard Gillard
- We Are One Body by John Michael Talbot
- We Belong to You by Trevor Thomson
- We Walk by Faith by William Croft
- Word of God Speak by MercyMe
- You Alone by Sarah Hart
- Your Words Are Spirit and Life by Bernadette Farrell
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to try these selections in their services. These songs can help the congregation reflect on the themes of the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Share your own selections and experiences in the comments to inspire others. Let’s enrich our worship with music that speaks to our hearts and minds.
Questions and Answers for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
What date is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
The next date is Sunday July 20, 2025.
For other years see the links below:
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
What are the Mass readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
These are the Catholic Mass readings for Sunday July 20, 2025:
First Reading – Genesis 18:1-10A: Abraham’s Visitors
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 15: Living Justly
Second Reading – Colossians 1:24-28: Christ in You
Gospel – Luke 10:38-42: Martha and Mary
What is the main message of the first reading for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
The main message is about hospitality. Abraham welcomes three visitors, showing the importance of being kind and open to others.
How can we practice hospitality like Abraham in Genesis 18:1-10A?
We can be open and welcoming to others. Simple acts of kindness and generosity reflect Abraham’s example.
What promise is given to Abraham?
God promises Abraham that he will have a son. This reminds us that God keeps His promises, even when they seem unlikely.
Why does Paul talk about suffering in the second reading for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
Paul shares his joy in suffering for his faith. This shows that enduring hardships can make our faith stronger.
How can we rejoice in suffering like Paul in Colossians 1:24-28?
We can find joy in knowing that our sufferings can bring us closer to Jesus. This perspective helps us endure tough times.
What is the mystery of Christ mentioned in the second reading?
The mystery of Christ refers to the way Jesus brings us closer to God. Understanding this helps us grow in our faith.
How does the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 apply to our lives?
The story teaches us to balance work and prayer. Martha focuses on tasks, while Mary listens to Jesus. Both are important in our faith journey.
What does Mary’s action teach us?
Mary’s choice to sit and listen to Jesus shows the value of taking time for prayer and reflection. It reminds us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus.
Why is Martha’s service important in the Gospel for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C?
Martha’s work is important because it shows serving others is also a way to serve Jesus. We need to balance action with contemplation.
How do the readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C help us live our faith?
The readings teach us to be hospitable, balance work and prayer, endure hardships, and trust in God’s promises. Applying these lessons helps us grow closer to Jesus.
Welcoming and Listening to God
The readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C focus on welcoming God and taking time to listen to Him. In the first reading from Genesis, Abraham welcomes three visitors with great care. He offers them food and rest, showing hospitality and respect. One of the visitors promises that Sarah will have a son. This shows how God blesses those who welcome Him with open hearts.
In the Gospel, Jesus visits the home of Martha and Mary. Martha is busy preparing food, while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet and listens to Him. Martha asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her, but Jesus says Mary has chosen the better part by focusing on His words. This story reminds us that while work and service are important, listening to God is even more important.
In the second reading, Paul speaks about his mission to share the message of Christ. He explains that he endures suffering for the sake of others and works to help everyone grow in their faith. This teaches us that sharing God’s message requires effort and patience but brings great rewards.
These readings invite us to welcome God into our lives, make time to listen to Him, and share His message with others. They remind us to balance our work and service with quiet moments of prayer and reflection.
Your Turn
Take a moment to reflect on the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. How can you welcome God into your daily life and make time to listen to Him? What steps can you take to share His message with others?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Let us encourage one another to grow in faith, hospitality, and prayerful listening.
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